Labels:bulletin board | crt screen | equalizer | fence | hakham | monitor | plant | sky | stairs | trade name | windowpane OCR: Helcome after much delayed return SCTEEIS struuher take all the blame TOT the delay discovered the TOUS of the internet and heue make tunes ith soue with huge thanks to Sonic and Praiser for some exclusive tunes find 69# very mter can talk about anything better understanding on history and CITT ent happ on this tahious hatr have to those mhe judged the star Compo BOLE HOn did the id UOU theu? thooht ES hetter than th Haube thau didn't the COP the hase for the plasma elfects wte 19197 CBH font CEE and 1090] MUSIC- 01/05 FcHelp Halcome delaued screens tahe also been trying here Telease PTETSET exciusue veru tter estno wnaer andno fabulous Stat ROLE judge them thought demo Maube read effects mihe uusIc mine fent arset Help