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- The latest issue of the IMA bulletin had an article on BNF for MIDI. The
- article points out that this syntax is what can be TRANSMITTED and the
- actual RECEIVER implementation may differ slightly from this grammer. This
- may allow greater error tolerance. The example given is that of tranmitting
- a system exclusive message without the termination byte <eox> F7. A channel
- status byte could also be used to terminate a system exclusive in the event
- the eox byte is lost due to error or power down etc...
- Definitions 3-17 define running status and realtime data insertion as well as
- the various channel messages.
- 1. <MIDI Stream> ::= <MIDI msg> < MIDI Stream>
- 2. <MIDI msg> ::= <sys msg> | <chan msg>
- 3. <chan msg> ::= <chan 1byte msg> |
- | <chan 2byte msg>
- 4. <chan 1byte msg> ::= <chan stat1 byte> <data singlet>
- <running singlets>
- 5. <chan 2byte msg> ::= <chan stat2 byte> <data pair>
- <running pairs>
- 6. <chan stat1 byte> ::= <chan voice stat1 nibble>
- <hex nibble>
- 7. <chan stat2 byte> ::= <chan voice stat2 nibble>
- <hex nibble>
- 8. <chan voice stat1 nyble>::= C | D
- 9. <chan voice stat2 nyble>::= 8 | 9 | A | B | E
- 10. <hex nyble> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
- | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F
- 11. <data pair> ::= <data singlet> <data singlet>
- 12. <data singlet> ::= <realtime byte> <data singlet> |
- | <data byte>
- 13. <running pairs> ::= <empty> | <data pair> <running pairs>
- 14. <running singlets> ::= <empty> |
- | <data singlet> <running singlets>
- 15. <data byte> ::= <data MSD> <hex nyble>
- 16. <data MSD> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
- 17. <realtime byte> ::= F8 | FA | FB | FC | FE | FF
- 18. <sys msg> ::= <sys common msg> |
- | <sysex msg> |
- | <sys realtime msg>
- 19. <sys realtime msg> ::= <realtime byte>
- 20. <sysex msg> ::= <sysex data byte>
- <data singlet> <running singlets>
- <eox byte>
- 21. <sysex stat byte> ::= F0
- 22. <eox byte> ::= F7
- 23. <sys common msg> ::= <song position msg> |
- | <song select msg> |
- | <tune request>
- 24. <tune request> ::= F6
- 25. <song position msg> ::= <song position stat byte>
- <data pair>
- 26. <song select msg> ::= <song select stat byte>
- <data singlet>
- 27. <song position stat byte>::=F2
- 28. <song select stat byte> ::= F3
- z MAILER UHCCUX 4/07/89
- 'lee@uhccux eharnden@auvm 4/07/89 midi-bnf
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