Input 64
next >
Commodore BASIC
544 lines
10 rem"*******************************
20 [143]" f a r b - b a s a r *
30 rem"********* version 3.0 *********
40 [143]" (c)1987 input64 *
50 rem" (w)theodor carstensen *
55 [143]" eppendorfer baum 24 *
60 rem" d 2000 hamburg-20 *
70 [143]"*******************************
80 ifpeek(50307)=120thenpoke50257,0
90 :
100 rem"[141] variablenzuweisung
110 [134] k(6,6)
120 [134] ch$(48)
130 [134] t1$(10,5)
140 [134] t2$(10,5)
150 [134] c$(4,12)
160 [134] c(4)
170 [134] fs(6)
180 [134] sp$(6)
190 [134] pu(6)
200 [134] tl$(10)
210 [134] tr$(10)
220 [134] a$(30)
230 [134] x$(7)
240 :
300 a$(0)[178]" "
310 a$(1)[178]" wurfeln "
320 a$(2)[178]" tauschen "
330 a$(3)[178]" nachster "
340 a$(4)[178]" kaufen "
350 a$(5)[178]" farbe wacmdon,hlen "
360 a$(6)[178]" chips "
370 a$(7)[178]"wer ist sieger ?"
380 a$(8)[178]"ortantantantantan^cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmd/tantantantantanexp"
390 a$(9)[178]"(NULL)str$valusrvalstr$right$cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdmid$asc(NULL)and(NULL)asc(NULL)"
400 a$(10)[178]" chip wacmdon,hlen "
410 a$(11)[178]" tauschen "
420 a$(12)[178]" kombination "
430 a$(13)[178]" wacmdon,hlen "
440 a$(14)[178]" joker "
450 a$(15)[178]" "
460 a$(16)[178]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmd"
470 a$(17)[178]"zu wenig farben "
480 a$(18)[178]"da ist kein chip"
490 a$(19)[178]" noch ein spiel "
500 a$(20)[178]" spiel beenden "
510 a$(21)[178]" neue spieler "
520 a$(22)[178]" alte besetzung "
530 a$(23)[178]"ende in 10 sekunden"
540 a$(24)[178]"................"
550 a$(25)[178]"cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmd"
560 a$(26)[178]" weiter "
570 a$(27)[178]" spielername ? "
580 a$(28)[178]"tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan"
590 :
600 x$(0)[178]"pokewaitto"
610 x$(1)[178]"(NULL)"
620 x$(2)[178]"for(NULL)"
630 x$(3)[178]"(NULL)"
640 x$(4)[178]"(NULL)"
650 x$(5)[178]"sys(NULL)"
660 x$(6)[178]"pokecmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdwait-<"
670 x$(7)[178]"pokecmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmdwait(NULL)(NULL)"
680 :
700 cu[178]58640
710 tn[178]54272
720 :
1000 [143]"gosub vorbereitung
1010 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0
1020 print"[147]"chr$(142)chr$(8)
1030 gosub 8600:tl=27:th=60:gosub 2500
1040 gosub 9000:th=50:gosub 2500
1050 gosub 9200:th=40:gosub 2500
1060 th=30
1070 for i=1 to 700:next i:gosub 2500
1080 print"[151] [183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][129]"
1090 for i=1 to 16:print:next i
1100 print" ein computerspiel"
1110 print" von"
1120 print" theodor carstensen"
1130 for i=1 to 2400:next i:th=20: gosub 2500
1140 for i=1 to 35:print:next i
1150 gosub 1400:sz=1:goto 7500
1160 :
1300 rem"[141] punkte auf null
1310 [129] i[178]1 [164] 6:pu(i)[178]0
1320 [129] ii[178]1 [164] 6:k(i,ii)[178]0
1330 [130] ii,i
1340 [142]
1350 :
1400 [143]"gosub spieler auf null
1410 for i=1 to 6:pu=pu(i):gosub 1500
1420 sp$(i)=left$(a$(24),10)+pu$
1430 next i
1440 return
1450 :
1500 rem"[141] punkt-umwandlung
1510 pu$[178][201]([196](pu),[195]([196](pu))[171]1)
1520 pu$[178][201](("..."[170]pu$),4)[170]"."
1530 [142]
1540 :
1600 [143]"gosub modusfeld
1610 m=m+1:if m>2 then m=1
1620 if m=1 then r1$="":r2$="[146]"
1630 if m=2 then r1$="[146]":r2$=""
1640 gosub 2000:if m1$=a$(1) or m1$=a$(3) then print"[145] ,[157][157][157]";
1650 print r1$ m1$ "[146]" left$(a$(25),len(m1$));
1660 print r2$ m2$"[146]";
1670 gosub 2300:if x$=chr$(13) or x$="" or x$="[145]" then 1690
1680 goto 1670
1690 if x$<>chr$(13) then 1610
1700 gosub 2000:if m1$=a$(1) or m1$=a$(3) then print"[145] [157][157][157]";
1710 gosub 2000:print left$(a$(0),len(m1$)) "[146]" left$(a$(25),len(m1$));
1720 print left$(a$(0),len(m1$));
1730 return
1740 :
1800 rem"[141] chips zeigen
1810 z[178]14:p[178]20
1820 [129] y[178]1 [164] 4:[141] 2000
1830 [139] c(y)[179]1 [167] [153]"pokecmd(NULL)spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(poke(NULL)";:b[178]1:[137] 1890
1840 [129] x[178]1 [164] 6
1850 [139] x[178]1 [175] y[178]cx [167] [153]"pokecmd(NULL)";:[141] 1910
1860 x$[178][202](c$(y,c(y)),x,1):x$[178]x$([197](x$))
1870 [129] i[178]1 [164] 4:[130] i:[153] x$;
1880 [130] x
1890 z[178]z[170]3:[130] y:th[178]60:[129] i[178]1 [164] 100:[130] i:[141] 2500:[142]
1900 :
1910 [129] ii[178]1 [164] 5:[153]" wait";
1920 [129] i[178]1 [164] 15:[130] i
1930 [130] ii
1940 [153]"poke(NULL)cmdcmdcmdcmdcmdcmd";:[142]
1950 :
2000 [143] "gosub cursor positionieren
2010 poke 214,z:poke 211,p:poke783,0:sys cu
2020 return
2030 :
2100 rem"[141] eingabe
2110 y$[178]""
2120 [151] 204,0:[151]198,0
2130 [161] x$:[139] x$[178]"" [167] 2130
2140 [139] [194](207) [167] 2140
2150 [151] 204,1
2160 [139] x$[178]"cmd" [176] x$[178][199](20) [167] 2240
2170 [139] x$[178][199](13) [167] 2220
2180 [139] (x$[177]"," [175] x$[179]":") [176] (x$[177]"@" [175] x$[179]"[") [167] 2200
2190 [137] 2120
2200 [139] [195](y$)[178][195](w$) [167] 2120
2210 y$[178]y$[170]x$:[153] x$;:[137] 2120
2220 [139] [195](y$)[179][195](w$) [167] y$[178]y$[170][200](a$(24),[195](w$)[171][195](y$))
2230 w$[178]y$:[141] 2500:[142]
2240 [139] y$[178]""[167] 2110
2250 [153]" cmd"[200](a$(25),[195](y$))w$[200](a$(25),[195](w$));
2260 [137] 2110
2270 :
2300 [143]"gosub joystick-abfrage
2310 poke198,0
2312 poke 56320,127:i=peek(56320)
2322 get x$
2330 if (i and 1)=0 then x$="[145]"
2340 if (i and 2)=0 then x$=""
2350 if (i and 4)=0 then x$="[157]"
2360 if (i and 8)=0 then x$=""
2370 if (i and16)=0 then x$=chr$(13)
2380 if x$="e" then m=10:goto 4000
2390 if x$=chr$(13) then th=60:gosub 2500
2400 if x$="[145]" or x$="" or x$="[157]" or x$="" or x$=chr$(13) then return
2410 goto 2312
2420 :
2500 rem"[141] ton
2510 [129] ii[178]0 [164] 23:[151] tn[170]ii,0:[130]ii
2520 [151] tn[170]24,6
2530 [151] tn[170]5,tl
2540 [151] tn[170]6,3
2550 [151] tn[170]0,30
2560 [151] tn[170]1,th
2570 [151] tn[170]4,17
2580 [142]
2590 :
2600 [143]"gosub spielfeldaufbau
2610 gosub 9400
2620 poke53265,peek(53265) and 239:gosub 8200
2630 poke 53265,peek(53265) or 16
2640 gosub 9500:gosub 1800:sp=0
2650 :
2700 rem"[141] start
2710 tl[178]20:th[178]40:[141] 2500
2720 [139] sp[179][178]0 [167] 2760
2730 z[178]1:p[178](sp[171]1)[172]6[170]2:pu[178]pu(sp):[141] 1500:[141] 2000
2740 [153]"print#"[200](sp$(sp),5);
2750 z[178]2:[141] 2000:[153] pu$"wait";
2760 sp[178]sp[170]1:[139] sp[177]sz [167] sp[178]1
2770 z[178]1:p[178](sp[171]1)[172]6[170]2:pu[178]pu(sp):[141] 1500:[141] 2000
2780 [153]""[200](sp$(sp),5);
2790 z[178]2:[141] 2000:[153] pu$"wait";
2800 m[178]2:z[178]14:p[178]2:m1$[178]a$(1):m2$[178]a$(2):[141] 1600
2810 [139] m[178]2 [167] 3200
2820 :
2900 [143]"gosub wuerfeln
2910 z=14:p=15:gosub 2000:r=6
2920 for x=1 to 23
2930 gosub 5000:x$=x$(w)
2940 if x$="6" then x$="[144]"
2950 print left$(x$,1);" [157][157] [145][157][157][146]";
2960 next x
2970 if w=6 then tl=27:gosub 3030
2980 k(sp,w)=k(sp,w)+1
2990 z=k(sp,w)+2:p=1+((sp-1)*6)+w:gosub 2000
3000 if z<11 then print x$;"[157][146]";
3010 th=40:gosub 2500:print"";:goto 3500
3020 :
3030 print"[156]";:i=14:gosub 7900
3040 z=19:gosub 2000
3050 print "[151]"a$(5) a$(16);
3060 print" [209][129][209][209][209][158][209][146] ";
3070 print a$(16)"[151]^[157]";:x=1
3080 gosub 2300
3090 if x$="" and x<5 then print" ^[157]";:x=x+1
3100 if x$="[157]" and x>1 then print" [157][157][157]^[157]";:x=x-1
3110 if x$=chr$(13) then gosub 2000:gosub 7940:w=x:goto 3130
3120 goto 3080
3130 x$=x$(x):return
3140 :
3200 rem"[141] tauschen
3210 z[178]13:p[178]27:[141] 2000:[153]""a$(2)"pokewait";:z[178]19:p[178]2:[141] 2000
3220 [153] a$(12);:z[178]21:[141] 2000:[153] a$(13)"stop";:z[178]14:p[178]27
3230 [141] 2000
3240 [139] p[178]27 [167] [153]">cmd";
3250 [139] p[178]36 [167] [153]"<cmd";
3260 [141] 2300
3270 [139] x$[178]"" [167] [153]" cmd";:[137] 3310
3280 [139] x$[178]"on" [167] [153]" cmd";:[137] 3340
3290 [139] x$[178][199](13) [167] [153]" cmd";:y[178]p[171]26:x[178]z[171]13:[137] 3370
3300 [137] 3260
3310 z[178]z[170]1:[139] z[177]23 [175] p[178]27 [167] p[178]36:z[178]14:[137] 3230
3320 [139] z[177]23 [167] p[178]27:z[178]14
3330 [137] 3230
3340 z[178]z[171]1:[139] z[179]14 [175] p[178]27 [167] p[178]36:z[178]23:[137] 3230
3350 [139] z[179]14 [167] p[178]27:z[178]23
3360 [137] 3230
3370 [139] y[177]1 [167] y[178]2
3380 z[178]13:p[178]27:[141] 2000:[153]"poke"a$(2);:[141] 7940
3390 [139] y[178]1 [167] x$[178]tl$(x):y$[178]tr$(x)
3400 [139] y[178]2 [167] x$[178]tr$(x):y$[178]tl$(x)
3410 x[178]4:[141] 7400
3420 [139] x[178]0 [167] [153]"";:[137] 2800
3430 [129] i[178]1 [164] 5:k(sp,i)[178]k(sp,i)[171]fs(i):[130] i
3440 [129] i[178]1 [164] 4:x[178][197]([202](y$,i,1))
3450 [139] x[177]0 [167] k(sp,x)[178]k(sp,x)[170]1
3460 [130] i
3470 [141] 7300
3480 [153]"";:th[178]40:[141] 2500
3490 :
3500 [143]"gosub chip kaufen
3510 m=2:z=14:p=2:m1$=a$(3):m2$=a$(4):gosub 1600
3520 if m=1 then 2700
3530 z=20:p=2:gosub 2000:print"[151]"a$(10);
3540 z=12:p=19:gosub 2000:print""a$(6)"[151][146]";:z=13
3550 gosub 2000:print a$(9);:gosub 2000
3560 gosub 2300
3570 if x$="" then 3610
3580 if x$="[145]" then 3630
3590 if x$=chr$(13) then 3650
3600 goto 3560
3610 z=z+3:if z>22 then z=13
3620 print a$(8);:goto 3550
3630 z=z-3:if z<13 then z=22
3640 goto 3620
3650 print a$(8);:y=(z-10)/3:z=12:gosub 2000:print a$(6);:gosub 7940
3660 if c(y)<1 then th=20:i=18:gosub 7900:print"";:goto 3510
3670 x$=left$(c$(y,c(y)),5):x=5:gosub 7400
3680 if x=0 then print"";:goto 3510
3690 x=0:for i=1 to 5:k(sp,i)=k(sp,i)-fs(i)
3700 x=x+k(sp,i):next i:x$=right$(c$(y,c(y)),1)
3710 c(y)=c(y)-1:k(sp,6)=k(sp,6)+1
3720 y=0:if x$="6" then y=1
3730 i=1:if b=0 or y=0 then 3750
3740 i=i+1:if x<3 then i=i+1:if x<2 then i=i+1:if x<1 then i=i+1
3750 if b=0 and y=0 then 3770
3760 i=i+1:if x<2 then i=i+1:if x<1 then i=i+1
3770 if x<3 then i=i+1:if x<2 then i=i+1:if x<1 then i=i+2
3780 pu(sp)=pu(sp)+i:gosub 7300:pu=pu(sp):gosub 1500:z=2:p=(sp-1)*6+2
3790 gosub 2000:print""pu$"[146]";:gosub 1800
3800 ii=0:for i=1 to 4:if c(i)=0 then ii=ii+1
3810 next i:if ii=4 then 4000
3820 goto 2700
3830 :
3840 :
4000 rem"[141] platzierung
4010 [139]sp[178]0[167]4050
4012 z[178]1:p[178](sp[171]1)[172]6[170]2:[141] 2000:[153]"print#"[200](sp$(sp),5);
4020 z[178]2:[141] 2000:[153] pu$"wait";
4030 [129] i[178]1 [164] sz:b[178]0:[129] ii[178]1 [164] 5:b[178]b[170]k(i,ii):[130] ii
4040 fs(i)[178]k(i,6)[171]b:[130] i
4050 z[178]20:p[178]2:[141] 2000:tl[178]5:[139] sz[179]2 [167] 4160
4060 [129] x[178]1 [164] sz[171]1
4070 [129] y[178]x[170]1 [164] sz:[151] 646,y[170]2
4080 [153] a$(7)a$(16);:th[178]y[172]20:[141] 2500
4090 [139] pu(x)[178]pu(y) [167] [139] fs(x)[178][177]fs(y) [167] 4140
4100 [139] pu(x)[178][177]pu(y) [167] 4140
4110 sp$(0)[178]sp$(x):pu(0)[178]pu(x):fs(0)[178]fs(x)
4120 sp$(x)[178]sp$(y):pu(x)[178]pu(y):fs(x)[178]fs(y)
4130 sp$(y)[178]sp$(0):pu(y)[178]pu(0):fs(y)[178]fs(0)
4140 [130] y
4150 [130] x
4160 [129] i[178]1 [164] sz:pu[178]pu(i):[141] 1500
4170 sp$(i)[178][200](sp$(i),10)[170]pu$
4180 [130] i
4190 b[178]0:[129] i[178]1 [164] 700:[130] i
4200 [137] 7500
4210 :
5000 [143]"gosub wuerfel
5010 w=int(rnd(1)*r)+1
5020 return
5030 :
7300 rem"[141] farben schreiben
7310 [129] x[178]1 [164] 5:x$[178]x$(x)
7320 [129] i[178]1 [164] 8
7330 z[178]i[170]2:p[178]1[170]((sp[171]1)[172]6)[170]x:[141] 2000
7340 [153]" cmd";
7350 [139] i[179][178]k(sp,x) [167] [153] x$"cmd";
7360 [130] i,x
7370 [142]
7380 :
7400 [143]"gosub kapital pruefen
7410 for i=0 to 5:fs(i)=0:next i
7420 for i=1 to x:ii=val(mid$(x$,i,1))
7430 fs(ii)=fs(ii)+1:next i
7440 for i=1 to 5
7450 if k(sp,i)<fs(i) then x=0
7460 next i
7470 if x=0 then th=20:i=17:print"[149]";:gosub 7900:print"[151]";
7480 return
7490 :
7500 rem"[141] noch einmal
7510 [153]"load":th[178]60:tl[178]20:[141] 2500:[141] 8000:[139] m[178]10 [167] 7800
7520 [139] m[178]0 [167] m[178]2:z[178]20:[137] 7590
7530 m[178]2:z[178]20:p[178]12:m1$[178]a$(19):m2$[178]a$(20):[128]: [141] 1600
7540 [139] m[178]2 [167] 7800
7550 m[178]2
7560 z[178]20:p[178]11:m1$[178]a$(26)[170]" ja "
7570 m2$[178]a$(26)[170]"nein ":[141] 1600
7580 [139] m[178]2 [167] [141] 8000:[151]198,2:[161] x$:[137] 7560
7590 m[178]2:p[178]12:m1$[178]a$(21):m2$[178]a$(22):[141] 1600
7600 [141] 1300:[139] m[178]2 [167] 7730
7610 [141] 1400:[141] 8000
7620 z[178]20:p[178]10:[141] 2000
7630 [153]"pokewieviele spieler ? sys";
7640 w$[178]" ":[141] 2100:[139] w$[178]"." [167] 7640
7650 sz[178][197](w$):[139] sz[177]0 [175] sz[179]7 [167] [141] 8000:[137] 7670
7660 [153]"cmd cmd";:[137]7640
7670 [129] x[178]1 [164] sz:z[178]20:p[178]5:[141] 2000
7680 [153] [200](a$(0),30);:[141] 2000
7690 [153] "poke"x"cmd."a$(27)"sys"[200](a$(24),10)[200](a$(25),10);
7700 w$[178][200](sp$(x),10):[141] 2100:pu[178]pu(x):[141] 1500:sp$(x)[178]w$[170]pu$
7710 [141] 8000:[130] x:z[178]20:p[178]5:[141] 2000:[153] [200](a$(0),30);
7720 [151] 53280,15:[151] 53281,15:tl[178]27:th[178]20:[141] 2500:[129] i[178]1 [164] 700:[130] i
7730 [137] 2600
7740 :
7800 [143]"gosub ende
7810 z=18:p=11:gosub 2000:print a$(23);
7820 poke 788,49:ti$="000000"
7830 if ti$<"000010" then 7830
7835 ifpeek(50307)=120thensys50307
7840 sys 65126:end
7850 :
7900 rem "[141] fehlermeldung
7910 tl[178]27:[141] 2500:z[178]20:p[178]2:[141] 2000
7920 [141] 2000:[153] a$(i);
7930 [129] i[178]1 [164] 700:[130] i
7940 z[178]18:p[178]2:[129] i[178]1 [164] 6:[141] 2000
7950 [153] a$(15);:z[178]z[170]1:[130] i
7960 th[178]60:tl[178]20
7970 [142]
7980 :
8000 [143]"gosub sieger-liste
8010 print"[151]";:poke 53280,0:poke 53281,5
8020 z=4:p=6:gosub 2000
8030 print"[176]"a$(28)"[174]";:z=z+1:gosub 2000
8040 print"[221] sieger-liste [221]";:z=z+1:gosub 2000
8050 print"[221]"a$(28)"[221]";:z=z+1:gosub 2000
8060 for i=1 to sz
8070 print"[221]";i;"[157]. ";sp$(i);"punkte ";"[221]";:z=z+1: gosub 2000
8080 next i
8090 print"[173]"a$(28)"[189][146]";
8100 for i=1 to 4:print a$(0);:next i
8110 print a$(25);
8120 return
8130 :
8200 rem"[141] spielfeld
8210 [153]"loadpoke";:[151] 53280,15:[151] 53281,15
8220 [153]" ortantantantantan=tantantantantan=tantantantantan=tantantantantan=tantantantantan=tantantantantan^ ";
8230 [129] x[178]1 [164] 10
8240 [153]" (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) ";
8250 [130] x
8260 [153]" /tantantantantan>tantantantantan>tantantantantan>tantantantantan>tantantantantan>tantantantantanexp ";
8270 [153]" ortantantantantantantantantantantan=tantantantan^ chips ortantantantantantantantantantan^ ";
8280 [129] x[178]1 [164] 4
8290 [153]" (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) ";
8300 [130] x
8310 [153]" -tantantantantantantantantantantan>tantantantan< (NULL) (NULL) ";
8320 [129] x[178]1 [164] 6
8330 [153]" (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) ";
8340 [130] x
8350 [153]" /tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp /tantantantantantantantantantanexp";
8360 z[178]13:p[178]19:[141] 2000
8370 [129] x[178]1 [164] 4
8380 [153]"ortantantantantan^";:z[178]z[170]1:[141] 2000
8390 [153]"(NULL)spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(poke(NULL)";:z[178]z[170]1:[141] 2000
8400 [153]"/tantantantantanexp";:z[178]z[170]1:[139] x[179]4 [167] [141] 2000
8410 [130] x
8420 z[178]13:p[178]14:[141] 2000
8430 [153]"stop(NULL)tantanright$";:z[178]z[170]1:[141] 2000
8440 [153]"(NULL) (NULL)";:z[178]z[170]1:[141] 2000
8450 [153]"(NULL) (NULL)";:z[178]z[170]1:[141] 2000
8460 [153]"mid$tantan(NULL)pokewait";
8470 z[178]1:p[178]2:[141] 2000
8480 z[178]13:p[178]27:[141] 2000:[153] a$(2);
8490 [142]
8500 :
8600 [143]"gosub titelbid
8610 poke53265,peek(53265) and 239
8620 print"[147]";
8630 :
8640 print"[151][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166]";
8650 print"[151][166][166][166][156][151][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166]";
8660 print"[151][166][166][166] [188] [188][151][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166]";
8670 print"[151][166][166][166][154] [181] [182] [151][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166]";
8680 print"[151] [159] [190][182] [190][182][151] ";
8690 print"[151] [158] [181][182][181][182] [151] ";
8700 print"[151] [153] [187][188] [187][188][151] ";
8710 print"[151][166][166][166] [181][182][181][182] [151][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166]";
8720 print"[151][166][166][166][149] [172][151][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166]";
8730 print"[151][166][166][166][156][151][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166]";
8740 print"[151][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168][168]";
8750 print"[151] [146][223] [187] [182][181] [172][187] [182][181] [187][188][151] ";
8760 print"[151] [146][205][156][223] [182][161] [181][188] [182][161] [188][151] ";
8770 print"[151] [149][199][146][205][150][223] [187] [182][161][182][161] [188][187] [182][161][182][161] [187] [188][151] ";
8780 print"[151] [149][199][146] [205][158][223] [188] [188][187] [188] [188][151] ";
8790 print"[151] [149][199][146] /[205][153][223] [172][182][181][187][170][182][181] [188][151] ";
8800 print"[151] [149][199][146][154]/[151] [205][223] [190][190] [188][188][190][190] [188] [188]";
8810 print"[151] [146][214][214][214][214][214][214][154][165][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]version[163]3[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]";
8820 print"[151] [149][199][146] [151][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223][169][223]";
8830 print"[151] [149][199][146] [199][146][154] [206], [149][199][146][154] [149][199][146][154] [149][199][151] ";
8840 print"[151] [149][199][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][163] [163] [163] [199][151] ";
8850 print"[151] [149][199][165] [165][146][154] [206] [149][199][151] ";
8860 print"[151] [149][199][165][146][154] [206] [149] [165][146][154] [206], . [206] [149][199][151] ";
8870 print"[151] [149][199][165][146][154] [206][206] [149] [165][146][154] [206][206] . . ,[206] [149][199][151] [146][169]";
8880 print"[151] [149][199][165][146][154] [206] [149] [165][146][154] [206] [206] [206]. [149][199][151] [146][169]";
8890 poke 53265,peek(53265) or 16
8900 return
8910 :
9000 rem"[141] tabelle einlesen
9010 [140]
9020 [129] i[178]1 [164] 10
9030 [129] ii[178]1 [164] 5
9040 [135] t1$(i,ii),t2$(i,ii)
9050 [130] ii
9060 [130] i
9070 [142]
9080 :
9200 [143]"gosub chips einlesen
9210 restore
9220 for i=1 to 100:read x$:next i
9230 for i=1 to 48:read ch$(i):next i
9240 return
9250 :
9400 rem"[141] chips verteilen
9410 r[178]48:[141] 5000
9420 [129] i[178]1 [164] 12
9430 [129] ii[178]1 [164] 4
9440 w[178]w[170]1:[139] w[177]48 [167] w[178]1
9450 c$(ii,i)[178]ch$(w)
9460 [130] ii:[130] i
9470 [129] i[178]1 [164] 4:c(i)[178]12:[130] i:b[178]0
9480 [142]
9490 :
9500 [143]"gosub tabelle erzeugen
9530 r=10:gosub 5000:x=w
9540 gosub 5000:if w=x then 9530
9550 y=w:if x=0 or y=0 then 9530
9560 for i=1 to 5
9570 tl$(i)=t1$(x,i):tr$(i)=t2$(x,i)
9580 next i
9590 for i=1 to 5:ii=i+5
9600 tl$(ii)=t1$(y,i):tr$(ii)=t2$(y,i)
9610 next i
9620 if tl$(i)<"0000" then 9530
9630 z=14:p=28:gosub 2000
9640 for x=1 to 10
9650 for y=1 to 4
9660 x$=mid$(tl$(x),y,1):x$=x$(val(x$))
9670 print x$;:next y
9680 for y=1 to 4
9690 x$=mid$(tr$(x),y,1):x$=x$(val(x$))
9700 print x$;:next y
9710 z=z+1:gosub 2000
9720 next x:print"[146][151]";
9730 return
9790 :
10000 rem"[141] daten
10030 [131] "2000","0055","1400","0023"
10040 [131] "4000","0135","2000","1345"
10050 [131] "3500","1124","3000","0024"
10060 [131] "1500","0023","1000","0245"
10070 [131] "2300","0145","1250","0334"
10080 [131] "3000","0015","3000","0224"
10090 [131] "5000","0124","3400","0125"
10100 [131] "5500","1334","4000","0033"
10110 [131] "5000","0123","2000","0145"
10120 [131] "2300","0144","3550","0124"
10130 [131] "5000","0022","3300","0055"
10140 [131] "4000","0113","2000","1144"
10150 [131] "4400","2235","2000","0034"
10160 [131] "4000","0123","1000","0255"
10170 [131] "3000","1245","2500","1134"
10180 [131] "1000","0024","1500","0034"
10190 [131] "4000","0355","1100","0234"
10200 [131] "2250","0134","1000","0035"
10210 [131] "2200","0014","1300","0024"
10220 [131] "4000","1355","3300","1245"
10230 [131] "5000","0012","4400","0035"
10240 [131] "2000","0345","1000","2335"
10250 [131] "5400","1122","4000","0015"
10260 [131] "5500","0023","1200","0044"
10270 [131] "3500","0224","1140","0335"
10280 :
10300 [131] "124557","122557","234557"
10310 [131] "133556","233457","155557"
10320 [131] "122357","222226","555556"
10330 [131] "225556","224457","223346"
10340 [131] "244446","123457","334457"
10350 [131] "111557","444457","334447"
10360 [131] "112346","111127","111146"
10370 [131] "133336","114446","333347"
10380 [131] "111116","222237","333556"
10390 [131] "355556","223337","112227"
10400 [131] "444446","222256","112457"
10410 [131] "445557","123457","344557"
10420 [131] "112446","222446","333336"
10430 [131] "123347","112237","123457"
10440 [131] "113347","112557","123457"
10450 [131] "111337","123456","133456"
10460 :