Labels:bulletin board | monitor | press | reckoner | sky | stairs OCR: We Finallu MEOP bfter two uear's we Finizheo heT TESUP of TNSTDET tere aTP seueral delay EETT te SP of 1SSUP #6 uP detidPr the next outfit 30 on UnT ortunatat EDOP DTOOTPST 30 ZOrEZReTIen EDOP one. BUT SiT thouoht warp 000 th T he nPUPT ETTIP ETO nishing ETP nPUS hind of ation t0 tOTHinS on INSIDER. HEDDUTT the mEin editor outfit. BOT TiMIPS had TMIOEP things to do, and on EDOP or two. pumaher lost TE ompletelu and SInEP EurTently woThinS GEUS TT SSUE Editorial Pg: 01/10 THSTDET aeriden DETD DEOOT slowtu EOTP thouott nishine HinE foet worhins TNSTOER tSund omised Happurt Some nore thines Code DUITEHPT worhine SSUET