¢THE ATARI 8-BIT BOOKSHELF¢by Stuart J. Murray, NOSAUG.¢¢¢ This issue features Part 5 of The Atari 8-Bit Booklist (M-R). The list is presented as follows:¢¢BOOK TITLE IN CAPITAL LETTERS¢Author - Publisher - No. of Pages¢¢¢¢------------------------------------¢THE ATARI 8-BIT BOOKLIST (PART 5)¢Compiled by Stuart J. Murray, NOSAUG¢------------------------------------¢¢MACHINE LANGUAGE FOR BEGINNERS¢R. Mansfield - Compute! - 368¢¢MAKING THE MOST OF THE ATARI¢P. Bunn - Interface - 184¢¢MAPPING THE ATARI¢I. Chadwick - Compute! - 194¢¢MAPPING THE ATARI (REVISED EDITION)¢I. Chadwick - Compute! - 304¢¢MASTER MEMORY MAP¢C. Patchett & R. Sharer - Reston - 362¢¢MASTERING THE ATARI¢Interface Publications¢¢MICRO ENQUIRER (ATARI XL)¢C. Bidmead & B. Woolley - Century Comunications - 184¢¢MICROSOFT BASIC¢Knecht - Dilithium - 168¢¢MOSTLY BASIC: APPLICATIONS FOR YOUR ATARI (BOOK 1)¢H. Berenbon - Sams - 181¢¢MOSTLY BASIC: APPLICATIONS FOR YOUR ATARI (BOOK 2)¢H. Berenbon - Sams - 263¢¢MUSICAL ATARI¢H. Glicksman - Datamost - 168¢¢MY ATARI XL AND ME¢J. Walker - Duckworth - 94¢¢OPERATING SYSTEM SOURCE CODE LISTING¢Atari - 150¢¢PICTURE THIS (PILOT LANGUAGE)¢D. Thornburg - Add Wesley - 196¢¢PLANETFALL¢A.B. Cover - Infocom / Avon Books¢¢PLAYER/MISSILE GRAPHICS¢Seyer - Prentice Hall - 175¢¢PROGRAMMERS REFERENCE GUIDE FOR THE ATARI 400/800¢D. Heiserman - H.W.Sams & co Inc - 494¢¢PROGRAMMING THE 6502¢R. Zaks - Sybex - 392¢¢PROGRAMMING YOUR ATARI¢Thompson - Tab Books - 272¢¢QUEST FOR CLUES (I & II)¢S. Adams - Origin¢¢RANDOM ALLEY ADVENTURE¢M. Orkin - Reston - 88¢¢¢End of Part 5¢¢¢¢If you know of any book which is not included in the Atari 8-bit Booklist please send me details. I'll be adding an appendix to the list containing extra titles. For future reference, let's try to list as many titles as possible! Send any information to: NOSAUG, PO Box 10001, Peterhead, AB42 6ZN.¢