Computer Buyer 1998 February
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Text File
55 lines
0 Select objects for editing\nSelect\n\n
1 Select objects for node editing\nNode Edit\n\n
2 Arrange copies of the selection in a row\nLinear Copy\n\n
3 Arrange copies of the selection in a matrix\nArray Copy\n\n
4 Arrange copies of the selection in a circle\nRadial Copy\n\n
5 Arrange copies of the selection fitting them in a row\nLinear Fit Copy\n\n
6 Arrange copies of the selection fitting them in a box\nArray Fit Copy\n\n
7 Arrange copies of the selection fitting them in an arc\nRadial Fit Copy\n\n
8 Copy selected entities using mirroring about a line\nMirror Copy\n\n
9 Copy selected entities by vector offset\nVector Copy\n\n
10 Align selected entities on an arbitrary line\nAlign Line\n\n
11 Select entities by irregular polygon\nSelect by fence\n\n
100 Switch to Node Edit mode\nNode Edit\n\n
101 Make a copy, leave the original\nMake a Copy\n\n
102 Switch to multiple copy mode (no snap)\nRubber Stamp\n\n
103 Change the attributes of certain entity types\nProperties\n\n
104 Switch between Open/Closed Window Select mode\nOpen Window Mode\n\n
105 Finish the current multiline\nFinish\n\n
106 Set default reference point position\nDefault Reference Point\n\n
110 Set new reference point position\nNew Reference Point\n\n
300 \nCopy
301 \nMove
302 \nScale
303 \nRotate
304 \nModify
305 \nReference Point
400 Select object(s)
401 Define the second corner of the selection window
402 Define the center of the copy process
403 Define the step angle
404 Define the step position of the reference point
405 Define the final position of the reference point
406 Define the angle to fit the copies in
407 Define the first point of the mirror
408 Define the second point of the mirror
409 Define the first point of the line to align to
410 Define the second point of the line to align to
411 Define the start point of the vector
412 Define the end point of the vector
413 Define the starting point of the fence
414 Define the next point of the fence
900 Copying...
3000 Edit\nSelect\nS&elect
3001 Edit\nNodeEdit\n&NodeEdit
3002 Edit\nCopyEntities\nLinear\n&Linear
3003 Edit\nCopyEntities\nArray\n&Array
3004 Edit\nCopyEntities\nRadial\n&Radial
3005 Edit\nCopyEntities\nFitLinear\n&Fit Linear
3006 Edit\nCopyEntities\nFitArray\nFit Arra&y
3007 Edit\nCopyEntities\nFitRadial\nFit Rad&ial
3008 Edit\nCopyEntities\nMirror\n&Mirror
3009 Edit\nCopyEntities\nVector\n&Vector
3010 Format\nAlign\nAlongLine\n&Along Line
3011 Edit\nSelectBy\nFence\n&Fence