¢THE ATARI 8-BIT BOOK SHELF¢from WNYAUG & OHAUG Newsletters.¢¢ NOTE: The book shelf is a list of books that have been written about your Atari 8-BIT computer. This list will be updated from time to time when, and if, information becomes available.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING FOR THE ATARI COMPUTERS by Mark Chasin, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984.¢¢ Shows how to program the Atari computer using assembly language. Though most examples are USR calls, the book covers topics that are specific to Atari computer programming.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* THE ATARI BASIC SOURCE BOOK by Wilkinson, O'Brien, and Laughton, Compute! Publicatons, Inc., 1983.¢¢ A complete explanation of the inside workings of Atari BASIC, along with original source code. For intermediate and advanced programmers.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* COMPUTER ANIMATION PRIMER by David Fox & Mitchell Waite, McGraw-Hill, 1984.¢¢ Reviews the high tech computer and Microcomputer animation then covers animation on the Atari Computer using BASIC and Machine Language.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* COMPUTE!'S FIRST BOOK OF ATARI, Editor: Robert Lock, Compute! Books, 1981.¢¢ Collection of articles and programs that appeared in Compute! Magazine.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* COMPUTE!'S SECOND BOOK OF ATARI, Editor: Robert Lock, Compute! Books, 1982.¢¢ Collection of articles and programs that appeared in Compute! Magazine.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* COMPUTE!'S THIRD BOOK OF ATARI GRAPHICS, Editor: Robert Lock, Compute! Books, 1982.¢¢ Collection of articles and programs about Atari graphics that appeared in Compute! Magazine.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* THE CREATIVE ATARI by David and Sandy Small, & George Blank, Creative Computing Press, 1983.¢¢ A collection of informative articles from the pages of Creative Computing Magazine.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* DE RE ATARI, The Atari Program Exchange, 1982.¢¢ A guide to effective programing. Explores the workings of the Atari computer. One of the BEST BOOKS!¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* FREE SOFTWARE FOR YOUR ATARI by David and Dorothy Heller, Enrich/Ohaus, 1983.¢¢ Beginners book of telecommunication.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* MACHINE LANGUAGE FOR BEGINNERS by Richard Mansfield, Compute! Publications, INC, 1983.¢¢ Covers progrming the 6502 microprocessor used by many computers. Special sections for the Atari 8 BIT.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* MAPPING THE ATARI by Ian Chadwick, Compute! Books, 1983.¢¢ A comprehensive sourcebook and memory guide for programmers of the 400/800 computer. Another BEST BOOK!¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* MAPPING THE ATARI, REVISED EDITION by Ian Chadwick, Compute! Books, 1985.¢¢ A comprehensive sourcebook and memory guide for programmers of the 400/800/XL/XE computers. Another BEST BOOK!¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* SOME COMMON BASIC PROGRAMS, ATARI ED. by Poole, Borchers, and Cook, Osporne/McGraw-Hill, 1981.¢¢ List of small programs that can be used by themselves or as subroutines. Most are for finance or statistics.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* YOUR ATARI COMPUTER by Poole, McNiff & Cook, Osporne/McGraw Hill, 1982.¢¢ All-in-one guide for Atari 400/800 computers. Covers operating, trouble shooting, compatible software, computer graphics, and comprehensive reference of BASIC statements and functions. A MUST HAVE BEST BOOK!¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* ADVENTURES WITH THE ATARI by Jack B. Hardy, Reston Publishing Co., 1984.¢¢ A guide to writing adventure games. Includes two programs in each of the following languages: Atari BASIC, MicroSoft BASIC, Atari PILOT. Also programs for creating adventure games and for playing the games that you have created.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* ATARI SOUND AND GRAPHICS by Moore, Lower, Albrecht Wiley & Sons, 1982.¢¢ Beginner's guide to creating colourful graphics and sound effects on the ES. Includes a nice plain-English primer on using string variables.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* THE ATARI ASSEMBLER by Don & Kurt Inman, Reston Publishing Co., 1981.¢¢ An introduction to the Atari Assembler Cartridge. Assumes some knowledge of BASIC and NO knowledge about ML.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* ATARI XE USER'S HANDBOOK by Weber Systems, Inc. Staff, WSI Inc., 1985.¢¢ Practical guide to the XE computers. Includes so much vital reference material for all XE owners that it probably should have been included in the box with the machine right from Atari Corp.¢¢ --------------------------------¢¢* INSIDE ATARI DOS by Bill Wilkinson, COMPUTE! Books, 1982.¢¢ A primer on the inner workings of Atari DOS 2.0 written by one of the top names in the Atari ES world. Includes the complete ML source code listings for DOS 2.0 as well as an interesting account of how Atari DOS was created.¢¢ -------------------------------¢¢To be continued...¢¢Ed: I am currently compliling a second part to the Atari 8-Bit Book Shelf for inclusion in Futura 7. Here are the books which will feature:¢¢Inside Atari BASIC;¢The Atari Book of Games;¢Easy Programming For The Atari Micros;¢Games For Your Atari;¢Atari Adventures;¢Writing Startegy Games;¢The Atari 130XE Handbook;¢¢ If you know of any other 8-Bit books which do not appear within this list or the article above please send in the details along with a brief description. Thanks.¢