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404 lines
// Module: slearn.slt
// Part of SLEARN (SALT learn utility) v1.00
// Copyright (C) 1989 Paul Roub. All rights reserved.
// Version: 1.00
// Description: SALT script to invoke SLEARN.EXE from Telix.
// Recommended usage: using TFE, set up a dialing directory
// entry for the BBS you wish to learn a script for. Include
// 'slearn' as the Script field for that system.
// NOTES: This script assumes that CS.EXE and SLEARN.EXE are both
// available from the script directory. This means they must
// either be IN the script directory itself, or on the DOS
// PATH.
// Whenver possible, this script uses the run() function to
// run other programs , as it is faster and uses less memory.
// However, we do occasionally have to call some DOS commands,
// so dos() is used there. This is a bit inconsistent, but it
// is important, especially when calling SLEARN.EXE. If that
// takes too long, we could lose characters, thus rendering
// SLEARN all but useless.
// Author: Paul Roub
// various strings used by this script
str CmdLine [128]; // SLEARN command line
str fn [ 13]; // name of script file to create
str Deffn [ 13]; // 'best guess' script file name
str tmpfn [] = "slearn.$$$"; // name of temporary SALT file
// comm parameters:
str BaudStr [ 7]; // baud rate
str PortStr [ 2]; // port number (1 or 2)
str SetStr [ 4]; // settings (e.g. E71)
// Change these if you hate the colors this script asks questions in.
int AnswerColor = 112; // default: black on grey
int BoxColor = 7; // default: grey on black
int QuestionColor = 15; // default: white on black
// Set anonymous = 1 if you don't want the scripts created by SLEARN to
// include the showname() function, which overwrites Telix's "Alt-Z for
// Help" message with the name of the currently dialed system.
// Set UseEntryPass = 0 if you don't want SLEARN to use the _entry_pass
// variable in places where you send the default password to the remote.
// Set UseSetScr = 0 if you don't want SLEARN to add the new script's name
// to TELIX.FON, or if you use more than one dialing directory.
int anonymous = 0; // default: show entry name (try it!)
int UseEntryPass = 1; // default: use _entry_pass in scripts
int UseSetScr = 1; // default: add new script to TELIX.FON
int result;
int SaveFile;
str numstr[5];
str dummy[61];
if (! carrier()) // can't learn if we're not connected
prints("No carrier. Aborting slearn.");
itos(get_baud(), BaudStr); // get comm. parameters (baud)
itos(get_port(), PortStr); // (port)
if (get_port() > 2)
prints("Sorry, but this version of SLEARN only works with COM1 or COM2");
prints("This will be corrected in a future release");
if (get_parity() == 0) // (parity)
SetStr = "N";
else if (get_parity() == 1)
SetStr = "E";
else // (get_parity() == 2)
SetStr = "O";
if (get_datab() == 7) // (data bits)
strcat(SetStr, "7");
strcat(SetStr, "8");
if (get_stopb() == 1) // (stop bits)
strcat(SetStr, "1");
strcat(SetStr, "2");
if (_script_dir != "") // change to script dir, if any
// build the command line:
CmdLine = "-g -p"; // bells, comm port
strcat(CmdLine, PortStr );
strcat(CmdLine, " -b" ); // baud
strcat(CmdLine, BaudStr );
strcat(CmdLine, " -s" ); // settings
strcat(CmdLine, SetStr );
strcat(CmdLine, " " );
if (_entry_name != "")
strcat(CmdLine, "-n ^""); // entry name, if any
strcat(CmdLine, _entry_name);
strcat(CmdLine, "^" ");
if (anonymous) // no-showname(), if requested
strcat(CmdLine, "-a ");
if (UseEntryPass && (_entry_pass != "")) // _entry_pass, perhaps
strcat(CmdLine, "-w ^"");
strcat(CmdLine, _entry_pass);
strcat(CmdLine, "^" ");
strcat(CmdLine, tmpfn ); // and the file to create
result = run("slearn", CmdLine, 0); // and run slearn
if (result == -1) // Couldn't run it
prints("Error: Couldn't find or run SLEARN.EXE. SLEARN.EXE must either be in the");
prints(" TELIX script directory, or in a directory specified in the PATH");
prints(" environment variable.");
SaveFile = YesOrNo("Save the new script file?", "y");
if (SaveFile)
DefSLTname(Deffn); // get default SALT file name
// see what the user wants to call it
if (ask("Save with what name?", Deffn, fn, 12) == -1)
fn = Deffn;
if (strpos(fn, ".", 0) == -1) // tack on SLT extension if necessary
strcat(fn, ".slt");
CmdLine = "copy "; // copy temp file to permanent file
strcat(CmdLine, tmpfn);
strcat(CmdLine, " " );
strcat(CmdLine, fn );
dos(CmdLine, 0);
CmdLine = "del "; // delete temp file
strcat(CmdLine, tmpfn);
dos(CmdLine, 0);
SaveFile = YesOrNo("Compile the new script file?", "y");
if (SaveFile)
result = run("cs", fn, 0); // and compile the new file
if (result == -1) // Couldn't run it
prints("Error: Couldn't find or run CS.EXE. CS.EXE must either be in the");
prints(" TELIX script directory, or in a directory specified in the PATH");
prints(" environment variable.");
CmdLine = "del "; // otherwise, just trash the temp
strcat(CmdLine, tmpfn);
dos(CmdLine, 0);
result = 0;
if (_telix_dir != "") // get back where we started
if (SaveFile && UseSetScr && (result == 0))
if (YesOrNo("Install this script in TELIX.FON?", "y"))
if (! filefind("zzz.fon", 0, dummy))
dos("copy telix.fon zzz.fon", 0);
prints ("Dummy FON file ZZZ.FON was created.");
printsc("Press any key to continue...");
CmdLine = "telix.fon ";
itos(_entry_enum, numstr);
strcat(CmdLine, numstr);
strcat(CmdLine, " ");
setchr(fn, strpos(fn, ".", 0), 0);
strcat(CmdLine, fn);
run("set_scr", CmdLine, 0);
prints ("Thank you for using SLEARN!");
printsc("Press any key to return to Telix...");
// Function: DefSLTname
// Description: Try to guess a default SALT script name from the Telix
// script directory and entry name. We use the first 8
// alphanumeric characters in _entry_name, plus .SLT. If
// _entry_name is blank (or devoid of alphanumerics), then we
// use the name 'new.slt' instead.
// Parameters: str name - default name (returned)
// Returns: nothing
DefSLTname(str name)
int DstCount, SrcCount; // indices of source and dest strings
DstCount = 0;
SrcCount = 0;
while ((DstCount < 8) && (SrcCount < 25))
if (isalnum(subchr(_entry_name, SrcCount)))
setchr(name, DstCount, subchr(_entry_name, SrcCount));
DstCount = DstCount + 1;
SrcCount = SrcCount + 1;
setchr(name, DstCount, 0);
if (strlen(name) == 0)
name = "new.slt";
strcat(name, ".slt");
// Function: ask
// Description: prompt the user for a string
// Parameters: str question - prompt
// str default - default value for answer
// str answer - answer (returned)
// int max - maximum length of answer
// Returns: -1 if ESC hit
// length of answer otherwise
ask(str question, str default, str answer, int max)
int left, right; // left and right sides of box
int len; // length of longest string to display
int result; // return code
int SaveHandle; // handle of saved screen area
int top, bottom; // top and bottom sides of box
int x, y; // used to save/restore cursor position
top = 9;
bottom = 9 + 6;
len = strlen(question);
if (len < strlen(default) + 9)
len = strlen(default) + 9;
if (len < max)
len = max;
left = (80 - (len + 4)) / 2;
right = left + len + 3;
x = getx();
y = gety();
SaveHandle = vsavearea(left, top, right, bottom);
box(left, top, right, bottom, 3, 0, BoxColor);
pstraxy(question, left + 2, top + 2, QuestionColor);
pstraxy("Default: ", left + 2, top + 3, BoxColor );
pstraxy(default, left + 11, top + 3, BoxColor );
// Draw an 'input field' so the user can see right off the bat how long
// 'answer' is allowed to be.
pstraxy(" ", left + 2, bottom - 2, AnswerColor );
result = getsxy(answer, max, left + 2, bottom - 2, AnswerColor);
gotoXY(x, y);
if (result == 0)
answer = default;
result = strlen(answer);
// Function: YesOrNo
// Description: asks yes or no questions, with default
// displays question and default, and accepts one character
// if this character is CR or ESC, then default[0] is used
// keeps receiving characters until char is 'y' or 'n'
// Parameters: str question - question to ask
// str default - default string - "y" or "n"
// Returns: 1 if 'y' was entered
// 2 if 'n' was entered
YesOrNo(str question, str default)
int ch; // user's input character
int left, right; // left and right sides of box
int len; // length of question
int SaveArea; // handle of saved screen area
int top, bottom; // top and bottom sides of box
int x, y; // used to save/restore cursor position
if (strlen(default) > 1)
setchr(default, 1, 0);
if ((default != "y") && (default != "n"))
default = " ";
len = strlen(question);
top = 10;
bottom = top + 4;
left = (80 - (len + 6)) / 2;
right = left + len + 5;
x = getx();
y = gety();
SaveArea = vsavearea(left, top, right, bottom);
box(left, top, right, bottom, 3, 0, BoxColor);
pstraxy(question, left + 2, top + 2, QuestionColor);
pstraxy(default, left + 2 + len + 1, top + 2, AnswerColor);
gotoxy (left + 2 + len + 1, top + 2);
ch = inkeyw();
if ((ch == 13) || (ch == 27))
ch = subchr(default, 0);
ch = tolower(ch);
} while ((ch != 'y') && (ch != 'n'));
gotoxy(x, y);
return(ch == 'y'); // true if 'y', false if 'n'