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@BANNER = Ventura Publisher<B^><190><D>
@APP NOTE = Application Note #3
@NAME = Subjects: EMS<R>
Disk caches
This application note provides numerous examples of the CONFIG.SYS
and AUTOEXEC.BAT files required to run Ventura Publisher. The examples
use many different combinations of common EMS drivers, disk caches,
XMS drivers, and other system software. All of these configurations
have actually been used in real life and were copied directly from
The purpose of this note is to help assure Ventura Publisher users
that their system is configured correctly. Most problems related to
Ventura Publisher installation result from incorrect CONFIG.SYS and
AUTO<->EXEC.BAT parameters. While the exact configuration you require
is probably not identical to what you see here, you can probably spot
problems with your configuration by looking at examples of configurations
which really work.
The amount of EMS or extended memory in the computer as well as the
type of computer are specified when necessary.
Just as a reminder, expanded memory and EMS memory are two words for
the same thing. <MI>Extended<D> memory, however, is a different animal.
Programs which use EMS memory (like Ventura Publisher) typically cannot
use extended memory (although Ventura Publisher <MI>can<D> use up
to 64K of extended memory by using an XMS driver, as explained later
in this note). The most common mistake made in configuring computers
for Ventura Publisher is to install extra memory as extended memory
instead of expanded. We all wish someone had come up with two names
that were not so similar. However, we're stuck with extended and expanded
@HEAD 1 = Example #1
The following AUTO<->EXEC.BAT file shows the proper settings required
to place the Super PC Kwik disk cache into EMS memory and reserve
512K of EMS memory for Ventura Publisher. Failure to specify a /R
parameter will result in all EMS memory being allocated to the disk
cache. As a consequence, no EMS memory will be available to Ventura
Publisher. Most other disk cache programs also have parameters which
must be specified to make sure that:
1. Expanded (EMS) or extended memory is used for the cache rather
than conventional memory.
2. Not <MI>all<D> of the expanded (EMS) or extended memory is consumed
by the cache.
One of the biggest problems many people have when installing Ventura
Publisher (especially the Professional Extension) is that they use
a disk cache or other program which takes every byte of EMS memory
for itself, leaving nothing for Ventura Publisher. You must restrict
this usage if Ventura Publisher is to be able to use EMS memory.
@HEAD 1 = Example #2<N><197>386<P7BJ247>MAX<P6><191><P255DJ0>
This program (available from Qualitas, Inc. of Bethesda Maryland)
increases the amount of memory available on 386 computers by using
an XMS driver, and also by using certain other areas of memory between
640K and 1024K to load CONFIG.SYS drivers, TSR programs (terminate
but stay resident programs), and portions of applications. The combination
of both techniques can increase the effective conventional memory
area to over 800K in some situations. It can also let you use TSR
programs such as Norton Utilities<M^><190><D> or Sidekick<M^><190><D>
without running out of conventional (640K) memory.
You can use this product in several ways. The best way is to let 386<P7J247>MAX<P255J0>
place all device drivers, network drivers, and TSR programs into <169>high
memory.<170> For example, for the Novell network this is done by placing
the following highlighted command in your CONFIG.SYS file:
@TABLE = <F1>FILES=20<R>
and the following highlighted commands in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
All programs between the LOADHIGH and LOADLOW commands will be automatically
loaded into high memory, if possible.
If your 386 computer does not contain any device drivers, network
drivers, or TSR programs, you can use 386<P7J247>MAX<P255J0> to load
portions of Xerox Ventura Publisher into high memory. To do this,
modify the VP.BAT file as follows:<P7J247>
The following CONFIG.SYS file shows the proper settings to use 386max
in a Compaq 386 computer in conjunction with the CACHE program which
Compaq provides. 386max maps the Compaq 386 extended memory into expanded
(EMS) memory. Note that the NOHIGH command on the first line is <B>not<D>
required for most configurations. You only need this command if the
screen display goes blank when loading Ventura Publisher. Also, note
that the disk cache is restricted to 512K, thus leaving the remaining
EMS memory for Ventura Publisher.
@HEAD 1 = Example #3
The following CONFIG.SYS file shows the proper settings to use with
Quarterdeck's QEMM program which maps 386 extended memory to expanded
(EMS) memory. This configuration is a little unusual in that the QEMM
driver is configured to leave 512K of extended memory rather than
mapping all of it to expanded memory. The Compaq disk cache is then
configured to use all of this extended memory. This was done for three
reasons. First, some disk caches operate more effectively from extended
memory than EMS memory, or may be configured for larger sizes when
placed in extended memory than when placed in EMS memory. Second,
this method provides an alternative method (compared to some of the
previous CONFIG.SYS files) to restrict the amount of memory allocated
to other programs and device drivers. All extended memory <MI>except<D>
for 512K is mapped to expanded memory and <B>all<D> of this expanded
memory is available to Ventura Publisher. Third, some programs, most
notably Windows 386, require extended rather than expanded (EMS) memory.
If you plan to use these programs at the same time as Ventura Publisher,
this CONFIG.SYS file provides the proper starting point for your configuration.
In these cases, you will want to allocate some memory to Windows and
to your disk cache. The total cache memory plus Windows extended memory
should be specified in the first line. Next, you should allocate some
of this extended memory to the disk cache by specifying the disk cache
size on the second line. Clearly, this number must be smaller than
the number on the first line in order to leave some extended memory
for Windows. The difference between the two numbers is the amount
of extended memory available to Windows. Finally, the difference between
the total amount of extended memory available and the amount shown
on the first line is the amount of EMS memory available to Ventura
@HEAD 1 = Example #4
The following CONFIG.SYS file shows another approach to allocating
memory between extended and expanded memory, but in this case the
computer is a 286 computer using an Intel Above board. When using
the Above Board <197> and when using most other EMS boards <197> you
will need to run a setup program which determines the allocation between
extended and EMS memory. This program is run once when you first install
the board. Thus, unlike the 386 computers, you cannot change the allocation
between extended and expanded memory simply by changing parameters
in the CONFIG.SYS file. The program for the Intel Above Board that
you must run to allocate between extended and expanded (EMS) memory
is called SETBOARD.
This CONFIG.SYS file assumes that approximately 1800K was allocated
by SETBOARD to extended memory. Of this amount, about 64K is taken
by the HIMEM.SYS driver. This is an XMS driver which is provided with
recent releases of Microsoft Windows. This provides approximately
60K of additional conventional memory to applications which are written
to recognize it. Ventura Publisher recognizes XMS memory automatically.
The Compaq CACHE.EXE program provides the disk cache, and the Intel
EMM.SYS driver installs the EMS memory.<$&anchor 1[v]>
@HEAD 1 = How do I know if my configuration is correct?
Most configurations fail because the memory is installed as extended
rather than expanded (EMS), because some other program has hogged
all the EMS memory, or because no memory driver at all was installed
in the CONFIG.SYS file. Your problem is, how can you know what's going
Many of the memory board manufacturers provide a program with their
board which scans memory and provides a report on what is found. For
instance, Intel provides a program called CHKMEM.EXE, when run, program
provides a display similar to that shown in the next figure.<$&anchor2[v]><F1>
As you can see, in this instance 512K of the memory was allocated
to extended rather than expanded memory. Of the 3584K bytes of expanded
memory, most of it (3072K) was already allocated. Only 512K remains
for Ventura Publisher.
Norton Utilities provides similar information through the SI.EXE program.
This program provides a display similar to the one shown at the bottom
of the page.<$&anchor 3>
Note that this display contains additional information about conventional
memory, but does not provide information on how much expanded memory
is allocated.
Another source of memory information is Ventura Publisher itself.
When you run Ventura Publisher, the Desk menu provides a display of
EMS memory in use. The <B>SYS=<D> amount shows the total amount of
EMS memory consumed by Ventura Publisher's system software <B>plus<D>
the amount of EMS memory allocated to other programs prior to running
Ventura Publisher. If no other program or device driver has already
used EMS memory, then this number will be between 48K and 96K. This
represents the amount of system software which Ventura Publisher places
into EMS instead of conventional memory, thus making more conventional
memory available to your document. <MI>If this number is zero, then
you don't have EMS memory configured in your computer.<D> The <B>APP=<D>
number shows the total amount of EMS memory available for your document.
In the base product, this number will always be zero. In the Professional
Extension, this will be the amount of EMS memory available after all
other programs plus Ventura Publisher's system software have been
loaded into EMS memory. If you are using the Professional Extension,
the SYS plus the APP amount should equal the total amount of EMS memory
Finally, Ventura Publisher contains an undocumented diagnostic menu
for use by Xerox Customer Support and for debugging by Ventura Software.
It is not generally useful for the user, but it does provide one interesting
piece of information that is difficult to find from any other source,
namely confirmation that the XMS driver (e.g., HIMEM.SYS) was loaded.
To access this hidden menu, point to the word <B>Ventura<D> in the
left middle of the Desk menu. The diagnostic menu will appear. On
the last line to the right of where it says <B>FARCODE<D>, you will
see the word <B>HIMEM.SYS<D> if the XMS driver is installed correctly.
If it is not installed, you will instead see numbers. The usual reason
why the XMS driver does not install is that no extended memory is
available. The XMS driver requires extended, not expanded (EMS) memory.
At least 64K of extended memory must be available when you boot the
computer in order for the XMS driver to load.
@HEAD 1 = Disk caches
Many disk caches are available. The ones most frequently mentioned
in the press are: EMMCACHE, Lightning, Polyboost, Super Pc Kwik, and
VCACHE. In addition, many 386 computers include a disk cache, such
as the Compaq 386 CACHE.EXE program. Almost any disk cache should
work (the presence of these names here does not imply an endorsement).
<B>Super PC Kwik<D> is made by:<R>
<MI>Multisoft Corporation<R>
18220 S.W. Monte Verdi Blvd.<R>
Beaverton, OR 97007<R>
<B>Lightning<D> is made by:<R>
<MI>Personal Computer Support Group<R>
11035 Harry Hines Blvd., Ste. 206<R>
Dallas, TX 75229<R>
When using a disk cache, you typically can remove the BUFFERS statement
from the CONFIG.SYS file. If you experience performance degradations,
include a BUFFERS=5 statement.
@HEAD 1 = Summary
This short note provides just a few examples; your CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT,
and VP.BAT files will almost certainly look different. However, the
key lessons to be learned from the examples in this note are as follows:
1. You must make sure that your configuration correctly maps extended
to EMS memory. If your computer contains only extended memory, Ventura
Publisher will not use any of it (except for 64K if you use the HIMEM.SYS
or other XMS driver).
2. You must make sure that any disk cache or other program installed
or run prior to Ventura Publisher does not <169>hog<170> all EMS memory
for itself.
3. You can dramatically increase the amount of conventional memory
available to Ventura Publisher (and other applications) by using an
XMS driver (e.g., HIMEM.SYS) or a program like 386max which combines
an extended memory to EMS memory driver, XMS driver, and high-memory
mapping functions into one program.