1st Canadian Shareware Disc
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297 lines
SM][LE version 1.3 .....Copyright (c) 1990..... by: Michael Arnett
SM][LE is a graphics display utility which allows the user to view
files containing ANSI codes. An ANSI Driver is required. Check your
CONFIG.SYS file for the following entry:
DEVICE=<drive>:\<path>\ANSI.SYS (ie. DEVICE=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS)
If an ANSI driver is not present, screens are displayed as text files.
This program was born from the need for a utility to view ANSI files
collected in the GT Network's International ANSI/ASCII Art Echo, from
the DOS environment. Several good programs existed for this purpose but
none contained all the features I was looking for. SMILE builds and
maintains a list of user selectable screens in a file named FILELST.DAT
for each Directory selected. This allows the user to add Artist names
and/or comments to each File Name using SMILE's built in Edit features.
A text editor may also be used to edit FILELST.DAT. Line length for File
Name and Artist should be sixty characters or less. The "│" delimiter
should not be moved or altered when editing. A File Name list allows a
collection of ANSI graphics to be distributed or maintained with artist
and file information.
The ability to interpret music codes was another requirement for this
utility. Many communication packages do not support music from a BBS, and
neither DOS nor the ANSI driver have any idea what to do with music codes.
Music should be written in the BASIC Play format. Unusual results may
occur if this format is not used.
The program is looks for files ending in .ANS by default. When SMILE
loads, it checks for the existence of FILELST.DAT. If it does not exist,
SMILE builds a list of all files in the current directory that match
the *.ANS file mask. Otherwise, SMILE displays the information in the
To load, enter SMILE at the DOS prompt.
/D - will instruct SMILE to delete any FILELST.DAT files
in the directories it visits.
Each directory visited by SMILE will contain it's own FILELST.DAT
file. You may instruct SMILE to delete these files when exiting
the program or changing directories by using /D on the command line.
/A: - should be followed by the DRIVE, PATH and complete FILE NAME
of the ANSI editor of your choice. The HIGHLIGHTED file name
is passed to the editor by pressing ALT-A.
/E: - should be followed by the DRIVE, PATH and complete FILE NAME
of the TEXT editor of your choice. The HIGHLIGHTED file name
is passed to the editor by pressing ALT-E.
All or any combination of these switches may be used on the Command Line.
They need not be in any particular order.
The main screen consists of several KEY COMMANDS and a display of the first
ten files in FILELST.DAT. You may scroll through all the files using any
of the direction keys including:
All cursor keys (Up, Down, Right, Left), PgUp, PgDn, Home and End.
The program will pause at the end of each screen display. Press ANY KEY to
continue. SMILE will also pause during a screen display if CTRL-E is the
first character of a line. You will see the word "PAUSE" at the bottom
left of the screen. Press any key to continue the display or F10 to abort.
This option was added to conform to the way GT Power displays files.
Pressing ENTER will display only the file that is Highlighted.
+/- - Increments the System Delay time between one and ten seconds.
This Delay time can be utilized when viewing TAGGED files.
S - Toggles the Display SPEED between FAST and SLOW. Animated
screens usually display a little better at SLOW speed.
O - Sorts displayed list by either SCREEN or ARTIST information.
ALT-S Prompts for a 12 character Search String. Each line of the
displayed information is searched for a match of the characters
you enter. Accuracy of the search increases with more characters.
For example, entering "a" will find the first line of text that
contains an "a" anywhere in the text. The search is NOT case
sensitive. The highlight bar moves to the first "matched" record.
INS - will TAG or UNTAG the currently Highlighted file. This allows
you to select several of the File Names listed. Files remain
TAGGED even if they scroll out of the selection window. Files
are TAGGED with the current Display Speed. Either an "F" (FAST)
or "S" (SLOW) is displayed to the left of the file name. By
Toggling the Display Speed it is possible to TAG files for both
FAST and SLOW speeds.
F1 - Displays HELP screens for each COMMAND KEY.
F2 - TAGs or UNTAGs every file that matches your selection, (All, Unviewed
Define or Viewed) including those not visible in the selection window.
The DEFINE option prompts for a search string (SEE ALT-S). This would
allow tagging by Artist. You could, for example, select all Animated
screens if you enter something like "(A)" in their description and then
Define "(A)". All files are TAGGED with the current Display Speed.
Either an "F" (FAST) or an "S" (SLOW) is displayed to the left of each
file name.
F3 - Begins displaying each TAGGED file. You will be prompted for
Continuous View (Y/N). Answering "Y" causes SMILE to use the System
Delay time between each screen and anywhere CTRL-E is the first
character of a line in the file. Answering "N" causes SMILE to wait
for a key press between each screen and where CTRL-E is the first
character of a line. When viewing TAGGED files, a box with Artist name
and comments will appear prior to each screen.
F4 - Toggles Music ON or OFF. This determines whether or not you hear
music if it is contained in the displayed file.
F5 - Turns Edit Mode on and allows editing the artist name and comment
information. HELP is available in Edit Mode by pressing F1.
Edit keys:
ENTER = Exit and Save
ESC = Abort changes and re-display original text
CTRL-Y = Erase entire line of text
CTRL-K = Erase from the cursor to end of line
INS = Toggles Insert mode (Large cursor indicates Insert is ON)
DEL = Delete character to right of cursor
BACKSPACE = Delete character to left of cursor
Cursor movement keys:
CTRL-RIGHT ARROW = Move cursor right one word
CTRL-LEFT ARROW = Move cursor left one word
F6 - Rebuild File List
Deletes the File Name List in the current directory. The list is
then rebuilt and sorted alphabetically using the currently selected
File Mask.
*** If you have added Artist names or comments to the FILELST.DAT ***
*** file this option will erase them. ***
F7 - Update File List
Updates and sorts alphabetically, the File Name List with new files
that match the current File Mask. Existing artist\comment information
in the File name list is retained. File names that have been erased
from the directory are deleted from the list. If you see the message:
select this option to refresh the file name list.
You may also use a text editor to delete file names from FILELST.DAT
that are not needed or no longer exist.
F8 - Edit File Mask
This option allows you to change the current File Mask. At the prompt
you may enter any DOS compatible File Name or wild card.
EX. *.*, *.ANS, *.MSG, ???.*, ECHO.ANS
If you change the File Mask you will be prompted to REBUILD or UPDATE
the current File Name List. UPDATE will add files with the new file
mask to the existing list. This allows you to have multiple file types
on the same File Name List. If you select REBUILD, the current File
Name List is deleted then Rebuilt using the new File Mask. This option
deletes any existing Artist Name or comment information. If you leave
the prompt blank, the File Mask will be changed but no File List
changes are made.
F9 - Change Drive\Directory
This option prompts for a new Drive designation and Directory. Current
designations are maintained if you press ENTER at either prompt without
entering new information.
To change Disk Drives enter only the letter designation for that drive.
To change to Drive A: enter only the letter A.
If the Drive designation is changed and the directory prompt is left
blank, SMILE will automatically change to the current Directory on that
drive. If FILELST.DAT does not exist it is built using the current File
To change Directories enter any valid DOS directory. For example:
A warning message is given for an Invalid Directory and you will be
prompted to re-enter the Directory information. If you change
Directories, SMILE automatically looks for FILELST.DAT. If found, you
are prompted to overwrite the file with current File Mask information.
If FILELST.DAT does not exist, it is built using current information.
F10 QUIT the program
( NOTE: During file display this key will abort the display and )
( return you to the File Selection screen. )
This program has been successfully tested on a variety of different PCs.
However, problems could appear on machines with different configurations.
Use of this program is at your own risk.
SMILE 1.3 was written in Microsoft's QuickBasic 4.5
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
GT Power is a product of P&M Software
1.2 Allow call to ANSI Editor via ALT-A (command line parameter /A:)
1.2 Allow call to TEXT Editor via ALT-E (command line parameter /E:)
1.2 Added FAST or SLOW display speeds (Toggle with ALT-S)
1.2 Show Record number of Total records
1.2 INS Tags current display speed & moves cursor down one record
1.2 Tag Files with either Fast or Slow display
1.3 Sort Routines for Screen or Artist info
1.3 Names of VIEWed screens are displayed in Green
1.3 Search listings for user defined text
1.3 Tag ALL, Unviewed, Viewed, or Defined files
-----------------------------* * * * * * *----------------------------
Members of THE GAVEL BBS, a private BBS sponsoring the GT International
ANSI/ASCII Art Conference, are now collecting new and used computer
hardware, software and cash for donation to area hospitals for the
benefit of hospitalized children. This non-profit effort has come
to be known as THE SMILING KIDS project.
The spectacular ANSI artwork collected at THE GAVEL was the driving
force behind the writing of the SMILE graphics display program and
much of this fantastic art is included with this offer.
Please consider a donation of $10.00 to this worthy project.
All contributors will receive a registered version of this program.
The following ANSI graphics collections from The Gavel's outstanding
International ANSI\ASCII Art Echo will also be provided to each donor:
"Best of the ANSI Art Echo - 1989" - 209 of the best ANSI graphics
collected during 1989.
"BBS ADS and HOLIDAY ART" - 77 BBS ADS from around the world
and 46 assorted Holiday graphics.
Each disk comes with a completed FILELST.DAT file for use with SMILE.
If you find the program useful (and even if you don't), please consider
donating your spare hardware, software, money or time to this fine
project. These kids can use your help.
For more information on how to MAKE A KID SMILE, contact:
Ernest O. DeBakey
Michael Arnett
GT Netmail - Net Node 001/030
GT International ANSI/ASCII Art Echo E10/037
Mailing Address:
c/o Ernest O. DeBakey, Trustee
The Bechtel Tower, Suite 1480
3000 Post Oak Boulevard
Houston, Tx 77056-6582
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