¢FUTURA COMPETITON - ISSUE 6¢¢ I must begin by thanking all of you who entered the first Futura Competition from issue 5. I have seen other disk mags attempt competitions and receive very limited response but I received more than enough entries to warrant further competitions. Cheers!¢¢ The correct answer to the question was: NOSAUG PD Cassette C03 is 'UTILS1' (or 'UTILITIES1').¢¢¢¢The winner of the Competiton was....¢¢¢¢¢¢*** Mr O.J.Harrison, Rotherham ***¢¢¢ Congratulations Mr Harrison! The four cassettes (Pirate Adventure, Sunday Golf, Waxworks & Football Manager) are on their way to you now. I hope you enjoy them.¢¢Now, onto the Futura 6 Competion...¢¢¢¢FUTURA 6 COMPETITION - MAR/APR 1993¢¢ I have decided to incorporate the competiton for this issue into a Futura survey. I plan to conduct a readers survey at the end of each Futura year (every 6th issue). This way I can learn exactly what all you Futurians out there want to see (or not see) in Futura.¢¢ There are twelve questions below which make up this years survey. Please consider each question carefully and give a brief answer. Here goes...¢¢¢(1) How much text do you wish to read in each issue of Futura? (Not applicable to cassette users)¢¢ (A) No text¢ (B) One quarter of one side¢ (C) One half of one side¢ (D) Three quarters of one side¢ (E) All of one side¢¢¢(2) Please give your opinion of the following Futura columns (1 = Like a lot... 5 = Don't like).¢¢ Introduction¢ Editorial¢ 8-Bit News¢ Inside Atari Basic¢ Software Scene¢ Hints & Cheats¢ Diamond¢ 8-Bit Trivia¢ Competition¢ Futura Feedback¢ VCS Futura¢ InfoFile¢¢¢(3) Are there any changes you would like to see made to any of these columns?¢¢¢¢¢¢(4) What kind of articles would you like to read in Futura which have not been featured so far?¢¢¢¢¢¢(5) Now that the Inside Atari Basic column has concluded would you like to see another column on programming in Atari Basic or any other language (please state)?¢¢¢¢¢¢(6) Please give your opinion of the programs featured within each issue of Futura (1 = Brilliant... 5 = Awful).¢¢ Disk Utilities (copiers, etc.)¢ Other Utilities (music, etc.)¢ Games¢ Demos¢¢¢(7) Please list your favourite and least favourite programs from Futura issues 1-6.¢¢Favourite:¢¢¢¢Least Favourite:¢¢¢¢(8) Is there any type of program you would like to see in Futura which has not already been included?¢¢¢¢¢¢(9) How often should Futura be released?¢¢ (A) Monthly¢ (B) Bi-monthly¢ (C) Quarterly¢¢¢(10) Which density should Futura disks be formatted in? (not applicable to cassette users)¢¢ (A) Single Density¢ (B) 1050 Density¢ (C) Double Density¢¢¢(11) Would you like to receive the text on the disk version of Futura as a printed newsletter? If yes, how much extra would you be willing to pay for this service? (not applicable to cassette users)¢¢ (A) No - .DOC files on disk¢ (B) Yes - no extra charge (1.95)¢ (C) Yes - 55p extra (2.50)¢ (D) Yes - one pound extra (2.95)¢ (E) Yes - two pounds extra (3.95)¢¢¢(12) Would you like to receive all the text and program files on future disk issues in .ARC format? (ARC files are single files which contain many programs which must be unARCed to a blank disk. 2 sides of ARC files = 3-4 sides single density)¢¢ (A) No - Ready-to-run files only¢ (B) Yes - ARCed text files¢ (C) Yes - ARCed programs¢ (D) Yes - All files ARCed¢¢¢ All Futurians who return this survey will automatically be placed into the draw for the Futura 6 competiton. Surveys should arrive no later than Friday 30th April. Please feel free to include any further comments on past or future issues of Futura.¢¢ "But, what's the prize?"; I hear you ask. Well, the prize this time is three disks or two cassettes of your choice from the NOSAUG PD Library. Good luck. (or break an Amiga as we say in the business! Hee! Hee!)¢¢Stuart.¢