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- 8/19/88
- MemFile 2.0, Copyright 1988 by Dan Wilga. All rights reserved.
- This program and its resource file may be freely distributed on
- the conditions that a copy of this DOC file is included and no
- payment of any type (including "copying" fees) is incurred upon
- the recipient of the program. No warranty is made as to the
- compatibility of this program and the author cannot be considered
- responsible for any loss of data which results from the use of
- this program. Use it at your own risk!
- | Revisions to Version 1.4:
- | Bug Fixes:
- | [] Window redraws oftentimes were not preformed correctly when
- | the MemFile window was not the topmost.
- | [] A minor change to the way in which it is decided when to
- | display the "These addresses might not be alterable" message.
- | [] Displaying addresses greater than six digits resulted in
- | garbage in the address column of the display.
- | [] The title bar is reset when changing to another editor type.
- | Previously, the results of a Search would be left displayed.
- | Enhancements:
- | [] All graphics routines have been converted to the smaller and
- | faster "linea" type.
- | [] Thanks to Mark Williams' VSMALL option, the code is much smaller.
- | Guess that's why they called it that, eh?
- | [] Many of the features can be activated with a single keystroke,
- | and no longer require the mouse. This includes an automatic
- | repeat for the scroll bar functions. A keymap is available.
- | [] Decimal and hexadecimal offsets can now be entered in any of
- | the three editing modes, not just for Memory. Also, after they
- | have been entered, the value in the editable field is no
- | longer updated to that of the lowest address in the display.
- | I suppose it might get confusing, but I got tired of it the
- | other way.
- | [] The editor makes better use of the numeric keypad. See below.
- | [] The Search feature now posts a message in the title bar of
- | the window if the search has gone past phystop.
- | [] Search also can optionally produce a bell tone after the search
- | has ended for any reason other than the user cancelling. This
- | tone continues every few seconds until a mouse button or key
- | is pressed.
- | [] The location in memory where the actual string being searched
- | for is located no longer stops the search when it is encountered.
- | [] This document has been updated. Changes are denoted by a "|"
- | in the first column.
- Overview:
- MemFile is a desk accessory (DA) program that allows the user to view
- and edit any portion of his ST's memory, a file on any disk drive or the
- individual sectors of any drive. Because it is a desk accessory, it has the
- added advantage that it is available from any GEM application, so you can
- easily call it up if, say for instance, you are debugging a program and you
- want to make sure that it has written a file correctly without having to leave
- the program you are working on. It is also a moveable window which means that
- you can reposition it to another location on the screen or even click on
- another open window.
- The current MemFile package includes the following files:
- | MEMFIL20.DOC -- You're reading it
- | MEMFIL20.ACC -- The program
- | MEMFIL20.RSC -- The program's resource file
- Installation:
- MemFile is installed just like any other DA; place the files
- | MEMFIL20.ACC and MEMFIL20.RSC in the root directory of the disk drive you
- normally boot from and hit the reset button on the back of your machine.
- General Use:
- When you select the "MemFile!" item from the desktop's menu bar, a
- window appears. When you use MemFile for the first time after booting, the
- program displays the contents of your machine's memory starting at the bottom
- of memory (address 0). At this time you can click on either of the two buttons
- on the right side of the dialog to toggle between hexadecimal or decimal
- addresses. You can also click on either of the other two buttons labeled
- "File" and "Sector" to switch the display to those functions.
- Which ones of the other buttons are valid depends upon the mode you
- are in: if you are in Memory, you can click on either the editable address in
- hex or decimal, but you cannot click on any of the buttons underneath these
- two without switching modes.
- You can edit the information contained in the display by clicking on
- either the two-digit bytes in the second column or their ASCII representation
- in the third column of the display. A cursor will appear, which can be moved
- with the arrow keys. When you are editing the bytes, only the 0-9, a-f
- | (or A-F) keys will have any effect. You can either use the keys that appear
- | on the main keyboard for this or the ones on the numberic keypad. The hex
- | letters A-F can also be entered on the keypad by referring to the follwing
- | diagram:
- |
- | --- --- --- ---
- | | A | B | C | D |
- | --- --- --- ---
- | | 7 | 8 | 9 | E |
- | --- --- --- ---
- | | 4 | 5 | 6 | F |
- | --- --- --- ---
- | | 1 | 2 | 3 |Ent|
- | ------- ---| |
- | | 0 |###| | Note: The decimal key is unused in this mode.
- | ------- --- ---
- |
- | When editing the ASCII values contained in the second column, you can enter
- | anything, including control characters. When you are done editing, hit the
- Return key. A dialog asking if you want to rewrite the information will
- appear. Click on "Yes" only if you are certain that the changes you have made
- are correct, otherwise you may damage system memory, forcing you to re-boot
- or, worse, damage important information on a disk.
- Normally, the ASCII column of the display contains all the individual
- characters that make up the area being viewed. The one exception to this is
- the NUL character (0x00) which cannot normally be displayed. MemFile shows
- a decimal point (".") in any location where a NUL should be. Please be aware
- | that if you attempt to edit the ASCII column, the only way to actually enter
- | a true NUL character is with the decimal key ON THE KEYPAD. Do NOT enter
- | a decimal point from the main keyboard if what you want is a NUL! The
- | surest way to change a byte to a NUL is to change its value in the Hex
- column to zero instead.
- The Search Feature:
- The "Search" button calls-up a dialog which allows you to search for
- a string of characters within the area that is currently being displayed.
- Click on either the ASCII or the Hex box, depending upon how you want to
- enter the string. After you have clicked on one or the other the cursor
- will appear on the field you selected, allowing you to edit the information
- there. The ASCII field may contain any key that can be typed on the keyboard.
- The Hex field, however, must only contain the digits 0-9 and A-F (or
- lowercase a-f).
- | The other option you have here is to specify whether or not you
- | want to be alerted when the search has completed. If you select "On", a
- | bell tone will be produced when the search has finished, assuming you did
- | not cancel the search part way through. The tone will continue to sound
- | every few seconds, but can be stopped by pressing a key, the left mouse
- | button, or performing a window operation. This feature was intended to allow
- | you to do something else (dare I say it?) away from the computer while
- | a lengthy search is being performed.
- When you have finished editing the field you chose, click on the
- "Done!" button at the bottom of the dialog. The search will then begin. You
- should see the scroll bar move as the search progresses though, in the case
- of a Memory search, the bar may not move very often.
- If the string of characters is found the display will be redrawn at
- the location where the string is and the location of the start of the string
- will be written in the information line at the top of the window. If the
- | string is not found an message appears along the top of the window and the
- display remains at its last location.
- | If you are doing a memory search, the location where MemFile stores
- | the string you are looking for in memory is excluded from the search. Also,
- | if the search goes past phystop, a message will appear in the title bar of
- | the window. At this point you may opt to stop the search if you know that
- | you do not actually have anymore RAM after phystop.
- You can stop the search at any time by pressing both of the
- keyboard's Shift keys simultaneously. The last location checked in the
- search will be displayed.
- If you want to look for the next occurence of the same string or if
- you want to resume a search that was stopped, merely press the Search button
- a second time. When the dialog appears, click on the "Done!" button and the
- search will proceed. If no other button has been selected since Search was
- invoked the first time, the search will continue from the point where it left
- off. If, however, any button (including the scroll bar) has been selected
- since the initial search, the new search will begin from the lowest address
- on the current display. This means that the same string will be found a
- second time (assuming the previous search was not stopped). To find the
- next occurence, you must then activate the Search feature one more time.
- When entering a string in ASCII, there is no way to include the
- NUL character (ASCII zero). The only way to enter this character is by using
- the Hex field and entering "00" for one of the bytes. Please also note that
- when you select Search a second time after having entered a NUL, the ASCII
- string will be truncated wherever the NUL appeared. The Hex representation
- will remain intact.
- | If you do not like having the Alert function default to "On", merely
- | change the resource file using a resource editor so that the "Off" button
- | is preselected rather than the "On" one.
- The Memory Editor:
- The memory editor can display and edit any address from zero to the
- highest available location as specified by the system variable "phystop".
- This location is normally just below the maximum address that can be accessed,
- and depends upon how much RAM your machine has. The only time it is not just
- below the top is when you have installed programs such as "reset-proof"
- ramdisks which change the value of phystop. MemFile can display any address
- up to 0x3FFFFE, however, you will not be able to alter any memory location
- greater than the RAM capacity of your machine (normally address 0xFFFFF on a
- 1040ST). For this reason, whenever an address between phystop and 0x3FFFFE
- is displayed, a warning message appears at the top of the window.
- You can select either of the editable address fields and enter a new
- value. Addresses in decimal contain only the digits 0-9 and addresses in
- hexadecimal contain 0-9 and A-F (or a-f). Pressing Return causes the display
- to be redrawn, starting at the new location. If the location you gave was
- higher than the highest location available, the address will be moved to the
- highest location.
- If you want to edit a memory location in ROM, you cannot do so by
- using the scroll bar because the entire area from 0x400000 to 0xF90000 is
- inaccessible. Instead, you must begin by using either of the editable
- address fields to enter an address from 0xFA0000 to 0xFEFFFF. The scroll bar
- will then assume that the "lowest" address is actually 0xFA0000. Enter any
- RAM address to switch back to that area.
- In this mode, you can click on the scroll bar to the right of the
- display to move up or down in 128 byte intervals. Clicking on the arrow
- buttons move the address up or down 16 bytes at a time. You can also drag the
- slider to a new position. Unlike the scroll bars found on Atari's desktop, you
- can select any portion of this scroll bar and hold the left mouse button down
- to repeat the function continuously.
- The File Editor:
- Whenever you select this option, the standard Atari file selector
- appears. You can then select any existing file to edit.
- After you have selected a file, the display will show the contents of
- the file from its beginning. You can move to any location within the file
- using the scroll bar and edit by clicking on the appropriate location in the
- display.
- | An offset into the file, relative to the strat can also be entered
- | by selecting either the Hex or Decimal editable field.
- You can select the editable filename field if you want to switch to
- another file contained in the same directory as the previous one. This is
- sometimes easier than calling up the selector, which can be done by clicking
- on the "Selector..." button. If the new file is not found or it cannot be
- opened for both read and write, the program will try to re-open the previous
- file. If this fails, the file selector will appear once again. This time, if
- the file you select is not available, you will be returned to the Memory
- editor.
- If you close the MemFile window or leave the GEM program you are
- currently in with the window open, the file will also be closed. However, the
- next time you select MemFile from the menu bar it will try to re-open the file
- you were working on last. If this is file is on a floppy, you should make
- sure the same floppy is still in the appropriate drive. Please note that
- this also means that the system considers a file to be open as long as you
- are in the File mode. If you want to be able to access the file from any
- other application without risking possible dmamge to its contents, you must
- either leave the File option or close the MemFile window first.
- Because MemFile cannot actually increase or decrease the length of a
- file, attempting to edit a zero-length file will cause an error message to be
- appear.
- In this mode, clicking on the arrow keys has the same effect as
- clicking on the gray area of the scroll bar, the display moves forward or
- backward 128 bytes.
- The Sector Editor:
- When you first choose this option, the bootsector of the drive your
- system was started with is displayed. Also, some statistics about the disk in
- that drive are shown at the very bottom of the window.
- You can switch to a new sector on the disk by clicking on either of
- the + or - buttons to change the sector one at-a-time, or by clicking on the
- number of sectors itself to edit it. To switch to another disk drive, select
- the "Drives..." button. A dialog containing the valid drives in boldface will
- appear. Click on any of the active drives to begin editing sectors on that
- disk. If MemFile encounters any problem when reading or writing a sector, it
- will return you to the Memory editor. Only those disks whose boot sectors
- report them as having atleast one side, alteast one sector per track, and
- no more than 512 bytes per sector can be viewed.
- The "Swap Disks" button forces the program to re-read the bootsector
- of the active drive. This is useful when switching disks in a floppy drive.
- If you do not use this function (or re-select the current drive from the
- Drives menu) the program may try to access a sector on the disk which does
- not exist, causing an error.
- MemFile always tries to read the "boot sector" of the disk whenever a
- new disk is inserted or a new drive is selected. If it cannot read the boot
- sector, the program displays an error message and displays the Drives list
- so you can either insert a disk whose boot sector is good, or switch to
- another drive alltogether.
- Here, the scroll bar can be used to move the display throughout a
- | given sector and an offset within the sector can be entered in either the
- | Decimal or Hex editable field.
- | Keyboard Commands:
- |
- | Many of the main functions can be activated using simple keystrokes
- | rather than by using the mouse. This is especially useful with the scroll
- | bar, as it can be moved repeatedly until both Shift keys are pressed, rather
- | than having to hold-down the mouse button for long periods of time.
- | A complete keyboard map is available by selecting the button from
- | the MemFile window.
- Comments:
- Note that the scroll bar in File Editing mode only moves in increments
- of 128 bytes. This is due to the the small buffer that MemFile uses.
- For some reason, the memory locations between the highest RAM address
- and 0x3FFFFF do weird things. If you try to edit the locations, some of the
- bytes appear to change just by moving the cursor over them. This is because
- MemFile is somehow fed conflicting information when displaying and beginning
- the edit. Don't worry about it, you can't change these locations anyway and
- they really are quite useless. They just sit there and look nice.
- This program works only in medium and high resolution for obvious
- | reasons. Booting in low-rez will not result in any message, however
- even though the program does not run, it is still in memory just sitting
- there doing nothing. Thought you might like to know where that memory is
- disappearing to.
- The Search feature can be rather slow. This is mostly because every
- single byte in the area must be examined -- it took 1/2 hour to scan an
- entire double-sided floppy. This really cannot be avoided, sorry.
- | Current memory consumption is 29,798 bytes when running.
- If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to send
- them to either of the addresses below. A source listing is also available
- by sending a check or money order for $5 (can't get much cheaper) made
- out in my name, or free (!!) through the net.
- Gribnif@UMASS.Bitnet
- Gribnif%UMASS.Bitnet@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
- MemFile Sources
- Gribnif Software
- P. O. Box 350
- Hadley, MA 01035