Labels:text | screenshot | font | black and white | number | document OCR: 1 Jan. 2, 1959 Passed within 5,965 km (3,728 mi) of the Moon. 2 Sept. 12, 1959 Impacted on the Moon. 3 Oct. 4, 1959 Circumnavigated the Moon; photographed the back side. 4 Apr. 2, 1963 Missed the Moon by 8,451 km (5,282 mi). 5 May 9, 1965 Impacted on the Moon; soft landing failed. 6 June 8, 1965 Missed the Moon by 160,000 km (100,000 mi). 7 Oct. 4, 1965 Impacted on the Moon; soft landing failed. 8 Dec. 3, 1965 Impacted on the Moon; soft landing failed. 9 Jan. 31, 1966 Soft landed in Westem Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Sto ms) ; photographed lunar surface. 10 Mar. 31, 1966 Orbited the Moon; sent scientific data. 11 Aug. 24, 1966 Orbited the Moon; sent scientific data. 12 Oct. 22, 1966 Orbited and photographed the Moon; sent scientific data. 13 Dec. 21, 1966 Soft landed in Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms); sent soil-density data and photographed lunar surface. 14 Apr. 7, 1968 Orbited the Moon; studied the Moon's gravitational field and the Earth-Moon mass relationship. 15 July 13, 1969 Impacted on the lunar surface after 52 o ibits of the Moon. 16 Sept. 12, 1970 Soft landed in Mare Fecunditatis (Sea of Fertility) on September 20, soil-sample payload launched September 21 and successfully recovered on the Earth. 17 Nov. 10, 1970 Soft landed in Mare Imbrium (sea of Rains) on November 17; Lunokhod 1, an automated roving vehide, ranged several miles on lunar surface. 18 Sept. 2, 1971 Impacted on lunar surface (September 11) after 54 orbits of the Moon. 19 Sept. 28, 1971 Orbited the Moon and conducted photographic survey. 20 Feb. 14, 1972 Soft landed in highlands northeast of Mare Fecunditatis (Sea of Fertility) on February 21 ; soil-sample payload launched (February 22) and successfully recovered (February 25) on the Earth. 21 Jan. 8, 1973 Soft landed at the eastem edge of Mare Serenitatis (Sea of Serenity) on January 16; Lunokhod 2 explored neighboring area 22 May 29, 1974 Orbited the Moon and conducted photographic survey. 23 Oct. 28, 1974 Lunar-surface landing (November 16) damaged drill, preventing soil-sample retum. 24 Aug. 9, 1976 Soft landed in southeastem part of Mare Qisium (Sea of Crises); soil-sample payload launched (August 19) and successfully recovered on the Earth (August 22).