3360 J = ASC( MID$ (J$(C),Q,1)): IF J >90 THEN J = J -32
3370 Q$ = Q$ + CHR$(J)
3380 NEXT Q
3400 REM
3420 REM
3430 DATA red,orange,yellow,green,blue,brown,purple,white,black,pink
3440 DATA dog,cat,elephant,hippo,tiger,giraffe,alligator,kangaroo,panda,bear
3450 DATA fireman,policeman,plumber,pilot,carpenter,explorer,doctor,race driver,teacher,sailor
3460 DATA jacket,coat,suit,sweater,shirt,T-shirt,pajamas,shorts,jeans,uniform
3470 DATA giant,magician,elf,fairy,wizard,warlock,mystic,conjurer,genie,jin
3480 DATA in a bathtub,on a chair,on the roof,under a house,in a doghouse,in the playbox,in the garage,on a tent,in a box,in a bottle
3490 DATA big,little,tiny,small,sweet,sour,tall,short,fat,thin
3500 DATA plum,sweet,cookie,ice cream,fruit,toy,soldier,doll,book,tape
3510 DATA long,short,big,little,skinny,fat,high,low,thin,stocky
3520 DATA bike,scooter,skateboard,car,boat,bus,plane,train,submarine,camper
3530 DATA crying in a tree,sleeping in a bed,jumping on the roof,singing in the bathtub,dancing in the kitchen,climbing up a pole,walking on a fence,reading a book,painting a picture,watching the TV
3540 DATA odd,awful,silly,weird,strange,dumb,crazy,dippy,spooky,curious
3550 DATA shoes,earrings,stockings,skis,boots,underwear,sunglasses,swim fins,tennis shoes,suspenders
3560 DATA household chores,help with the dishes,clean up the table,make your bed,pick up your clothes,put your toys away,take out the trash,feed the goldfish,help do the lawn,help put tools away
3570 DATA gorillas,dragons,dinosaurs,rocket ships,elevators,golf balls,eagle eggs,tadpoles,blackboards,TV sets
3580 DATA pencil boxes,candy bars,erasers,magazines,newspapers,books,bubble gum,Disneyland,pizza,grasshoppers
3590 DATA telephone,tin can,radio,tape player,wall,wire,clothespin,tomato,pickle,radar set
3600 DATA shouted,yelled,called,said,stated,mumbled,cried,whooped,howled,roared
3610 DATA clever,nice,able,smart,good,brilliant,witty,neat,kind,courteous
3620 DATA to the moon,to Disneyland,to get a pizza,to school,to visit Grandpa,to the ballgame,to the desert,to the lake,to the movies,to visit Grandma
3630 DATA in a rocket ship,in a new car,on a motorcyle,in a boat,up an elevator,across the street,down by the river,at the circus,with a friend,on a dinosaur
3640 LL = 0:GN$ = "": POKE -16368,0
3650 GET AA$
3660 IF AA$ = CHR$(13) THEN RETURN
3670 IF LL >24 AND AA$ < > CHR$(8) THEN PRINT CHR$(7);: GOTO 3650
3680 IF AA$ > = " " AND AA$ < = CHR$(126) THEN PRINT AA$;:GN$ = GN$ +AA$:LL = LL +1: GOTO 3650
3690 IF AA$ = CHR$(8) AND LL >1 THEN LL = LL -1:GN$ = LEFT$(GN$,LL): CALL -1008: PRINT " ";: CALL -1008: GOTO 3650
3700 IF AA$ = CHR$(8) AND LL = 1 THEN CALL -1008: PRINT " ";: CALL -1008: GOTO 3640