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MVP Software presents
Robomaze III
volume 1 -- The Dome
Copyright 1991 MVP Software
This program is distributed under the "shareware" concept, in which you can
try this software before you buy it. If you like the game, please register it
by sending $20 to the address below. If after an evaluation period you choose
not to register, please give this software to a friend who might enjoy it.
The Robomaze III trilogy consists of two unique volumes, each one building on
the other, plus a bonus disk of the original Robomaze game. The Dome is the
first in the series. The Final Journey is volume 2, and Robomaze The Original
is volume 3. You may register The Dome (the first volume) only for $20, or
for $34.95 order all three. If you order all three games, you will receive all
of the following:
* The latest version of The Dome, without the shareware notices.
* A printed program manual.
* Secret game-winning hints and tricks from the Resistance that allow you
to get past those difficult areas.
* A secret password that activates a "power" mode. This gives you double
the firepower, more money, and more hearts.
* A printed color map of the territory under the dome to help you find
your way around.
* Volume two - Robomaze III: The Final Journey. In this new game you com-
plete the liberation of your beloved country. You encounter new enemies
(40 in all!), face new challenges, see new graphics, and get to use an
amazing variety of weapons and equipment. With 625 new graphics
screens, volume two will delight and amaze you! It is the largest
graphics game we know of available for the IBM PC. This game is not
available as shareware.
* A free bonus game disk of Robomaze The Original. This game has never
been released as shareware or in the commercial market. It is available
only as a bonus to those who purchase Robomaze III: The Final Journey.
* Free previews of the new exciting MVP Software shareware games,
as they are released. See graphics and interaction like you've
never seen them before!
Neither MVP Software nor the author of Robomaze III receives any compensation
from the purchase of the original diskette. There is over two years of work
in these programs. Please support our efforts to bring quality entertainment
to users at reasonable prices by registering your copy today. Use the order
form in this documentation manual.
Please copy and distribute the shareware version of volume 1 (The Dome) of
Robomaze III only. Neither volumes 2 nor Robomaze The Original may be copied,
given away or sold by anyone other than MVP Software or an authorized reseller.
MVP Software is pleased to announce that The Software Creations BBS,
a major multi-line BBS, is the new home BBS for all MVP Software
games. Check out our free MVP file section for new releases and
updates, including
instant on-line registration.
Call: (508) 365-2359 2400 baud
(508) 368-4137 2400-14.4K USR
(508) 368-7036 2400-14.4K V.32
Order Form
YES! I want continue the adventure! Here is my order for Robomaze III:
The Final Journey. I understand that I will receive the following:
* The latest version of volume 1, Robomaze III: The Dome.
* A printed program manual, including tips and hints from the
The Resistance on how to win the game, and a secret password
that activates a "power" mode that will give me extra hearts,
money and firepower.
* Robomaze III: The Final Journey with new graphics, 40 new
enemies and 625 new screens.
* A printed color map of the territory under the dome.
* Robomaze, the lost first Robomaze, in which you pilot the Mk.
39 Maze fighter through the Basement of Death. Find out where
it all begins.
* Free information on new games as they are released, including
Renfro the Cat, the planetary salescat for Soka Cola. You will
"sell" soda and combat the salesmice from your rival Cheesi Cola.
I am enclosing a $34.95 check, money order or credit card information
(Michigan residents add $1.40 sales tax). Please send my order
(Canadian orders please add $1.00 shipping. Other foreign countries
add $3.00 shipping. Please remit in US funds.)
Name ________________________________________
Address _____________________________________
City ______________________________ State _______ Zip __________
Computer make and model __________________________________________
disk size (circle one) 5-1/4" 3-1/2"
Master Card/Visa information (for credit card orders only)
Card number _______________________________________________
Expiration Date ___________________________________________
Send order to: MVP Software
1035 Dallas SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407
or call: 1-800-968-9684 24 hour order line.
For technical support or orders outside of the US & Canada call (616) 245-8376.
For foreign orders see last page of manual.
The Story
You are a freedom fighter -- a member of the resistance -- fighting against
your country's tyrannical dictator and his henchman the Mad Scientist.
Your tiny country is dominated by two massive structures, the Tower and the
Dome. In the game Robomaze II (available from MVP Software) you conquered the
tower and destroyed the Mad Scientist and his robots.
Your escape helicopter took off from the tower in search of the dome and the
evil dictator. With radio help from the Resistance, and after dodging several
interceptor aircraft sent by the evil dictator's forces, you located the dome.
Your helicopter safely touched down on a landing pad near the top and you
quickly entered the dome.
Unfortunately in the confusion you left your gun in the tower. Your armored
suit has no special abilities outside of the tower. You are defenseless! But
you vow to destroy the evil dictator and thus end the reign of terror currently
in effect in your beloved country.
Good luck. The Resistance is counting on your success.
Getting Started
Keyboard Commands
Left arrow Left
Right arrow Right
Up arrow Up
Down arrow Down
ENTER Select Weapon
TAB Select Equipment
F1 Help Screen
F2 Display Score & Location
F3 Load Old Game
F4 Save Current Game
J Joystick
K Keyboard
S Change Sound
Q Quit Current Game (Return to menu)
ESC Exit Program (Return to DOS)
Joystick commands are the same except for the following:
Button A Fire
Button B Select Weapon
Button A+B Select Equipment
When selecting a weapon or piece of equipment use the cursor keys or joystick
and press the correct command key to finish your selection. Games are saved at
the last occupied continue point. Continue points are located frequently
throughout the game on various screens. If the Stalker dies during game play
you will always be given a chance to continue.
The Dome
The dome is an incredibly large structure. It occupies many square miles and
is inhabited by various creatures. Some are friendly but most are not. The
dome was constructed over a lake to provide water for the towns built by the
inhabitants. Pipes carry water to the towns and other structures.
You may enter most structures. The entrances to some are hidden. To discover
the entrances to these you must listen to friends of the resistance. You will
find them hiding in caves and other places. They may also tell you how to find
weapons and equipment guarded by the inhabitants of the dome.
Some areas of the dome are sectioned off by doors. To open these doors you
must have a key of the corresponding color. You must have a pass card to open
security doors. White doors and secret passageways open without keys. Opening
Chests also requires keys of the corresponding color.
Following the letter W on the upper left of the screen is a weapons list. When
you begin the game this list is empty because you have not yet acquired any
weapons. When you discover a weapon it will appear on the list. There are
four different weapons you may discover. The sword and axe have unlimited
ammo. The bow and pistol have limited ammo, which must be used carefully.
Twice during the game you must use the pistol to blast away objects blocking
your path. So use the pistol carefully. There is a Bob's Ammo store where
you can purchase more ammo. The number of shots remaining appears under the
You must find two pieces of equipment. These are body armor -- for smashing
rocks that block your path -- and a flashlight. Equipment will appear
following the letter E at the top middle of the screen. You must select body
armor, not just pick it up.
Money bags -- use money to buy more ammo from Bob
Dollar signs -- give you $1,000
Half heart -- adds health
Heart -- adds more health
Full hearts -- brings your health to its current maximum
Health vial -- raises your health maximum and brings health to the new maximum
Life -- adds a life to the game
Freeze clock -- stops all enemies for a short period
Zap -- kills all enemies with poor armor that are on the current screen
Green key -- opens green doors
Red key -- opens red doors and chests
Pass card -- opens security doors
Hints and Tips
To progress faster in the game use the power mode.
To receive the secret codes to activate the power mode, which gives you
double hearts, double money, and double firepower, send a self-addressed,
stamped envelope to MVP Software. Or just register the game!
Follow the hints given you by the members of the resistance. Go into every
cave you see. Other entrances are hidden in stumps, dead trees, rock piles,
along walls, and underwater.
Specific Hints
1. To get the axe, find the woodsman's house. Find bows and arrows in a secret
room under a stump.
2. To get the green key in the upper NE corner, visit the witch first.
3. You will need the body armor to get the second sword in the underwater
penguins' kingdom and the pistol from the man in the fence in Fort Doom.
4. Use the pistol to break down green boulders blocking important doorways.
5. Look for a secret entry into the tomb. Then find the secret passageway into
the inner room, and find the hidden red key.
6. You must destroy the dragon to get the pass key.
If You Need Help
A special hint book is available directly from MVP Software for those
players who would like detailed hints. It will give you a complete
walk-thru of the game. This hint book is available for $4.95. You
need not be a registered user to purchase the hint book.
MVP Software is a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member
by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute
or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
technical support for members' products. Please write to
the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-
9427 or send a Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to
ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536
Canadian customers please order from:
Distant Markets
Box #1149, 194 - 3803 Calgary Trail South
Edmonton, Alberta T6J 5MB
or call 1-800-661-7383 toll free
order price: $44.95 Canadian (includes shipping)
Australian customers please order from:
9 Albermarle St.
Newtown NSW 2042
or call (02) 519-4233 Fax (02) 516-4236
order price: $A44.00 (includes shipping)
UK customers please order from:
Grampian Shareware
#3 Cordyce View
Dyce, Aberdeen AB2-0DS
Scotland, UK
or call (0224) 724 234 Fax (0224) 772 221
order price: 23.95 pounds (includes shipping)
Scandinavian customers please order from:
Gemini Scandinavia
Breiflatvn. 13
Postboks 3071, Mariero
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or call (047) 4 583810 Fax (047) 4 582742
order price: 345 NOK (includes tax and shipping)
German, Swiss and Austrian customers please order from:
Pfohl & Partner GMBH
Brueckenstr. 16
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or call 911-39903-99
order price: DM 59.00 (includes shipping)