FUTURA NEWS - SEPTEMBER 1992¢¢- The Futura cassette PD library has now been up and going for over three months. Many thanks to those who have ordered cassettes - I hope you will keep supporting this service. Cassettes are available at only ✓2.95 each. Full details can be found in the CASPD.DOC file on this disk.¢¢¢- Watch out for new games from Avalon Labs (Poland). Kult is an excellent clone of Zybex with high-resolution black & white graphics. Miecze Valdgira is another clone of a Zeppelin classic - this time it's Draconus. Outstanding graphics and puzzle solving blend perfectly with smooth animation. Lasermania is a really tough puzzle game. Nerves of steel are required. The music is the same as that found on the Laser Demo in Futura 2. Finally, Trix is a top quality implementation of Tetris. It is based on Stack-Up but has far better graphics, sound and gameplay than the Zeppelin original. ¢ I hope these games will be released commercially in the U.K. soon. Ke-Soft will probably distribute them as they have already released Saper by Avalon. Ke-Soft's address is in the InfoFile. Derek Fern sells their games at only ✓5.50 each. You can also find his address in the InfoFile.¢¢¢- Speaking of Ke-Soft, you'll probably have noticed that they have recently released a number of new games. These include Donald, Tactic, Bomber Jack, Zador II and Atomit II. Donald is a clone of the classic ST arcade adventure Rick Dangerous. You can choose to start your quest from either the Amazons, Transylvania, the African Mines or the Himalayas. The tune during this selection screen is excellent. This is a good attempt at a in-depth platform game. Unfortunately, the gameplay is a little jerky (like many of Ke-Softs arcade games). With improved gameplay Donald would have been a classic. Tactic, Bomber Jack, Zador II and Atomit II are all puzzle games. Ke-Soft are definately the experts in Atari 8-bit puzzlers. All four are highly recommended.¢¢¢- I recently received the 1992 Computer Software Services (CSS) Catalogue from the US. They offer amazing power to your old 8-bit. As they state on the front cover, "make your 8-bit a workhorse". This 14-page catalogue gives full details of the Black Box, Quintopus, Multiplexer, Super Archiver II, etc. It also gives you a brief history of CSS itself. You can order a complete photo-copy of the catalogue from me for only ✓1.50.¢ CSS products are available from the following address:¢¢Computer Software Services,¢PO Box 17660,¢Rochester,¢New York 14617,¢USA.¢Tel : (716) 429-5639.¢Fax : (716) 247-7158.¢BBS : (716) 247-7157.¢¢¢- I've recently heard rumours that the City BBS is up for sale. This is the last major 8-bit BBS. I hope all of you 8-bitters with modems will try to keep supporting the City even if it only offers a limited service. Comms is a future direction for the Atari 8-bit in the UK. Look at the USA - there are hundreds of 8-bit BBSs! I intend to purchase a modem early next year and would like to use the service supplied by the City. I only hope it will still be up and running.¢¢¢- Expect a four page review in a future copy of Page 6 on the giant Atari show recently held in Germany. Derek Fern took a trip over to the show to check out 8-bit support and has returned with lots of news. There were about 12 XL/XE stands packed full of goodies. Even he was surprised at just how much stuff was available. He saw an 800XE and got lots of new software and add-ons to add to his already massive lists. I can't wait to read his report.¢¢¢- Derek Fern, fresh from his trip to Germany, is promising lots of new developments soon. He has, "just completed arrangements for several new and as yet unreleased disk games to come to the UK". Other developments include a full graphics mode 8 screen designer for 1020, 1029 and Epson printers. You can load, edit and print and 62-sector picture format file. You can also design labels. The print enhancement for the 1029 is outstanding. I will definately be ordering a copy as soon as my 1029 is fixed. Price is only ✓5.95.¢ Derek (MD Software) is also releasing a new font set for the Atari 1029. You will be able yo get rid of the nasty g, j, p, q and y. No software will be required. All you will have to do is change one simple chip on the main P.C.B.¢ Full details of all the latest MDS developments are available from Derek himself on (021) 353-5730.¢¢¢ I've just heard rumours that the new Atari Falcon 030 will be compatable with the XL/XE as well as the ST/STE! Finally Atari is learning from its mistakes. You can seemingly plug your 1050s into the Falcon. Why is it that the reviews of the Falcon in ST Review never mentioned compatability with the XL/XE! The basic Falcon 030 with 1MB of memory will be priced at ✓499. A 4MB version with a built-in 64MB hard drive will retail at ✓899. If the rumour of 8-bit and ST compatability is true Atari may well have made their first big step forward since releasing the 130XE and placing midi ports in the ST. The long rest on the bench may well be over.¢¢¢- I have more news on the Atari Classics magazine saga mentioned in Futura 2. As I told you last time, 1510 people wrote to Ben and Jeff expressing an interest in Atari Classics. Well, 510 returned the information kits with a pledge to subscribe to the magazine. As their initial target was over 500 they have proceeded to search for a US publisher to take on the magazine. Good luck lads! I'm sure the figure of 510 will increase steadily until a publisher is found.¢¢¢- Page 6 New Atari User time again. Remember to order your copy from your local newsagent or Page 6 directly. Priced at only ✓1.95 it is essential reading for 8-bit owners in the UK. Release date is 24th September. I'm looking forward to the second part of First Steps in Assembly.¢¢¢- Have you ordered the new games from Tiger Developments yet? If yes, well done. If no, please do so as soon as possible. Boing II and Speed Fox have been released at only ✓2.99 each or ✓4.99 for both. Programmers Workshop Vol3 has also been released (✓3.99). My thanks go to Neil and the lads for continuing to support the 8-bit Atari.¢¢¢- MegaMag 4 is available now. The ANG Software address is in the InfoFile.¢¢¢- Lemmings is coming to the Atari 8-bit! Rumours are circulating that a clone of the ST classic is under production in Germany.¢¢¢- AMS6 is fast approaching. It's to be held at the same venue as last year (Bingley Hall, Staffordshire Show Centre, Stafford, England) on Saturday 14th November, 1992. Any NOSAUG members wishing to travel to the show should contact me before the end of October. Advance tickets will be available.¢ If you read my article on AMS5 in Futura 1 you'll know how much I enjoyed the show last year. The trip may be long but it is extremely worthwhile. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again.¢¢¢¢S.J.Murray,¢Futura Editor,¢North Of Scotland Atari User Group.¢