Welcome to OPC (Online Phonebill Calculator) by SM Programming (c) 1999
Detailed Revisions made to OPC since V1.0 Beta 1
(To read this in notepad make sure its full screen)
v3.0 -- 10/04/99
OPC has now become shareware. The reasons for this are quiet simple. Firstly, I now believe that OPC has matured
into a reliable and well tested product. It has also undergone major changes with many new advanced features
and useful reporting facilities. The amount of work put into OPC, and the quality of OPC make it one of the
most advanced phone costing facilities available therefore the status of freeware would be inappropiate.
I hope you enjoy this new version of OPC and if you do, please register for the continued benefits and legal
use of OPC.
Note : Attention of users who used previous versions of OPC. With the new report charts the reports can only be made
on calls which were made using 3.0. All the older logging and filter facilities still work, however, the new
charts will only consider calls made with 3.0.
Added proper Windows Help (Hlp) File
Right mouse button functionality removed as new menu structure has been implemented.
Added ability to enable users to load their own background for OPC. See help for details.
Fixed a few quite serious bugs which were introduced in previous 2.x versions due to recoding. Including password protection (now works).
The icons in the system tray must now be double clicked instead of single clicked on.
Placing OPC on the tray and using resize now works properly.
The logfile was ignoring discounting and vat/tax, this has been fixed.
Fixed a problem where when OPC was resized quickly in succession it would crash.
After a long testing time and bug fixing I am now happy with the log and report filters.
Fixed problem with 12Hr clock support.
Added autosave facility.
Added allowance and warning system.
Restyled the menus.
Added an annual summary (breakdown) report.
Added report charts based on calls/cost and different time periods.
Added time based sound events.
Improved the Define Daily Call Rates system.
Added discounting for all individual rates and discounting on minimum charge option.
Option of quarterly billing and reports on quarterly bills.
Revamped export file dialog in the file viewers.
Can now save filters for future use.
v2.1 -- 30/01/99
Only a minor revision, with mainly a few changes and the usual bugfixes.
Fixed problem with report filter if the dates used spanned over a year and the results where incorrect.
Has been updated so now it works with NetLaunch. See the help file for configuration details.
The main screen now has a new interface design, more compact. See help file for details.
Fixed a problem whereby if you tried to shutdown Windows without closing down OPC Windows would
not shutdown. It now will.
Changed some header dates from 1997 to 1999.
Previously if you enabled the option to ask which rate to use at the start of each call an access violation
would occur. This has been fixed.
v2.0 -- 16/01/99
* Note : Those upgrading from version 1 cannot use their Online.Dat. You can use your log
file. This means that your preferences will be lost and so will your call info,
i.e. total calls etc. I suggest you note these few facts down, and when you
upgrade you can input them into version 2.
Well, now onto version 2 as I have made so many changes.
Loads of minor bugs ironed out.
Everything updated for 1999.
Completely new user interface. All the menus have been redesigned. I hope you like it!
The most stable version to date, I've had no crashes in months, it uses about half of the system resources of version 1.
Hopefully this will be one of the final releases as its been a project for over a year now, started in August 1997.
v1.0 -- 30/08/98
A lot has been changed in terms of the user interface.
Added Dial Up Networking connection detection. Though, I've had to remove carrier detection, i.e. for non-dial up connects
such as AOL as it isn't supported under 32bit. I will try and get this working in the next version.
Rewrote the Filter system for the log/report file as it was so unreliable and riddled with bugs.
Not many bugs to fix, just fine tuning things for this release.
Changed the Help File in OPC.
v1.0 Beta 4 -- 21/03/98
Well, OPC has now gone 32 bit. I'm not sure if I will maintain a 32bit version and a 16bit
version. We'll see :)
From the beginning there was a feature whereby if you started and stopped the OPC timer
within a second, i.e. the call length wasn't really valid then OPC wouldn't save the call
and warn you of this. BUT... if the call length was 10 mins and 0 secs, or anytime with
0 secs then this would happen. That's been fixed.
Got the filesize down a bit.
v1.0 Beta 3 -- 4/03/98
Fixed the Cancel button, it now works :-) Beta 2 killed it...
Now DOES change rate if you go into a new rate zone while online.
The usual minor crap.
v1.0 Beta 2 -- 1/03/98
Added dialog where you are asked about your currency on first running OPC.
Fixed a bug where if you clicked the stop/go icon when the timer was started via a carrier
detect it would change the icon to the stopped state although the timer wouldn't have stopped.
Optimised code severely. On my p233mmx the system resources usage has declined from approx.
10% to 2%. It also uses less memory when running and CPU usage has declined from approx. 1.5% to approx. 0.3%.
As a result of decreasing OPC's logo resolution and changing its format as well as removing the INSTALLSHIELD installer the filesize has gone from 1.97mb -> 0.54mb (541kb).