Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: High-thrust liquid propellant Space-launch vehicle and large ballistic (22,700 to 794,500 kg/ missile first -, second -, or third-stage 50,000 to 1,750,000 1b) propulsion; rocket-propelled research Medium-thrust liquid propellant test sled Moon or planet landing and takeoff; major (90 to 13,600 kg/ orbit or space-trajectory adjustment; 200 to 30,000 1b) separation of stages; short-range ground-launched missiles Low-thrust liquid propellant (0.0004 to 70 kg/ Altitude control; precise rendezvous maneuvers; minor orbit adjustments; 0.001 to 150 1b) station- keeping High-thrust solid propellant Space-launch vehicle boosters (31,800 to 1, 134,000 kg/ second stages; ballistic missiles 70,000 to 2,500,000 lb) Medium-thrust solid propellant Weather-sounding rockets; upper stages for (460 to 22, 700 kg/ 1,000 to 50,000 1b) missiles or space-launch vehicles; attain- ment of special orbits; airplane-assisted take- off; retro-rockets; larger air-launched Low-thrust solid propellant missiles; infantry-support weapons (50 to 910 kg/ Anitank rockets; small missiles; Fourth-of- 100 to 2,000 1b) July rockets; shoulder-launched antiaircraft weapons