Labels:text | screenshot | font | black and white | number | document OCR: Earliest World 100,000 B.C. - CHERT (silica) Nazlet Sabaha Garb, Egypt. Deepest World1 11,749 ft-GOLD, Western Deep Levels, Carletonville, South Africa. Coal Largest (US) 27.9 million short tons per annum, ARCO Coal Co.'s Black Thunder Mine in Wright, WY. Oldest (US)2 c. 1750 at James River coalfield near Richmond, VA. This site is now abandoned. Deepest 6,700 ft. (exploratory shaft) Donbas field, Ukraine. (open cast, lignite) .... 1,066 ft, near Bergheim, Germany. Copper Deepest (open pit) .... 2,625 ft, Bingham Canyon, near Salt Lake City, UT. Longest 994 miles, Division El Teniente, Codelco, Chile. (underground). United States 356 miles of tunnels, San Manuel Mine, Magma Copper Co. in Arizona. Gold Richest 49.4 million fine oz (all-time yield), Crown Mines, Transvaal, South Africa. Largest (world) 3. 12,1 07 acres , East Rand Proprietary Mnes Ltd, Boksburg, Transvaal, South Africa Iron Largest. 22.4 billion tons (45-65% ore), Lebedinsky, Kursk region, USSR. United States4 13.708 million metric tons at Mountain Iron, MN. Lead Largest. >10 percent of world output , Viburnum Trend, MI. Platinum Largest. 30.8 tons per year, RustenburgPlatinum Mines Group, Transvaal, South Africa. Quarry Largest (world) 2.81 miles 2, 3.698 billion tons (extracted), Bingham Canyon, UT. Spoil Dump Largest (world). 7.4 billion ft$, New Cornelia Tailings, Ten Mile Wash, AZ. Tungsten Largest. 2,205 tons per day, Union Carbide Mount Morgan mine, near Bishop, CA. Uranium Productivity. 5,930 tons uranium per year , Cameco's Lake mine in Saskatchewan, Canada, 15.5 percent of world production. 1 Sinking began in June 1957 and 14,000 ft is regarded as the limit. Its No. 3 vertical ventilation shaft is the world's deepest shaft, at 9, 675 ft. This mine requires 141, 150 tons of air per day, and uses enough refrigeration energy to make 41 , 440 short tons of ice. An underground shift comprises 11, 150 men. 2 The first recorded discovery of coal in the United States was in 1679 by French explorers, who reported a coal mine on the Illinois River. $ The world's most productive gold mine may be Muruntau, Kyzyl Kum, Uzbekistan, with an estimated 88 tons of gold per year. It has been estimated that South Africa has produced in 96 years (1886-1982) more than 31 percent of all gold mined since 3900 B.C. Over 51 percent of the world's output is produced at the 38 mines of the Witwatersrand fields, South Africa, first discovered in 1886. The largest gold mine currently in the United States is the Newmount Gold Company 's Mine Complex in Eureka County and Elko County, NV. 4 Minnesota produced the most iron in the United States in 1990, at 45.160 metric tons. The greatest year for the entire country was 1953, with 119.888 million metric tons. Copyright @1994 Guinness Publishing Ltd.