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Super VGA Puzzle Manual Rev: 5 Aug 1992
Stunning images from around the world in SuperVGA color! The ultimate
puzzle game. Extremely flexible -- choose any numbers of pieces from 4 to
2000! Hall of fame for your best scores. Save puzzles, solution hints,
simple mouse interface, and much more! Designed to use all major SVGA
boards in 800 x 600 mode, but also will work on VGA or EGA if needed. All
puzzles are original photography, especially selected for these puzzles.
Due to space limitations, the puzzles with the distributed shareware
version work only in VGA 320x200 mode or EGA 16 color mode. An SVGA image
is available as a separate file VEILS.ZIP.
MicroSoft Compatible Mouse
For EGA or VGA images:
EGA or VGA Color Monitor and Card 640K Memory
For SuperVGA images:
SVGA Color Monitor and Card 1Mb Memory
SuperVGA Puzzle will automatically make use of EMS or XMS memory if it
finds it. Drivers such as QEMM or EMM386 are recommended. If you also use
windows, be sure that memory is available to DOS programs.
The main menu lets you choose the display type you want to use. Separate
puzzle images are provided for each type, so that best use can be made of
the EGA, VGA and SVGA formats.
Super VGA Puzzle comes with several puzzles, and you can purchase more later
(print the REGISTER.FRM file for complete details.) When you choose a
puzzle, you then can decide how many pieces you want. At first, try the
default values, then experiment. Use different values for height & width to
get sliver effects. For example, try 15 by 4 or 5 by 20.
The program will then prepare the puzzle for you. You'll see the original
image, then it gets jumbled and you're ready to start. Use the left mouse
button to click on a piece. Move the mouse, and press the right button to
place the piece. Several things may happen:
1. If it's the correct piece, you'll hear a short confirming sound, and the
cursor will shift to the piece that was shifted.
2. If the current piece is incorrect, but you bumped a piece to the correct
position, you'll hear a different sound.
3. If neither piece is now correctly place, the cursor will remain in the
new place.
4. If both the moving and bumped pieces are now in their correct positions,
you'll hear a double confirmation. No piece will be actively selected.
5. If you try to move a piece to a position that already has a correct piece
in it, you'll get a beep.
Continue to pick up and place pieces until the puzzle's done. Too simple?
Try again, but use a 30 by 40 piece puzzle this time! When you complete a
puzzle, you'll get a score based on the number of moves you made, and the
number of pieces involved.
There are some additional aids you can get by using the function keys:
F1 Help -- summary of help keys
F3 Completed picture -- take a peek at the whole image
Use this to help you place a piece.
F5 Incorrect pieces -- Shows only the pieces that remain to be placed.
This is particularly helpful near the end.
F6 Correct pieces -- Shows correctly placed pieces.
F7 Proper to current -- Will move the correct piece to the current
mouse position
F8 Current to proper -- Will move the current piece to its current
F10 Quit
Alt S -- toggle sound
click on a piece, move to position & right click
You can save any puzzle by pressing F10 twice. This writes a small file to
your disk that remembers your current position. You can start from this
point, by choosing Saved Puzzles from the main menu.
The saved puzzle format uses the .SAV extension. It does not contain the
actual image. Only one puzzle can be saved for each name. However, you can
easily save additional puzzles by renaming the files or moving them to
another directory. Remember to rename them before using.
*** Use the function keys to help you see the overall picture. Points are
deducted from your score for using the overall picture ( F3), but it's still
helpful, especially for VGA & EGA puzzles where many pieces may look alike.
*** Use the F5 and F6 keys often -- they don't cost any points in scores,
and they help visualize the correctly placed pieces and those yet to be set.
You can place a piece while the F5 or F6 display is active. Thus you can
test different sky positions that are empty, etc. This is especially useful
for the last few pieces that all look alike.
*** Some puzzles vary in difficulty depending on the shape of the pieces.
Rather than trying square pieces, which are the most difficult, try
rectangles. For example, try 20 by 6 or 7 by 25. Puzzles with a lot of
sky or similar foreground will be more difficult with horizontal strips,
easier with vertical strips.
*** If you're really stumped, use the F7 and F8 keys to place some pieces
(Some may consider this cheating, but who cares? This IS supposed to be fun
after all!).
*** Sometimes it's helpful to blink the full map on & off several times,
pressing F3, to see where pieces should fit.
All puzzles are original photography, copyrighted by Steve Estvanik. They
are furnished solely for use with the Super VGA Puzzle program. Contact
Cascoly for details on site license and developing puzzles for distribution
as part of your business advertising or other uses.
customization service: For $20 per slide, we'll take your originals and
produce a custom program for you. (Your original slides will, of course, be
returned, and no copies of them will be retained.)
Other Formats
If you have other images you wish to use, you may be able to use them in
SuperVGA Puzzle.
First, you'll need to convert to PCX format. If you need help doing this,
contact Cascoly. Once you have a PCX picture, you just need to change the
extension to .EGA, .VGA or .SVG depending on the resolution of the picture.
Shareware is a means of distributing software. Under the shareware concept,
software may be freely copied and passed along to others, or distributed
through bulletin board systems or national networks.
As a recipient of a shareware program, you may use the software for a short
trial period to determine if it meets your needs. If the software is not
suitable, then you can discard it. If you decide to use it, you must pay by
registering. When you register a Cascoly shareware program, you receive:
* A copy of the latest version of the program
* 2 free SVGA images
* A bonus of any other Cascoly program of equal or lesser value
(see REGISTER.FRM for details)
* A free introductory account on CompuServe including a private User
ID number and password, $15 introductory usage credit, and a
complimentary subscription to CompuServe Magazine, - a $30 value!
* A minimum of 90 days online support via CompuServe or by
telephone. Support by mail is also available, if accompanied
by a SASE.
To register enter the following command:
and the order form will be copied to your printer. Check off the program
you wish to register, and check the program you wish to receive as a bonus.
Cascoly Software is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals
(ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you.
If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member
by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP
Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
does not provide technical support for members' products. You can contact
the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a Compuserve
message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536