SYSTEM INIT VERSION 3.0 LOCAL SHARE FALSE MINBUFSIZE 128 MAXBUFSIZE 2048 LANGDRIVER DBWINUS0 MAXFILEHANDLES 200 SYSFLAGS 0 LOW MEMORY USAGE LIMIT 32 AUTO ODBC FALSE DEFAULT DRIVER PARADOX MEMSIZE 16 SHAREDMEMSIZE 2048 SHAREDMEMLOCATION DATA REPOSITORY SQLQRYMODE FORMATS DATE SEPARATOR / MODE 0 FOURDIGITYEAR FALSE YEARBIASED TRUE LEADINGZEROM FALSE LEADINGZEROD FALSE TIME TWELVEHOUR TRUE AMSTRING AM PMSTRING PM SECONDS TRUE MILSECONDS FALSE NUMBER DECIMALSEPARATOR . THOUSANDSEPARATOR , DECIMALDIGITS 2 LEADINGZERON TRUE DRIVERS PARADOX INIT VERSION 3.0 TYPE FILE NET DIR C:\ LANGDRIVER DBWINUS0 TABLE CREATE LEVEL 4 BLOCK SIZE 2048 FILL FACTOR 95 STRICTINTEGRTY TRUE DBASE INIT VERSION 3.0 TYPE FILE LANGDRIVER DBWINUS0 TABLE CREATE LEVEL 5 MDX BLOCK SIZE 1024 MEMO FILE BLOCK SIZE 1024 MSACCESS INIT VERSION 1.0 TYPE SERVER DLL32 IDDAO32.DLL DRIVER FLAGS TRACE MODE 0 DB OPEN DATABASE NAME DRIVE:/PATH/DATABASE.MDB USER NAME OPEN MODE READ/WRITE LANGDRIVER REPOSITORIES DATABASES HELP SYSTEM NODEHELP Borland Database Engine Configuration INIT NODEHELP Borland Database Engine System Initialization Options VERSION Borland Database Engine version number. For internal use only. LOCAL SHARE Specifies whether or not to lock files that may be shared with local non-IDAPI applications. MINBUFSIZE Minimum memory for database data cache, in kilobytes MAXBUFSIZE Maximum memory for database data cache, in kilobytes LANGDRIVER Default system language driver. NET TYPE Network type. SYSFLAGS Reserved setting. For internal use only. MAXFILEHANDLES Maximum number of file handles the Borland Database Engine can use. LOW MEMORY USAGE LIMIT Limit of Low Memory the Borland Database Engine will attempt to use, in kilobytes. AUTO ODBC Automatic creation of ODBC aliases and drivers. DEFAULT DRIVER Driver tried first when alias TYPE is FILE and the table name has no extension. MEMSIZE Non-shared memory size, in megabytes SHAREDMEMSIZE Shared memory size, in kilobytes SHAREDMEMLOCATION Location of shared memory FORMATS NODEHELP System wide International data formats DATE NODEHELP Date formats SEPARATOR Character used to separate month, day, and year. MODE Order in which date components appear (i.e., M/D/Y). FOURDIGITYEAR Specifies whether or not years are expressed in four digits (i.e., 1991). YEARBIASED Specifies whether or not the application adds 1900 to years entered as two digits (i.e., 91 -> 1991). LEADINGZEROM Specifies whether or not the application adds a zero to months entered as a single digit (i.e., 3 -> 03). LEADINGZEROD Specifies whether or not the applications adds a zero to days entered as a single digit (i.e., 8 -> 08) TIME NODEHELP Time formats TWELVEHOUR Specifies whether or not the application expresses time on a 12-hour clock (i.e., 16:42 -> 4:42 PM). AMSTRING String of characters used to indicate morning times (before noon) if TWELVEHOUR is TRUE. PMSTRING String of characters used to indicate afternoon times if TWELVEHOUR is TRUE. SECONDS Specifies whether or not time values include seconds. MILSECONDS Specifies whether or not time values include milliseconds. NUMBER NODEHELP Number formats DECIMALSEPARATOR Character used to separate the decimal portion of a number (i.e., the "." in 2.087). THOUSANDSEPARATOR Character used to separate large numbers into thousands (i.e., the "," in 1,000). DECIMALDIGITS Maximum number of decimal places (to the right of the decimal point) used when converting strings to numbers. LEADINGZERON Specifies whether or not numbers between 1 and -1 use leading zeroes (i.e., .14 or 0.14). DRIVERS NODEHELP Borland Database Engine Drivers Configuration PARADOX NODEHELP Paradox Driver Configuration INIT NODEHELP Paradox Driver Initialization VERSION Paradox driver version number. For internal use only. TYPE Type of server to which the driver is connecting. For internal use only. NET DIR Location of the application's network control file (PDOXUSRS.NET). LANGDRIVER Language driver used for creating tables, sorting, collating sequences, etc... TABLE CREATE NODEHELP Paradox Table create defaults LEVEL Format in which Paradox tables will be created. BLOCK SIZE Size of disk blocks used to store Paradox table records. FILL FACTOR Percentage of current block which must be filled before another disk block is allocated for index files. STRICTINTEGRTY Specifies whether Paradox tables can be modified using applications that do not support referential integrity. DBASE NODEHELP dBASE Driver Configuration INIT NODEHELP dBASE Driver Initialization VERSION dBASE driver version number. For internal use only. TYPE Type of server to which the driver is connecting. For internal use only. LANGDRIVER Language driver used for creating tables, sorting, collating sequences, etc... TABLE CREATE NODEHELP dBASE Table create defaults LEVEL Format in which dBASE tables will be created. MDX BLOCK SIZE Size of disk blocks allocated for .MDX files, in bytes. MEMO FILE BLOCK SIZE Size of disk blocks allocated for .DBT (memo) files, in bytes.