Labels:bulletin board | earth | fence | hakham | monitor | railing | reckoner | sky | trade name | windowpane OCR: ITICI it Has great that happened on Sentenber 11th this 122T Hanu innocent 10st. leavin0 the Horto in shock, anger, Jou 3n0 Hany other ZHO ti0n5. But Hhu did it happen? think the USR has brouoht upon thehselves partialty. of TPTToTISH. THEY call it, HaS 001 the Of MadHen, the of desperation, act of D20Dl2 Dushed to their Linits Hhich have 1000 300 heen surpassea 3n0 obviously treated buy hatred that HE all need vn0erstan0. HOST Rrabs 5au that theu aTE tiHES of Hars fundeo of supporteo bU the USA, nctvdino the Israeti 1nv3s10n of Lehanon 132 1n Hhich vsed U.S. fiohter jets 3n0 H2300n3. shane Hhat Septenber teaving Hortd tions brough theue elves partiatty HadHen people pushee tong been obviousty funded