Labels:text | screenshot | font | number OCR: Kingdom Animalia Multicellular organisms that develop from a blastula and feed on plant or organic matter Phy lum Chordata A dorsal hollow nerve cord, gill pouches, and a notochord at some stage of life Sub phy lum Vertebrata Chordates with brains and primitively segmented bodies Class Mammalia Warm-blooded, with milk glands, hair and a four chambered heart Subclass Eutheria Allantoic placenta for sustenance of young prior to birth Order Primates Vision dominant over sense of smell, hands and toes are able to grasp, eyes face forward Family Hominidae Upright bipedal posture, large brain, flat face, and hands and feet with different specialization Genus Homo Greater cranial capacity, smaller masticatory muscles and teeth, and a relatively long life span and youth Species H. sapiens High foreheads, rounded braincase of thin bone, protruding chin