ATARI ELITE MAGAZINE¢¢¢ Good news! A new magazine for Atari computers has just been announced. I wrote to them recently and received full details. Please read the following information and carefully consider a subscription.¢¢-----------------------------------¢¢INTRODUCTION¢¢ Thank-you for your interest in Atari Elite. As you may have gathered Atari Elite is a new magazine supporting 8-bit, ST and Portfolio machines. Not only does it promise to bring you a new dimension on Atari computing, it also promises to be fun, educational and suitable for ALL levels and age groups of Atari users.¢¢ The aim of Atari Elite is not only to inform you of what's happening in the Atari world, it also promises to help you delve into the more specialised sides like programming in all languages, communications, advanced graphics, sound, etc. without forgetting that not everyone understands the jargon that goes along with it. So, in Issue 1, and future issues, there will be beginners guides to subjects such as communications ans programming in Turbo Basic. As you will see, we are not only aiming at the advanced users but also those with a little less knowledge who are hungry to learn more. We will also frequently cover all aspects of computing with reviews comparing the leading pieces of software in their fields, such as word processing and communications, in an in-depth and fair fashion, because Atari Elite is written BY users FOR users.¢¢ So, remember, for the best computers in the world, you'll need the best, fun and complete guide to using them, and what's more, Atari Elite is a non-profit making organisation with no shareholders' pockets to line. Of course, we do pay some people like those who write for us, so, if you want, send something in. It can be anything from an article to a program, and who knows, we may just print it!¢¢ We are always on the look-out for writers, artists, programmers and helpers so if you are interested please write to us saying what you would be prepared to do.¢¢ As you will see from the information we are new, innovative and different from existing Atari clubs, etc. We aim not only to run a magazine but also to sell software (both commercial and PD) and hardware. In fact, we are exploring the possibility of selling the CSS products, including the Black Box (RS232, centronics and hard disk interface). If you are interested, please write back. We are also hoping people will write not only programs for our magazine and PD library but also new commercial software. If you have written something then we will be willing to have a look at it.¢¢We hope to hear from you soon,¢¢R.G.McCall and P.Hollins(Joint Editors)¢¢¢GENERAL INFORMATION¢¢ Atari Elite is a new magazine supporting the 8-bit, ST and Portfolio machines. Our aim is NOT to make a profit, but to provide you, the user, with the latest news from the Atari Community around the globe. We may be based in the UK but we have contacts all over the world. Elite will hopefully carry the following sections:-¢¢-News - latest from the Atari scene.¢-PD/Shareware - news and reviews.¢-Beginners & Advanced sections on programming.¢-Machine Code.¢-Type-ins (all languages).¢-Pokes page, cheats, hints and tips.¢-In-depth reviews on serious software.¢-Games news and reviews.¢-Hardware reviews.¢-East/West - covers developments for the Atari in the USA and Eastern Europe.¢-BBS, user group and fanzine sections.¢-Free adverts for readers - wanted, buy, sell, etc.¢¢plus many more!¢¢ If you think you would like to write for Atari Elite, whether on one of the subject areas above or on any Atari-related subject, do not hesitate in contacting us. We ALWAYS need new contributors.¢¢¢SUBSCRIPTION FORM (UK)¢¢Atari Elite Magazine,¢14 Drovers Way,¢Peebles,¢EH45 9BN,¢Scotland.¢¢RATES : 4 ISSUES - 8 POUNDS.¢¢Conditions:¢(1) A subscription is non-refundable.¢(2) Should Atari Elite, it heirs or successors cease trading no claims will be made against any of its members or directors in respect of any outstanding amounts.¢(3) No responsibility is accepted for damages arising from articles, advice, etc. contained in Atari Elite.¢(4) Atari Elite is a non-profit-making organisation but reserves the right to pay contributors or helpers a reasonable amount for their services.¢(5) These conditions may be changed at any time with 14 days notice.¢¢By subscribing to Atari Elite I agree to abide by the above conditions.¢¢NAME:¢¢¢ADDRESS:¢¢¢¢TELEPHONE NUMBER:¢¢¢I wish to subscribe for FOUR issues.¢¢COMPUTERS OWNED:¢¢¢¢PERIPHERALS OWNED:¢¢¢¢Payment - Cheque or Postal Order, crossed and made payable to 'Atari Elite'.¢¢SIGNED: DATED¢¢¢Atari Elite (Magazine) Publishing (the publisher) is not associated tith Atari Corp (TM). Bankers: TSB Bank Scotland PLC.¢¢¢USER GROUP REGISTRATION¢¢ For user groups, BBS's, fanzines and any non-profit making organisation.¢¢ User groups can obtain cheap text advertising for 4 issues from only 3.50. The idea is not only to publish a list but to keep a database of all organisations which currently support Atari machines.¢¢ On a sheet of paper you should supply us with the following information:¢¢NAME OF ORGANISATION;¢DATE OF FORMATION;¢CONTACT NAME;¢TYPE: USER GROUP/BBS/FANZINE/OTHER;¢SERVICE SUPPLIED AND COST;¢ADVERT TO FIRST APPEAR IN ISSUE: (if not available we reserve the right to place it in the next available issue)¢¢ User groups should arrange for at least 5 members to write to us as proof of existence. If this is not possible then please state.¢¢ This offer allows you to obtain a listing in our user group / BBS section for 4 issues at the rates shown below.¢¢20 words 3.50¢20-30 words 4.25¢30-40 words 5.00¢40-50 words 5.50¢¢ The wording of the advert can be changed for each issue if necessary but a charge of one pound plus any increase in advertising rates is made to cover the costs. The advert should include name of organisation, address (if user group or fanzine), telephone number (if necessary) and services supplied (i.e. magazine, PD library, etc.)¢¢ No refunds are given for cancellations or reduction in advertising size.¢¢ At the end of our first year we hope to publish a services directory listing ALL user groups, BBS's, fanzines, etc. This is optional and at extra cost.¢¢¢NEWS UPDATE¢¢PD Library - We will shortly be starting a PD library. Send SAE for price list. On reverse write PD LIBRARY.¢¢Comms News - Atari Elite maintains an SIG and can be contacted on the City BBS 021-321-1610. After log on, type MAGAZINE. Our handles are Scunner or Simon.¢¢Release News - Atari Elite will hopefully be launched in late Autumn / early Winter this year. Full details on payment of subscription.¢¢Advertisers - For information on deadlines, prices, etc. contact our Administration Office.¢¢Free Adverts - All readers are entitled to use our free adverts service (subject to available space). Max 35 words per advert.¢¢Contributors - All submissions for Atari Elite by 14th September.¢¢Helpers - We urgently need additional staff as follows: Sub-Editor, Technical Editor, Artists. We also need people to man any stands at computer shows.¢¢Admin Office: 14 Drovers Way, Peebles, EH45 9BN, Scotland (adverts, subscriptions, etc.). FAX: 0721-20863.¢¢Editorial Office: 129 Ladybridge Road, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire SK8 5PL.¢¢¢CONTRIBUTORS INFORMATION SHEET¢¢ We rely entirely on volunteer contributors writing for our magazine. We have no full time paid staff although, if we can, we do try to reward those who help us.¢¢ Our aim is to provide new and old Atari hands of all levels to a wealth of information collected from around the globe. So, we need your help. We are always looking for programs, articles, cheats and anything of interest to the Atari community. Although we cannot promise to pay you anything you can be assured that if your contribution is accepted you will be sharing your knowledge with the rest of us and if we do make a small profit you may even receive some payment.¢¢ Like all computers, new and old, it is the users that make or break the machine. That is why we believe in letting the 'users go first' by encouraging users to write. We believe that this is the ONLY way Atari machines can survive successfully well into the future. We also need regulars like reviews, agony aunts, language specialists (C, BASIC, Pascal, etc.), writers, artists, etc. who are willing to give up a small amount of time for each issue.¢¢ At present we are some way to finishing issue 1. We urgently need articles for all machines so that we can make the selections for these machines more substantial.¢¢ Atari Elite has NO shareholders and is not run for a profit, so you can be rest assured tht your contribution is soley for the benefit of other Atari users. Although we are not set up to line anyones pockets it is important that we remain efficient and relatively profitable so that we can remain around for many years to come.¢¢ We also have some permanent voluntary posts which need to be filled to enable us to be more efficient.¢¢ So, if you feel you can help then write to us now.¢¢¢SITUATIONS VACANT ¢¢Assistant Editor (age 18+).¢¢ Responsible for proof-reading and selection of articles. Must have some knowledge of Atari computing but advanced knowledge is not essential.¢¢¢Technical Editor and Group Secretary (age 25+).¢¢ Part of the four man editorial team. Works alongside the joint editors on deciding the finished look of the magazine. Must be an advanced programmer and demonstrate a good knowledge of all aspects of Atari computing. Must also be prepared to help with paperwork and general management of the magazine.¢¢ Send in an article and/or program.¢¢¢Advertising and Cartoon Artists (2 or more required - age 14+).¢¢ Must be good at all types of drawings (colour, b+w, line, solid, etc.).¢¢ Send samples of work to above address (1 cartoon and 1 b+w full page advert).¢¢¢Permanent Contributors (several).¢¢ People who are willing to send in programs and articles on specific subjects (may vary from issue to issue) on a regular basis. People like agony aunts, games experts, reviewers, etc.¢¢ Send in an article and/or program.¢¢¢------------------------------------¢¢ED:-¢ As you can see from the above information, you are taking a chance subscribing to Elite. They have covered themselves well (perhaps too well!) within their subscription conditions. Also, they have no release date and, in effect, could quite easily keep your money without actually releasing the magazine.¢¢ I don't know what it is about the information above that bothers me. It just feels a little too official (I think a solicitor has been involved). There is not a high level of confidence within Elite that the magazine will succeed. I also hope that the spelling and punctuation mistakes within the information (I attempted to correct most of them!) are not an example of the magazine itself. I don't claim to be an expert in English (far from it!) but if I were releasing a magazine I'd make sure the articles were correctly presented.¢¢ One of the other annoying aspects of the information is to ask for support from users and then in turn demand payment for user group advertising. Needless to say, I will not be placing an advertisment for NOSAUG! This foolishness will stop many user groups from advertising and, indeed, supporting Elite.¢¢ However, the bottom line is that they need support from Atari users to get off the ground. Unfortunately, you'll have to risk eight pounds to give such support. I intend to subscribe next month and will probably submit a couple of articles. Whether you subscribe is up to yourself.¢¢ As I have already stated, many parts of the information bother me. However, I feel the need for another magazine supporting the 8-bit Atari far outweighs these minor gripes. Unfortunately, the five conditions on the subscription form will deter many from subscibing. They are unnecessary!¢¢ I wish all at Atari Elite the best of success and hope that many Atarians will take that chance and subscibe. Good luck lads!¢