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Makefile | 1989-03-23 | 2.5 KB | 98 lines |
- #
- # Author: Petri Launiainen, Intrinsic Oy, Tampere, FINLAND (pl@intrin.FI)
- #
- # Based on the work of Alan W. Paeth
- #
- # Modified by Dave Yearke (dgy@sigmast) for the Atari ST,
- # using Mark Williams C, version 3.0.6.
- #
- # put the Yale Star Catalog file path here: because the yale.star is
- # static (stars don't change so often :->), consider using some static
- # library path here - relative one is used for quick testing
- STAR = "yale.str"
- # similarly assign the Messier file path:
- MESS = "messier.str"
- # and the constellation finder file:
- CONS = "con.loc"
- # put the planet position file path here: it should be preferably
- # relative, thus allowing everyone to change planet positions according
- # to their interests. This file changes when the 'planet' program is
- # executed
- PLANET = "planet.str"
- # notice that starchart.o and planet are made dependent on Makefile, due
- # to the STARFILE, MESSFILE, CONSTFILE and PLANETFILE definitions here
- # MWC needs -f to include floating point printf() routines
- LFLAGS = -s -f
- LIBS= -lm
- # star chart calculation routine file
- COBJ = starchrt.o
- # default binary names: if you change these, change also the corresponding
- # make tags
- BINS = epoch.ttp moonphse.tos planet.ttp starlase.ttp starpost.ttp starst.ttp
- test:
- starst -c ori
- all: \
- planet.ttp\
- starpost.ttp\
- starlase.ttp\
- starst.ttp\
- epoch.ttp\
- moonphse.tos
- @echo Everything has been compiled.
- starchrt.o: starchrt.c Makefile starchrt.h
- moonphse.tos: moonphse.c
- cc $(CFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) moonphse.c $(LIBS) -o $@
- epoch.ttp: epoch.c
- cc $(CFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) epoch.c $(LIBS) -o $@
- # DO NOT use -DCOMPAC on planet or the linker will go nuts!
- test.ttp: test.c Makefile
- test.c $(LIBS) -o $@
- planet.ttp: planet.c Makefile
- planet.c $(LIBS) -o $@
- starlase.ttp: $(COBJ) starlase.o starimag.o
- cc $(LFLAGS) $(COBJ) starlase.o starimag.o $(LIBS) -o $@
- starpost.ttp: $(COBJ) starpost.o
- cc $(LFLAGS) $(COBJ) starpost.o $(LIBS) -o $@
- # Recompile starchrt.o to elide the die() function.
- starst.ttp: starst.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) -DINTERACTIVE -c starchrt.c
- cc $(LFLAGS) $(COBJ) starst.o $(LIBS) -laes -lvdi -o $@
- rm starchrt.o
- starargs.tos: starargs.c
- cc -s -VSMALL -VPEEP starargs.c -o $@
- staranim.ttp: staranim.c
- cc -s -VSMALL -VPEEP staranim.c -o $@
- clean:
- rm -f *.o mlog core