áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááᢠWELCOME TO THE ANTIC MONTHLY DISK ¢áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááᢢMost of the programs on this disk are¢written in Atari BASIC. Some require¢special hardware or specific instruc-¢tions. Please read the corresponding¢issue of ANTIC for complete¢If you wish to order a back issue,¢or need subscription information,¢call us at (415) 957-0886. For credit¢card orders, dial (800) 227-1617, Ex.¢133. In California, call¢(800) 722-3545, Ex. 133¢XXX¢² *** BONUS FILES * BONUS FILES ***²¢¢ Antic's¢ Grand Underground¢ Text Adventure¢ (SPTIRE.EXE)¢¢ By Steven Lee¢¢ If you're homesick for the¢mysterious caverns of ZORK, here's¢your chance to explore a new¢underground labyrinth of fun and¢lighthearted adventure! It's Hot,¢It's Now, and It's just waiting for¢you to read the HELP file for¢complete instructions!¢XXX¢¢² *** > MORE BONUS FILES < ***²¢¢ Hold onto your hats, because¢if THAT'S not enough for you,¢we've ALSO included a complete¢version of the Print Shop Envelope¢Maker with the Mailing List¢modification *already installed*!¢Just RUN "D:ENVELOPX.BAS" and buy¢lots of stamps!!¢¢XXX¢¢² *** > Even MORE Bonus Files < ***²¢¢ And if you're STILL not¢satisfied, we've got MORE:¢Whenever there is sufficient room,¢we will be including TYPO II and¢LINKLINE on the monthly disks.¢TYPO II is in LISTed form, and ¢must be ENTERed before using.¢It will not RUN from the menu.¢¢Please see the HELP files on the¢back of this disk for LINKLINE¢instructions.¢¢¢²²²¢¢XXX¢¢The menu that appeared on the screen¢when you booted the disk will only¢RUN programs with a .BAS extender.¢If you try to run a program and the¢response is 'cannot run Filename',¢check the file extender with this¢list:¢XXX¢¢¢.BAS BASIC saved program, use menu¢ RUN or LOAD and RUN.¢.LST BASIC listed program, ENTER¢ then RUN.¢.EXE Assembly language 'Load and¢ Go' file. Remove BASIC, boot¢ DOS, type L then enter the¢ filename.¢.ASM Assembly language source code¢ (Atari Assembler Editor)¢ Must be compiled.¢.M65 "SAVEd" MAC/65 assembly ¢ language source code.¢ Must be compiled.¢¢XXX¢¢.OBJ Machine language object file.¢ Same as .EXE but not 'Load and¢ Go'. See corresponding article.¢.SYS Reserved for DOS system files.¢.TXT Text file. Usually accessed¢ by another program.¢.ACT ACTION! language source code.¢ Must be compiled.¢.LGO A Logo program. Requires the¢ Logo cartridge.¢¢XXX¢¢All programs from ANTIC issues dated¢prior to August 1984 were reproduced¢from ANTIC's Archive. We've updated¢them from our HELP columns and¢most are compatible with the XL and¢XE machines. We have worked to insure¢that our programs operate as¢published, but we consider all our¢software listings to be works in¢progress which we encourage you to¢personalize and enhance.¢¢Good luck, and ENJOY!¢¢ -ANTIC ED¢¢əəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəə