After timing their crossing of the English coast to coincide with the return of their Luftflotte 2 comrades from earlier raids, the experienced Ju 87 Stuka pilots of I/StG2 Stukageschwader peeled off into attack dives at 12,000 feet over the Tangmere airfield. In a characteristically accurate strike, several hangars full of aircraft were destroyed or damaged. The wreckage and cratering was extensive, and left the ground personnel badly shaken. But as the Stukas pulled up from their dives, sudden tracer fire whipping past alerted them to Hurricanes of 43 Squadron on their tails. Caught at their most vulnerable point - at low altitude and scattered after the attack - the slow-moving Stukas suffered grievous losses as they tried to race back to France. Seven of their number fell to the guns of the counter-attacking Hurricanes and another three were damaged.
(NOTE: The German player is at an extreme disadvantage in this battle and is not expected to down any Hurricanes. The object is to escape.)