Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | black and white | white OCR: 10,000 Late wisconsin Weichselian wurum Interstadials Md Wisconsin Eemian R-'Wir 45,000 Early wisconsin Saalian Riss Interglacial Sangomonian Holsteinian MR 125,000 Ilinoian Elsterian Mindel Interglacial Yamouth Cromerian G-M 690,000 Kansan Menapian Gunz Interglacial Aftonian waalian D-G 1,600,000 Nebraskan Eburonian Danube * In North America the glacial stages are named for the states in which good exposures of till deposits have been encountered; the interglacials, for localities ( Sangamon County, Il .; Yarmouth, lowa; Afton Junction, lowa) where interglacial deposits have been found. h Northem Europe the glacial and interglacial stages are named for various towns and rivers in this region. The Central European (Alpine) stages are named for Alpine streams (arranged alphabetically from earliest to latest) that are tributaries of the Danube River, the interglacials are specified by the initials of the glacial stages that precede and follow them.