Computer Buyer 1998 February
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'* *
'* TurboCAD for Windows *
'* Copyright (c) 1993 - 1996 *
'* International Microcomputer Software, Inc. *
'* (IMSI) *
'* All rights reserved. *
'* *
' '
' TCWAPI40.H - Header file for Enable '
' '
' This file was created at 17:13:37 on 04/07/97, '
' by filter.exe, a program written by Pat Garner. '
' '
'APPLICATION - Miscellaneous Functions
'This function will shutdown the application and exit. All open drawings
'will be closed before exiting. If any drawings have been changed, you will
'be prompted to save them before exiting.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
' None
'See Also
'Coding Example
' TCWAppExit
Declare Function TCWAppExit lib "TCAPI40" ()
'This function will return the active window handle. The active window is
'the currently active drawing window.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'The handle of window as a long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' Dim hWindow As Long
' hWindow = TCWActiveWindow()
' ...
Declare Function TCWActiveWindow lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will launch an Enable Basic statement (passed as a String)
'or load and execute an Enable basic file (if the string ends with ".bas").
'Input Parameters
'String script A statement in Enable Basic or the name of an Enable Basic file
'Return Value
'See Also
'Coding Example
' TCWBasicRun "MsgBox" + Chr(34) + "Hello World!" + Chr(34)
' TCWBasicRun "test.bas"
Declare Function TCWBasicRun lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef script As String _
) As Long
'This function will launch the Enable debugger with an Enable Basic statement
'(passed as a String) or load an Enable basic file (if the string ends with ".bas") into
'the debugger.
'Input Parameters
'String script A statement in Enable Basic or the name of an Enable Basic file
'Return Value
' None
'See Also
' TCWBasicRun
'Coding Example
' TCWBasicDebug "MsgBox" + Chr(34) + "Hello World!" + Chr(34)
' TCWBasicDebug "test.bas"
Declare Function TCWBasicDebug lib "DEBUGGER40" ( _
ByRef s As String _
'APPLICATION - Error Functions
'This function will return a string for the last error that occurred in the script.
'The script is responsible for checking for errors after making TCADAPI calls.
'If the API call was supposed to return a handle to drawing, graphic, ...
'you should check for NULL and call TCWLastErrorGet if true. If a non-null handle
'was returned, then the call succeeded and you don't need to check for errors.
'For Api calls that return status, 0 signifies success. Non-zero status signifies failure
'and you should call TCWLastErrorGet to get the error text.
'Input Parameters
'String errorstring Buffer to return error string in
'Return Value
'Error string in string passed to the function. Function returns 0 is successful and non-zero if
'their was no error to retrieve.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' Dim result As Long
' Dim errtext As String
' Dim gCircle As Long
' ...
' gCircle = TCWCircleCenterAndPoint(xc, yc, zc, xp, yp, zp)
' if (gCircle = NULL) then
' result = TCWLastErrorGet (errtext)
' MsgBox errtext
' 'Terminate the program
' Stop
' end if
' ...
Declare Function TCWLastErrorGet lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef pszErrorString As String _
) As Long
'This function will clear the error info in TCADAPI. You can use this function after
'you've checked the previous TCADAPI function status. TCADAPI will clear
'the error information structure at the beginning of each API function so previous
'errors will be lost if you don't use TCWLastErrorGet.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'See Also
'Coding Example
' ...
' TCWClearError
Declare Function TCWClearError lib "TCAPI40" ()
'APPLICATION - Get and Set Property Functions
'This function will return the value of the property that has been
'requested. This function is written in Basic due to problems with Enable
'not supporting Variants with DLLs.
'Input Parameters
'String propertyname name of property look up
'"ColorButtons" buttons are color or black and white
'"EditBar" viewing of the EditBar
'"LargeButtons" buttons are large or small
'"Organization" organization name
'"OpenReadOnly" open files as read only
'"PromptForSummaryInfo" prompting for summary information on save
'"Rulers" viewing of Rulers
'"ScrollBars" viewing of Scroll Bars
'"StatusBar" viewing of Status Bar
'"ShowTooltips" show tool tips
'"SaveDesktopOnExit" save desktop settings on exit
'"UserName" username
'"ZoomFactor" what factor to zoom when zooming in/out
'Return Value
'Value of property requested.
'"ColorButtons" -1 if color buttons set, 0 if not set
'"EditBar" -1 if displayed, 0 if not displayed
'"LargeButtons" -1 large buttons is set, 0 if not set
'"Organization" organization name as a string
'"OpenReadOnly" -1 if set, 0 if not set
'"PromptForSummaryInfo" -1 if set, 0 if not set
'"Rulers" -1 if displayed, 0 if not displayed
'"ScrollBars" -1 if displayed, 0 if not displayed
'"StatusBar" -1 if displayed, 0 if not displayed
'"ShowTooltips" -1 if displayed, 0 if not displayed
'"SaveDesktopOnExit" -1 if set, 0 if not set
'"UserName" username as a string
'"ZoomFactor" the zoom factor as a double
'See Also
'Coding Example
' zoomValue = TCWAppPropertyGet("ZoomFactor")
'Declare Function TCWAppPropertyGet ( _
' ByRef propertyname As String _
')As Variant
'This function will set the property with the specified value.
'Input parameters
'String propertyname name of property to modify
'Variant value value to set to
'"ColorButtons" 1 if color, 0 if black and white (Integer)
'"EditBar" 1 if displayed, 0 if not displayed (Integer)
'"LargeButtons" 1 if large buttons, 0 if small (Integer)
'"Organization" organization name (String)
'"OpenReadOnly" 1 if read only, 0 if not (Integer)
'"PromptForSummaryInfo" 1 if prompt, 0 if no prompt (Integer)
'"Rulers" 1 if displayed, 0 if not (Integer)
'"ScrollBars" 1 if displayed, 0 if not (Integer)
'"StatusBar" 1 if displayed, 0 if not (Integer)
'"ShowTooltips" 1 if show tips, 0 if not (Integer)
'"SaveDesktopOnExit" 1 if save on exit, 0 if not (Integer)
'"UserName" username (String)
'"ZoomFactor" zoom factor (Double)
'Return Value
' 0 if no errors
' non-zero if errors, use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve error string
'See Also
' TCWAppPropertyGet
'Coding Example
' result = TCWAppPropertySet("ZoomFactor",10.0)
'Declare Function TCWAppPropertySet ( _
' ByRef propertyname As String, _
' ByVal value As Variant _
')As Long
'APPLICATION - Drawing Management Functions
'This function will create a new TurboCAD drawing.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'The handle to the new drawing as a long. If return value is NULL, then the
'drawing was not created. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve the error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' Dim hDrawing As Long
' hDrawing = TCWDrawingNew()
' if (hDrawing = NULL) then
' 'check error
' ...
' end if
' ...
Declare Function TCWDrawingNew lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will open a drawing in any TurboCAD supported format. The format
'is based on the file extension (.tcw, .dxf, .dwg...).
'Input Parameters
'String drawingname name of drawing to open
'Return Value
'The handle to the opened drawing as a long. If return value is NULL, then the
'drawing was not opened. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve the error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' Dim hDrawing As Long
' hDrawing = TCWDrawingOpen("c:\mydrawings\pipes.tcw")
' if (hDrawing = NULL) then
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWDrawingOpen lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef dname As String _
) As Long
'This function will close the current drawing. If the file has changed since
'it was last saved, the value of savechanges will determine if the file is saved
'first before closing.
'Input Parameters
'Long savechanges 1 if save changes before closing, 0 to not save changes
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' ...
' result = TCWDrawingClose(1)
' if (result <> 0) then
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWDrawingClose lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal savechanges As Long _
) As Long
'This function will save the current drawing to disk using the file and folder
'name that was previously used. If this is the first time the file has been
'saved, you will be prompted with the SaveAs dialog, prompting you for a name
'and location to save the file. If you have Prompt for Summary Info in the
'Options|Program Setup|General property sheet selected, you will be prompted to
'input summary information.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' ...
' result = TCWDrawingSave()
' if (result <> 0)
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWDrawingSave lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
' This function will save the current drawing to disk using a file name and folder
' you specify. The SaveAs dialog box will be displayed and you can input name,
' location, etc. If you have Prompt for Summary Info in the
' Options|Program Setup|General property sheet selected, you will be prompted to
' input summary information. Set saveselection to True if you only want to save
' the current selection to the file.
'Input Parameters
'String drawingname new name of drawing
'Integer saveselection True if you want to save selection, false for drawing
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' ...
' result = TCWDrawingSaveAs("newdrawing.tcw")
' if (result <> 0) then
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWDrawingSaveAs lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef dname As String, _
ByVal saveselection As Long _
) As Long
'This function will return the name of the drawing associated with the active
'drawing. If the drawing is a new drawing that has not been saved, this function
'will return the drawing title (e.g. Drawing1). This function can be used with TCWDrawingAt and TCWDrawingCount.
'If you have only one drawing open, you can use TCWDrawingName(name) and it will
'return the name of the current drawing. If you have multiple drawings open,
'use TCWDrawingCount to find out how many are open, then use TCWDrawingAt and TCWDrawingName
'to cycle through the drawings to get the name of each.
'Input Parameters
'String drawingname buffer for drawing name
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'TCWDrawingCount, TCWDrawingAt
'Coding Example
' Dim dCount As Long
' Dim hDrawing As Long
' Dim i As Long
' Dim dName As String
' dCount = TCWDrawingCount()
' if (dCount = 0) then
' MsgBox "No drawings open."
' Stop
' end if
' for i = 0 to dCount - 1
' hDrawing = TCWDrawingAt(i)
' TCWDrawingName dName
' MsgBox dName
' next i
' ...
Declare Function TCWDrawingName lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef dname As String _
) As Long
'This function will activate the drawing specified. This function is used
'with TCWDrawingCount to get the number of drawings open in the application.
'If you have multiple drawings open, you can use TCWDrawingCount to get the
'number of drawings, then use TCWDrawingAt to change the active drawing. The
'index is 0 based, so you can cycle through 0 to count-1 drawings.
'Input Parameters
'Long index number associated with the open drawing
'Return Value
'The handle to the drawing as a long.
'See Also
'TCWDrawingName, TCWDrawingCount
'Coding Example
' Dim dCount As Long
' Dim i As Long
' Dim hDrawing As Long
' dCount = TCWDrawingCount()
' for i = 0 to dCount - 1
' hDrawing = TCWDrawingAt(i)
' ...
' next i
' ...
Declare Function TCWDrawingAt lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal index As Long _
) As Long
'This function will return the number of open drawings. Used with
'TCWDrawingName and TCWDrawingAt to cycle through the open drawings.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Number of open drawings in TurboCAD as a long.
'See Also
'TCWDrawingName, TCWDrawingAt
'Coding Example
' Dim dCount As Long
' Dim i As Long
' Dim hDrawing As Long
' dCount = TCWDrawingCount()
' for i = 0 to dCount - 1
' hDrawing = TCWDrawingAt(i)
' ...
' next i
' ...
Declare Function TCWDrawingCount lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will print the current drawing. Set showdialog to TRUE if
'you want to see the print dialog box and have access to the page setup
'Input Parameters
'Long showdialog 1 to show print dialog box, 0 if no print dialog box
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' ...
' result = TCWDrawingPrint(0)
' ...
Declare Function TCWDrawingPrint lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal showdialog As Long _
) As Long
'This function will return the handle of the active drawing.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Handle of active drawing as a Long. If NULL, then no active drawing. If you
'believe this should have returned a drawing handle, use TCWLastErrorGet to
'retrieve the error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' Dim hDrawing As Long
' hDrawing = TCWDrawingActive()
' if (hDrawing = NULL) then
' Msgbox "No active drawing".
' ...
Declare Function TCWDrawingActive lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'APPLICATION - Undo and Redo Functions
'This function will delete all the undo records in the current drawing. You will
'not be able to Redo any previous actions after making this call.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'TCWUndo, TCWRedo
'Coding Example
' ...
' result = TCWUndoClear()
' ...
Declare Function TCWUndoClear lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will reverse the last n changes in the current drawing.
'Input Parameters
'long n number of changes to undo
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'TCWUndoClear, TCWRedo
'Coding Example
' ...
' result = TCWUndo(2) 'undo last 2 operations
Declare Function TCWUndo lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal n As Long _
) As Long
'This function will reverse the effect of the last undo.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'TCWUndoClear, TCWUndo
'Coding Example
' ...
' result = TCWRedo() 'oops - get it back!
Declare Function TCWRedo lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'DRAWING - Selection Functions
'This function selects the all graphics in the drawing.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. There was at least one graphic to select.
'Non-zero if errors or no graphics to select. Use TCWLastErrorGet to see if there
'was an error.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' ...
' result = TCWSelectAll()
' if (result = 0) then
' 'change all graphics to have PenColor Red
' ...
Declare Function TCWSelectAll lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will deselect all selected graphics.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. At least one graphic was deselected.
'Non-zero if errors or no graphics to deselect. Use TCWLastErrorGet see if there was
'an error.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' ...
' result = TCWDeselectAll()
' ...
Declare Function TCWDeselectAll lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will delete all selected graphics.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. At least one graphic was deleted.
'Non-zero if errors or no graphics to delete. Use TCWLastErrorGet to see if there was
'an error.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' 'select all graphics with type = circle
' g = TCWSelectByQuery("Type = Circle/Ellipse")
' result = TCWClearSelection()
' ...
Declare Function TCWClearSelection lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will delete all graphics in the current drawing.
'This deletes every graphic, not just what is selected. To only delete
'selected graphics, see TCWClearSelection.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. At least one graphic was deleted.
'Non-zero if errors or no graphics to delete. Use TCWLastErrorGet to see if there was
'an error.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' ...
' result = TCWClearAll()
' ...
Declare Function TCWClearAll lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will delete all construction graphics in the current drawing.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. At least one graphic was deleted.
'Non-zero if errors or no graphics to delete. Use TCWLastErrorGet to see if there was
'an error.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' ...
' result = TCWClearAllConstructions()
' ...
Declare Function TCWClearAllConstructions lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will select graphics in the drawing based on specified criteria.
'An empty query is equivalent to SELECTED. Use TCWSelectionCount and TCWSelectionAt
'to cycle through the selected graphics.
'The query language is defined as follows:
'"query" -> "expr"
'"expr" -> "expr" OR "expr" | "expr" AND "expr" | ("expr") | NOT "expr" | "atom"
'"atom" -> ALL | SELECTED | "field_name" "relation" "value"
'"rel" -> = | <> | < | <= | > | >=
'"field_name" -> "string" | "any_string"
'"value" -> "string" | "any_string"
'"string" -> string without spaces which is not a keyword and doesn't have any reserved characters
'"any_string" -> string without any double quote marks, may have spaces
'Keywords for query are:
'Reserved characters are:
' =, <, >, ", (, )
'Precedence (in descending order):
' ()
' OR
'Input Parameters
'String s string for search
'Return Value
'First graphic in the selection as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' Dim g As Long
' 'This query adds all elements from the electrical layer to the current selection
' g = TCWSelectByQuery("SELECTED OR Layer = electrical")
' if (g = NULL) then
' MsgBox "No graphics met criteria".
' Stop
' ...
Declare Function TCWSelectByQuery lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef s As String _
) As Long
'This function will return a count of the number of graphics currently
'selected in the drawing.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'The number of graphics that are currently selected as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWSelection, TCWSelectByQuery
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWSelectionCount lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will return the handle of the requested graphic in the drawing. The index
'should be a number from 0 to the value-1 returned by TCWSelectionCount.
'Input Parameters
'Long index requested select graphic index
'Return Value
'The handle of the graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWSelectionAt lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal index As Long _
) As Long
'DRAWING - Construction Line Creation Functions
'These graphic creation functions add the graphic to the drawing.
'Do not use the graphic handle returned from these functions with
'TCWGraphicAppend to append to the drawing or another graphic.
'All construction lines and circles are put on a CONSTRUCTION layer.
'This function will draw a construction line at the specified angle.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the first point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the first point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the first point
'Double x1 X coordinate of the second point
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the second point
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the second point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the construction line as a long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' Dim hConstr As Long
' ...
' hConstr = TCWConstructionAngularLine(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
' if (hConstr = NULL) then
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWConstructionAngularLine lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a horizontal construction line.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of point on the line
'Double y0 Y coordinate of point on the line
'Double z0 Z coordinate of point on the line
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the construction line as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' Dim hConstr As Long
' Dim xc As Double
' Dim yc As Double
' 'get center of view for construction line placement
' xc = (TCWViewExtentsGetX1() + TCWViewExtentsGetX2())/2
' yc = (TCWViewExtentsGetY1() + TCWViewExtentsGetY2())/2
' hConstr = TCWConstructionHorizontalLine(xc, yc, 0.0)
' if (hConstr = NULL) then
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWConstructionHorizontalLine lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a vertical construction line.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of point on the line
'Double y0 Y coordinate of point on the line
'Double z0 Z coordinate of point on the line
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the construction line as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' Dim hConstr As Long
' Dim xc As Double
' Dim yc As Double
' 'get center of view for construction line placement
' xc = (TCWViewExtentsGetX1() + TCWViewExtentsGetX2())/2
' yc = (TCWViewExtentsGetY1() + TCWViewExtentsGetY2())/2
' hConstr = TCWConstructionVerticalLine(xc, yc, 0.0)
' if (hConstr = NULL) then
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWConstructionVerticalLine lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a construction circle defined by its center point
'and a point on its perimeter.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the center point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the center point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the center point
'Double x1 X coordinate of the perimeter point
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the perimeter point
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the perimeter point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the construction line as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' Dim hConstr As Long
' Dim xc As Double
' Dim yc As Double
' 'get center of view for construction circle placement
' xc = (TCWViewExtentsGetX1() + TCWViewExtentsGetX2())/2
' yc = (TCWViewExtentsGetY1() + TCWViewExtentsGetY2())/2
' hConstr = TCWConstructionCenterAndPointCircle(xc, yc, 0.0, xc+2#, yc+2#, 0.0)
' if (hConstr = NULL) then
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWConstructionCenterAndPointCircle lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a construction circle that passes through two defined
'points 180 degrees apart.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the first point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the first point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the first point
'Double x1 X coordinate of the second point
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the second point
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the second point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the construction line as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' Dim hConstr As Long
' Dim xc As Double
' Dim yc As Double
' 'get center of view for construction circle placement
' xc = (TCWViewExtentsGetX1() + TCWViewExtentsGetX2())/2
' yc = (TCWViewExtentsGetY1() + TCWViewExtentsGetY2())/2
' hConstr = TCWConstructionDoublePointCircle(xc-2#, yc-2#, 0.0, xc+2#, yc+2#, 0.0)
' if (hConstr = NULL) then
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWConstructionDoublePointCircle lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a construction circle that passes through three
'defined points.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the first point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the first point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the first point
'Double x1 X coordinate of the second point
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the second point
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the second point
'Double x2 X coordinate of the third point
'Double y2 Y coordinate of the third point
'Double z2 Z coordinate of the third point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the construction line as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
' Dim hConstr As Long
' Dim xc As Double
' Dim yc As Double
' 'get center of view for construction circle placement
' hConstr = TCWConstructionTriplePointCircle(1#, 1#, 0.0, 2#, 2#, 0.0, 3#,3#, 0.0)
' if (hConstr = NULL) then
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWConstructionTriplePointCircle lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal x2 As Double, _
ByVal y2 As Double, _
ByVal z2 As Double _
) As Long
'DRAWING - Point Creation Functions
'These graphic creation functions add the graphic to the drawing.
'Do not use the graphic handle returned from these functions with
'TCWGraphicAppend to append to the drawing or another graphic.
'This function will create a point that is a "dot".
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate for the point
'Double y0 Y coordinate for the point
'Double z0 Z coordinate for the point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the point graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWStar, TCWSquare, TCWCross, TCWCircle
'Coding Example
' Dim g As Long
' g = TCWDot(2.0, 3.0, 0.0)
' if (g = NULL)
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWDot lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will create a point that is a "star".
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate for the point
'Double y0 Y coordinate for the point
'Double z0 Z coordinate for the point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the point graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWDot, TCWSquare, TCWCross, TCWCircle
'Coding Example
' Dim g As Long
' g = TCWStar(2.0, 3.0, 0.0)
' if (g = NULL)
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWStar lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
' This function will create a point that is a "square".
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate for the point
'Double y0 Y coordinate for the point
'Double z0 Z coordinate for the point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the point graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWDot, TCWStar, TCWCross, TCWCircle
'Coding Example
' Dim g As Long
' g = TCWSquare(2.0, 3.0, 0.0)
' if (g = NULL)
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWSquare lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
' This function will create a point that is a "cross".
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate for the point
'Double y0 Y coordinate for the point
'Double z0 Z coordinate for the point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the point graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWDot, TCWStar, TCWSquare, TCWCircle
'Coding Example
' Dim g As Long
' g = TCWCross(2.0, 3.0, 0.0)
' if (g = NULL)
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWCross lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
' This function will create a point that is a "circle".
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate for the point
'Double y0 Y coordinate for the point
'Double z0 Z coordinate for the point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the point graphic as a Long.
'See Also
' TCWDot, TCWStar, TCWSquare, TCWCross
'Coding Example
' Dim g As Long
' g = TCWCircle(2.0, 3.0, 0.0)
' if (g = NULL)
' 'check error
' ...
Declare Function TCWCircle lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'DRAWING - Line Creation Functions
'These graphic creation functions add the graphic to the drawing.
'Do not use the graphic handle returned from these functions with
'TCWGraphicAppend to append to the drawing or another graphic.
'This function will draw a single line segment from two specified end points.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate for the first point
'Double y0 Y coordinate for the first point
'Double z0 Z coordinate for the first point
'Double x1 X coordinate for the second point
'Double y1 Y coordinate for the second point
'Double z1 Z coordinate for the second point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the line graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWLineSingle lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a regular polygon with the specified number
'of sides.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate for the center point
'Double y0 Y coordinate for the center point
'Double z0 Z coordinate for the center point
'Double x1 X coordinate for the corner point
'Double y1 Y coordinate for the corner point
'Double z1 Z coordinate for the corner point
'Long nsides number of sides
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the polygon graphic as a Long. The polygon is
'constructed such that it would fit exactly inside a circle with
'the same center and radius.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWLinePolygon lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal nsides As Long _
) As Long
'This function will draw an orthogonal rectangle.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the upper left corner
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the upper left corner
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the upper left corner
'Double x1 X coordinate of the lower right corner
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the lower right corner
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the lower right corner
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of a Graphic as a Long with contains 5 vertices.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWLineRectangle lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a rectangle oriented at the specified angle.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the upper left corner
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the upper left corner
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the upper left corner
'Double x1 X coordinate of the lower right corner
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the lower right corner
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the lower right corner
'Double height angle of rotation in radians
'Return Value
'Returns a handle to a graphic with 5 vertices in the shape of a rectangle. The
'return value is a long. The fifth vertex is equal to the first. The two points
'are the ends of the base edge. The height of the rectangle is drawn in the direction
'that would be a "right turn" when traveling from the first point to the second.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWLineRotatedRectangle lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal height As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a line perpendicular to an existing line.
'Input Parameters
'Long g handle of line to make new line perpendicular to
'Double x0 X coordinate of the point on the existing line
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the point on the existing line
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the point on the existing line
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the perpendicular line as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWLinePerpendicular lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a line parallel to an existing line, at a
'specified distance from the line.
'Input Parameters
'Long g handle of line to make new line parallel to
'Double x0 X coordinate of the new line
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the new line
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the new line
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the new parallel line as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWLineParallel lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'DRAWING - Multi-line Creation Functions
'These graphic creation functions add the graphic to the drawing.
'Do not use the graphic handle returned from these functions with
'TCWGraphicAppend to append to the drawing or another graphic.
'This function will start the creation of a series of connected segments.
'Use TCWGraphicXYZAdd or TCWGraphicVertexAdd to define the next segment.
'Use TCWGraphicClose to close the multi-line into a polygon.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of first end point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of first end point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of first end point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWGraphicClose, TCWGraphicXYZAdd, TCWGraphicVertexAdd
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWLineMultiline lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will start the creation of an irregular polygon.
'Use TCWGraphicXYZAdd or TCWGraphicVertexAdd to define the next point of the polygon.
'Use TCWGraphicClose to close the multi-line into the polygon.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of first end point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of first end point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of first end point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the first segment as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWGraphicClose, TCWGraphicXYZAdd, TCWGraphicVertexAdd
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWLineIrregularPolygon lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will start the creation of a series of connected double lines.
'Use TCWGraphicXYZAdd or TCWGraphicVertexAdd to define the next point of the segment.
'Use TCWGraphicClose to close the multi-double line into a polygon.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of first end point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of first end point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of first end point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWGraphicClose, TCWGraphicXYZAdd, TCWGraphicVertexAdd
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDoubleLineMultiline lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will start the creation of a double line polygon with an
'arbitrary number of sides.
'Use TCWGraphicXYZAdd or TCWGraphicVertexAdd to define the next segment.
'Use TCWGraphicClose to close the multi-line into a polygon.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of first end point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of first end point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of first end point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the graphic as a long.
'See Also
'TCWGraphicClose, TCWGraphicXYZAdd, TCWGraphicVertexAdd
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDoubleLineIrregularPolygon lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will start the creation of a bezier curve, connecting
'two end points that will gravitate toward control points along the path.
'Use TCWGraphicClose to close the bezier curve, matching the last end point
'with the first end point.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the first end point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the first end point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the first end point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWGraphicClose, TCWGraphicXYZAdd, TCWGraphicVertexAdd
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWCurveBezier lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will start the creation of a spline curve, connecting
'a series of points into a continuous curve.
'Use TCWGraphicClose to close the spline curve, matching the last end point
'with the first end point.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the first end point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the first end point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the first end point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWGraphicClose, TCWGraphicXYZAdd, TCWGraphicVertexAdd
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWCurveSpline lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'DRAWING - Double Line Creation Functions
'These graphic creation functions add the graphic to the drawing.
'Do not use the graphic handle returned from these functions with
'TCWGraphicAppend to append to the drawing or another graphic.
'This function will draw a double line segment from two specified end points.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate for the first point
'Double y0 Y coordinate for the first point
'Double z0 Z coordinate for the first point
'Double x1 X coordinate for the second point
'Double y1 Y coordinate for the second point
'Double z1 Z coordinate for the second point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the double line as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDoubleLineSingle lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a regular double line polygon with the specified
'number of sides.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate for the center point
'Double y0 Y coordinate for the center point
'Double z0 Z coordinate for the center point
'Double x1 X coordinate for the corner point
'Double y1 Y coordinate for the corner point
'Double z1 Z coordinate for the corner point
'Long nsides number of sides
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the polygon graphic as a Long. The polygon is
'constructed such that it would fit exactly inside a circle with the same
'center and radius.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDoubleLinePolygon lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal nsides As Long _
) As Long
'This function will draw an orthogonal double line rectangle.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the upper left corner
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the upper left corner
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the upper left corner
'Double x1 X coordinate of the lower right corner
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the lower right corner
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the lower right corner
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of a graphic with 5 vertices. The return value is a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDoubleLineRectangle lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a double line rectangle oriented at the specified angle.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the upper left corner
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the upper left corner
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the upper left corner
'Double x1 X coordinate of the lower right corner
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the lower right corner
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the lower right corner
'Double height angle of rotation in radians
'Return Value
'Returns a handle to a graphic with 5 vertices in the shape of a rectangle.
'The fifth vertex is equal to the first. The two points are the ends of the
'base edge. The height of the rectangle is drawn in the direction that would
'be a "right turn" when traveling from the first point to the second.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDoubleLineRotatedRectangle lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal height As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a double line perpendicular to an existing line.
'Input Parameters
'Long g handle of line to make new line perpendicular to
'Double x0 X coordinate of the point on the existing line
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the point on the existing line
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the point on the existing line
'Double x1 X coordinate of the second point on the new line
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the second point on the new line
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the second point on the new line
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the perpendicular double line as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDoubleLinePerpendicular lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a double line parallel to an existing line, at a
'specified distance from the line.
'Input Parameters
'Long g handle of line to make new line parallel to
'Double x0 X coordinate of the new line
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the new line
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the new line
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the new parallel line as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDoubleLineParallel lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
' DRAWING - Circle and Ellipse Creation Functions
'These graphic creation functions add the graphic to the drawing.
'Do not use the graphic handle returned from these functions with
'TCWGraphicAppend to append to the drawing or another graphic.
'This function will draw a circle from the specified center point and radius.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the center point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the center point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the center point
'Double x1 X coordinate of the radius point
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the radius point
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the radius point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the circle as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWCircleCenterAndPoint lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a circle using two opposite points on its perimeter.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the first point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the first point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the first point
'Double x1 X coordinate of the second point
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the second point
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the second point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the circle as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWCircleDoublePoint lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a circle by defining three point on the circle's
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of the first point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of the first point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of the first point
'Double x1 X coordinate of the second point
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the second point
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the second point
'Double x2 X coordinate of the third point
'Double y2 Y coordinate of the third point
'Double z2 Z coordinate of the third point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the circle as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWCircleTriplePoint lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal x2 As Double, _
ByVal y2 As Double, _
ByVal z2 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw an ellipse by defining its bounding rectangle.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of bounding rectangle's upper left corner
'Double y0 Y coordinate of bounding rectangle's upper left corner
'Double z0 Z coordinate of bounding rectangle's upper left corner
'Double x1 X coordinate of bounding rectangle's lower right corner
'Double y1 Y coordinate of bounding rectangle's lower right corner
'Double z1 Z coordinate of bounding rectangle's lower right corner
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the ellipse as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWEllipse lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw an ellipse rotated by specifying the ellipse's
'center point, and major and minor axis radius points.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of ellipse's center point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of ellipse's center point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of ellipse's center point
'Double x1 X coordinate of major axis radius point
'Double y1 Y coordinate of major axis radius point
'Double z1 Z coordinate of major axis radius point
'Double x2 X coordinate of minor axis radius point
'Double y2 Y coordinate of minor axis radius point
'Double z2 Z coordinate of minor axis radius point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the rotated ellipse as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWEllipseRotatedEllipse lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal x2 As Double, _
ByVal y2 As Double, _
ByVal z2 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw an ellipse, specified by the ratio of the
'major axis length to the minor axis length.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of ellipse's center point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of ellipse's center point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of ellipse's center point
'Double x1 X coordinate of radius in Y direction
'Double y1 Y coordinate of radius in Y direction
'Double z1 Z coordinate of radius in Y direction
'Double xyratio ratio of Rx/Ry
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the ellipse as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWEllipseFixedRatio lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal xyratio As Double _
) As Long
'DRAWING - Arc Creation Functions
'These graphic creation functions add the graphic to the drawing.
'Do not use the graphic handle returned from these functions with
'TCWGraphicAppend to append to the drawing or another graphic.
'This function will draw a circular arc specified by it's center point,
'point on it's circumference and a start and end angle.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of arc's center point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of arc's center point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of arc's center point
'Double x1 X coordinate of the radius point
'Double y1 Y coordinate of the radius point
'Double z1 Z coordinate of the radius point
'Double startangle starting angle in radians
'Double endangle ending angle in radians
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the arc as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWArcCenterAndPoint lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal startangle As Double, _
ByVal endangle As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a circular arc from specified end points
'of its diameter.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of first end point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of first end point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of first end point
'Double x1 X coordinate of second end point
'Double y1 Y coordinate of second end point
'Double z1 Z coordinate of second end point
'Double startangle starting angle in radians
'Double endangle ending angle in radians
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the arc as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWArcDoublePoint lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal startangle As Double, _
ByVal endangle As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw a circular arc by defining (1) its starting
'point, (2) a point on its perimeter and (3) its ending point.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of starting point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of starting point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of starting point
'Double x1 X coordinate of point on perimeter
'Double y1 Y coordinate of point on perimeter
'Double z1 Z coordinate of point on perimeter
'Double x2 X coordinate of ending point
'Double y2 Y coordinate of ending point
'Double z2 Z coordinate of ending point
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the arc as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWArcTriplePoint lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal x2 As Double, _
ByVal y2 As Double, _
ByVal z2 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw an elliptical arc specified by its bounding
'rectangle, starting and ending angles.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of bounding rectangle's upper left corner
'Double y0 Y coordinate of bounding rectangle's upper left corner
'Double z0 Z coordinate of bounding rectangle's upper left corner
'Double x1 X coordinate of bounding rectangle's lower right corner
'Double y1 Y coordinate of bounding rectangle's lower right corner
'Double z1 Z coordinate of bounding rectangle's lower right corner
'Double startangle starting angle in radians
'Double endangle ending angle in radians
'Return Value
'Returns a handle to the elliptical arc as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWArcElliptical lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal startangle As Double, _
ByVal endangle As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw an elliptical arc rotated by specifying the ellipse's
'center point, and major and minor axis radius points, start and end angles.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of elliptical arc's center point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of elliptical arc's center point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of elliptical arc's center point
'Double x1 X coordinate of major axis radius point
'Double y1 Y coordinate of major axis radius point
'Double z1 Z coordinate of major axis radius point
'Double x2 X coordinate of minor axis radius point
'Double y2 Y coordinate of minor axis radius point
'Double z2 Z coordinate of minor axis radius point
'Double startangle starting angle in radians
'Double endangle ending angle in radians
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the rotated elliptical arc as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWArcRotatedElliptical lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal x2 As Double, _
ByVal y2 As Double, _
ByVal z2 As Double, _
ByVal startangle As Double, _
ByVal endangle As Double _
) As Long
'This function will draw an elliptical arc, specified by the ratio of the
'major axis length to the minor axis length.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of ellipse's center point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of ellipse's center point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of ellipse's center point
'Double x1 X coordinate of radius in Y direction
'Double y1 Y coordinate of radius in Y direction
'Double z1 Z coordinate of radius in Y direction
'Double xyratio ratio of Rx/Ry
'Double startangle starting angle in radians
'Double endangle ending angle in radians
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the ellipse as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWArcEllipticalFixedRatio lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal xyratio As Double, _
ByVal startangle As Double, _
ByVal endangle As Double _
) As Long
'DRAWING - Text Creation Function
'This graphic creation function adds the graphic to the drawing.
'Do not use the graphic handle returned from this function with
'TCWGraphicAppend to append to the drawing or another graphic.
'This function will create text starting at the point specified.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of text's starting point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of text's starting point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of text's starting point
'String textstr text string
'Double size font size
'Double angle angle of text
'Return Value
'Returns a handle to the text.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWText lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByRef textstr As String, _
ByVal size As Double, _
ByVal angle As Double _
) As Long
'DRAWING - Dimension Creation Functions
'These graphic creation functions add the graphic to the drawing.
'Do not use the graphic handle returned from these functions with
'TCWGraphicAppend to append to the drawing or another graphic.
'This function will create a linear dimension showing horizontal distance.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of first extension line
'Double y0 Y coordinate of first extension line
'Double z0 Z coordinate of first extension line
'Double x1 X coordinate of second extension line
'Double y1 Y coordinate of second extension line
'Double z1 Z coordinate of second extension line
'Double x2 X coordinate of dimension
'Double y2 Y coordinate of dimension
'Double z2 Z coordinate of dimension
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the dimension as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDimensionHorizontal lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal x2 As Double, _
ByVal y2 As Double, _
ByVal z2 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will create a linear dimension showing horizontal distance.
'Input Parameters
'Long g entity to horizontally dimension
'Double x0 X coordinate for dimension line location
'Double y0 Y coordinate for dimension line location
'Double z0 Z coordinate for dimension line location
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the dimension as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDimensionHorizontalEntity lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will create a linear dimension showing vertical distance.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of first extension line
'Double y0 Y coordinate of first extension line
'Double z0 Z coordinate of first extension line
'Double x1 X coordinate of second extension line
'Double y1 Y coordinate of second extension line
'Double z1 Z coordinate of second extension line
'Double x2 X coordinate of dimension
'Double y2 Y coordinate of dimension
'Double z2 Z coordinate of dimension
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the dimension as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDimensionVertical lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal x2 As Double, _
ByVal y2 As Double, _
ByVal z2 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will create a linear dimension showing vertical distance.
'Input Parameters
'Long g entity to vertically dimension
'Double x0 X coordinate for dimension line location
'Double y0 Y coordinate for dimension line location
'Double z0 Z coordinate for dimension line location
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the dimension as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDimensionVerticalEntity lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will create a linear dimension showing absolute distance
'between two points.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of first extension line
'Double y0 Y coordinate of first extension line
'Double z0 Z coordinate of first extension line
'Double x1 X coordinate of second extension line
'Double y1 Y coordinate of second extension line
'Double z1 Z coordinate of second extension line
'Double x2 X coordinate of dimension
'Double y2 Y coordinate of dimension
'Double z2 Z coordinate of dimension
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the dimension as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDimensionParallel lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double, _
ByVal x2 As Double, _
ByVal y2 As Double, _
ByVal z2 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will create a linear dimension showing parallel distance.
'Input Parameters
'Long g entity to dimension
'Double x0 X coordinate for dimension line location
'Double y0 Y coordinate for dimension line location
'Double z0 Z coordinate for dimension line location
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the dimension as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWDimensionParallelEntity lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'DRAWING - Undo Record Functions
'Use these functions to create your own kind of undo which includes one or
'more operations. Then, with one undo you can get back to the beginning.
'TCADAPI will create undo records for all align functions, graphic creation and
'deletion, selection deletion, selection scaling, rotating and moving, explode, and group.
'This function will start an undo record. NOTE: a start record MUST be matched
'with an end record.
'Input Parameters
'Long d handle of a drawing
'String title string to associate with undo record
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'TCWUndoRecordAddGraphic, TCWUndoRecordEnd
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWUndoRecordStart lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal d As Long, _
ByRef title As String _
) As Long
'This function will add graphics to the undo record. Use this
'function to accumulate graphics that you may want to undo.
'Input Parameters
'Long d handle of a drawing
'Long g graphic to add to undo record
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'TCWUndoRecordStart, TCWUndoRecordEnd
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWUndoRecordAddGraphic lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal d As Long, _
ByVal g As Long _
) As Long
'This function will close an opened undo record.
'Input Parameters
'Long d handle of a drawing
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'TCWUndoRecordStart, TCWUndoRecordAddGraphic
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWUndoRecordEnd lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal d As Long _
) As Long
'DRAWING - Block Functions
'This function will return the handle of a block with the specified
'block name.
'Input Parameters
'String blockname name of block to return
'Return Value
'Handle of the block as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWBlockGet lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef blockname As String _
) As Long
'This function will create a block from the selected graphics. The block
'will be named from the name specified.
'Input Parameters
'String blockname string for block name
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWBlockCreate lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef blockname As String _
) As Long
'This function will insert a block into the drawing.
'Input Parameters
'String blockname block name to insert
'Double x0 x coordinate for where to insert block
'Double y0 y coordinate for where to insert block
'Double z0 z coordinate for where to insert block
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the new instance of the block as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWBlockInsert lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef blockname As String, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'DRAWING - Get and Set Property Functions
'This function will return the value of the property that has been
'requested. This function is written in Basic due to problems with Enable
'not supporting Variants with DLLs.
'Input Parameters
'String propertyname name of property look up
'"PenColor" pen color as &H00bbggrr or -3 for by layer, -4 for by block
'"PenWidth" pen width as a Double
'"PenScale" pen scale as a Double
'"PenStyle" pen style as a Integer
'"BrushColor" brush color as &H00bbggrr or -3 for by layer, -4 for by block or -5 for by pen
'"BrushScale" brush scale as a Double
'"BrushAngle" brush angle as a Double
'"BrushStyle" brush style as a Double
'"TextStyle" flags: &H0000 = regular, &H0001 = italic, &H0002 = bold, &H0004 = strikethru, &H0008 = hidden, &H0040 = allcaps
'"ScaleSystem" 0 for world, 1 for paper, 2 for device
'"BrushDrawMode" brush drawing mode as n Integer
'"PenAlignment" pen alignment as a String
'"HatchCross" hatch cross as an Integer
'"Layer" layer id as an Integer
'"Info" info string as a String
'"TextFont" text font as a String
'"TextFormat" 0 for left justify, 1 for center, 2 for right justify
'"TextSize" text size as a Double
'Return Value
'Value of property requested.
'"PenColor" (Long)
'"PenWidth" (Double)
'"PenScale" (Double)
'"PenStyle" (Integer)
'"BrushColor" (Long)
'"BrushScale" (Double)
'"BrushAngle" (Double)
'"BrushStyle" (Double)
'"TextStyle" (Integer)
'"ScaleSystem" (Integer)
'"BrushDrawMode" (Integer)
'"PenAlignment" (String)
'"HatchCross" (Integer)
'"Layer" (Integer)
'"Info" (String)
'"TextFont" (String)
'"TextFormat" (Integer)
'"TextSize" (Double)
'See Also
'Coding Example
'Declare Function TCWDrawingPropertyGet ( _
' ByRef propertyname As String _
')As Variant
'This function will set the property with the specified value.
'Input Parameters
'String propertyname name of property to modify
'Variant value value to set to
'"PenColor" pen color as &H00bbggrr or -3 for by layer, -4 for by block
'"PenWidth" pen width as a Double
'"PenScale" pen scale as a Double
'"PenStyle" pen style as a Integer
'"BrushColor" brush color as &H00bbggrr or -3 for by layer, -4 for by block or -5 for by pen
'"BrushScale" brush scale as a Double
'"BrushAngle" brush angle as a Double
'"BrushStyle" brush style as a Double
'"TextStyle" flags: &H0000 = regular, &H0001 = italic, &H0002 = bold, &H0004 = strikethru, &H0008 = hidden, &H0040 = allcaps
'"ScaleSystem" 0 for world, 1 for paper, 2 for device
'"BrushDrawMode" brush drawing mode as n Integer
'"PenAlignment" pen alignment as a String
'"HatchCross" hatch cross as an Integer
'"Layer" layer id as an Integer
'"Info" info string as a String
'"TextFont" text font as a String
'"TextFormat" 0 for left justify, 1 for center, 2 for right justify
'"TextSize" text size as a Double
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if errors. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
'Declare Function TCWDrawingPropertySet ( _
' ByRef propertyname As String, _
' ByVal value As Variant _
')As Long
'GRAPHICS - Graphic Functions
'This function will return the number of graphics in the drawing or it will return
'the number of graphics contained in a graphic. If you supply a drawing handle as
'the first parameter to the function, the count will be the number of top level
'graphics in the drawing. If you supply a graphic handle as the first parameter to
'the function, the count will be the number of graphics contained in the graphic.
'This function can be used with TCWGraphicAt to cycle through all the graphics in the
'drawing or graphic.
'Input Parameters
'Long handle handle of the drawing or graphic
'Return Value
'Number of graphics in the drawing or graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicCount lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal d As Long _
) As Long
'This function will return the handle to the requested graphic. The index
'should be a number from 0 to the value-1 returned by TCWGraphicCount. If you
'are cycling through the graphics in the drawing, use the drawing handle you
'used with TCWGraphicCount. If you are cycling through the graphics within a
'graphic, use the graphic handle you used with TCWGraphicCount.
'Input Parameters
'Long handle handle to a drawing or a graphic
'Long index requested graphic index
'Return Value
'Handle of the graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicAt lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal d As Long, _
ByVal index As Long _
) As Long
'This function will add a graphic to the active drawing.
'Input Parameters
'Long g1 if NULL, add to drawing, otherwise add graphic to this parent graphic
'Long g2 graphic to add to drawing
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicAppend lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g1 As Long, _
ByVal g2 As Long _
) As Long
'This function will add the next segment to the multiline that is in
'Input Parameters
'Long g graphic to add next point to
'Double x0 X coordinate of point
'Double y0 Y coordinate of point
'Double z0 Z coordinate of point
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'TCWGraphicClose, TCWGraphicVertexAdd
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicXYZAdd lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will close the multiline, making the last point the same
'as the first point.
'Input Parameters
'Long g graphic to close
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'TCWGraphicXYZAdd, TCWGraphicVertexAdd
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicClose lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long _
) As Long
'This function will add a vertex to a graphic in the active drawing.
'Input Parameters
'Long g graphic
'Long v vertex to add to graphic
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicVertexAdd lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal v As Long _
) As Long
'This function will add a vertex to the specified graphic.
'Input Parameters
'Long g handle of graphic
'Double x0 X coordinate of vertex
'Double y0 Y coordinate of vertex
'Double z0 Z coordinate of vertex
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWVertexAppend lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will make a new graphic with the same properties as
'the specified graphic. The graphic is not added to the drawing. You
'must explicitly do this. Use TCWGraphicAppend with the first parameter
'NULL to add the graphic to the drawing. use TCWGraphicApend with the
'first parameter being the handle of the graphic that will be the
'parent of the appended graphic.
'Input Parameters
'Long g graphic to copy
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the new graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicCopy lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long _
) As Long
'This function will delete the specified graphic.
'Input Parameters
'Long g graphic to delete
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicDispose lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long _
) As Long
'This function will create a new graphic with the default drawing setting. TurboCAD internal
'types available are GK_GRAPHIC = 11 (polyline) and GK_ARC = 2.
'If you create your own Smart Object (TurboCAD v4 custom shapes), then supply the appropriate
'regen name for the object (use GK_GRAPHIC for the kind).
'Input Parameters
'Long kind kind of graphic to make
'String regenmethod Regen method if external regenerated graphic, use "" if TurboCAD type
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the new graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicCreate lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal kind As Long, _
ByRef regenmethod As String _
) As Long
'This function will draw the graphic on the drawing.
'Input Parameters
'Long g handle of graphic
'Long mode 0 is normal and 1 is inverted
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicDraw lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal mode As Long _
) As Long
'This function will return the graphic handle from the unique database id.
'Input Parameters
'Long id unique id of graphic
'Return Value
' The handle of the graphic. If 0, use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicHandleFromID lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal id As Long _
) As Long
'This function will set the graphic's reference point, using the
'vertex supplied.
'Input Parameters
'Long g graphic handle
'Long v vertex for new reference point
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicReferencePointSet lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal v As Long _
) As Long
'This function will return the graphic reference point.
'Input Parameters
'Long g graphic handle
'Return Value
'The the reference point vertex handle as a long. If 0, use TCWLastErrorGet to
'retrieve the error text.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGraphicReferencePointGet lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long _
) As Long
'GRAPHICS - Selection Manipulation Functions
'The following group of functions work on the currently selected graphics in the
'drawing. They can be used in conjunction with TCWSelectionCount and TCWSelectionAt
'to cycle through all the graphics in the drawing.
'Will scale the selected graphics in the x, y and z direction. A value of 1.0 in
'any parameter will not change the scale.
'Input Parameters
'Double xscale X scale factor
'Double yscale Y scale factor
'Double zscale Z scale factor
'Double x0 x coordinate of reference point
'Double y0 y coordinate of reference point
'Double z0 z coordinate of reference point
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWSelectionScale lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal xscale As Double, _
ByVal yscale As Double, _
ByVal zscale As Double, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will move the selected graphic to the new coordinates.
'Input Parameters
'Double dx delta x coordinate to move selected graphic
'Double dy delta y coordinate to move selected graphic
'Double dz delta z coordinate to move selected graphic
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWSelectionMove lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal dx As Double, _
ByVal dy As Double, _
ByVal dz As Double _
) As Long
'This function will rotate the selected graphics by the rotation angle
'Input Parameters
'String axis "X", "Y", or "Z" where "X" means rotate in the Y-Z plane
'Double angle rotation angle in radians
'Double x0 x coordinate of reference point
'Double y0 y coordinate of reference point
'Double z0 z coordinate of reference point
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWSelectionRotate lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef axis As String, _
ByVal angle As Double, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will apply a hatch pattern to the selected graphics.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWCreateHatch lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will create a group out of the selected graphics.
'Input Parameters
'String groupname name of group
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGroupCreate lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef groupname As String _
) As Long
'This function will explode a selected group or block into its individual
'graphics. If the selected graphic is a simple graphic such as a line, the
'function has no effect.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWExplode lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will move the selected graphics to the front of the drawing.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWBringtoFront lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will move the selected graphics to the back of the drawing.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWSendtoBack lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will align the bottoms of the selected graphics.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the first selected graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWAlignBottom lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will align the tops of the selected graphics.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the first selected graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWAlignTop lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will align the middles of the selected graphics.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the first selected graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWAlignMiddle lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will align the left sides of the selected graphics.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the first selected graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWAlignLeft lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will align the right sides of the selected graphics.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the first selected graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWAlignRight lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will align the centers of the selected graphics.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Returns the handle of the first selected graphic as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWAlignCenter lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'GRAPHICS - Get and Set Property Functions
'This function will return the value of the property that has been
'requested. This function is written in Basic because of limitations
'within Enable Basic for Variants and DLLs.
'Input Parameters
'Long graphic graphic to get property from
'String propertyname name of property look up
'"BrushAngle" brush angle as a Double
'"BrushColor" brush color as &H00bbggrr or -3 for by layer, -4 for by block or -5 for by pen
'"BrushDrawMode" brush drawing mode as n Integer
'"BrushScale" brush scale as a Double
'"BrushStyle" brush style as a Double
'"DatabaseID" unique id for graphic
'"HatchCross" hatch cross as an Integer
'"Info" info string as a String
'"Layer" layer id as an Integer
'"LimitVertices" if true, node-edit cannot insert or delete vertices
'"PenAlignment" pen alignment as a String
'"PenColor" pen color as &H00bbggrr or -3 for by layer, -4 for by block
'"PenScale" pen scale as a Double
'"PenStyle" pen style as a Integer
'"PenWidth" pen width as a Double
'"ScaleSystem" 0 for world, 1 for paper, 2 for device
'"Selected" selected flag as a Long
'"TextFont" text font as a String
'"TextFormat" 0 for left justify, 1 for center, 2 for right justify
'"TextSize" text size as a Double
'"TextStyle" flags: &H0000 = regular, &H0001 = italic, &H0002 = bold, &H0004 = strikethru, &H0008 = hidden, &H0040 = allcaps
'"Closed" closed flag as a Long (READ ONLY)
'"Kind" graphic type as a Long (READ ONLY)
'"RegenMethod" regen method name as a String (READ ONLY)
'Return Value
'Value of property requested.
'"BrushAngle" (Double)
'"BrushColor" (Long)
'"BrushDrawMode" (Integer)
'"BrushScale" (Double)
'"BrushStyle" (Double)
'"DatabaseID" (Long)
'"HatchCross" (Integer)
'"Info" (String)
'"Layer" (Integer)
'"LimitVertices" (Integer)
'"PenAlignment" (String)
'"PenColor" (Long)
'"PenScale" (Double)
'"PenStyle" (Integer)
'"PenWidth" (Double)
'"ScaleSystem" (Integer)
'"Selected" -1 if selected, 0 if not (Long)
'"TextFont" (String)
'"TextFormat" (Integer)
'"TextSize" (Double)
'"TextStyle" (Integer)
'"Closed" -1 if closed, 0 if not (Long - READ ONLY)
'"Kind" GK_nnnnn (Long - READ ONLY)
'"RegenMethod" (String - READ ONLY)
'See Also
'Coding Example
'Declare Function TCWGraphicPropertyGet ( _
' ByVal g As Long, _
' ByRef propertyname As String _
')As Variant
'This function will set the property with the specified value.
'Input Parameters
'Long graphic graphic to set property for
'String propertyname name of property to modify
'Variant value value to set to
'"BrushAngle" (Double)
'"BrushColor" &H00bbggrr or -3 for by layer, -4 for by block or -5 for by pen (Long)
'"BrushDrawMode" (Integer)
'"BrushScale" (Double)
'"BrushStyle" (Integer)
'"DatabaseID" (Long)
'"HatchCross" (Integer)
'"Info" (String)
'"Layer" (Integer)
'"LimitVertices" (Integer)if true, node-edit cannot insert or delete vertices
'"PenAlignment" (String)
'"PenColor" &H00bbggrr or -3 for by layer, -4 for by block (Long)
'"PenWidth" 1.5 (Double)
'"PenScale" 1 (Double)
'"PenStyle" (Integer)
'"ScaleSystem" 0 for world, 1 for paper, 2 for device (Integer)
'"Selected" 1 to select, 0 to deselect (Integer)
'"TextStyle" flags: &H0000 = regular, &H0001 = italic, &H0002 = bold, &H0004 = strikethru, &H0008 = hidden, &H0040 = allcaps (Integer)
'"TextFont" (String)
'"TextFormat" 0 for left justify, 1 for center, 2 for right justify (Integer)
'"TextSize" (Double)
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if errors. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
'Declare Function TCWGraphicPropertySet ( _
' ByVal graphic As Long, _
' ByRef propertyname As String, _
' ByVal value As Variant
')As Long
'GRAPHICS - Vertex Functions
'This function will return the number vertices in the specified graphic.
'Input Parameters
'Long g graphic to count vertices in
'Return Value
'Number of vertices as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWVertexCount lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long _
) As Long
'This function will return the handle to the vertex requested. Valid index
'numbers are 0 to the number-1 returned by VertexCount.
'Input Parameters
'Long g graphic to get vertex from
'Long index vertex to return
'Return Value
'Handle to vertex as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWVertexAt lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal g As Long, _
ByVal index As Long _
) As Long
'This function will create a new vertex at the specified coordinates.
'Caller is responsible for disposing of this object unless it is added to a graphic.
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of vertex
'Double y0 Y coordinate of vertex
'Double z0 Z coordinate of vertex
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the new vertex as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWVertexCreate lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will create a new vertex at the coordinates 0,0,0.
'Caller is responsible for disposing of this object unless it is added to a graphic.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the new vertex as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWVertexZero lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will create a new vertex that is initialized to the
'same coordinates as the vertex specified.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle of a vertex to copy
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the new vertex as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWVertexCopy lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long _
) As Long
'This function will delete the specified vertex.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle of a vertex to delete
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWVertexDispose lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long _
) As Long
'This function will return the X coordinate of a vertex.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle of a vertex
'Return Value
' X coordinate as a Double.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGetX lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long _
) As Double
'This function will set the X coordinate of a vertex.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle of a vertex
'Double x0 coordinate value
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWSetX lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long, _
ByVal x0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will return the Y coordinate of a vertex.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle of a vertex
'Return Value
'Y coordinate as a Double.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGetY lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long _
) As Double
'This function will set the Y coordinate of a vertex.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle of a vertex
'Double y0 coordinate value
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWSetY lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long, _
ByVal y0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will return the Z coordinate of a vertex.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle of a vertex
'Return Value
'Z coordinate as a Double.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGetZ lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long _
) As Double
'This function will set the Z coordinate of a vertex.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle of a vertex
'Double z0 coordinate value
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWSetZ lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will set the X and Y coordinates of a vertex.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle of a vertex
'Double x0 x coordinate value
'Double y0 y coordinate value
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWSetXY lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will set the X, Y and Z coordinates of a vertex.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle of a vertex
'Double x0 x coordinate value
'Double y0 y coordinate value
'Double z0 z coordinate value
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWSetXYZ lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long, _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will set the state for the pen. Sets the up or down
'state of the pen at the specified vertex.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle of a vertex
'Long state TRUE if pen should be down
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWPenDown lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long, _
ByVal state As Long _
) As Long
'VIEW - Functions
'This function will activate the specified view.
'Input Parameters
'Long index view number
'Return Value
'Returns the handle to the view as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWViewCount, TCWViewActive
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWViewAt lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal index As Long _
) As Long
'This function will return the number of views that are open.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Count of the number of open views as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWViewAt, TCWViewActive
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWViewCount lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will return the handle to the active view.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Handle to view as a Long.
'See Also
'TCWViewAt, TCWViewCount
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWViewActive lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will force a redraw on the current view.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWViewRedraw lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will flush any remaining paint messages to the view.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWViewUpdateWindow lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will zoom the current view to full view.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWViewZoom lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will zoom in the current view. The amount of zoom is
'determined by the zoom factor setting on the Options|Program Setup|General
'property page.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWViewZoomIn lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will zoom out the current view. The amount of zoom is
'determined by the zoom factor setting on the Options|Program Setup|General
'property page.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWViewZoomOut lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will zoom to the printed page size.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWViewZoomPage lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will zoom to a view that contains all of the objects in the drawing.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWViewZoomExtents lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will zoom to a view that is bounded by the rectangle points
'Input Parameters
'Double x0 X coordinate of top left corner of rectangle
'Double y0 Y coordinate of top left corner of rectangle
'Double z0 Z coordinate of top left corner of rectangle
'Double x1 X coordinate of lower right corner of rectangle
'Double y1 Y coordinate of lower right corner of rectangle
'Double z1 Z coordinate of lower right corner of rectangle
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWViewZoomWindow lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal x0 As Double, _
ByVal y0 As Double, _
ByVal z0 As Double, _
ByVal x1 As Double, _
ByVal y1 As Double, _
ByVal z1 As Double _
) As Long
'This function will return x coordinate which represents the bottom left
'corner of the view.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'x coordinate as a Double.
'See Also
'TCWViewExtentsGetY1, TCWViewExtentsGetZ1, TCWViewExtentsGetX2, TCWViewExtentsGetY2,
'Coding Example
'Find center of screen
' xc = (TCWViewExtentsGetX1() + TCWViewExtentsGetX2())/2
' yc = (TCWViewExtentsGetY1() + TCWViewExtentsGetY2())/2
' ' Create the empty circle graphic
' g = TCWCircleCenterAndPoint(xc, yc, 0.0, xc, yc+3, 0.0)
Declare Function TCWViewExtentsGetX1 lib "TCAPI40" () As Double
'This function will return y coordinate which represents the bottom left
'corner of the view.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'y coordinate as a Double.
'See Also
'TCWViewExtentsGetX1, TCWViewExtentsGetZ1, TCWViewExtentsGetX2, TCWViewExtentsGetY2,
'Coding Example
'Find center of screen
' xc = (TCWViewExtentsGetX1() + TCWViewExtentsGetX2())/2
' yc = (TCWViewExtentsGetY1() + TCWViewExtentsGetY2())/2
' ' Create the empty circle graphic
' g = TCWCircleCenterAndPoint(xc, yc, 0.0, xc, yc+3, 0.0)
Declare Function TCWViewExtentsGetY1 lib "TCAPI40" () As Double
'This function will return z coordinate which represents the bottom left
'corner of the view.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'z coordinate as a Double.
'See Also
'TCWViewExtentsGetX1, TCWViewExtentsGetY1, TCWViewExtentsGetX2, TCWViewExtentsGetY2,
'Coding Example
'Find center of screen
' xc = (TCWViewExtentsGetX1() + TCWViewExtentsGetX2())/2
' yc = (TCWViewExtentsGetY1() + TCWViewExtentsGetY2())/2
' ' Create the empty circle graphic
' g = TCWCircleCenterAndPoint(xc, yc, 0.0, xc, yc+3, 0.0)
Declare Function TCWViewExtentsGetZ1 lib "TCAPI40" () As Double
'This function will return x coordinate which represents the top right
'corner of the view.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'x coordinate as a Double.
'See Also
'TCWViewExtentsGetX1, TCWViewExtentsGetY1, TCWViewExtentsGetZ1, TCWViewExtentsGetY2,
'Coding Example
'Find center of screen
' xc = (TCWViewExtentsGetX1() + TCWViewExtentsGetX2())/2
' yc = (TCWViewExtentsGetY1() + TCWViewExtentsGetY2())/2
' ' Create the empty circle graphic
' g = TCWCircleCenterAndPoint(xc, yc, 0.0, xc, yc+3, 0.0)
Declare Function TCWViewExtentsGetX2 lib "TCAPI40" () As Double
'This function will return y coordinate which represents the top right
'corner of the view.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'y coordinate as a Double.
'See Also
'TCWViewExtentsGetX1, TCWViewExtentsGetY1, TCWViewExtentsGetZ1, TCWViewExtentsGetX2,
'Coding Example
'Find center of screen
' xc = (TCWViewExtentsGetX1() + TCWViewExtentsGetX2())/2
' yc = (TCWViewExtentsGetY1() + TCWViewExtentsGetY2())/2
' ' Create the empty circle graphic
' g = TCWCircleCenterAndPoint(xc, yc, 0.0, xc, yc+3, 0.0)
Declare Function TCWViewExtentsGetY2 lib "TCAPI40" () As Double
'This function will return z coordinate which represents the top right
'corner of the view.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'z coordinate as a Double.
'See Also
'TCWViewExtentsGetX1, TCWViewExtentsGetY1, TCWViewExtentsGetZ1, TCWViewExtentsGetX2,
'Coding Example
'Find center of screen
' xc = (TCWViewExtentsGetX1() + TCWViewExtentsGetX2())/2
' yc = (TCWViewExtentsGetY1() + TCWViewExtentsGetY2())/2
' ' Create the empty circle graphic
' g = TCWCircleCenterAndPoint(xc, yc, 0.0, xc, yc+3, 0.0)
Declare Function TCWViewExtentsGetZ2 lib "TCAPI40" () As Double
'LAYERS - Management Functions
'This function will return the number of layers in the active drawing.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Count of the number of layers as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWLayersCount lib "TCAPI40" () As Long
'This function will return the layer in the active drawing, requested by the index.
'Input Parameters
'Return Value
'Handle to the layer as a Long.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWLayersAt lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal Index As Long _
) As Long
'This function will create a new layer in the active drawing. If the layer
'already exits, the settings are overwritten.
'Input Parameters
'String lName name of layer
'Integer visible TRUE if visible
'Integer frozen TRUE if graphics on layer cannot be edited or selected
'Integer ReadOnly TRUE if graphics on layer cannot be edited
'Long lColor color as &H00bbggrr
'Long lLineStyle line style
'Return Value
'Layer ID or 0 if layer could not be created. Use TCWLastErrorGet to
'retrieve error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWLayerCreate lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef lName As String, _
ByVal visible As Long, _
ByVal frozen As Long, _
ByVal readonly As Long, _
ByVal lColor As Long, _
ByVal lLineStyle As Long _
) As Long
'This function will delete the layer in the active drawing, requested by the index.
'Input Parameters
'Long Index layer to delete
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWLayerDispose lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal Index As Long _
) As Long
'LAYERS - Get and Set Property Functions
'This function will return the value of the property that has been
'requested. This mechanism is being used to get around Enable 3.0
'non-support for Variants in DLLs.
'Input Parameters
'Long layer layer id returned from LayerAt
'String propertyname name of property look up
'"Color" layer color
'"Frozen" graphics on layer are non editable and non selectable
'"LineStyle" layer line style
'"Name" layer name
'"Readonly" graphics on layer are read only
'"Visible" is layer visible in drawing
'Return Value
'Value of property requested
'"Color" &H00bbggrr as a Long
'"Frozen" -1 if frozen, 0 if not
'"LineStyle" layer line style as a Long
'"Name" layer name as a String
'"Readonly" -1 if read only, 0 if not
'"Visible" -1 if visible, 0 if not
'See Also
'Coding Example
'Dim dActive As Long
'Dim count As Long
'Dim i As Long
'Dim LayerID As Long
'Dim LayVar As String
'Dim Result As Variant
'Sub Main
' LayVar = "c:\imsi\tcw40\Samples\mouse.tcw"
' TCWDrawingOpen "c:\imsi\tcw40\Samples\mouse.tcw"
' count = TCWLayersCount()
' MsgBox count
' i = 1
' LayVar = "Name"
' Do While (i <> count)
' LayerID = TCWLayersAt(i)
' Result = TCWLayerPropertyGet(LayerID, LayVar)
' MsgBox Result
' i = i + 1
' Loop
' MsgBox "Finished"
'End Sub
'Declare Function TCWLayerPropertyGet ( _
' ByVal layer As Long, _
' ByRef propertyname As String _
')As Variant
'This function will set the property with the specified value.
'Input Parameters
'Long layer layer id
'String propertyname name of property to modify
'Variant value value to set to
'"Color" &H00bbggrr
'"Frozen" 1 to set frozen, 0 to unset
'"Linestyle" Long
'"Name" String
'"Readonly" 1 to set readonly, 0 to unset
'"Visible" 1 to set visible, 0 to unset
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if errors. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
'Declare Function TCWLayerPropertySet ( _
' ByVal layer As Long, _
' ByRef propertyname As String, _
' ByVal value As Variant
')As Long
'FILE I/O - Functions
'This function will open a text file for input.
'Input Parameters
'String filename name of file to open for reading.
'Return Value
'Handle to the file as a Long. If return value is 0, use TCWLastErrorGet to
'retrieve error string.
'See Also
'TCWCloseInput, TCWReadInput, TCWReadInputToken
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWOpenInput lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef filename As String _
) As Long
'This function reads characters from the input file (fd) until it reaches a:
'space, next line, of eof or the max number of characters has been read (256).
'Input Parameters
'Long fd file descriptor returned by TCWOpenInput
'String strtext buffer for data to be read into
'Return Value
'0 if no errors
'-1 if EOF seen
'Non-zero (not -1) if errors. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve error string.
'See Also
'TCWOpenInput, TCWCloseInput, TCWReadInput
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWReadInputToken lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal fd As Long, _
ByRef bstrtext As String _
) As Long
'This function reads the entire line from the input file (fd) into the buffer pbstrBuffer.
'The line separator character is '\n'. '\r' is ignored.
'Input Parameters
'Long fd file descriptor returned by TCWOpenInput
'String strtext buffer for data to be read into
'Return Value
'0 if no errors
'-1 if EOF seen
'Non-zero (not -1) if errors. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve error string.
'See Also
'TCWCloseInput, TCWOpenInput, TCWReadInputToken
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWReadInput lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal fd As Long, _
ByRef bstrtext As String _
) As Long
'This function closes the input file.
'Input Parameters
'Long fd file descriptor returned by TCWOpenInput
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'TCWOpenInput, TCWReadInput, TCWReadInputToken
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWCloseInput lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal fd As Long _
) As Long
'This function will open a text file for output.
'Input Parameters
'String filename name of file to open for writing.
'Return Value
'Handle to the file as a Long. If return value is 0, use TCWLastErrorGet to
'retrieve error string.
'See Also
'TCWCloseOutput, TCWWriteOutput
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWOpenOutput lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByRef filename As String _
) As Long
'This function writes the buffer bstrBuffer to the file (fd).
'Input Parameters
'Long fd file descriptor returned by TCWOpenOutput
'String strtext buffer for data to be read into
'Note that max number of bytes you can write is 0xFFFE (65534).
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'TCWCloseOutput, TCWOpenOutput
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWWriteOutput lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal fd As Long, _
ByRef bstrBuffer As String _
) As Long
'This function closes the output file.
'Input Parameters
'Long fd file descriptor returned by TCWOpenOutput
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'TCWOpenOutput, TCWWriteOutput
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWCloseOutput lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal fd As Long _
) As Long
'SCREEN - Mouse to Point Functions
'This function will set the vertex to the value of the next mouse pick in the
'active viewport. The user should use the left mouse button. A value will not be
'returned until the mouse button is released.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle to a vertex
'String prompt prompt for user
'Long g handle of a graphic to drag (or NULL)
'Long vd reference to a vertex in the drag graphic (or NULL)
'Long os snap modes which give "magnetic: functionality
'Long cursor 1 for arrow, 2 for cross, 3 for ibeam
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
' TCWVertexFindVertex, TCWVertexFindGraphic
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWGetPoint lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long, _
ByVal Prompt As String, _
ByVal gd As Long, _
ByVal vd As Long, _
ByVal osmode As Long, _
ByVal cursor As Long _
) As Long
'This function will update the supplied vertex's X, Y, and Z coordinates with the
'X, Y, and Z coordinates of the closest vertex based on the snap mode used.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle to a vertex
'Long os snap modes which are active combination of the following values:
'. . SNAP_MIDPOINT 0x0020
'. . SNAP_CENTER 0x0040
'. . SNAP_NEARESTENTITY 0x0100 (overrides other snaps)
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string. Input parameter is updated to reflect closest vertex.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWVertexFindVertex lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long, _
ByVal osmode As Long _
) As Long
'This function with return the handle to the graphic that is closest to the
'supplied vertex.
'Input Parameters
'Long v handle to a vertex
'Return Value
'0 if no errors. Non-zero if an error occurred. Use TCWLastErrorGet to retrieve
'error string.
'See Also
'Coding Example
Declare Function TCWVertexFindGraphic lib "TCAPI40" ( _
ByVal v As Long _
) As Long