<B>Cunarder, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> any steamship of a line founded by Sir Samuel Cunard in 1839, originally to carry mail between Liverpool and New York. </DL>
<B>cuneiform, </B>adjective, noun.<DL COMPACT><DD><I>adj. </I> <B>1. </B>wedge-shaped. <DD><B> 2. </B>composed of cuneiform inscriptions. <BR> <I>Ex. cuneiform tablets.</I> <DD><B> 3. </B>(Anatomy.) of or denoting any wedge-shaped bone. <DD><I>noun </I> <B>1. </B>the wedge-shaped characters used in the writing of ancient Babylonia, Assyria, Persia, and some other areas of the Near East. <BR> <I>Ex. The decipherment of cuneiform was not accepted by all informed students of antiquity until well after the end of the nineteenth century (New Yorker).</I> <DD><B> 2. </B>(Anatomy.) a wedge-shaped bone, especially one of three bones of the human ankle. </DL>
<A NAME="cuneiformist">
<B>cuneiformist, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a student of or an expert in cuneiform writing. </DL>
<A NAME="cuniculus">
<B>cuniculus, </B>noun, pl. <B>-li.</B><DL COMPACT><DD> an underground passage, such as a burrow or a drain. </DL>
<A NAME="cunner">
<B>cunner, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> either of two small Atlantic fishes allied to the wrasses, used for food. </DL>
<A NAME="cunnilingus">
<B>cunnilingus, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> oral stimulation of the female genital organs. </DL>
<A NAME="cunning">
<B>cunning, </B>adjective, noun.<DL COMPACT><DD><I>adj. </I> <B>1. </B>clever in deceiving; sly. <BR> <I>Ex. a cunning fox. The cunning thief outwitted the police and got away.</I> (SYN) crafty, artful, guileful. <DD><B> 2. </B>made, showing, or done with skill, knowledge, or cleverness. <BR> <I>Ex. The old watch was a fine example of cunning workmanship.</I> (SYN) ingenious. <DD><B> 3. </B>skillful; clever in doing. <BR> <I>Ex. With cunning hand the sculptor shaped the little statue. Esau was a cunning hunter (Genesis 25:27).</I> (SYN) expert. <DD><B> 4. </B>(Informal.) pretty and dear; cute. <BR> <I>Ex. Kittens and babies are cunning.</I> (SYN) attractive. <DD><I>noun </I><B>1. </B>skillful or sly ways of getting what one needs or wants, or of escaping one's enemies. <BR> <I>Ex. A fox has a great deal of cunning.</I> <DD><B> 2. </B>skill; cleverness. <BR> <I>Ex. The old sculptor's hand never lost its cunning.</I> adv. <B>cunningly.</B> noun <B>cunningness.</B> </DL>
<A NAME="cup">
<B>cup, </B>noun, verb, <B>cupped,</B> <B>cupping.</B><DL COMPACT><DD><I>noun </I> <B>1. </B>a hollow, rounded dish to drink from. Most cups have handles. <DD><B> 2. </B>as much as a cup holds; cupful. In cooking directions, a cup equals a half pint. <BR> <I>Ex. She drank a cup of milk.</I> <DD><B> 3. </B>a cup together with its contents. <DD><B> 4. </B>anything shaped like a cup. The petals of some flowers form a cup. <DD><B> 5. </B>an ornamental cup, vase, or other trophy, given to the winner of a contest. <BR> <I>Ex. the Davis Cup.</I> <DD><B> 6. </B>the bowlike part of a goblet or wineglass that holds the contents. <DD><B> 7. </B>(Figurative.) a drink or food served in a cup; mixture. <BR> <I>Ex. a claret cup, a cider cup, a fruit cup.</I> (SYN) cocktail. <DD><B> 8a. </B>the cup used in Communion. (SYN) chalice. <DD><B> b. </B>the wine used in Communion. (SYN) chalice. <DD><B> 9. </B>(Figurative.) something to endure or experience; fate. <BR> <I>Ex. the bitter cup of defeat. ... to drink the bitterest cup of humiliation (James Anthony Froude).</I> <DD><B> 10. </B><B>=cupping glass.</B> <DD><B> 11. </B>in golf: <DD><B> a. </B><B>=hole.</B> <DD><B> b. </B>the metal lining of the hole. <DD><B> 12. </B>either of two pouchlike supports for the breasts in a brassiere. <DD><I>v.t. </I> <B>1. </B>to shape like a cup. <BR> <I>Ex. She cupped her hands to catch the ball. The old man cupped a hand behind one ear.</I> <DD><B> 2. </B>to take or put in a cup. <BR> <I>Ex. She cupped the flour from a bag and poured it into a mixing bowl.</I> <DD><B> 3. </B>to take blood from (a person) by the process of cupping. <DD><I>v.i. </I> <B>1. </B>to become cup-shaped. <DD><B> 2. </B>to use a cupping glass. <BR><I>expr. <B>cup of tea,</B> (Informal.) <DD><B> a. </B>just what one likes; something suited to one's taste, interest, or pleasure. </I> <I>Ex. Human nature being what it is, [some] people are simply not other people's cup of tea (Time).</I> <DD><B> b. </B>a sort of thing; matter. <BR> <I>Ex. What actually did happen was another cup of tea altogether.</I> <BR><I>expr. <B>cups,</B> </I>the drinking of intoxicating beverages. <BR> <I>Ex. the jolly Prince ... loving his cups and his ease (Thackeray).</I> <BR><I>expr. <B>in one's cups,</B> </I>drunk. <BR> <I>Ex. She used to come home in her cups, and break the china (John Arbuthnot).</I> adj. <B>cuplike.</B> </DL>
<A NAME="cup">
<B>Cup, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> (Astronomy.) the southern constellation Crater. </DL>
<A NAME="cupandball">
<B>cup and ball,</B><DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>a toy consisting of a cup at the end of a stem to which a ball is attached by a string, the object being to toss the ball and catch it in the cup. <DD><B> 2. </B>the game played with this. </DL>
<A NAME="cupandring">
<B>cup-and-ring, </B>adjective.<DL COMPACT><DD> of or having to do with prehistoric stone monuments marked with cuplike depressions surrounded by concentric rings. </DL>
<A NAME="cupanemometer">
<B>cup anemometer,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> an anemometer consisting of three or four hemispherical cups for measuring wind velocity and pressure. </DL>
<A NAME="cupbearer">
<B>cupbearer, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>(formerly) a person who filled and served cups of wine at banquets. <DD><B> 2. </B>(formerly) a noble who tasted the wine before handing it to his master. <BR> <I>Ex. Nehemiah ... held the highly honored position of cupbearer to King Artaxerxes I in Persia (Walter G. Williams).</I> </DL>
<A NAME="cupboard">
<B>cupboard, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>a closet or cabinet with shelves, especially for dishes and food supplies. <DD><B> 2. </B>(British.) any small closet. </DL>
<A NAME="cupboardlove">
<B>cupboard love,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> a love inspired by considerations of what one can get with it; interested affection. </DL>
<A NAME="cupcake">
<B>cupcake, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a small cake baked in a pan shaped like a cup. </DL>
<A NAME="cupcoral">
<B>cup coral,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> any one of various cup-shaped forms of coral formed by the development of a single polyp. </DL>
<A NAME="cupel">
<B>cupel, </B>noun, verb, <B>-peled,</B> <B>-peling</B> or (especially British) <B>-pelled,</B> <B>-pelling.</B><DL COMPACT><DD><I>noun </I> <B>1. </B>a small, cuplike, porous dish used in assaying usually made of bone ash. <DD><B> 2. </B>a receptacle in which silver is refined. <DD><I>v.t. </I> to heat or refine in a cupel. noun <B>cupeler</B> or (especially British) <B>cupeller.</B> </DL>
<A NAME="cupellation">
<B>cupellation, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> the use of cupel in assaying or refining metals. </DL>
<A NAME="cupferron">
<B>cupferron, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a crystalline compound soluble in water, alcohol, and either, used especially as a reagent in separation of copper and iron from other metals. </DL>
<A NAME="cupful">
<B>cupful, </B>noun, pl. <B>-fuls.</B><DL COMPACT><DD> as much as a cup can hold. In cooking, a cupful equals a half pint or 8 oz. </DL>
<A NAME="cupfungus">
<B>cup fungus,</B><DL COMPACT><DD> any one of various fleshy ascomycetes found especially on decayed logs and leaves, having cup-shaped fruiting bodies. </DL>
<A NAME="cuphic">
<B>Cuphic, </B>adjective. <B>=Cufic.</B></DL>
<A NAME="cupholder">
<B>cupholder, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> the winner of a cup in a sports contest; champion. </DL>
<A NAME="cupid">
<B>Cupid, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> the Roman god of love, son of Venus and either Mercury or Mars. The Greeks called him Eros. Cupid is usually represented as a winged boy with bow and arrows. </DL>
<A NAME="cupid">
<B>cupid, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a figure of a winged child used as a symbol of love. <BR> <I>Ex. a valentine covered with little cupids.</I> adj. <B>cupidlike.</B> </DL>
<A NAME="cupidity">
<B>cupidity, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> eager desire to possess something; greed. <BR> <I>Ex. They gazed with envy and cupidity at the noble mansions (Cardinal Newman).</I> (SYN) avarice. </DL>
<A NAME="cupidsbow">
<B>Cupid's bow,</B><DL COMPACT><DD><B> 1. </B>lips shaped like the double-curved bow of Cupid. <DD><B> 2. </B>the double-curved bow shown in classical art. </DL>
<A NAME="cupola">
<B>cupola, </B>noun, verb, <B>-laed,</B> <B>-laing.</B><DL COMPACT><DD><I>noun </I> <B>1. </B>a rounded roof; dome. <BR> <I>Ex. The Capitol at Washington, D.C. has a cupola.</I> <DD><B> 2. </B>a small dome or tower on a roof, especially a small, often squarish tower on the roof of a barn with louvered sides to let in air. <DD><B> 3. </B>a domelike thing or part. <DD><B> 4. </B>(Geology.) a domelike rock formation projecting from the upper part of a batholith. <DD><B> 5. </B>a small furnace used mainly for melting iron. <DD><B> 6. </B><B>=headhouse.</B> <DD><I>v.t. </I> to construct or furnish with or as if with a cupola or cupolas. <BR> <I>Ex. cupolaed band shell.</I> </DL>
<A NAME="cuppa">
<B>cuppa, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> (British Slang.) a cup of tea. <BR> <I>Ex. After the game there is never more than a quick cuppa before the visitors bundle back into the bus (Sunday Times).</I> </DL>
<B>cupper, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> a person who performs the operation of cupping. </DL>
<A NAME="cupping">
<B>cupping, </B>noun.<DL COMPACT><DD> the application of glass cups to the skin to create a partial vacuum, usually through heat, in order to draw blood to the surface of the skin. </DL>