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- **********************************************************************
- * *
- * GEM Spooler v2.0 - 24 November 1991 *
- * *
- * (c) Steven Van Rossen, Marc Billiet *
- * *
- **********************************************************************
- Table of contents
- -----------------
- 0. Disclaimer
- 1. Shareware
- 2. About spoolers
- 2.1 Wat is a spooler ?
- 2.2 Spooler types
- 2.3 Spooling with the Atari ST
- 3. GEM Spooler
- 3.1 Installing GEM Spooler
- 3.2 Functions of GEM Spooler
- 3.3 Manual
- 3.3.1 Dialogs
- GEM Spooler dialog
- Jobs dialog
- Timing dialog
- Printer dialog
- Setup dialog
- 3.3.2 Adding a job
- 3.3.3 Activating GEM Spooler from the keyboard
- 3.3.4 BURST mode
- 3.3.5 Resetting a job
- 3.4 Known problems with GEM Spooler
- 3.5 GEM Spooler with Gemini
- 3.6 GEM Spooler with Chameleon
- 4. Technical notes
- 5. Credits...
- 6. Adresses
- 0. Disclaimer
- -------------
- Although GEM Spooler has been thoroughly tested and works very fine,
- the authors take no responsibility for any damage that might occur
- (implicit or explicit) when using GEM Spooler v2.0 or one of the
- related programs.
- 1. Shareware
- ------------
- GEM Spooler v2.0 is shareware. It may be copied and distributed freely
- among users, but if you use it regularly you have to pay a registra-
- tion fee. By doing this you support the authors and in exchange you
- are sent the latest update.
- Registering has several advantages:
- - We let you know if a new update is available
- - You can ask us to help you with eventual problems
- - You get some extra software to ease the use of GEM Spooler:
- GSPINST.PRG Printer installation program for GEM Spooler
- CFGGRAB.PRG Wordplus CFG to GEM Spooler CTB file convertor
- LOGVIEW.PRG Utility to view log files
- - You get technical documentation and examples on how to use
- GEM Spooler from within your own programs
- How do you register ?
- You have two possibilities:
- 1) You send 500 BEF (or: 30 Fl., 25 DM, 15 US$) (in notes !):
- Steven Van Rossen or: Marc Billiet
- Sportstraat 20 A Terlinckstraat 33
- B-9250 Waasmunster B-2600 Berchem
- 2) You pay into one of the following bank accounts:
- 413-9186221-87 (Steven Van Rossen), Kredietbank St-Niklaas
- or: 412-9170341-39 (Marc Billiet), Kredietbank Berchem
- mentioning: Registration fee GEM Spooler v2.0.
- The distribution of GEM Spooler through public domain lists is forbidden,
- unless one has the explicit permission of the authors. This normally im-
- plies the public domain service has to proove that their charges don't
- include abnormal profits (after deduction of their costs). Abnormal profits
- are profits that can't be justified by the original aim of a public domain
- service: distributing cheap software to as many people as possible.
- Distribution by electronic mail and networks however, is permitted.
- 2. About spoolers
- -----------------
- 2.1 What is a spooler ?
- -----------------------
- Everybody who prints a lot knows the problem: it takes very long before
- the computer is available again, because the computer has to wait for the
- slow printer. Fortunately there are spoolers...
- Spoolers collect very fast all output to the printer and return control
- to the computer. While the user can go on with his other work, the spooler
- will send the output little by little to the printer.
- 2.2 Spooler types
- -----------------
- To collect the printer output, spoolers will need a (fast) buffer in RAM
- or on disk. According to the type of this buffer, there are two types of
- spoolers: ram spoolers and disk spoolers. Disk spoolers are mainly used
- on large systems (mainframes, minis). Ram spoolers are mostly found on
- microcomputers.
- A ram spooler reserves a part of the internal memory as buffer. The size
- of this buffer can be chosen. The advantage of a ram spooler is speed (RAM
- is fast memory), but there are also some disadvantages:
- - The buffer consumes (expensive) RAM
- - There is a limit to the printer output. e.g.: if you print some graphics,
- this can easily create up to 1 Mb of output. But if your spooler's buffer
- is 512 Kb, the computer will have to wait to receive the last 512 Kb
- until the printer has processed the first 512 Kb.
- - You can't delete something you printed without clearing the whole buffer
- (which could contain other print jobs !)
- - If there is a system crash, the whole buffer is lost (in RAM !)
- Disk spoolers don't have these problems. They make it possible to follow up
- each print job individually: every job is added to a queue where it can be
- changed or deleted at any time. After a reset, disk spoolers resume their
- work as if nothing ever happened (all information is still on disk !)
- The only disadvantage of disk spoolers is that they require fast disk
- capacity, usually a hard disk.
- 2.3 Spooling with the Atari ST
- ------------------------------
- The Atari ST has always been a computer with lots of RAM (compared to the
- competition). Programmers responded to this with a large offer of ram
- spooler utilities (accessory or program), in many cases combined with a ram
- disk. Without doubt, this is a very good solution for ST users without
- harddisk. The latest evolution in computing however, changes this situation
- thoroughly. Desktop publishing programs, powerful wordprocessors, graphic
- programs etc. use more and more RAM. As RAM is quite expensive, these
- programs tend to use the hard disk instead: parts of RAM memory are save to
- disk and loaded whenever needed. This technique is refered to as 'virtual
- memory'. As a result of this evolution, lots of ST users now have a harddisk.
- This makes disk spooling (as found on large systems) also interesting for
- those users. GEM Spooler makes it possible !
- 3. GEM Spooler
- --------------
- GEM Spooler is - as far as we know - the first disk spooler for the Atari
- ST. While other operating systems have always used disk spooling (minis,
- OS/2, Macintosh, Windows 3) the ST missed this feature. With GEM Spooler
- this is history.
- 3.1 Installing GEM Spooler
- --------------------------
- GEM Spooler runs on every Atari ST, STE, Mega ST and Mega STE. Theoretically
- there shouldn't be difficulties with the TT either (GEM Spooler was written
- following all official programming guidelines), but as we don't have one we
- can't really verify this. Therefore we encourage TT users to react and
- contact us ! A harddisk is not necessarily, but recommended. GEM Spooler
- doesn't need much RAM (see: Technical notes) and even feels at ease at a
- 520ST.
- To install GEM Spooler, you proceed as follows:
- a) Insert the GEM Spooler diskette in a drive and open a window to show its
- contents.
- b) Copy the folder GEMSPOOL to the root directory of your boot disk (e.g.
- A:\ or C:\).
- c) Open the folder GEMSPOOL (diskette) and copy GSPOOL2.ACC to the root
- directory of your boot disk.
- d) Open the folder PDF, select the appropriate *.PDF file (e.g. EPSON.PDF)
- for your printer, copy it to the root of your boot disk and rename it
- e) Open the folder CTB, select the appropriate *.CTB file (e.g. EPSON.CTB)
- for your printer, copy it to the root of your boot disk and rename it
- f) Reboot your ST.
- 3.2 Functions of GEM Spooler
- ----------------------------
- GEM Spooler redirects all printer output to files (jobs). For each print
- you start, a job is created. These jobs are put in a queue (the printer
- queue) and are processed in FIFO order (First in, first out).
- GEM Spooler is an accessory and can be accessed from within every GEM
- program to watch and control the queue:
- - the job sequence can be changed (priority, status)
- - jobs can be deleted
- - jobs can be sent to different output ports (printer/modem)
- - jobs can be filtered (character table): e.g. ë can be translated to e,
- backspace, trema before sending it to the printer
- - a job can be processed several times (copies)
- - jobs can be kept on disk to use later; e.g. you could spool something on
- your ST, keep the job and spool it on a friend's ST (who has a laser
- printer !)
- - the whole queue can be halted (and released) with one mouse click !
- - the whole queue can be deleted
- GEM Spooler's queue 'survives' system crashes. After a reset, the spooler
- simply resumes its work. GEM Spooler is also very safe to use: it is pure
- GEM, respects the XBRA-protocol, places a system cookie and cooperates
- with Gemini through the AV-protocol (more about this under: Technical notes).
- 3.3 Manual
- ----------
- 3.3.1 Dialogs
- -------------
- GEM Spooler dialog
- --------------------------
- Choose GEM Spooler v2.0 in the accessory menu and the GEM Spooler dialog
- is opened. There you see (top, middel and bottom):
- * Top:
- GEM Spooler v2.0 Name and version number of GEM Spooler. Click on it
- to see the copyright notice.
- NO ERROR(S) OCCURED Error indicator: if an error occured during the
- spooling process, this text will change to 'ERROR(S)
- BYTES PROCESSED: Shows the number of bytes that have been processed
- for the active job
- * Middle
- In the middle you see the queue window where jobs are displayed:
- C:\TEXT\ASCII.TST P Wait 1 --R 1
- D:\DOCS\README M Hold 3 F-- 10
- C:\SPOOLING\SPL0.PRN P Wait 3 -T- 2
- | | | ||| |-> Copies
- | | | |||
- | | | |||-> Reset printer: R (on)
- | | | || - (off)
- | | | ||
- | | | ||-> Trash: T (on)
- | | | | - (off)
- | | | |
- | | | |--> Filter: F (on)
- | | | - (off)
- | | |
- | | |-> Priority: 1-5
- | |
- |-> job path + filename |-> Port: P - Printer
- M - Modem
- * Bottom
- You can click the following buttons:
- Spool Select a file to spool (the GEM fileselector appears)
- Jobs Changes the attributes of a chosen job (selection) or the
- attributes of every new job (no selection) (see: Jobs dialog)
- Printer Give printer commands, choose the printer driver and the filter
- (character table)
- Delete Deletes all jobs (no selection) or a job (selection). GEM
- Spooler always asks you to confirm this operation:
- Delete jobs ? / Delete all jobs ? (yes/no)
- Sort Resort the queue (after a change) immediately. Normally, GEM
- spooler resorts the queue in background before opening a new.
- But if you changed a job's attributes you and you want to see
- the result immediately, you can click 'Sort'
- The criteria for sorting the queue are:
- Status: Wait = Keep > Hold = Error (> priority,
- = equal)
- Priority: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 (> priority)
- Setup Set the defaults for GEM Spooler (see: Setup dialog)
- Timing Set the timing variables for the spooler. These variables
- determine the spooler's speed.
- Save Save all defaults. All defaults are saved in a file "GSPOOL2.INF"
- in the root directory of your boot disk.
- Halt all Click on this square to halt or release the queue (if the square
- is crossed, the queue is halted).
- Quit Quit the spooler...
- Jobs dialog
- -------------------
- With this dialog, you can change a job's attributes. If no job is selected,
- this dialog will show the attributes that are assigned to every new job
- (job defaults). If a job is selected, the dialog shows the attributes for
- the selected job. The difference is visible in the right upper corner:
- (new jobs) for the 'job defaults'
- (this job) for the selected job
- Filter Enable character translation while printing. This option only
- works if a character translation table (CTB) is loaded (see:
- Printer dialog).
- Trash Trash the job file after spooling. If selected, the file is
- deleted.
- Reset Reset the printer. If selected, the printer will be reset
- before and after spooling a job.
- Copies The number of copies (1 to 99) for this job
- Status The job status:
- Wait The job is waiting to be processed
- Hold The job is held (will not be processed)
- Keep The job is processed once and put in hold
- Error An error occured while processing the job
- You can change the status by clicking on it (have a try !). If
- you click on an error status, an alert box with the reason for
- the error is shown. Answer 'OK' and the job will be reset to
- Wait status.
- Priority The job's priority, varying from 1 (highest) to 5 (lowest).
- A job with higher priority will be processed before a job
- with lower priority. To change the priority, click on the
- priority number.
- Output port The port GEM Spooler wil spool the job to: printer/modem, in
- other words: parallel or serial. IMPORTANT: when spooling to
- the serial port, the printer output is sent in blocks without
- any further control. Actually, serial spooling was built in
- to experiment with null-modem cabling etc.
- Form feeds Indicates when GEM Spooler has to send a form feed instruction
- to the printer. You have the choice:
- Begin Form feed at the begin of a job
- End Form feed at the end of a job
- Begin+End Form feeds at the begin and the end of a job
- Accept Accept all changes and close the dialog
- Cancel Cancel all changes and close the dialog
- NOTE: a double click on a job will automatically open the 'Jobs dialog'
- for that job
- Timing dialoog
- ----------------------
- The timing dialog shows all parameters that determine the spooling speed.
- Before we go into detail, we first have to explain the two types of spooling
- GEM Spooler is capable of: block driven and interrupt driven spooling.
- Both methods are event driven. This means that the spooling process is
- activated every x seconds if and only if the program on the foreground
- is waiting for an event, e.g. a key pressed, a mouse click etc. All GEM
- programs behave this way.
- Thus, every x seconds GEM Spooler is given control by GEM. What happens at
- this moment ? If the spooling is block driven, a whole block of data is sent
- to the printer. This block with size Y is taken out of a RAM buffer with
- size Z that contains the output. This buffer is a so called 'file buffer',
- a small part of memory where GEM Spooler will store a piece of the file
- it has to spool to reduce the number of disk operations.
- An example:
- A printjob of 500 Kb is spooled in blocks of 5 Kb. The file buffer is 50 Kb
- and the event timer is set to 3. To complete this job, GEM Spooler will have
- to read 10 times 50 Kb from disk. Every 3 seconds, 5 Kb are sent to the
- printer. Without file buffer GEM Spooler had to read 100 times 5 Kb !
- Block driven spooling is very fast but also has a disadvantage: it can
- happen that a blocks is sent to the printer before the previous block was
- completely printed. This causes a slight delay in foreground tasks.
- Example: the printer has its own buffer of 10 Kb and GEM Spooler sends
- blocks of 5 Kb every 3 seconds. After 6 seconds of spooling, the printer's
- buffer will be full (2 times 5 Kb). The printer then has 3 seconds to free
- 5 Kb of its buffer before the next 5 Kb are sent. Suppose that for some
- reason the printing is slow (e.g. graphics) and the printer has only freed
- 3 Kb when the next block is sent. In that case, there will be a slight
- delay: the ST waits till the printer accepts the new block, in other words:
- till the printer has freed the full 5 Kb (instead of 3Kb).
- If the block size is not greater than the printer's buffer and if the event
- timer interval (x seconds) is large enough to enable the printer to process
- all data in time, there will be no significant delays. If there is a delay,
- it will only be visible during intensive foreground tasks (e.g. scrolling).
- To avoid this problem, GEM Spooler also offers interrupt driven spooling;
- a job is started by sending a block to the printer, but to decide when a new
- block is to be sent, GEM Spooler uses the busy interrupt:
- The printer continuously sends a signal to the computer. If the printer
- is busy, the signal is high; if the printer is ready, the signal is low.
- This signal is called the BUSY signal.
- GEM Spooler links the BUSY signal to an interrupt: if the signal goes
- high (printer busy) the ST interrupt system waits till the signal goes low
- again (printer ready). The change from high to low starts the actual BUSY
- interrupt: all foreground task are halted and control is given to GEM
- Spooler. GEM Spooler then sends byte per byte to the printer until he's
- busy again...
- The result is fast spooling to the printer without delays (because GEM
- Spooler knows exactly when the printer is ready to receive new data).
- To control all this, the timing dialog offers:
- Use busy interrupt (BOOT) If selected, spooling is interrupt driven, other-
- wise it's block driven. Changes only become ef-
- fective after saving the defaults and rebooting.
- Event timer The event timer interval: the spooler is activa-
- ted by GEM every x seconds (x is the value).
- Print block The size of the blocks that are sent to the
- printer.
- RAM buffer (BOOT) The size of the file buffer (in RAM). Changes
- only become effective after saving the defaults
- and rebooting.
- Accept Accept all changes and quit the timing dialog.
- Cancel Cancel all changes and quit the timing dialog.
- Printer dialog
- ----------------------
- This dialog gives you direct control over your printer: e.g. to send a form
- feed command (page eject) to the printer.
- At the right of the dialog title, you can see for which printer GEM Spooler
- has been installed. You can change the printer driver by clicking on the
- printer name. A fileselector appears and asks you for a Printer Definition
- File (PDF). A click on 'OK' loads the new driver. A PDF file can be created
- or changed with the printer installation utility GSPINST.PRG (please read
- GSPINST.TXT for additional information).
- If you want GEM Spooler to start up with a certain PDF automatically, rename
- the PDF file to GSPOOL2.PDF and place it in the root of the boot disk.
- Other choices in the printer dialog are:
- FF Sends a form feed
- LF Sends a line feed
- Reset Resets the printer. This can take some time, because the
- printer first processes all information in its buffer.
- Clear Clears the printer's buffer. This can take some time too.
- User1 User 1 to 4; these are user defined printer commands
- User2 (use GSPINST.PRG to install them)
- User3
- User4
- Filter The name of the filter that will be used when spooling jobs
- with the filter option set. The filter is a table with all
- ASCII characters and their translation in printer codes.
- e.g. 139 = 105, 008, 126 or: = i <Backspace> <Trema>
- If no filter is installed, the button indicates 'NO FILTER!'.
- You can load/change a filter by clicking on the filter's name.
- A fileselector will appear to ask you for a CTB file (Character
- TaBle). Select a CTB and click OK to install the filter.
- You can make CTB files with the CFGGRAB or CTBMAKE program
- (read CTBMAKE.TXT or CFGGRAB.TXT for more information).
- GEM Spooler automatically loads a filter when starting up if
- it's named GSPOOL2.CTB and if it's located in the root direc-
- tory of your boot disk.
- Setup dialog
- --------------------
- This dialog controls some general settings for GEM Spooler:
- Grow/shrink boxes Indicates whether GEM Spooler has to draw grow/shrink
- boxes when opening a dialog.
- Queue logging Turns the queue logging on or off. If queue logging is
- on, GEM Spooler will create a log file in the spooling
- directory to keep track of all spooling operations.
- If queue logging is activated, GEM Spooler will
- resume spooling automatically after system crashes
- (reset).
- Redirect output With this option activated, GEM Spooler will redirect
- and spool all printer output generated by the programs
- you run. If the option is deactivated, printer output
- will not be redirected and only the manually selected
- files (see: 'Spool') are spooled.
- [ PATH ] Click this button to select the path were GEM Spooler
- has to store the redirected output (the jobs). A file-
- selector appears. Select the desired path and confirm
- with 'OK' (you can save this path as default with
- 'Save' in the GEM Spooler dialog).
- NOTE: jobs with redirected output are given a name
- with PRN as prefix, followed by a number and the
- suffix .SPL; e.g. PRN0.SPL, PRN1.SPL, PRN5.SPL
- For all these files, the TRASH option is set.
- Timeout: x seconds The timeout is a very important parameter to GEM Spooler.
- It is used to determine when an application has stopped
- printing.
- Example: you are printing with your wordprocessor. GEM
- Spooler redirects the output. After 60 seconds, GEM
- Spooler receives no further printer output. What is
- happening ? There are two possibilities: either the
- printing is done or the application has to think some
- time before continuing to print. GEM Spooler will now
- use the timeout to determine what's up. If the timeout
- is 10 seconds, GEM Spooler will wait 10 seconds for new
- printer output. If new printer output is received within
- these 10 seconds, GEM Spooler will continue redirecting,
- otherwise the redirection is stopped and all received
- data is saved to a new job.
- NOTE: the correct setting for the timeout depends on the
- speed with which your applications print. However, it is
- consulted to set the timeout neither too low but nor too
- high. 5 to 20 seconds should work fine.
- Accept Accept the changes and quit the setup dialog.
- Cancel Cancel the changes and quit the setup dialog.
- 3.3.2 Adding a job
- ------------------
- A job can be added to the spooler queue in two ways:
- 1) As redirected output of a program.
- In that case, GEM Spooler gives the file (the job) a temporary name
- PRNxxxxx.SPL (x: 0, ..., 9) and stores it in the 'spooling directory'
- (see: Setup dialog). The job is assigned the default job attributes,
- except for the TRASH option. This option is always enabled.
- 2) As a file selected by the user:
- You select a file to spool with the 'Spool' option. GEM Spooler will
- give this job all the default job attributes ( be careful with the TRASH
- option !). There is however an exception: the options TRASH and FILTER
- can be forced to 'enabled', regardless of the default job attributes.
- To do this, hold the following keys while clicking 'OK' in the file-
- selector:
- <Left SHIFT> to enable FILTER
- <ALTERNATE> to enable TRASH
- <Left SHIFT><ALTERNATE> to enable FILTER and TRASH
- 3.3.3 Activating GEM Spooler from the keyboard
- ---------------------------------------------
- GEM Spooler can be activated from the keyboard: hold both <CONTROL> and
- <Right SHIFT> and wait for GEM Spooler to appear. This option can be very
- useful if for some reason the menu bar can't be used (this will only work
- in GEM Programs).
- 3.3.4 BURST mode
- ----------------
- If BURST mode is activated, spooling in background is stopped and all jobs
- are continuously printed in foreground. Burst mode thus provides in a fast
- method to 'empty' the whole queue.
- To activate BURST mode, hold the <CONTROL> and <ALTERNATE> keys until an
- alertbox - "Enable burst mode. Yes/No" - appears. 'Yes' starts burst mode.
- 3.3.5 Resetting a job
- ---------------------
- Sometimes, it can be useful to reset a job. Resetting a job stops
- the spooling and restores the previous status of the job.
- To reset a job, hold the CONTROL key down and click on the job.
- GEM Spooler will ask you to confirm. Answer 'Yes' to reset the job.
- NOTE: You can only reset a job if it has the 'Print' status.
- 3.4 Known problems with GEM Spooler
- -----------------------------------
- As far as we know, GEM Spooler v2.0 works fine with all applications,
- exception made for:
- - Other spoolers. This is obvious, because there can only be one spooler
- to spool efficiently.
- - GEM Spooler is unable (like all other spoolers) to redirect the output
- from applications that print directly to the parallel port.
- - The editor Tempus crashes. As Tempus is probably the most frequently
- patched program on the Atari ST/TT, the solution is simple: don't use it.
- - The clock of the powerful desk accessory Butler James together with
- GEM Spooler v2.0 make the system crash. Disable the clock option in
- Butler James and everything will work fine (Note: Pascal Fellerich told
- us that future versions of Butler James will use another method to display
- the clock).
- That's all. If someone should discover a new problem, don't hesitate to
- write us ! We always try to fix the problem as fast as possible !
- 3.5 GEM Spooler and Gemini
- --------------------------
- GEM Spooler communicates with the popular desktop replacement Gemini
- (shareware from Gereon Steffens and Stefan Eissing), using the
- AV-protocol (read the technical notes that come with Gemini).
- You can install GEM Spooler as an icon on the Gemini desktop. Every file
- you drop on this icon will be spooled. There is no limitation to the number
- of icons you can drop. If you double click the GEM Spooler icon, you can
- activate the accessory.
- It is also possible to assign files with a certain extension to GEM Spooler.
- You can double click such a file to spool it. To install this:
- - select the GEM Spooler icon
- - choose 'Install application'
- - enter the desired extension, e.g. *.PRT;*.OUT
- - click 'OK'
- - save the defaults (Save defaults)
- 3.6 GEM Spooler and Chameleon
- -----------------------------
- GEM Spooler can also be used with Chameleon. Chameleon is an accessory from
- Karsten Isakovic (public domain, also on the Gemini distribution disks) that
- allows you to load and remove accessories ! This also works with GEM Spooler
- v2.0 but there are two things you should pay attention to:
- 1. On the Gemini dekstop, you can drop files on the Chameleon icon. Chame-
- leon automatically passes these files to the accessory loaded, in this
- case GEM Spooler. However, while there is no limit for GEM Spooler in
- accepting files from Gemini, Chameleon (v1.19) could crash if you drop
- too many files on its icon. 10 seems to be the maximum. This problem
- does not occur if GEM Spooler is installed as independent accessory.
- 2. If you removed GEM Spooler with Chameleon and you want to reload it
- afterwards, GEM Spooler will warn you that it has already been instal-
- led before. You can answer with:
- Desinfect: Neutralize GEM Spooler. If there is an other GEM Spooler
- installed, this is the only correct answer. It is dangerous
- to install a spooler two times.
- Tolerate: Tolerate a second installation. If GEM Spooler was already
- installed but afterwards removed (Chameleon), you can still
- reinstall it by answering 'Tolerate'.
- REMARK: Those who adore danger and try to install GEM Spooler 2 times
- (with 'Tolerate') will notice that one GEM Spooler will redirect the
- output of the other GEM Spooler. At the end everything will be printed
- as usual (did you expect a crash ? Sorry !)
- 4. Technical notes
- ------------------
- GEM Spooler redirects some system vectors/functions:
- Gemdos trap #1
- Bios trap #13
- MFP Parallel port
- prt_stat
- prt_vec
- This is done following the XBRA protocol. The identification code is 'GSP1'.
- If a cookie jar is installed, GEM Spooler also places a cookie in the jar
- with the name 'GSP1'. By using this cookie, other programs can pass
- information to GEM Spooler (read the Programmers's notes).
- GEM Spooler consumes about 57 Kb of RAM without the file buffer (1 Kb mini-
- mum).
- 5. Credits
- ----------
- We want to thank everybody who helped us to write GEM Spooler v2.0:
- - Patrick Op de Beeck, Jan De Smedt and the people of Hobby Computer Club
- Belgium, Atari gg for their beta testing.
- - Pascal Fellerich for his suggestions on the busy interrupt, the filter and
- file buffer
- - Julian F. Reschke for his monthly article "Atarium" in ST Magazin - where
- we found lots of useful information on accessory programs - and for all
- his efforts in promoting serious standards for ST/TT development (these
- articles are a must for every programmer !)
- 6. Adresses
- -----------
- If you have questions or remarks, you can always send these to (Belgium):
- Steven Van Rossen or: Marc Billiet
- Sportstraat 20 A Teirlinckstraat 33
- B-9250 Waasmunster B-2600 Berchem
- Write us !
- Success !
- 27 november, Steven Van Rossen
- ə