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289 lines
/* Copyright (c) 1987 */
/* by CompuServe Inc., Columbus, Ohio. All Rights Reserved */
/* EXPANDER.C can be copied and distributed freely for any */
/* non-commercial purposes. EXPANDER.C can only be incorporated */
/* into commercial software with the permission of CompuServe Inc. */
* The compression algorithm builds a string translation table that maps
* substrings from the input string into fixed-length codes. These codes
* are used by the expansion algorithm to rebuild the compressor's table
* and reconstruct the original data stream. In it's simplest form, the
* algorithm can be stated as:
* "if <w>k is in the table, then <w> is in the table"
* <w> is a code which represents a string in the table. When a new
* character k is read in, the table is searched for <w>k. If this
* combination is found, <w> is set to the code for that combination
* and the next character is read in. Otherwise, this combination is
* added to the table, the code <w> is written to the output stream and
* <w> is set to k.
* The expansion algorithm builds an identical table by parsing each
* received code into a prefix string and suffix character. The suffix
* character is pushed onto the stack and the prefix string translated
* again until it is a single character. This completes the expansion.
* The expanded code is then output by popping the stack and a new entry
* is made in the table.
* The algorithm used here has one additional feature. The output codes
* are variable length. They start at a specified number of bits. Once
* the number of codes exceeds the current code size, the number of bits
* in the code is incremented. When the table is completely full, a
* clear code is transmitted for the expander and the table is reset.
* This program uses a maximum code size of 12 bits for a total of 4096
* codes.
* The expander realizes that the code size is changing when it's table
* size reaches the maximum for the current code size. At this point,
* the code size in increased. Remember that the expander's table is
* identical to the compressor's table at any point in the original data
* stream.
* The compressed data stream is structured as follows:
* first byte denoting the minimum code size
* one or more counted byte strings. The first byte contains the
* length of the string. A null string denotes "end of data"
* This format permits a compressed data stream to be embedded within a
* non-compressed context.
* AUTHOR: Steve Wilhite
#include <malloc.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "expander.h"
/* Function prototypes: */
void init_table( short min_code_size );
short read_code(void);
#define null_ptr 0
#define largest_code 4095
jmp_buf recover;
struct code_entry
short prefix; /* prefix code */
char suffix; /* suffix character */
char stack;
static short code_size;
static short clear_code;
static short eof_code;
static short first_free;
static short bit_offset;
static short byte_offset, bits_left;
static short max_code;
static short free_code;
static short old_code;
static short input_code;
static short code;
static short suffix_char;
static short final_char;
static short bytes_unread;
static unsigned char code_buffer[64];
static struct code_entry *code_table;
static short (*get_byte)(void);
static short (*put_byte)(short);
static short mask[12] =
{0x001, 0x003, 0x007, 0x00F,
0x01F, 0x03F, 0x07F, 0x0FF,
0x1FF, 0x3FF, 0x7FF, 0xFFF};
void init_table( short min_code_size )
code_size = min_code_size + 1;
clear_code = 1 << min_code_size;
eof_code = clear_code + 1;
first_free = clear_code + 2;
free_code = first_free;
max_code = 1 << code_size;
short read_code(void)
byte_offset = bit_offset >> 3;
bits_left = bit_offset & 7;
if (byte_offset >= 61)
bytes_to_move = 64 - byte_offset;
for (i = 0; i < bytes_to_move; i++)
code_buffer[i] = code_buffer[byte_offset + i];
while (i < 64)
if (bytes_unread == 0)
/* Get the length of the next record. A zero-length record
* denotes "end of data".
bytes_unread = (*get_byte)();
if (bytes_unread < 1)
if (bytes_unread == 0) /* end of data */
longjmp(recover, bytes_unread);
ch = (*get_byte)();
if (ch < 0)
longjmp(recover, ch);
code_buffer[i++] = (unsigned char)(ch);
bit_offset = bits_left;
byte_offset = 0;
bit_offset += code_size;
temp = (long) code_buffer[byte_offset]
| (long) code_buffer[byte_offset + 1] << 8
| (long) code_buffer[byte_offset + 2] << 16;
if (bits_left > 0)
temp >>= (long) bits_left;
return (short)(temp) & mask[code_size - 1];
short Expand_Data(
short (*get_byte_routine)(void),
short (*put_byte_routine)(short)
* Function:
* Decompress a LZW compressed data stream.
* Inputs:
* get_byte_routine - address of the caller's "get_byte" routine.
* put_byte_routine - address of the caller's "put_byte" routine.
* Returns:
* 0 OK
* -1 expected end-of-file
* -2 cannot allocate memory
* -3 bad "min_code_size"
* < -3 error status from the get_byte or put_byte routine
short sp; /* stack ptr */
short status;
short min_code_size;
get_byte = get_byte_routine;
put_byte = put_byte_routine;
code_table = (struct code_entry *)
malloc(sizeof(struct code_entry)*(largest_code + 1));
if (code_table == null_ptr)
return -2;
status = setjmp(recover);
if (status != 0)
free((char *) code_table);
return status;
/* Get the minimum code size (2 to 9) */
min_code_size = (*get_byte)();
if (min_code_size < 0)
longjmp(recover, min_code_size);
else if (min_code_size < 2 || min_code_size > 9)
longjmp(recover, -3);
sp = 0;
bit_offset = 64*8; /* force "read_code" to start a new */
bytes_unread = 0; /* record */
while ((code = read_code()) != eof_code)
if (code == clear_code)
code = read_code();
old_code = code;
suffix_char = code;
final_char = code;
if ((status = (*put_byte)(suffix_char)) != 0)
longjmp(recover, status);
input_code = code;
if (code >= free_code)
code = old_code;
code_table[sp++].stack = (char) final_char;
while (code >= first_free)
code_table[sp++].stack = code_table[code].suffix;
code = code_table[code].prefix;
final_char = code;
suffix_char = code;
code_table[sp++].stack = (char) final_char;
while (sp > 0)
if ((status = (*put_byte)(code_table[--sp].stack)) != 0)
longjmp(recover, status);
code_table[free_code].suffix = (char) suffix_char;
code_table[free_code].prefix = old_code;
old_code = input_code;
if (free_code >= max_code)
if (code_size < 12)
max_code <<= 1;
free((char *) code_table);
return 0;