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- The network uses the MIDI port to allow disk sharing between
- two ST's that are both running MX2NET. The remote
- drives can be used just like your local drives but they will of
- course be slower because of the transfer of the data through the
- MIDI ports.
- The remote drives are defined in the MX2NET.INF file. This is a
- ascii file with the drive parameters all on one line. For example
- if you have cfr,dgr,eow in your file.
- ||| |
- / | \ \
- / | \ \
- remote local read write
- drive drive access access
- You will be able to access remote drive C as your local drive F
- read-only. Remote drive D will be G and remote drive E will be O
- with write access. If you wish to change the drives simply edit
- the MX2NET.INF file, reboot your ST and rerun the MX2NET.PRG.
- A max of 14 drives can be defined with P being the highest. If
- there is no MX2NET.INF file no drives will be defined locally but
- a remote machine still can access your drives.
- The MX2NET.OPT file defines program options. It is an ascii file
- with all option characters in lower case. Current options are:
- t : Get GEMDOS date and time from remote ST.
- Normally your "HOST" ST would not have this option
- set.
- o : Mask over existing drives. If this option is set
- it is possible to overlay a networked drive ID
- over a real drive on the local ST by assigning
- it's ID in the MX2NET.INF file. If this option
- is not set a cold-boot is needed before restarting
- m : Allow memory transfers to and from remote ST.
- Enables shared memory and remote operation.
- 5 : Remote ST is 520ST. Screen physical memory is
- found at 78000 HEX.
- Be sure to cross connect the midi cables ie... the MIDI out to
- the MIDI in on the other ST and vice verse.
- midi in ___ ___ midi in
- ST 1 \/ ST 2
- HOST midi out ___/\___ midi out REMOTE
- The MX2NET.PRG is a standalone network driver that runs from
- the DESKTOP or another GEM program. It should NOT be installed
- in an AUTO folder. If ST 1 is the HOST it should be started
- first then start the program on ST 2.
- Drive 31 is a special ID that MX2NET uses for network function
- calls. Use the rwabs bios call to access these functions.
- A call to this ID to read sector 0 will return the local network
- status into the buffer.
- Sector 1 will return the remote network status.
- A write to sector 2 will send the buffer into the keyboard buffer
- in the remote ST. Location 0 in the buffer contains the count
- while location 1 is the start of the string. The buffer is an array
- 0..63 of longs.
- A read to sector 3 will return in the buffer an array of checksums
- of the remote physical screen memory.
- Any read or write of a sector more that 3 will read that 512 byte
- section(s) of memory to or from the rwabs buffer.
- mx2neta.prg : RS-232 port version.
- netstat.prg : read local network stat's.
- netstatr.prg : read remote network stat's.
- netview.prg : View remote ST's screen
- memory. Use the Undo key
- to exit.
- status record structure
- stat = RECORD
- inpackets : LONGCARD;
- outpackets : LONGCARD;
- retrys : LONGCARD;
- checksumerrors : LONGCARD;
- timeouts : LONGCARD;
- rwabsreqs : LONGCARD;
- resets : LONGCARD;
- END;
- PS It is recommended that this program be used for read-only access
- to your remote drives. It is possible to scramble the FAT if
- both machines try to write to the disk at the same time.