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MVP Software presents
Robomaze II
volume 1 -- The Lobby
Copyright 1991 MVP Software
This program is distributed under the "shareware" concept, in which you can
try this software before you buy it. If you like the game, please register it
by sending $15 to the address below. If after an evaluation period you choose
not to register, please give this software to a friend who might enjoy it.
The Robomaze II trilogy consists of three unique volumes, each one building on
the other. The Lobby is the first in the series. The Tower is volume 2, and
The Penthouse is volume 3. You may register The Lobby (the first volume) only
for $15, or for $30 order all three. If you order all three games, you will
receive all of the following:
* The latest version of The Lobby, without the shareware notices.
* A printed program manual.
* Secret game-winning hints and tricks from the Mad Scientist that allow
you to get past those difficult rooms.
* A secret password that activates a "power" mode. This gives you double
the firepower, more money, and more hearts.
* Volumes two and three of Robomaze II. In these new games you complete
your conquest of the Tower. You encounter new robots, face new
challenges, and see new graphics. With over 60 new graphics screens,
volumes two and three will delight and amaze you! These games are
available only to registered users.
* A free bonus game disk containing six classic video games.
Neither MVP Software nor the author of Robomaze II receives any compensation
from the purchase of the original diskette. There is over two years of work
in these programs. Please support our efforts to bring quality entertainment
to users at reasonable prices by registering your copy today. Use the order
form in this documentation manual.
Please copy and distribute the shareware version of volume 1 (The Lobby) of
Robomaze II only. Neither of volumes 2 or 3 may be copied, given away or sold
by anyone other than MVP Software or an authorized reseller.
Contest Announcement
MVP Software is pleased to announce this special contest in conjunction with
the release of Robomaze II. Everyone wins in this contest! The prize levels
are as follows:
The contest winner will receive a (1) Grand Prize of $100, (2) a free
registered copy of Robomaze III: The Final Journey when it is released by the
company, (3) coupons that can be redeemed for 10 free disks of shareware from
Public Brand Software, a leading shareware distributor, and (4) if he/she is
a programmer, a free professional evaluation of your program(s). If the
program is accepted, a publication contract will be offered with the company.
Fifty first place prizes of (1) a free copy of Robomaze III: The Dome, and
(2) five coupons redeemable for shareware disks from Public Brand will also
be awarded.
All second prize winners will receive a free copy of Robomaze III: The Dome
from MVP Software once the company releases the game and a coupon redeemable
for one free disk of shareware from Public Brand.
In addition, the shareware distributor from whom the Grand Prize winner
originally purchased the disk will receive $50.
Contest Rules
1. The contest is open to anyone living in the Unites States who is 21 years
of age or over.
2. The winner will be the first person who completes all 100 levels of
Robomaze II (all three volumes), and from whom MVP Software receives proper
verification. The company will not be responsible for lost or delayed mail
or for disks damaged in the mail. Purchase of the commercial version of
Robomaze II ($30) is required to complete the contest.
3. In case of ties, the $100 and free shareware disks will be divided among
the winners. Each winner, however, will receive the free software and
program evaluation.
4. First place winners will be the next fifty persons from whom the company
receives proper verification. In case of ties, the winners will be
selected by random drawing from those tied for the prize.
5. Second place winners will be everyone who does not win either the grand
pize or a first prize, and who completes the contest requirements.
6. The distributor prize will be awarded to the shareware distributor from
whom the winner purchased his/her original diskette. Computer Bulletin
Board systems operators, computer clubs, and members of distributors'
immediate families are ineligible. In addition, shareware distributors and
members of their immediate families are not eligible to receive either the
Grand Prize or a First Prize. If the Grand Prize winner did not purchase
his/her original disk from a distributor, but received it in any other way,
no distributor prize will be awarded.
7. This contest is void where prohibited by law. Taxes on prizes are the sole
responsibility of the winner.
Order Form
YES! I can't wait to continue the adventure! Here is my order for
Robomaze II. I understand that I will receive all three Robomaze II games,
complete printed documentation, hints and tips on how to win the game, a
secret password enabling me to activate the "power" mode, and a free bonus
game disk containing five classic video games.
I am enclosing a $30 check, money order or credit card information (Michigan
residents add $1.20 sales tax). Please send my order immediately.
(Canadian orders please add $1.00 shipping. Other foreign countries add $3.00
shipping. Please remit in US funds.)
Name ________________________________________
Address _____________________________________
City ______________________________ State _______ Zip __________
Computer make and model __________________________________________
disk size (circle one) 5-1/4" 3-1/2"
Master Card/Visa information (for credit card orders only)
Card number _______________________________________________
Expiration Date ___________________________________________
Send order to: MVP Software
1035 Dallas SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49507
or call: 1-800-968-9684 24 hour order line.
Getting Started
Robomaze II accepts keyboard and joystick input. However, some commands must
be entered from the keyboard, while others can be executed using a joystick.
To accomplish your objective in the game you will be commanding the prototype
Stalker robot. The Stalker is capable of moving left and right, as well as
jumping. The gun that he carries can be fired at enemy robots. These are the
keyboard commands that control the Stalker's movements and other actions, and
the commands that call other game functions.
left arrow Move left 1 Shield ($250)
right arrow Move right 2 Super Jump ($350)
down arrow Stop moving 3 Down Attack ($750)
up arrow Jump 4 Freeze ($2,000)
space bar Fire weapon 5 Mayhem ($1,500)
J Joystick control 6 Power Up ($500)
K Keyboard control 7 Phase ($3,000)
Q End game 8 Repel ($4,000)
S (Y/N) sound on/off 9 Defoliant ($5,000)
ESC Terminate program 0 Zap ($10,000)
F1 Help (quick ref.)
F2 Display game status
F3 Load a saved game - Slow down game
F4 Save game + Speed up game
You can change the speed of the game at any time. When you do, an S followed
by a number will appear for an instant at the bottom right of the screen.
This tells you what speed you just selected. There are nine speed settings, 1
being the fastest and 9 the slowest.
Choosing the Save game option allows you to continue the game at another time.
However, you will not necessarily continue from the room that the Stalker cur-
rently occupies, but from the last continue point. Continue points begin with
room 5, then room 11, and from that point are spaced five rooms apart. The
Stalker will have only five hearts when the game resumes, no matter how many
he had when you saved the game. One saved game may be stored at a time.
Saving a new one will overwrite the old file.
Joystick Control
Robomaze II accepts input from the keyboard and joystick. The Stalker robot
can be moved by moving the joystick in the corresponding direction. For
joystick use, press the first button to make the Stalker jump. Press the
second button to fire. All other commands must be entered from the keyboard.
Conflict Background
You are a freedom fighter -- a member of the Resistance -- fighting against
your country's tyrannical dictator. Your tiny country is dominated by two
massive structures, the Tower and the Dome. Although the dictator's robots
control both structures, the Resistance is now poised to begin its assault and
free your country from its evil ruler and his henchman the Mad Scientist.
For months the Resistance has been tunneling from its secret headquarters
towards the Tower. The tunnel is now complete, and you have been chosen to
liberate the Tower. In Robomaze, your first adventure, you fought through the
Maze of Death in the basement of the Tower using the Mk. 39 Fighter robot.
Once on the first floor of the Tower, you have acquired the Stalker robot to
continue your mission. The Stalker has many capabilities, about which you
will learn below.
Many enemy robots will attempt to prevent you from taking the Tower, which is
divided into five levels of 20 rooms each. A unique "Boss" robot occupies the
last room in each level. These special robots are especially difficult to
defeat. The Mad Scientist also has other nasty surprises in store for you,
but the Resistance is counting on your success. It is rumored that the Mad
Scientist himself occupies the last of the 100 rooms in the Tower.
In volume 1 (The Lobby) you attempt to take the first 40 rooms of the Tower.
To complete your mission you must register to receive volumes 2 and 3. In
these new games you will encounter new fearsome robots, and in volume 3, the
Mad Scientist himself. No member of the Resistance has ever seen the Mad
Scientist. We hope you will be the first.
Tower Terrain
The Tower has been designed as a defensive stronghold, with many pitfalls and
traps for enemies of the evil dictator. The intelligence arm of the Resis-
tance has learned that some of its rooms contain false walls or floors, so
that if you fall or push through these, you will plunge to your death on the
sidewalk below. In some rooms you will find invisible keys and land mines.
Other special features are as follows.
* Doors and Chests. Your success will require you to acquire keys to open
doors and chests that you discover along the way. Both white and red doors
will disappear before you if you are carrying the proper key. Chests
disappear upon being unlocked as well, but they leave behind a valuable
treasure. Once a key opens a door or a chest, however, it disappears.
* Land Mines and Spikes. These are dangerous objects and must be avoided.
Land mines come in various colors and may be hidden on objects of the same
color. They can be deactivated either by shooting them or by using a Repel
attack. Falling on a spike is always fatal unless you are using a Repel
* Plants and Water Coolers. These objects are normally for decorative
purposes only and are not dangerous. However, sometimes they can be used to
your advantage. When anyone runs into them, they disintegrate.
* Moving Platforms. Platforms are a critical means of transportation in the
Tower. But be careful when you are around them, because if you aren't using
a Phase attack the platforms are capable of grinding you into dust.
* Teleporters. Another means of transportation, these paired devices
instantly deliver you to the other teleporter in the room.
* Enemy Teleporters. These devices are used by the Mad Scientist to drop his
reserve robots into the room you occupy.
Special Attacks
Resistance intelligence gathering has discovered that the Mad Scientist has
placed magic powers called Special Attacks in the Tower. Originally designed
for forces loyal to the evil dictator, these attacks can be purchased if you
have enough money. While you may not purchase more than one attack at a time,
they will help you overcome obstacles and defeat enemy robots. Once pur-
chased, however, they last for only a short time. To purchase an attack press
the number associated with it.
1 Shield ($250) Repels half of enemy damage directed towards you so that your
life force is diminished more slowly.
2 Super Jump ($350) Allows you to jump 50% higher than usual.
3 Down Attack ($750) Causes heavy damage to any robot that you jump on.
4 Freeze ($2,000) Causes all robots and enemy shots to freeze in place, as
well as enemy teleporters temporarily to shut down. But even when frozen
enemy robots and shots can still cause damage.
5 Mayhem ($1,500) Causes all shots fired to be yours. This means that you
cannot be shot and enemy robots will shoot each other.
6 Power Up ($500) Makes your shots twice as powerful as normal.
7 Phase ($3,000) Allows you to move through robots and shots without being
8 Repel ($4,000) Causes enemy shots to bounce off you and become your shots.
It also allows you to walk on land mines without tripping them and cross
over spikes without being impaled.
9 Defoliant ($5,000) This unique attack causes all plants destroyed while the
attack is operating to turn into hearts and all water coolers destroyed to
turn into dollar signs.
0 Zap ($10,000) Causes horrendous damage to all robots on the screen and
disables enemy teleporters for a protracted amount of time.
Before the Mad Scientist replaced the Tower's human employees with robots,
these employees had stored treasures in the building. Gathering these
treasures will help you succeed in your mission. Treasures include (1) money
bags and dollar signs, which give you money needed to buy special attacks.
(2) Hearts, to increase your health reading on the left bar readout on the
bottom of the screen, or to give you $1,000 if you are already at full health.
(3) Health vials, to bring you to full health, or give you $10,000 if you are
already at full health. (4) Keys, for unlocking doors and treasure chests.
(5) Ammo boxes, for filling your ammo, or turning your semi-automatic rifle
into a machine gun. (6) Shotgun, Rocket, and Laser, for giving you different
types of firepower.
The Stalker is capable of firing several different types of weapons. These
include a semi-automatic rifle, machine gun, shotgun, rocket launcher, and
laser blaster. These weapons have varying degrees of firepower and range.
All but the semi-automatic rifle have limited ammo.
Enemy Robots
Although Resistance intelligence is sketchy here, we do know that fifteen dif-
ferent enemy robots control the rooms of the Tower. Some of these are poorly
armed with only a knife, while others are armed with weapons that exceed even
the Stalker's in firepower. Some enemies are poorly armored, while others are
heavily armored.
We have determined that in the last room in each level there is a particularly
fearsome enemy robot. These are in addition to the other robots you will en-
counter. We believe the Mad Scientist himself occupies the final room of
volume 3 of Robomaze II. No doubt he will be especially difficult to defeat.
MVP Software is a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member
by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute
or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
technical support for members' products. Please write to
the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-
9427 or send a Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to
ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536"