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VGACAD v1.60
Copyright (c) 1988-89 Lawrence Gozum & Marvin Gozum, MD.
This product is distributed AS IS. The authors specifically disclaim
all warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to,
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose with respect to defects in the diskette and documentation, and
program license granted herein, in particular, without limiting
operation of the program license with respect to any use or purpose.
In no event shall the authors be liable for any loss of profit or
damage including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential
or other damages.
You may use this program and freely EVALUATE ITS USEFULNESS for a
10-DAY TRIAL PERIOD. Should you find it useful, you MUST REGISTER by
sending registration form and check payable to Marvin Gozum. See last
section of this manual for details and benefits.
You may freely distribute UNMODIFIED copies (which include all files
listed in README.1st) provided you do not include it with commercial
software, and charge no more than $3.50, in lieu of recognized User
Group guidelines (e.g., Association of Shareware Professional, New
York Amateur Computer Club), for copying/distribution costs.
1. Requirements
IBM PS/2 or IBM PC/XT/AT with VGA compatible graphics card capable of
displaying mode 13H (MCGA 300x200x256 color mode), 512k free memory,
analog or multifrequency monitor. We strongly suggest you get a mouse
since VGACAD was designed with a mouse device in mind.
Users with 512kb RAM (or less) must use the command line "/R" option
to reduce the RAM requirement. Variable disk space is required
(depending on Virtual Screen size used). A Hard Disk is highly
recommended but not required. High density dual drive users (1MB AT
drives or 720KB 3.5 inch drives) would have adequate space to run the
program and work on regular GIF files.
If you have extended or expanded memory, we suggest using a RAMDISK
for the Virtual Screen; also, if you have a cache program, that too
will help accelerate the program since this version uses a "chained
environment". We can no longer support dual 360KB users; in any case,
it is highly unlikely that you have VGA or a PS/2 and are using dual
360KB floppies !
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2. Installation
All required files (listed in README.1st) MUST be in the default drive
and/or directory. To use the keyboard, run "KEYME.com" prior to
running VGACAD; you can review the keyboard commands at start-up.
If you have insufficient RAM, remove resident programs or use the "/R"
command line option is discussed below. After initialization, the
total amount of free memory will be shown - this approximates how much
resident software, or RAMDISK, can be installed before running VGACAD.
3. Command Line Options
Switch "/Q" ("Quiet") will silence all the audio feedback beeps except
error or warning messages. To totally "cut" all audio; we suggest
using a Shareware program called SILENCE.ARC (.ZIP).
Switch "/R" ("Reduced Memory") will cut VGACAD's memory allocation by
64KB and utilize a buffer called "UNDO.TMP" during certain operations.
Switch "/FM" ("Force Mouse") maintains your current mouse settings and
assumes a mouse is properly initialize; this allows initializing your
mouse with ANY program. We suggest initializing with 320x200x4 CGA or
320x200x256 MCGA mode; make sure that the text cursor is set OFF !
Switch "/FK" ("Force Keyboard") will disregard any mouse device and
operate in mouse emulation mode through the keyboard. "KeyME.com"
MUST be resident if you use this switch or the system will HANG !
Switch "/SL:n" "SLow Mode" will require release of the mouse button to
proceed. The value "n" will determine a delay factor for the Spray
Paint function; a value of 1000 will be sufficient for Fast machines.
Switch "/MX:n" adjusts the mickeys/8 pixels ratio on the X axis. The
default is 8/8. "n" is any number from 1 and 16. "1" will make your
mouse travel 8x faster while 16 will make your mouse travel 2x slower
on the x axis.
Switch "/MY:n" adjusts the mickeys/8 pixel ration on the Y axis. The
default is 16 mickeys / 8 pixels.
Switch "/MT:n" adjusts the "motion threshold"; the default setting is
64 mickeys/second. If your mouse seems to be returning to its same
position or seems restrained after zipping quickly from any direction,
its movement was successively doubled resulting in the mouse returning
to its former location; this is a function of your CPU speed. "n" is
any number between -32767 to 32767. Refer to your mouse manual for
more information.
Use a batch file to keep your desired settings. The sample "*.BAT"
entry below, turns the sound off, reduces the memory by 64K, triggers
the SLow Mode with a 1000 delay loop, doubles the speed in both the x
and y axes, and keeps the motion threshold at its maximum.
VGACAD /R /Q /SL:1000 /MX:4 /MY:8 /MT:-32767
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4. Testing
VGACAD was tested on a 8MHz IBM XT compatible with a STB VGA Extra E/M
(w/ Princeton Ultrasync) and a PS/2 Model 50 (w/ 8513 Monitor). For
comments, particularly bug reports, we would appreciate E-Mail at
CompuServe for Lawrence Gozum [73437,2372].
5. Main Menu
Click your RIGHT mouse button, the Main Menu screen will pop-up.
There are 8 boxes: Undo, ImgP(Image Processing Menu), Edit Menu, Text
Menu, Shps (Shapes Menu), Color Menu and File Menu.
Main Menu │┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───<┼current
option ──┼┼> ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ │ │ │ │ ││background
filled with│└───┘└───┘└───┘└───┘└───┘└───┘ └───┘ └───┘│color
current │ Undo ImgP Edit Text Brsh Shps Color File │
foreground │{▓▓▒░░▒░░▓▓██▓▓▒▒██▓▓▒▒░░▒▒░░▓▓▒▒░░▓▓██▓} │ <─┐
color └──────────────────────────────────────────┘ ├─ Color
{▓▓▒░░▒░░▓▓██▓▓▒▒██▓▓▒▒░░▒▒░░▓▓▒▒░░▓▓██▓} <─┘ Bars
^ ^
└───────────── Scroll Arrows ───────────┘
You will, immediately, be in 'brush' mode and can begin painting. If
you move your cursor below the Main Menu, the menu will disappear and
will reappear when you press the RIGHT mouse button. Clicking a Main
Menu box will operate immediately or display another menu. To exit
without choosing any option, put your cursor below the menu. As a
rule, the RIGHT button will EXIT or ABORT, while the LEFT will be do
everything else or ACCEPT a change.
Use the color bars to select foreground or background colors. Place
the "arrow" cursor over a desired color and click the LEFT button for
a new foreground color or the RIGHT for background.
The color bars provide 32, 64 or 128 colors from your 256 color
palette at any time. At default, each color bar contains 16 colors.
Use the scroll arrows to change the colors selections. The upper and
lower color bars play an important role in colorizing grey pictures.
This will be explained further.
6. Undo Function
When the Main Menu screen pops-up, your current screen is saved and
your can 'undo' all the changes from the last time the Main Menu was
invoked. Regardless of changes made, your screen will be restored.
If the Main Menu is invoked and no options are selected, your next
UNDO will be based on that screen; the UNDO screen is generally the
screen last modified BEFORE invoking the Main Menu.
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7. Brush Menu
│┌────┐┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐│
────┼┼> ││ │ │███│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││
Active │└────┘└───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘│
BRUSH ┌─>normal <> MODE Rect Circ Line Diag MASK│
│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────┘
current mode
The Active box will show the current "brush" selected. The "<>" box
cycles through the different brush sizes or variations. There are 6
RECTangular sizes, 3 CIRCular, 3 Horizontal LINEs, 3 Vertical LINEs,
and 6 DIAGonal brushes. The "MODE" box cycles through five different
brush modes: normal, spray, air#1, air#2 and eraser.
Spray paint and airbrush (Air#1 and Air#2) modes work only with the
RECTangular or CIRCular brush; these brush modes will operate on the
rectangular areas defined by the brushes; future versions will be
Air#1 is a REAL airbrush that "adds" a color mixture as you paint over
your picture, following the principle of Additive Color Mixtures (see
"Notes on Additive Color Mixtures" in Appendix C). Air#2 mixes colors
in a more gradual fashion. With Air#1, if you spray yellow over a red
area, the closest color to orange in your palette will be painted;
with Air#2, the closest color to yellow-orange in your palette will be
painted. Spray will paint random dots over a defined area; if used
with the MASK flag on, you will be able to spray over a selected color
as if you placed a stencil over the area to be painted.
Eraser mode uses the color BLACK (color 0) as the foreground color;
you cannot choose BLACK as a foreground color. Use large RECTangular
brushes for quicker erasures.
The MASK flag acts as a stencil; when this flag is set, only pixels
with the current background color will be replaced with the current
foreground color; this will work in all modes except Air#1 and Air#2.
8. Color Menu
Selecting "COLOR" from the Main menu brings you to this sub-menu.
│┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐│
││ │ │ │ │ │ │███│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││
│└───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘│
│ - Color - Menu - Colorization - MAP mode│
"OVeRLay" replaces all pixels with background color with foreground.
"SWAP" exchanges all pixels with background color with foreground and
vice-versa. "UNDO" mode cancels "OVRL" and "SWAP" implementation.
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Clicking "ColorBAR" (CBAR) will make the Scroll Arrows cycle through
16, 32, or 64 COLOR RANGE colorbars. Use the 32 or 64 COLOR RANGE to
view and select more colors at any time. COLOR RANGES are extensively
used by the "AREA colorization" and "ZOOM" functions.
│{▓▓▒░░▒░░▓▓██▓▓▒▒██▓▓▒▒░░▒█▓▒▒░██░░▓▓▒▒░░▓▓██▓}│ <─┐
└───────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Color
{▓▓▒░░▒░░▓▓██▓▓▒▒██▓▓▒▒░░▒▒░░▓▓▒▒░██▓▓█▓▓▓▓██▓} <──Bars
^ ^
└─────────────── Scroll Arrows ──────────────┘
In "Area" (colorization), the upper and lower colorbar selections are
significant. When selected, all colors in the lower colorbar will be
replaced by all the colors from the upper colorbar with a one-to-one
correspondence. Once selected, on exit, the arrow cursor will appear
instead of your current brush.
PROCESSING FUNCTION. Pick a starting point on your screen and drag
the cursor (pressing LEFT button). Upon releasing the LEFT button,
all colors in the upper colorbar will replace all the colors in the
lower colorbar. The "colorized" area will be have a blinking outline;
click RIGHT to reject or the LEFT to accept.
Grey images provide the luminance information of your picture (16, 32
or 64 grey scales); by altering color ranges, you can select/replace
the colors within the range with any other color range defined in the
COLOR MAP. The minimum range you can affect is 16. Use the OVeRLay
color function or MASKed brushes to replace individual colors.
"ZOOM" (colorization) works like "Area" but on a "zoomed area". ZOOM
has three modes - NORMAL, XCOLOR and PROCESS. XCOLOR (eXchange COLOR)
mode replaces individual colors using the colorbars as reference; only
selected colors on lower color bar are replaced with upper colorbar.
ZOOM (in XCOLOR mode) lets you change those "difficult areas" where
objects border other objects or the background.
NORMAL mode is like any other ZOOM function where your paint over any
color;other options while "ZOOM" editing. The PROCESS mode uses color
image processing algorithms; these are discussed later.
"COLOR MAP" shows all 256 colors. Colors are arranged in 8 rows of 16
color boxes. The first 128 colors are arranged from the LEFT to RIGHT
starting from TOP to BOTTOM (COLORS 0 to 127). The next 128 colors
(COLORS 128 to 255) are arranged in the reverse order from RIGHT to
LEFT starting from the BOTTOM to the TOP; this shows its inverse
organization. See Appendix A (Palette Organization Map) for details.
Each color box is configured to show its complimentary or inverse
color for experimenting with creative "color inversing" techniques.
Main Color ─────┼>████ │
│█████ │
│ <┼───── Inverse color
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You can pick any foreground color EXCEPT COLOR 0 (see Appendix A); to
use COLOR 0 (normally BLACK), you will have to use the ERASER brush.
Click LEFT over any color to select a foreground color or RIGHT to
select background; these will be appear at RGB boxes (at lower left).
│ R=10 G=20 B=30 │
│ ┌────┐ ┌────┐ ┌────┐ │
│ │ ^ │ │ ^ │ │ ^ │ <┼───── background color
│ └─┼──┘ └─┼──┘ └──┼─┘ │
│ │ │
└── foreground color
Palette editing is accomplished by altering the RGB values of the
foreground color. Place your cursor on any of the 3 boxes labelled
[R]ed, [G]reen or [B]lue. Clicking the RIGHT quickly increases RGB
values. Clicking the LEFT decreases RGB values by one. As you modify
the mixture, you'll see the color change. You cannot select COLOR "0"
as foreground; if you want to modify it, use editing functions below.
See Appendix C for more information on color mixing. IF YOUR COLOR
To the lower right corner are four boxes. Copy, Swap, Digi and Reset
provide extensive palette editing functions.
COPY is very useful in making very subtle color changes since an
increase in the "quanta" of R(ed), G(reen) or B(lue) by 1 may not be
noticeable. To copy a color, select the source color as BACKGROUND
then select the destination color as FOREGROUND. Click the COPY box
with your LEFT mouse button. SWAP works like COPY but exchanges the
selected foreground color with the selected background color; use this
to rearrange your entire palette.
RESET restores a selected color's registers or the whole palette after
any modification BEFORE selecting a new foreground or background color
to edit.
DIGI will "fill-in" or "spread" all colors between selected foreground
and background colors. The colors generated between the two "anchors"
follow the Principle of Additive Color Mixture (see Appendix C). To
select a range, pick a foreground color as the start of the range, and
a background color as the end of the range. Click the DIGI box and
all the colors in the range will "spread" between the two "anchors".
To exit, click EXIT box with the LEFT button; for quicker exits, click
both buttons in succession. After selecting a new foreground color,
BEFORE releasing the LEFT button, click the RIGHT; OR after selecting
a new background color; click the LEFT button before releasing the
RIGHT button.
The last option in this menu is the "Fill Menu"; clicking this box
transfers you to the border tracing, pattern/gradient fill functions.
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9. Fill Menu
│┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐│
││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │███│ │ ││
│└───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘│
│ ------ Gradient Fill ------ Pick Shape Menu│
The FIRST box you MUST select is TRACE Shape. Select any object with
a solid color or the background; place your cursor at the center of
the shape; press the LEFT button. The shape will be filled with the
foreground color. All pixels in that shape with the same color (i.e.,
whatever was under the cursor) will be filled. Keep that filled
object as is, or pick a new color and repeat the process indefinitely.
TRACE Shape was designed for complex shapes NOT complex patterns
can always retrace and fill 'unfilled' portions; be patient and wait
for the warning beep in rare cases when the 'fill' seems 'trapped'.
Gradient fills are ranges of colors spread evenly throughout your
traced shape. The range of the gradient fill is determined by CBAR
(ColorBAR); four types of gradient fills are available: UpDn, DnUp,
LfRt and RtLf. The selected range is the upper Color Bar; use the
scroll arrows to select different color gradients.
Pattern fills can be selected by invoking the PTRN (PaTteRn) PICK box;
when you slide your cursor out of the menu, an entire screen of 16x16
patterns (256 colors maximum) will be presented. Point your arrow
cursor over any pattern; the LEFT button will underline your selected
pattern. Press the RIGHT button to EXIT and fill your shape with the
selected pattern. Pressing the RIGHT button over any pattern will
immediately select that pattern and EXIT to fill your shape.
You can fill a traced shape with any gradient or pattern fill option
indefinitely ! If EXIT is selected or another shape traced then the
fill is set; you can UNDO fills ONLY from the Main Menu. GRADIENT OR
'warning beep' then the object was not completely traced. Use the
ZOOM functions to simplify the 'object' by removing intricate 'traps';
future updates will deal with such 'traps' more intelligently.
Editing any pattern is similar to editing a picture. PATTERN.BLD has
all the patterns. Each pattern is a 16x16 matrix of colors arranged
on the screen and is located at every 20th pixel (horizontally and
vertically). Use the ZOOM editing features to edit or create you own
To create a new pattern file with a different palette, copy/rename the
PATTERN.BLD file; load a different palette and edit the PATTERN.BLD
file to your heart's content.
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10. Zoom Menu
ZOOM features are compiled as a "chain to" module for easy update as a
separate component; all UNDOing must be performed before exiting this
module. When ZOOM is selected from the COLOR Menu, a "Viewing Window"
will appear as your cursor; place the cursor over any section to be
"zoomed" and click the LEFT button; the RIGHT button exits back to the
Main Menu. While in "ZOOM" mode, other options will appear. After
editing and exiting (i.e., clicking "*OK*") you can continuously
select another area for "ZOOM" editing until you click the RIGHT
button. The edited area is always displayed in the Viewing Window.
VIEWING ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────┐
WINDOW │┌─────┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐│
└───────┼┼> │Mode │███│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││
CURRENT │└─────┘ │ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘│
│{▓▓▒░░▒░░▓▓██▓▓▒▒██▓▓▒▒░░▒█▓▒▒░██░░▓▓▒▒░░▓▓██▓}│ <─┐
└───────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Color
{▓▓▒░░▒░░▓▓██▓▓▒▒██▓▓▒▒░░▒▒░░▓▓▒▒░██▓▓█▓▓▓▓██▓} <──Bars
^ ^
└─────────────── Scroll Arrows ──────────────┘
Clicking the Viewing Window (with the LEFT button) will cycle the ZOOM
mode between the XCOLOR (eXchange COLOR) mode, NORMAL mode and PROCESS
mode. The NORMAL and XCOLOR modes will display the above menu. As
explained in the AREA colorization function, XCOLOR mode replaces each
pixel belonging to the range of colors specified in the lower color
bar with corresponding colors in the upper color bar.
NORMAL mode lets you change any pixel with the foreground color. In
XCOLOR mode, all incidences of any color in the lower color bar will
be replaced by the upper color bar. Only colors belonging to the
lower colorbar will be affected. If no color exists which belong to
the lower colorbar then nothing will be modified ! Clicking "zoomed"
pixels with the LEFT button will be replaced by the foreground color
in NORMAL mode or replaced with the corresponding colors in XCOLOR
mode; all changes are reflected in the Viewing Window. Clicking the
"RIGHT" mouse button will reset any particular pixel to its original
color before "zoom" editing, despite the number of times you have
changed the pixel color in ANY mode !
"Mark" will place an "*" on all "zoomed" pixels that match the fore-
ground color to identify "hard to distinguish" colors due to subtle
differences. Select a foreground color from the color bars then click
"FIND"; all matching pixels will be marked with an asterisk ("*").
"Find" is the reverse function of "Mark"; it will find any color (by
locating it on the appropriate LOWER colorbar). Simply click "Find"
then click any pixel in your "zoomed image"; VGACAD will look for the
correct LOWER colorbar and color, then highlight it.
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ColorBAR (CBAR) is basically the same function in the COLOR menu.
This is an added convenience so that you can change the lower and
upper color bar ranges while you work on the "Zoomed" image.
"Color" - calls the COLOR MAP for palette editing; all functions COLOR
MAP functions are replicated here for your convenience.
"UNDO" - will restore ALL of the "zoomed image" to its original state
despite ALL changes in ANY mode.
"*OK*" - will replace your "zoomed area" in your picture and return
you to the main screen; all changes are final. You can now select
another area for "ZOOM" editing or exit.
In PROCESS mode, each pixel will be altered by color image processing
options: LITE, HAZE, DARK, and BLEND. The boxes in the ZOOM Menu will
be changed as follows.
┌─────┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐
│ │Mode │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │███│ │ │
└─────┘ │ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘
HAZE, "smooths" each pixel with 10 levels of "smoothing"; high levels
leave more detail but apply less "smoothing". DARK and LITE will
either add or reduce the amount of "white" in a colored pixel. BLEND
will "blend" your current foreground color with the color of zoomed
pixels and select the closest color that matches the "color mixture"
based on the Principle of Additive Color Mixtures (see Appendix C);
BLEND functions in the same way Air#1 (Airbrush #1) does. All color
processes select the closest matching color from your limited 256
color palette; the richer your palette, the better the match.
HAZE, LITE and DARK functions use a buffer of the image in the Viewing
Window; as such, once a pixel is modified (i.e., HAZEd, LITEned or
DARKened) it cannot be modifed again recursively. For example, if you
wanted to change a red pixel to pink, you would select the LITE box
and the appropriate setting (by clicking the LITE box until you have a
selected setting), then click that specific pixel. If you wanted it
to become "light pink", clicking that specific pixel again will NOT
make it lighter; either increase the LITE setting and click that pixel
again or click OK and repeat the above process. This non-recursive
rule applies to HAZE, LITE and DARK; this way, you have much better
control over the pixels your are "zoom editing".
BLEND is recursive; each successive "click" of a zoomed pixel will
make that pixel come closer and closer to the foreground color until
it becomes the foreground color; this function is useful for
"tinting" or "shading" any pixel with ANY foreground color.
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To edit a 16x16 section for use as a PATTERN FILL, select the pattern
with the "Viewing Window" cursor; each 16x16 pattern is located at
every 20th pixel (vertically and horizontally). Once an area is
zoomed, check the alignment by clicking the RIGHT button over the
Viewing Window to see how the pattern looks in a "filled" rectangle;
misaligned patterns have unwanted borders replicated in each 16x16
section. Press any button to return to zoom editing; you can edit it
using ALL Zoom editing functions in ANY mode. Whenever, you want to
"see" the edited 16x16 pattern in a "test fill", click the Viewing
Window with the RIGHT button.
11. Image Processing Menu
│┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐│
││ │ │ │ │ │ │███│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││
│└───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘│
│ -Color Process- -- Gray Image Processing -- │
The HAZE, LITE and DARK functions described in the ZOOM Menus work in
a similar manner here; the main difference is that they operate as an
area process; any defined rectangular area will be affected rather
than individual pixels.
TO PROCESS ANY GIVEN AREA (any method in this menu), determine your
process and parameters by clicking the appropriate boxes successively;
then CLICK "GO". As in "Area Colorization", define an area to be
processed; it will be highlighted by a blinking frame for acceptance
(LEFT) or rejection (RIGHT). If rejected, you can define another area
or press the RIGHT button again to exit.
CoNVerT will convert color to grey shades; screens and palettes are
PERMANENTLY altered. Cycle through the options listed below by
clicking the CNVT box; then click "GO". After conversion, the picture
will be highlighted; as usual, LEFT accepts and RIGHT rejects.
"Stretched 64" - the highest grey scale resolution. Your picture will
be stretched to simulate 256 grey shades on a 64 grey continuuum.
"Stretched 32" - medium grey scale resolution (256 grey scale on 32
grey continuum). This is useful when you intend to increase contrast
or use more colors for colorizing after image processing.
"Stretched 16" - low resolution grey scale (256 grey scale on 16 grey
continuum). This has very high contrast and gets the most number of
colors for colorization.
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PROCESSED IMAGE. The included palette "GRAY256.PLT" will view all
pictures saved "STRETCHED nn" options.
"COLORS 16-31" - After processing your image, using any of the
"stretched" options, use this to change your image/palette to fit the
default 16 grey palette that the VGA/MCGA card initializes to. The
image is converted and looks like the "Stretched 16" option. When you
save an image converted with this option, your image can be "Bloaded"
in BASIC without any palette or loaded into VGACAD at start-up without
any palette. You will have 16 color ranges to colorize your image.
"COLORS 32-63" - This option works the same way "COLORS 16-31" option
does, but converts you image to correspond to the colors 32 to 63.
The image looks like "Stretched 32" option. "GRAY32.PLT" will show
all pictures converted with this option. This option allows 8 color
ranges for colorization.
"COLORS 64-128" - This option converts your image with as you would
view it with the "Stretched 64" option. The included palette
"GRAY64.PLT" will view pictures saved under this option. 4 color
ranges for colorization are possible.
CONTrast Stretching uses a "histogram" of your grey pixels. Each
pixel has a grey value (0-255); for this reason, it is important to
use only "stretched nn" options when converting for image processing.
Contrast Stretching equalizes the grey distribution to evenly span the
range of 0 to 255 values. A typically unequalized image may have the
following distribution of pixels. The low and high bins are the edges
of the histogram distribution. All pixels between the edges (i.e.,
the high and low bin) are stretched to fill the entire 256 grey range.
N ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
║ low ▓▓ high ║
P ║ bin ──┐ ▓ ▓▓▓▓ bin ║
i ║ │ ▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ │ ║
x ║ ▓ ▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓ ║
e ║ ▓ ▓ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓▓ ║
l ║ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓║
s ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
0 -------------------------127----------------------255
After Contrast Stretching the distribution will approximate this.
N ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
║ ▓ ▓ ║
P ║ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ║
i ║ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ║
x ║▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓║
e ║▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓║
l ║▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓║
s ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
0 -------------------------127----------------------255
Page ... 11
You will note that the pixels now span the entire range and contrast
is improved. Bright pixels are brighter and dark pixels darker, other
pixels in between are affected the same way.
Upon selection of this option, you will requested for a "Minimum"
number. This number is the threshold for selecting the high and low
bins. The higher the number, the more likely that the bins will
center on the middle and increase the Contrast Stretching effect.
Since the histogram distribution is based on your defined area, the
expected number of pixels per grey value will be much less in smaller
areas than a larger area. Selecting a large "Threshold Minimum" for a
small area may result in no change since no bins may be located. Try
different Threshold Values to attain a desired effect.
BLURring results in a "smoothed" image with reduced "jaggies". Here,
the "Threshold Minimum" value adjusts the amount of "spikes", edges or
details retained. The higher the value, the smoother your image will
be (including all other details). You have to experiment with the
right "Threshold Minimum" that "smooths" your image yet keeps a lot of
detail. This function uses "3x3 Pixels Averaging" with a variable
threshold; its has advantages in adding more grey scale values in a
picture with narrow grey scale distributions. For example, if you
captured an 320x200x16 grey GIF with VGACAP, using this method you
will introduce intermediate grey values between the 16 grey scales
which will make it more lifelike and approach photographic quality.
There is a special mode. If you select a "Threshold Minimum" of 256,
a "3x3 Pixels Median Filter" is used; this mode is effective in
removing random noise while maintaining edge details. This method is
slower but results in a smoother picture with more edge detail. On
the "downside", it does not "add" intermediate grey pixel values.
KERNeL Convolution will detect edges in your picture. You can detect
only vertical, horizontal, diagonal or ALL edges. This Kernel detects
all edges:
║-1 ║-1 ║-1 ║
║-1 ║ 8 ║-1 ║
║-1 ║-1 ║-1 ║
If the value "8" is changed to "9" then this becomes a "High Frequency
Boost" which "feeds back" the edges of your image, resulting in a very
sharp but "noisy" image. The center value can be varied up to 12 for
creating "overexposed" effects.
All image processing option follow the same user interface. Select a
rectangular area to be processed. After processing an area, you can
accept it or reject (and start over) or exit altogether.
Page ... 12
12. Edit Menu
│┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐│
││███│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││
│└───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘│
│ AUTO USER EDIT Port 90' Horz 180' Vert│
│ Size Size Menu -- FLIP & CONVERT SCREEN -- │
AUTO Size shrinks or expands any defined area with its aspect ratio
intact. The image is always proportional regardless of resizing.
Select a starting point; keep the LEFT button down and define an area.
The captured area will be highlighted. Select a NEW starting position
and define an area which the captured image will either shrink or
expand into. After releasing the LEFT button, the image will "resize"
into the new defined area. Resized image are highlighted; as usual,
accept with the LEFT or reject (and repeat or exit) with the RIGHT.
Once you accept a change the image is permanently set; you cannot
"undo" the change after accepting it. This function uses a 5/6 aspect
ratio and will be distorted if you are using the "1:1 aspect ratio"
simulated by vFIX SCRN in the VSCRN menu (discussed later).
USER Size works the same way AUTO sizing does without maintaining the
aspect ratio. Your new image will be stretched or distorted anyway
you like. Use this for special effects or to manually correct the
aspect ratio of a digitized image.
"Port" (Portrait) rotates you entire screen 90 degrees with corrected
5/6 aspect ratio; do not use this with vFIX SCRN option in VSCRN. A
frame will appear which you can set as the desired location for your
portrait. Use this to convert images that are captured sideways.
┌──────────────┐ ┌─────┐
│██████████████│ │█▓▓▒▒│
│▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓│ ---> │█▓▓▒▒│
│▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒│ │█▓▓▒▒│
└──────────────┘ └─────┘
"90'" will flip any captured area 90 degrees. Like portrait, it will
correct the image with a 5/6 aspect ratio. Almost no detail is lost;
the maximum size for conversion is the largest perfect square on your
screen. Do not use this with vFIX SCRN option in VSCRN !
"Horz" (Horizontal Flip) will flip any area as you would see it in a
mirror. No detail is lost.
"180'" (180 degree Flip) will flip any area as you would see it
"upside down". No detail is lost.
"Vert" (Vertical Flip) will flip any area as you would see it in a
mirror, but "upside down". No detail is lost.
Page ... 13
│┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐│
││ │ │ │ │███│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││
│└───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘│
│-Clipboard- Menu -----Paste Options----- │
The "EDIT Menu" transfers you to a "CUTTING and PASTING" sub-menu.
will transfer to the file routines then return you to this menu.
To capture an image, choose COPY or CUT; the latter option deletes the
image from your screen. Select area for COPY OR CUT; after releasing
the mouse button, the defined area is highlighted for acceptance or
rejection. If accepted, you can save it to a *.CLP file through the
FILE Menu transfer or use any of the 4 pasting options.
OVeRLaY will probably be your most often used mode. It will paste
an image without destroying the background. Images with a BLACK
(color 0) background will have a "lasso" effect, wherein only the
foreground portion of the "clipped" image is placed on the screen.
NORMal and INVerSe will replace any background image with the
captured image; INVerSe uses the inverse or complimentary colors.
DRAG will continuously OVeRLaY your captured image until you
release the LEFT mouse button - good for special effects.
To paste, simply select the mode then place your cursor at a starting
location. The moment you press the LEFT mouse button, the image will
appear (flashing); you can then move your captured image to the
desired location. Once you release the LEFT mouse button the image
will be set and highligted for rejection or acceptance. If rejected,
you can simply start all over. You can only paste after capturing an
image or retrieving one from a file. If you exit the EDIT menu, any
clipped images will be released; be sure to save it through FILE menu.
13. Shapes Menu
Selecting SHPS ("Shapes") "chains" the Shapes module. Like ZOOM,
this module will take a bit longer to activate and return to the Main
menu; it is a separate module designed to "grow" and expand with
extensive geometric and 'CAD' functions.
│┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐│
││ │ │ │ │ │ │███│ │ │ │ 1 │ │ <─┼─┼───┼┼───┐
│└───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘│ │
│ UNDO FILL Poly Rect Circ Line Curve EXIT │ │
│{█▓▓█▓▓░░▓▓██▓▓▒▒▓▓██▓▓▒▒▓▓▒▒▓▓▒▒██▓▓▒▒▓▓▒▒▓▓▒}│ │
{▓██▓▓▓▒▒▓▓██▓▓▒▒▓▓██▓▓▒▒▓▓██▓▓▒▒██▓▓▒▒▓▓▒▒▓▓▒} of splines
Page ... 14
When constructing a shape, the RIGHT button aborts placement; pressing
the RIGHT button with the "arrow" cursor exits. The LEFT constructs
or sets a constructed shape. The UNDO function will UNDO the last
shape set; you can only UNDO shapes here. VGACAD supports (filled or
hollow) circles/ellipses and rectangles. Filled shapes paint over the
current screen up to borders with the foreground color regardless of
the image. Click the FILL box to fill constructed shapes. Use the
FILL Menu (sub-menu of the COLOR Menu) to fill complex shapes with
solids, gradient or pattern fills.
For circles, ellipses and rectangles, pick a starting position (e.g.,
upper-right for rectangles or center for ellipses); drag your cursor
keeping the LEFT mouse button down; dragging the cursor down increases
the length of the rectangle or Y radius of ellipse; moving right
increases the rectangle width or the X radius of ellipse. When happy
with the shape, release the LEFT mouse button. Place new shapes
anywhere by moving your mouse even if an ellipse/circle was partially
clipped during construction; hit the LEFT to set or RIGHT to abort.
Rectangles can have borders (1 to 16 pixels thick); clicking the RECT
box will increase and reset the border (to 1 when it exceeds 16). The
border thickness in indicated in the LINE box.
LINEs begin when you hit the LEFT mouse button and end when released.
Once released, the line will blink. Hitting the LEFT button sets the
line while the RIGHT aborts.
CURVE will plot up to 32 points connected by straight lines. You can
plot less than 32 by hitting the RIGHT button. After plotting your
32nd point (or last point), splines are calculated and connected. The
number in the Curve Box is the resolution; the lower the number, the
smoother the curves (it will also take longer to calculate). During
calculation you will hear random beeps to tell you that it is working.
POLY works like the Curve plotting but has unlimited connected lines.
The last line (when RIGHT button is pressed) is always connected to
the first to close the polygon. Use the Fill Menu to fill your
polygons with the TRACE function.
14. Text Menu
│┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐│
││ │ │ │ │███│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ││
│└───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘│
│--Overlay-- ----Replace------ BAR │
NORMal (Overlay) writes in the selected foreground color without
destroying background (an "O" will have the image showing through its
center). INVerSe (Overlay) places an inverse letter in the selected
foreground color without destroying background; <spcbar> will leave a
trail of solid blocks since a blank is a filled block when inversed.
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NORMal (Replace) places text on the screen, destructively - background
is not preserved. INVerSe (Replace) will, destructively, place the
inverse text image.
MIX (Replace) will place text with both the selected foreground color
and background (e.g., yellow text on a blue background). COLOR BAR
will activate the colorbars for color selection.
To place text on your screen, first select the mode. An inverse box
appears as the cursor. Place cursor at the starting point of your
text and hit the LEFT button. A rectangular box will appear and you
can begin typing your text. Text "wraps around"; pressing <return>
moves to the next line. <Backspace> will undo your typos and restore
the original image. Press <Esc> to keep your text, move to a new
location, and repeat the process. You can always "undo" everything
from the Main menu.
To be able to go back and change your text to different colors at the
their current positions, use the "Normal Overlay" mode and always
start your text cursor at the "HOME" position (extreme upper-left);
move around using <return> and <spcbar> to ensure text alignment.
15. File Menu
Changes to .CLP when in EDIT sub-menu.
│┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐│┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐│
││ │ │ │ │███<┘│OK │ │OK │ │OK │ │ │ │ ││
│└───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘│
│.BLD .PLT .GIF Meld Load Save VSCRN EXIT│
│ ---FileType---- │
Over "FileType" are three types of extensions. You must select a
filetype before LISTing, SAVing or LOADing. ALL BOXES MARKED 'OK'
the inadvertent loss of your current screen and palette).
".BLD" are screens with "BLoaDable" format used in BASIC programs.
You can import CGA pictures with CGA2VGA, "readmacs" with MAC2GIF
or EGA/VGA 16-color pictures with EGA2VGA.
".PLT" are "PaLeTte" files, also in a "bloadable" format which can
be used to save and restore ranges of palette information by using
one BIOS call to reactivate the whole palette.
".GIF" are pictures saved in CompuServe's Graphic Interchange
Format. In this release, any image up to 2048x2048x256 can be
loaded, but interpolated to 320x200x256; use SQZGIF for large 256
color pictures or user the VSCRN options discussed below.
".CLP" are "CLiP" art files that were captured with the BASIC "GET"
command and can be reloaded with the "PUT" command in another BASIC
program. ".CLP" art files will can only be activated when in the
EDIT sub-menu and called using the File Sub-Menu transfer option.
Page ... 16
To list files, click "BLD", "PLT", "GIF" (or "CLP") box; click again
to cycle through remaining files (if any) until you reach the end.
To change your drive or sub-directory click the word PATHNAME and
key-in your new drive and/or sub-directory. All pathnames MUST end
with a backslash. Below are examples of correct syntax:
SAVE and LOAD will operate on files with .BLD, .PLT, .CLP and .GIF
extensions. Once you select this box, an inverse "text bar" will
appear; use that cursor to highlight a filename that you want to save
or load. If you want to create a new file, move the "text bar" to
FILENAME and click LEFT button; enter any name up to eight letters
long. Incorrect filename lengths result in an error beep and are
rejeced. Once a filename is selected by highlighting or keying-in a
new name, click the "OK" box and your filename will be saved or
loaded. The OK box is inversed while saving or loading.
BLD files are automatically loaded with their matching PLT file. If
no matching PLT is found then none is loaded; this is a convenience
that applies ONLY to the "LOAD" file function.
MELD lets you to load a different PLT file which the current screen
and palette will be modified to closely approximate the new colors in
the new palette. Both the PLT and MELD boxes will be "set" when MELD
is selected. As usual, after transformation, you can accept with the
LEFT or reject with the RIGHT. Meld is critical to mixing various
colored screens into a large screen using VSCRN (explained below).
Very divergent palettes will NOT MELD well; you have 262,144 color
combinations and ONLY 256 colors at any time. For this reason we have
included two ways for color matching.
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) matches are the most stringent and consequently
more accurate. HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) matches are more lenient
and will do a better job of increasing the number of colors matched,
in a less accurate manner. You will have to experiment with both the
RGB and HSV algorithms for best results; some images will not "meld"
with satisfactory results due to RADICALLY DIFFERENT palettes.
The MELD function will perform at its best when you want to compose a
large GIF from several screens or "clips" that have moderate to minor
palette differences. If you are using a capture board, then try to
keep the same palette (i.e., rescan or capture without changing the
256 color palette); if you don't have that option then avoid melding
significantly different scans (e.g, "night scenes" and "day scenes").
"Exit" returns to the Main Menu or Edit Menu (if you used the File
menu transfer option). "End" will terminate the program and verifies
if you want to return to DOS; "Y"es ends the program. VSCRN options
create TEMP files; you will be prompted to delete them or not.
"Wipe" is basically a "clear screen" function. Clicking this box will
clear your screen and return; this step is irrevocable - no UNDO.
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16. VDISK - The Virtual Screen
│┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐│
││ │ │OK │ │ │ │ │ │OK │ │OK │ │███│ │ ││
│└───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘ └───┘│
│ vFix iSCR View List NCod DCod BLANK EXIT│
│ SCRN vDSK ---------GIF---------- │
VSCRN is a separate module. It is virtually a separate program linked
to whatever screen you are working on; it is passed from one module to
another, along with your interface settings. ALL BOXES MARKED WITH
verification step to avoid losing the screen/palette currently loaded.
iSCR vDSK (Image Screen Virtual Disk) is your link to VERY LARGE GIFs.
Pressing [F1] shows all the keyboard commands while the "iSCR vDSK"
functions are activated.
A Virtual Screen can be created by using the BLANK function or by
decoding a LARGE GIF file with any number of colors (preferably 256
colors since disk space is wasted with less than 256 colors). With
the BLANK function, only a specified selection of Virtual Screens are
available. With LARGE GIF files, you can edit virtually ANY GIF file
- up to 32KBx32KBx256 !!!
Basically, a Virtual Screen is an image that is MUCH larger than your
screen; what you see is a "viewing window" that scrolls all over the
Virtual Screen.
│ Viewing │ ██
│ Window │ ██
└──────────┘ ██
██ Virtual Screen ██
██ ██
A 640x400 virtual screen, has four 320x200 screens in it. Think of
the "viewing window" as a "zoomed" portion of the total image; in the
case of 640x400, you are seeing 1/4 of the whole picture at any time.
Before proceeding, let us review what an "aspect ratio" is. Aspect
ratio is the number of horizontal pixels to vertical pixels that make
a perfect square. The 320x200x256 mode has a 5/6 aspect ratio; for
every 6 pixels, horizontally, you need 5 pixels to make the vertical
line appear as the same lenght on the screen.
With VGA 640x480 screens, the aspect ratio is a perfect 1. The number
of horizontal pixels matches the number of vertical pixels to create a
perfect square. All multiples of 640x480 have a perfectly aspect
ratio; this is why it is suited for DTP (Desk Top Publishing) - "what
you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) ! Divide 640x480 by 2; you get
320x240; sound familiar ? Yes, 320x240 is the size of Jovian VIA
scans which have a perfect aspect ratio of 1. 800x600 ? 1024x768 ?
Any picture that is a multiple of 640x480 has a 1:1 aspect ratio.
Page ... 18
On the other "camp" are the 5/6 aspect ratios. 640x400 is a multiple
of 320x200; so is 1280x800 and so forth. VGACAD uses 320x200 screens
to edit pictures; as such, if you edit a picture with a 1:1 aspect
ratio, it will look a little elongated. vFix SCRN will alter your
screen aspect ratio so that editing in 320x200x256 will still give
WYSISYG when editing a picture with a 1:1 aspect ratio. Although you
are editing in 320x200x256, any 320x200x256 section of your Virtual
Screen will be treated and look like it was created with an aspect
ratio of 1 ! vFix SCRN toggles between the 5/6 aspect ratio and 1:1
aspect ratio; you can edit both types of pictures accurately. The 5/6
and 1:1 aspect ratios cover the universe of IBM/MSDOS, Amiga, Atari
and MacII pictures. Occasionally, you will get GIFs with weird aspect
ratios (e.g. 360x480 and 320x400), which will look a bit distorted;
despite distortion, if you are merely touching-up or "smoothing" a
"hot spot", writing it back to the Virtual Screen will maintain its
aspect ratio as long as it is not resized or flipped (these aspect
ratios will be dealt with in succeeding updates).
│ *** WARNING *** │
│ The vFix SCRN option requires a 100% VGA compatible card! │
│ This option has not been tested for MCGA or PS/2 Model 25/30. │
To create a BLANK Virtual SCreen, simply click "BLANK" and select from
the choices: [A] 640x400, [B] 640x480 and [C] 800x600. Using the
640x400 Virtual Screen maximizes VGACAD's editing capabilities since
it was designed for the 320x200x256 mode. You can paste any image
created from scratch WITHOUT the vFix SCRN option OFF or any image
originating from a picture with a 5/6 aspect ratio (e.g., 320x200,
640x400, 1280x800).
If you opt for the 640x480 or 800x600 Virtual Screen, then turn the
vFix SCRN option ON. Images created with the vFIX SCRN ON will have a
WYSIWYG capability. Images "clipped" from pictures with 1:1 aspect
ratios will retain its aspect ratio even if the vFix SCRN option is
OFF (it will look a bit elongated in VGACAD but will look correct when
viewed as a total picture). Thus, you can use any clip from a picture
with a 1:1 aspect ratio or create it from scratch using vFIX SCRN.
Remember, you CANNOT mix aspect ratios unless you resize it manually
(which can be a bit daunting) or create them from scratch with the
correct aspect ratio setting (with vFix SCRN).
Use "DCOD" (DeCODe) to create a Virtual Screen from a large GIF file.
Click "LIST" to see what GIFs are available (change the path if
necessary). Click DCOD and click "OK"; that's it!
The Virtual Screen uses several TEMP.* files. A 640x480x256 GIF will
use up more than 307,200 bytes of disk space; 800x600x256 needs more
than 480,000; 1024x768x256 needs more than 786,432 ! Many GIF viewers
cannot even handle 1024x768x256 screens; with a Virtual Screen you can
edit virtually ANY GIF (up to 32KB x 32KB x 256). There is a special
path called "VDSKpath" which tells VGACAD were to write/read pixels
to/from the Virtual Screen. The speed of "viewing window" is directly
related to your disk drive; RAMDISK are fastest !
Page ... 19
If you have extended or expanded memory, use a RAMDISK for the Virtual
Screen, to significantly speed reading from/writing to the "viewing
window"; a cache capability will help too. With a LOT of RAM, copy
the entire VGACAD program on RAMDISK for "transparent" operation.
Once you have created a Virtual Screen, the next thing to learn is
moving the "viewing window". "iSCR SCRN" lets you view, get or put
screens from/to the Virtual Screen.
<Return> "puts" your current screen in any given location on the
Virtual Screen; <Esc> "gets" a screen from the Virtual Screen for
editing and image processing and replaces the current screen loaded
in the "viewing window".
Moving around the Virtual Screen is done through numeric keypad keys.
Press [F1] for HELP; it provides a summary of these functions.
<Shift-Home> or <Shift-7> jumps to the upper-left section.
<Shift-End> or <Shift-1> jumps to the lower-left section.
<Shift-PgUp> or <Shift-9> jumps to the upper-right section.
<Shift-PgDn> or <Shift-3> jumps to the lower-right section.
<Shift-5> centers the "viewing window" on the Virtual Screen.
┌─────────┐ - - - -┌─────────┐
"viewing │ Shift- │ │ Shift- │
window"->│ Home │ │ PgUp │
├─────────┘ └─────────│
| ┌─────────┐ |
| │ Shift-5 │ |
| │ │ <---- Virtual Screen
| └─────────┘ |
├─────────┐ ┌─────────┤
│ Shift- │ │ Shift- │
│ End │ │ PgDn │
└─────────┘- - - - └─────────┘
By the same logic, all the arrow keys, Home, PgUp, End, and PgDn will
move the "viewing window" in variable increments of 4 to 64 pixels,
horizontally, vertically and diagonally. On default, the range of
pixel movement is 16. Pressing [+] increments the range, while [-]
decrements; [*] resets the variable "scroll" to 16. When you press
the [+],[-] or [*] keys, a rising tone indicates the increment level
(highest tone = 64); lower tones indicate decrements. For precise
movements, the shifted-arrow keys will "scroll" in the vertical or
horizontal axes by one pixel.
After editing and/or pasting various "clips" or screens, you can NCOD
(eNCODe) your Virtual Screen into a LARGE GIF - viewable with VIEW.
VIEW "chains to" the MVGAVU program which supports several video
modes; it supports 320x400x256 and 360x480x256 in MVGA (Meduim-res
VGA) mode or "SuperVGA" modes from 640x400x256 to 800x600x256 or any
User-Definable video mode (unlimited screen size through BIOS calls).
MVGAVU is a separate program module that can stand-alone as a distinct
application; MVGAVU is discussed in another section.
Page ... 20
17. VSCRN Tutorial
Editing a Large GIF file (640x480x256)
Let us assume you want to edit a 640x480x256 GIF picture and have a
corrupted copy of the classic WETT.GIF in a directory "\GIF\SVGA".
You want to remove some noise patterns from the lower-right corner
caused by a bad download. You have a PS/2 Model 50, a 30 Meg Hard
Disk, and 1 Meg RAMDISK as Drive E.
1) From VGACAD's Main menu, click FILE. From the Files menu,
click VSCRN. Assuming you are in a sub-directory called
"\VGACAD" you will have to first locate your picture file.
Just like in the Files menu, you click the word "Pathname" at
the bottom of the screen. You type the new path "\GIF\SVGA\".
2) Now that you have the right path, click the LIST box and all
the GIF files in that directory are listed. Having a large
RAMDISK, click "Pathname". Press <ret> without any input to
retain the PATH. Input the path of your RAMDISK at "VDSKpath"
- which is "E:\" <ret>.
3) Click the DCOD box and select "WETT"; press the RIGHT mouse
button; "Filename: WETT.GIF" appears at the lower left. Now,
click "OK"; the disk whirls; you see "Creating TEMP files."
4) After a while, you are returned to VSCRN. Click the "iSCR
vDSK" box then OK; you see the center of your image which is
slightly elongated (you are still in a 5/6 aspect ratio). To
correct the aspect ratio, press "Esc" to get out of "iSCR" and
click "vFix"; the screen "squishes" about 20%. You are now in
a 320x200x256 mode with a 1:1 aspect ratio !
5) Now back to viewing; click "iSCR" then OK and try out all the
cursor keys. Press [F1] for HELP. With NUMLOCK UP, press
<Shift-End> to "jump" the "viewing window" to the lower-left
section of the image - the one you want to edit. Press "Esc"
and the image is now stored in memory as your new 320x200x256
screen (but with a 1:1 aspect ratio). Click EXIT and you are
back at VGACAD's Main Menu with the section to be edited.
6) Back at VGACAD, you'll notice that all the menus are slightly
"squished" but the screen looks like you "zoomed-in" the
640x480x256 GIF. So far so good. All the VGACAD functions
will work as normal (with the exception of resizing/flipping
options which assume a 5/6 aspect ratio).
7) After some time editing/image processing, you are now happy
with the results and want to integrate it in your Virtual
Screen. Click the FILE box from the Main Menu, then VSCRN.
At the VSCRN menu, click the "iSCR" box, then OK; you see the
same image you left without your changes. Press <Return> and
you see the changes being updated to your Virtual Screen.
Page ... 21
8) You think you have fixed the image and want to convert the
Virtual Screen to a SVGA GIF file. Press "Esc". You are back
in the VSCRN menu. Click the "LIST" box and the files appear.
Click the NCOD box and a "text bar" cursor appears. Since you
want to overwrite your old copy of WETT.GIF, you click the
LEFT mouse button over WETT. Click OK and your image is now
being encoded as a SVGA 640x480x256 GIF.
9) After a while, you are returned to VSCRN. You want to view
the results of your editing. Click LIST again, then VIEW. As
usual, select the file - WETT. Click "OK". You are now
transferred to MVGAVU where you can view your edited image as
a 320x400x256 or 360x480x256 image on your PS/2 Model 50.
Creating a 640x400x256 image from scratch
Let us assume you have a regular IBM XT, 30 meg Hard Disk with an
Orchid Designer VGA 512KB card. You want to create a 640x400x256
SVGA GIF using the 320x200x256 images of Phoebe Cates from the
"Gallery" of Compuserve. You have CATES1.GIF, CATES2.GIF and
CATES3.GIF; these are all 320x200x256 GIFs. Since you have an old
Orchid Designer with BIOS v9.4; you run VGAFIX (included) to fix
the defective BIOS problem before running VGACAD.
1) Before anything else, you want to find out which of the three
GIF palettes you want to use as your "reference" palette (the
one which the other two will be MELDed with). From the Files
menu, you click the GIF box, select CATES3, click LOAD then
OK; after a few seconds CATES3.GIF is loaded and you are back
in the Main menu of VGACAD.
2) Since CATES3.GIF is the "R-rated" scene of the three pictures,
you decide that this is the GIF that will be the "reference"
palette; let the other two GIFs be compromised to fit the
"reference" palette. Click PLT, specify "CATESREF" (or any
other name) as the filename, then click OK.
3) Now transfer to the VSCRN menu by clicking VSCRN. From the
VSCRN menu, click BLANK. Choose [A] for the 640x400 Virtual
Screen. After a while, you are returned to the VSCRN menu.
Click "iSCR", then OK; the screen is literally "blank". At
this point in time, you are in the center of your Virtual
Screen. You want to put CATES3 on the lower-left "quadrant",
so press <Shift-End> (NUMLOCK SHOULD BE UP); the disk whirls
but you don't see any changes in the screen (it is still
blank). When the disk stops, press <Return>; the image
appears and updates the Virtual Screen.
4) Press "Esc" to get back to the VSCRN menu. Click EXIT and you
are back in VGACAD's Main Menu with the CATES3 image. Now,
LOAD "CATES2.GIF". Click "GIF"; select "CATES2"; click LOAD
then click "OK". CATES2.GIF is now loaded. You are back in
the Main Menu. Being satisfied with the picture, you forego
any editing and image procesing and simply want to integrate
it in the Virtual Screen.
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5) Click FILE; from the Files Menu, click MELD. The PLT and MELD
boxes are both "set". With the "text bar" cursor, you pick
"CATESREF" which you previously saved as your "reference"
palette. You then click "OK". You are now given a choice to
use RGB or HSV color matching; you guess that the colors are
close enough so you choose RGB for the best color match. The
picture changes color then reappears with new colors. Happy
with the MELDed output, you proceed to VSCRN.
6) From VSCRN you pick "iSCR" again, then OK, and see the last
screen you "pasted" on the Virtual Screen (i.e., CATES3). You
want to place CATES2 in the upper-right quadrant; <Shift-PgUp>
(NUMLOCK IS UP!) and the screen "blanks" since that "quadrant"
is empty. Press <return> and CATES2 appears and is updated in
the Virtual Screen at that location.
REPEAT steps 4 to 6 for the last screen (CATES1) and place it
at any of two remaining "quadrants" (i.e., the lower-right or
upper-left). You can use the remaining "quadrant" for text.
7) Having MELDed the three 320x200x256 screens of Phoebe Cates
and added text to the last "quadrant" you now want to convert
the Virtual Screen to a large GIF. Knowing you have almost no
space in your Hard Disk left (you didn't clean-up for 3 months
<grin>) you want to save NEWCATES.GIF to a 360KB floppy in
Drive A, so you click "Pathname" and change it to "A:\".
8) Now, click the "LIST" box; no files appear since it is a blank
floppy disk. Click the NCOD box and a "text bar" cursor
appears. Since you want to create a new filename, you move
the "text bar" cursor to "Filename" and click the LEFT mouse
button. Type the new filename (e.g., "NEWCATES"); you press
<return> and the .GIF extension is added to your filename.
Click OK; your image is now being encoded as a NEWCATES.GIF
(640x400x256) in Drive A.
9) After a minute, you are back at the VSCRN menu. To view the
results of your editing click LIST, then VIEW; select NEWCATES
then click "OK". You are now transferred to MVGAVU where you
can view your edited image as a 640x400x256 (even if this mode
is not supported by the Orchid DVGA) !
If you have an image capture board that saves pictures with 1:1
aspect ratios (e.g., Jovian VIA), simply save them as "clips" (you
can use VGACAP to grab screens while viewing it is 320x200x256 with
MVGAVU or another viewer); each "clip", however, will have a
maximum size of 320x200. But, if you viewed it with a viewer that
scrolls (e.g., PICEM) in 320x200x256 and capture sections of the
scrolled image, the 1:1 aspect ratio will be maintained. You can
use the vFIX option in VSCRN to paste all your clippings together
while working with a zoomed WYSIWYG feel. Remember, although each
clip (i.e. *.BLD screen or *.CLP) has a maximum size of 320x200, if
you viewed it in 320x200x256 mode without resizing or "fitting to
screen", it will keep its 1:1 aspect ratio and can be treated as
such for 640x480 or 800x600 Virtual Screens.
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18. MVGAVU GIF BLD/PT Viewing Utility
MVGAVU is a GIF and BLD/PLT (BLoaD and PaLleTte) viewer for use in a
batch file (*.BAT) or as an interactive stand-alone program. MVGAVU
is designed to integrate itself with VGACAD v1.6 (and up). MVGAVU
uses two unsupported video modes for generic VGA cards - 320x400x256
and 360x480x256 ! The former mode DOUBLES the resolution (in contrast
to the MCGA/VGA 320x200x256 mode); the latter almost TRIPLES (270%)
the resolution. MVGA (Medium Resolution VGA) provides you with the
capability to "view" those SVGA ("Super VGA") GIFs with the maximum
amount of resolution - "jaggies" are minimized. In effect, you will
now have close to "Super VGA" capability on your regular, generic VGA
card without investing in a new SVGA video card. MVGAVU supports SVGA
("Super VGA") modes as well; the most generic families of SVGA cards
are hardcoded in MVGAVU (i.e., Tseng, Paradise, Video7 "families").
MVGAVU automatically "fits to screen" ANY picture that is larger than
your viewing mode; you will always see the whole picture without
scrolling. Certain GIF pictures with aspect ratio problems can be
"fixed" with MVGAVU, which provides two "aspect fixing" options.
From VGACAD, your filename will be the one you selected from the VSCRN
menu. As a stand-alone utility, select any filename by moving a
highlighted bar (with the arrow keys) and pressing the <return> key.
<Spc> changes to a different PATH, while <Esc> exits. PATHs, as
usual, MUST end with backslash character "\" or it will be rejected.
After verifying your picture you will see these options:
[0] 320 x 400 x 256 MVGA mode [1] 360 x 480 x 256 MVGA mode
[2] FIX ASPECT (320x200,640x400) [3] FIX ASPECT (640x480,800x600)
[4] 640 x 400 x 256 SVGA Tseng [5] 640 x 480 x 256 SVGA Tseng
[6] 800 x 600 x 256 SVGA Tseng [7] 640 x 350 x 256 SVGA Tseng
[8] 640 x 400 x 256 SVGA Paradise [9] 640 x 480 x 256 SVGA Paradise
[A] 640 x 400 x 256 SVGA Video7 [B] 640 x 480 x 256 SVGA Video7
[C] 800 x 600 x 256 SVGA Video7 [D] 720 x 540 x 256 SVGA Video7
[E] 640 x 400 x 256 SVGA Everex [X] NNN x NNN x 256 SVGA User
[Esc] Abort Viewing [Spc] Restore Original Image Aspect
The 320x400x256 mode is the safest ! It uses a minimum number of direct
VGA register reads/writes; in theory, it should run on even the least
"register-compatible" VGA card. It has an interesting aspect ratio -
double the vertical resolution of MCGA/VGA 320x200x256 - thus MVGA ?!
This mode is the "safest" since it is way within the tolerances of all
PS/2 monitors. Many Amiga/Atari/MacII GIFs use this aspect ratio; GIFs
viewed in this mode virtually replicates what the "originator" saw !
The 360x480x256 mode pushes your VGA card to its theoretical limits !
With its 480 scan lines; the vertical resolution replicates 640x480x256
which is the most popular SVGA format. You have 270% more resolution;
you can view 640x480x256 GIFs with a minimum of distortion or "jaggies".
Since the 360x480x256 mode is being implemented by some paint programs,
if a GIF image is encountered with a 360 pixel screen width but has a
screen height over 480 (e.g., 360x960x256 "Lester.GIF"), MVGAVU will
correct/interpolate the GIF to "fit the screen" with a new aspect ratio.
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If you get "weird" results from the 360x480x256 mode, your video card is
not as "register-compatible" as it claims to be; use the 320x400x256
mode instead. If the 320x400x256 mode does not yield favorable results,
then your VGA card is BIOS-compatible ONLY ! MVGAVU was designed to get
more viewing pleasure from SVGA GIFs on your generic VGA; 320x200x256
pics are "double-scanned" to compensate for the larger screen. Whenever
possible, use BLD/PLT files for 320x200x256 pics; they load, virtually
instantaneously on MVGAVU !
MVGAVU supports the more popular SVGA chip families. Generally, we
included any 640x400x256, 640x480x256 and 800x600x256 mode. MVGAVU is
hardcoded for:
a) Tseng chip family (STB, Genoa, Orchid, Sigma, ...)
b) Paradise chip family (Dell, AST, ...)
c) Cirrus chip family (Video7, ...)
If you do not see your video card listed, don't fret ! We included an
option to create your own video mode. Specify the Screen Width, Screen
Height and Video Mode calling number. On default, MVGAVU.CFG has the
MCGA parameters. Press "Y"es to edit the parameters after prompted;
once edited, parameters are saved to disk and can be called at again.
This routine uses STANDARD VGA calling conventions; Everex and Video7
cards do not use this calling convention. Everex users have a SVGA
640x400x256 mode preset; it uses BIOS calls to maximize compatibility.
Video7 users have all the "important" modes preset and hardcoded in
MVGAVU; you will not need to create other video modes. This routine is
as GENERIC as it can get. If your video card is as BIOS compatible as
it claims to be, then you can set ANY video mode with ANY resolution
(e.g., 1024x768x256, 1280x800x256).
Tseng chip users (STB, Orchid, ...) have a special mode. Since you do
not have a 640x400x256 mode, one was created for you. This mode is not
supported by your video card; it is with MVGAVU ! The 640x400x256 mode
is a very important one. Firstly, it has the same aspect ratio of the
regular MCGA/VGA 320x200x256 mode; when you view a 320x200x256 GIF in
this mode, there is a sudden change in the overall clarity/composition
of the picture - resolution is increased 400%, yielding a very pleasant
way to view your collection of 320x200x256 pics. Secondly, many Amiga,
Atari and MacII GIFs use this aspect ratio; GIFs will be replicated AS
THE ORIGINATOR SAW IT when viewed in this mode. Last, but not the least
is the 256KB barrier. More video cards will be adding "clocks" which
will support the 640x400x256 mode on their 256KB versions (RAM is VERY
expensive); we anticipate an upsurge of this mode's appearance and
resulting number of pictures using this aspect ratio.
When viewing Jovian VIA 320x240x256 GIFs, you will also notice how nice
it is to view them in 640x480x256 or 800x600x256; these GIFs have the
same aspect ratio. This has the same effect of viewing 320x200x256 pics
in the 640x400x256 mode.
Some "GIFfers" force the screen and image descriptors to have the same
values (e.g., CARMEN2.GIF); these large GIFs have a distorted aspect
ratio or require scrolling to view correctly (assuming you selected a
video mode with the matching aspect ratio). Symptoms of this problem
are evident in "fat" or "squished" or "thin" pictures.
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FIX ASPECT (320x200,640x400) assumes the originator used a 5/6 screen
aspect ratio (e.g., MCGA 320x200, or Amiga/Atari/MacII 640x400). An
image can have any size larger or smaller than the screen, but it must
have information about the aspect ratio to view it without distortion.
By selecting this option, MVGAVU will calculate the optimum screen size
and correct the image to approximate the correct aspect ratio.
FIX ASPECT (640x480,800x600) assumes the originator used a "1:1 aspect
ratio"; the 320x240 (Jovian VIA), 640x480 (EEGA/MCGA/VGA/SVGA), 800x600
(EEGA/SVGA), 1024x768 (SVGA) modes all have "1:1 aspect ratios". Almost
all scanners utilize a "1:1 aspect ratio".
Whenever you view a picture that seems "too fat, too thin or squished"
then use either of the two options. Both of these aspect ratio "fix"
routines will cover the universe of aspect ratio problems.
MVGAVU can be used in a batch (*.BAT) file for presentations. Simply
type "MVGAVU [filename] <ret>" with no extension (path optional); it
will automatically search for a matching *.GIF file. If it can't find
any then it will look for a BLD/PLT file. If a GIF file is found, it
will automatically be viewed in 320x400x256 mode.
Examples: MVGAVU test
MVGAVU \gif\svga\zoe
If your video card cannot support the 320x400x256 mode (e.g., PS/2 Model
25 or 30) 320x200x256 will be implemented. No matter what the size of
the picture, it is interpolated to "fit to screen". If a BLD/PLT file
is found, MVGAVU will load it in 320x200x256 mode. If no picture is
found or a BLD file has no matching PLT file, an error will result;
matching BLD/PLT files must be in the same drive/directory.
In Command Line mode, your picture is displayed and pressing any key
after its display will end the program WITHOUT menus or prompts.
19. VGACAP (Resident Screen Capture Utility), RAW2GIF and BLD2GIF
VGACAP captures palettes and screens in VGA/MCGA 320x200x256 color mode
or *ANY* SVGA 640x480x256 mode (AST, Dell, Genoa, Orchid, Paradise, STB,
Sigma, Tseng, Video7, etc.). VGACAP captures and "Bsaves" 320x200x256
screens of other viewing/painting/graphics/CAD programs; 640x480x256
screens are saved to a *.RAW file - "RAW" pixel dumps.
Run VGACAP before entering your painting/CAD or digitized picture
viewer. Press <ALT-F4>, while viewing your picture in any paint/CAD
program and the screen and palette will be saved in your default drive
and directory. If you are viewing your picture in MCGA/VGA 320x200x256
then it will be "Bsaved". If you are NOT is MCGA/VGA 320x200x256 mode,
then VGACAP will assume you are in 640x480x256 SVGA mode !
<ALT-F4> is the new HOTKEY. VGACAP v4.0 is 100% BIOS COMPATIBLE and
SHOULD capture *ANY* 640x480x256 screen, regardless of the video card
you are using. If you are used to the FAST 320x200x256 grabs of VGACAP
v2.0 (included), you can load both versions without conflicting HOTKEYS
(VGACAP v1-v3 uses <ALT-F10>).
Page ... 26
The first time you run the program it will save your screen and palette
to SCREEN00.BLD and SCREEN00.PLT respectively. If there is an existing
SCREENxx.BLD or SCREENxx.PLT file, then it will increment to the next
higher number. Use your favorite memory managers to remove VGACAP or
reboot to release it from RAM. When viewing in 640x480x256 SVGA mode,
then the SCREENxx.BLD file is changed to SCREENxx.RAW; the "Bload"
header is excluded and a "RAW" pixel dump is implemented; *.PLT files
are unchanged. When in DOS or using a picture viewer (e.g., PICEM,
VPIC, or CSHOW) or application which requires a keypress to continue,
press another key after hitting the 'HOTKEY'.
RAW2GIF is a *.RAW and *.PLT (PaLleTte) to GIF conversion program for
use in a batch file (*.BAT) or as an interactive stand-alone program;
*.RAW files are 640x480x256 screens captured with VGACAP (v4.0). It is
designed to integrate itself with VGACAD v1.6 (and up). BLD2GIF, like
RAW2GIF, is a BLD/PLT (BLoaD and PaLleTte) to GIF conversion program.
BLD2GIF will load and convert BLD/PLT files from VGACAP, VGACAD, SQZGIF,
If you capture a 640x480x256 screen for direct editing in VGACAD then:
(1) from the VSCRN Menu, create a blank 640x480 Virtual Screen;
(2) exit VGACAD and DO NOT DELETE the TEMP files;
(3) overwrite TEMP.RAW and TEMP.PLT with the selected SCREENxx.RAW and
SCREENxx.PLT files; for example, at DOS prompt type
"COPY screen00.* temp.*" <ret>
(4) run VGACAD and load TEMP.PLT at the Files Menu;
(5) click the VSCRN box; at the VSCRN Menu, click iSCR vDSK then OK;
you see the captured 640x480x256 image as the new Virtual Screen.
If you exit VGACAD and want to reuse TEMP files, upon restarting VGACAD,
you MUST reload TEMP.PLT from the Files Menu BEFORE invoking VSCRN.
If you type "RAW2GIF <ret>", you can select any filename by moving a
highlighted bar (with the arrow keys) and pressing the <return> key.
Pressing <Spc> allows you to select a different PATH, while <Esc>
exits. Be sure *.RAW files have a corresponding *.PLT file or a error
message will result. A *.GIF file is created with the corresponding
be used in a batch (*.BAT) file for multiple conversions. Type "RAW2GIF
[filename] " with no extension (path optional) for every file you want
to convert in your *.BAT file or a specific RAW/PLT file from DOS.
Examples: RAW2GIF screen00
RAW2GIF \capture\vga\screen99
RAW2GIF will automatically search for the *.RAW and *.PLT file. If no
picture is found or a *.RAW file is encountered with no matching *.PLT
file, then an error will result; both the matching *.RAW and *.PLT files
must be in the same drive/directory or default drive/directory. BLD2GIF
utility works exactly the same way RAW2GIF does but for BLD/PLT files.
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20. CGA2VGA (Screen Capture & Convert Utility)
CGA2VGA will capture/convert ANY VIEWABLE CGA picture for VGACAD use;
64kb RAM is required. CGA2VGA "bsaves" 4-color CGA screens. "Hotkey" is
<Alt-F2>. CGA2VGA DOES NOT SAVE A PALETTE; captured screens will have 4
colors (Color 0-3); you can modify or add colors with VGACAD.
VGACAD (v1.6 and up) and its ancillary utilities will undergo a price
change. Due to the rising cost of graphics peripherals AND the "poor
response" to this Shareware approach (we estimate a minuscule 1% to 5%
register), we must increase the registration fee to keep developing.
VGACAD v1.60 (and up) and ancillary utilities developed during and after
its release will cost $27.95 USD (add $15.00 USD for handling for
registration outside USA or CANADA). The following are provided (latest
copy or update) to registered users.
GIFPUB - converts 256 color GIFs to B&W images of varying sizes for
desktop publishing/printing as .PCX (ZSoft format for Ventura Desk Top
Publisher, First Publisher, Publisher's Paintbrush, PC Paintbrush+) or
rename files to .PCC for importing in Aldus Pagemaker.
GIFDOT - converts 256 color GIFs to B&W images of varying sizes for
printing on IBM and Epson compatible printers (separate drivers).
Several print sizes with perfect aspect ratios. Variable Brightness and
Contrast Stretching. Single or Double pass printing. Histogram Analysis
SQZGIF - converts LARGE GIF pictures (up to 2048x2048x256) to
320x200x256 using interpolation and "color averaging" techniques to
blend/smooth "jaggies" inherent in reducing LARGE GIFS while retaining a
maximum of color information; outputs to GIFPUB, GIFDOT, VGACAD, MVGAVU,
MAC2GIF - converts .MAC ("readmac") pictures to 5-16 grey shades or
color and saves results as .GIF or BLD/PLT file, and other formats;
graphics are viewable in VGA, MCGA or EGA - no video card is required
for direct Black & White conversion to GIF.
EGA2VGA - converts GIFs (16 colors and below) or ANY VIEWABLE 2-16 color
EGA/EEGA picture to 320x200x256; creates 256 new colors; outputs
VGA2CGA - converts 256 color GIFs to CGA! Uses unsupported 160x100x16
mode with up to "405" colors. Includes special "CGX" viewer.
VGA2EGA - Conversion program for displaying 256 color pictures on
EGA-bound systems. Variable RGBICMY color/contrast/dithering levels.
Variable Sizing. EEGA support. Optional PCX (4 RGBI planes) save for
Desktop Color Separation.
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Whats next ?
SYNPCX is utility to convert dithered, monochrome .PCX (Zsoft) files to
smooth grey shades. This utility is primarily designed to convert
scanned (e.g., Logitech & DFI hand scanners) Black & White images, saved
to a .PCX file, for use and image processing with VGACAD, redithering
with GIFPUB, printing with GIFDOT, or EGA conversion with VGA2EGA.
SYNPCX will be graphics device independent (No Video Required).
We are also, developing VGASHW (a 256-color presentation system), VGACBT
(the PROGRAMMABLE Computer-Based Training counterpart of VGASHW) AND
MANNEQUIN (what "Weird Science" tried to do in the movie it will do on
the computer screen with potential applications for Advertising and
Fashion Design, aside from creating your own artistic nudes).
VGACAD will go through radical transformations like this version has
undergone. With our "chained environment" updates will can now be
released in modules; moreover, all our utilities will become fully
integrated with VGACAD. We intend to support more VGACAD functions in
MVGA modes and SVGA modes (all optional, MCGA/VGA 320x200x256 will
always be the least common denominator). Some planned changes include
(1) more color image procesing algorithms, (2) full-blown expansion of
the SHAPES module to incorporate more CAD functions, (3) a separate 3D
module, (4) other file formats such as .PCX and TIF, ... more !
If you support maverick authors like us, we will continue to develop
innovative products like nothing seen commercially - otherwise, they
will, as many (sigh!) good Shareware programs, simply "DIE" from lack of
support ! Compare the cost/benefit ratio of any of our products with
commercial products; we want to continue supporting and developing these
products. Please support the User-Supported (Shareware) concept; you,
and you alone, determine whether it will be worthwhile to continue
To register, send in the registration form and check payable to
Dr. Marvin Gozum
2 Independence Place Apt. 303-2
6th & Locust Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Graphics Interchange Format and GIF are trademarks (tm)
of CompuServe Inc. an H&R Block Company.
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Palette Organization Map
Appendix A
The following diagram shows where each of the 255 color registers of the
256 color palette are located. Please note the inverse color relation-
ships for each color box. For example, if you are modifying color 13,
you must ensure that color 242 is significantly different that color 13 to
maintain cursor visibility when placed over either color 13 or 242.
A 16 color set is a line of 16 colors as illustrated below. Colors 0 to
16 is considered a color set, as well as colors 255 to 240 or 48 to 63.
0││ 1││ 2││ 3││ 4││ 5││ 6││ 7││ 8││ 9││ 10││ 11││ 12││ 13││ 14││ 15
255 │254 │253 │252 │251 │250 │249 │248 │247 │246 │245 │244 │243 │242 │241 │240
16││ 17││ 18││ 19││ 20││ 21││ 22││ 23││ 24││ 25││ 26││ 27││ 28││ 29││ 30││ 31
239 │238 │237 │236 │235 │234 │233 │232 │231 │230 │229 │228 │227 │226 │225 │224
32││ 33││ 34││ 35││ 36││ 37││ 38││ 39││ 40││ 41││ 42││ 43││ 44││ 45││ 46││ 47
223 │222 │221 │220 │219 │218 │217 │216 │215 │214 │213 │212 │211 │210 │209 │208
48││ 49││ 50││ 51││ 52││ 53││ 54││ 55││ 56││ 57││ 58││ 59││ 60││ 61││ 62││ 63
207 │206 │205 │204 │203 │202 │201 │200 │199 │198 │197 │196 │195 │194 │193 │192
64││ 65││ 66││ 67││ 68││ 69││ 70││ 71││ 72││ 73││ 74││ 75││ 76││ 77││ 78││ 79
191 │190 │189 │188 │187 │186 │185 │184 │183 │182 │181 │180 │179 │178 │177 │176
80││ 81││ 82││ 83││ 84││ 85││ 86││ 87││ 88││ 89││ 90││ 91││ 92││ 93││ 94││ 95
175 │174 │173 │172 │171 │170 │169 │168 │167 │166 │165 │164 │163 │162 │161 │160
96││ 97││ 98││ 99││100││101││102││103││104││105││106││107││108││109││110││111
159 │158 │157 │156 │155 │154 │153 │152 │151 │150 │149 │148 │147 │146 │145 │144
143 │142 │141 │140 │139 │138 │137 │136 │135 │134 │133 │132 │131 │130 │129 │128
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How to Colorize Grey Shade Images
Appendix B
False Colorization is the process by which you are now viewing Black &
White movie classics in living color. You can do the same thing,
particularly if you own a digitizer that supports grey scales. I have
selected 16 gray shades as the main focus of VGACAD's support,
primarily since it is aimed at the low-end market. If you want to
colorize gray images with more that 16 shades use the ColorBAR (CBAR)
option to change the range of local colors.
Let us colorize one of the famous GIF pics in BBSs - MONROE.GIF (which
is being distributed with Michael Vigneau's VGAGIF in VGADEMO.arc).
MONROE.GIF is a 16 grey-level picture with colors 0 to 15 containing
the entire grey scale. Run VGACAP, then view the picture with any GIF
viewing utility; capture the picture then load the screen and palette
in VGACAD. The first thing to do is to increase the number of grey
scale elements. From the ImgP (Image Processing) menu:
1) Convert (CNVT) the picture into the "Stretched 64" format.
This will give you the maximum range of grey levels although
the picture will remain unchanged.
2) Next BLUR the picture with a Threshold "Minimum =12"; this
will smoothen the picture yet keep most of the edge detail.
The smoothing will introduce intermediate grey scale values
making your picture richer. Notice the "salt and pepper",
random noise; these are the edges or "spikes" that were not
"blurred" to keep details.
3) You can remove those spikes with the Median Threshold
Filter, by increasing the value of BLUR to "Minimum=256".
You can, also, zoom into each area with "spikes" and blur
individual pixels with the HAZE function in the ZOOM Menu.
Using the Zoom Menu will take more time but a significant
amount of detail will be retained.
You have numerous combinations of image procesing techniques
at your disposal. You can use the CONTrast Enhancement
function, or EDGE Detection functions to boost details or
try different settings with the BLUR function to achieve
different effects; the HAZE, LITE, DARK and BLEND processes
can also be used on selected areas or pixels (from the Zoom
Menu); you have to experiment to get the optimal quality
from your grey image.
4) Convert (CNVT) the picture into a "Colors 32-63" format.
Now from the Files Menu, load the "GRAY32.PLT"; you will
notice that the picture remains untouched. You are now
ready to colorize your grey image.
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From the COLOR menu, select the CBAR option and change the range to 32
by clicking the CBAR box until you see bands of 32 colors on the upper
and lower Colorbars. Click the AREA Colorization option. Now, with
the scroll arrows, set the lower Colorbar to the 32 grey range; set
the upper Colorbar to the flesh tones. Select any area in your grey
image; after releasing the LEFT mouse button you will notice the
entire area to be colorized with the flesh tones of the upper
Colorbar. Do this for all areas you think will have that flesh tone;
avoid the hair and background as much as possible.
By now, most of your picture will have flesh tones and overlapping
areas in the hair and background. To edit each area, use the ZOOM
function in XColor mode; XColor will perform in the same manner as
AREA Colorization but on a pixel basis; remember to keep the upper and
lower Colorbars to reflect which range is being replaced by the other
- the lower Colorbar always replaces the upper Colorbar. You can now
use a "yellowish" Colorbar to simulate blonde hair color. If you are
not happy with any of the hues, simply go into the Color Map and
adjust any range until you have colors best suited for your image.
Once you have colorized the hair, flesh areas and even the background,
you will notice that no matter how careful you are at differentiating
one colorized area from another (e.g., hair from her face) there will
be an area of high contrast between the colorized areas. Click the
MODE box and switch to PROCESS; use the HAZE, LITE, DARK or BLEND
functions to smooth out the adjacent areas.
Now for the final touches, you can paint over the eyes, lips, nails
and any other detail in NORMAL mode or assign a new range for these
areas; each range uses 32 colors - limiting you to 8 color ranges.
There are innumerable combinations to colorize your grey picture. If
you decided to convert your image processed picture to 16 grey levels
then you would have 16 color ranges to play with. Experimentation is
the only way to optimize the results; after a few sessions you will be
able to make startling colorized images.
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Notes on Additive Color Mixtures
Appendix C
The Principle of Additive Color Mixture is the same principle used by
the television and monitors to generate images. The principle entails
the ADDITION of three primary quanta: Red, Green and Blue when mixing
any two colors.
To understand how it works, let us assume you have three flashlights:
one red, one green, and one blue. Since white is the maximum mixture
of all three quanta or components, shining all three beams at the same
spot will produce white. Since white results with maximum quanta of
red, green and blue, then if we have half of each red, green and blue
quanta, grey results !
Most of the rules for mixing colors with this principle follow our
commonly held view of color mixing. If you shine the red and blue
beams on the same spot you will get purple - so far everything seems
logical. If you shine the blue and green beams you get blue-green.
So where is yellow ? Now for the weird part; if you mix red and
green, yellow results ! Yes, yellow is red and green together.
Depending on the amounts of red and green, different shades of brown
will result. If you have more red than green, you will get orange. If
you have more green that red you will get yellow-orange.
The Principle of Additive Color Mixture is quite different from the
way we normally think colors mix. If you mix a pure yellow color with
pure blue, pure green should result, right ? Wrong !!! Remember what
white is made of ? Since we added pure blue to pure yellow, which is
made of pure red and pure green, we now have - WHITE.
The portions of red, green and blue that are common to all of the
three will result in white - which will show as shades of grey if we
have fractions of red, green and blue. If you mix, 50 quanta of red,
25 quanta of green and 33 quanta of blue, the common level of quanta
is 25 - thus you will have 25 quanta of white. The primary quanta
with the most portions will dominate; thus, in this example we will
have a light red shade with a touch of blue -> light magenta.
If you increased the portion of green to 50, such that R=50 G=50 B=33,
you will now have 33 quanta of white since that is the common level of
all three quanta. Since Red and Green = Yellow, and you have so much
white in it, the color you will get is Light Yellow. Now if you have
R=63 G=63 B=0 (pure yellow) "added" to R=0 G=0 B=63 (pure blue), the
resulting color is R=63 G=63 B=63 (pure white).
In VGACAD, you will notice that when using a blue airbrush on yellow
areas, the color will either become light yellow or light blue
depending on the RGB quanta - it will NOT turn green. Keep in mind
that [1] common portions of red, green and blue add white to your hue,
and [2] common portions of red and green add yellow to your hue.
Experiment with different RGB settings in the Color Map menu and see
what happens with different mixtures.
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