CAPTION 1=Hey, lets launch 3 Notepads and Calculator !
SENDKEY 1={Msg Magic Menu will launch 3 copies of Notepad and calculator...}{RUN Notepad.exe}Notepad 1{RUN Notepad.exe}Notepad 2{RUN Notepad.exe}Notepad 3{RUN calc.exe}
CAPTION 2=&Maximize All Windows
SENDKEY 2={Maximize-All}
CAPTION 3=Quick Intro
SENDKEY 3={RUN NOTEPAD.EXE}{Pause 1}{Maximize Notepad}{Alt}ewMagic Menu - is the indispensable desktop utility designed to give you maximum power in one system-wide configurable menu. Please read the help file to unleash the full power of this application.
CAPTION 4=&Open File in wordwrapped Notepad
SENDKEY 4={Msg This is an example of sending menu commands after launching a program .{RUN NOTEPAD.EXE}{Alt}ew{Alt}fo