Num_Files=6&filename1=ACTION HALF-LIFE&fileversion1=.5&fileurl1= know, we know; there are other games out there with a vibrant mod community besides Half-Life. But can you blame us? Counter-Strike, Opera, Day of Defeat and now a new and improved Action Half-Life? Beta 5 makes some much-needed tweaks as well as some small cool stuff. If you haven't played this one, your full version of Half-Life definitely deserves this mod&filepub1=Action Half-Life Team&filepath1=Files/mods/actionhalflife/ahlb5.exe&filetype1=MOD&filereadmepath1=Files/mods/actionhalflife/readme.txt&filename2=ALIENS VS. PREDATOR 2&fileversion2= patch updates your US AvP2 title to v1.0.9.4 and adds a ton of general and multiplayer fixes. See additional information for details.&filepub2=Sierra&filepath2=Files/patches/avp2/avp2_en_094.exe&filetype2=PATCH&filereadmepath2=Files/patches/avp2/readme.txt&filename3=BATTLE REALMS - BATTLE PACK 2&fileversion3=2&fileurl3= is the comprehensive version of the Battle Realms - Battle Pack 2 (it includes Battle Pack 1). See the readme file for all the information.&filepub3=Ubi Soft&filepath3=Files/Patches/Battlerealms/BattlePack2Comprehensive.exe&filetype3=ADD-ON&filereadmepath3=Files/Patches/Battlerealms/readme.txt&filename4=GHOST RECON&fileversion4= enormous patch fixes a host of minor tweaks for our PC Game of the Year. See the readme for all the details.&filepub4=Ubi Soft&filepath4=Files/patches/ghostrecon/GR_English_Patch.exe&filetype4=PATCH&filereadmepath4=Files/patches/ghostrecon/readme.txt&filename5=GHOST RECON - NAVY SEALS&fileversion5=1.0&fileurl5= Seals: 51 rifleman kits, 27 sniper kits, 25 demo kits, 8 support kits, new loading screens, new missions, new reticules, new skins and new specialists. Weapons by Piccolo.&filepub5=AET Jedi&filepath5=Files/Mods/sealbeta/sealbeta.exe&filetype5=MOD&filereadmepath5=Files/Mods/sealbeta/readme.txt&filename6=GHOST RECON - RAINBOW TEAM 2&fileversion6=1.0&fileurl6= Ghost Recon players to use RS equipment. Several weapons and character models have been added, and the font, the interface screen, etc. are changed to match RS.&filepub6=Nishi&filepath6=Files/mods/Rainbowteam2/rainbow_team2.exe&filetype6=MOD&filereadmepath6=Files/mods/Rainbowteam2/readme.txt&