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- CLA-VHDL Compiler v1.0ßeta
- (Part of the CLA version 2 release 1 package)
- Preliminary Release Documentation 2/11/93
- ==========================================================================
- Preface
- -------
- VHDL is a derivative of ADA which is aimed at systems modelling and
- ASIC/FPGA/EPLD design.
- This documentation is NOT a guide to VHDL. There are many
- good books on this subject. This document just lays out the
- language features which can be handled.
- This program (CLAVHDL.PRG) provides a compiler to produce
- CLA blocks from VHDL (VHSIC High-level Design Language) entities.
- However, the subset of VHDL which is supported is quite
- straightforward to understand, so there should be few
- problems.....
- NOTE: This is also not really very good documentation for CLA-VHDL either.
- Tough. The program is quite easy to use though, and I am available
- via EMAIL or land-mail if you get stuck. Registering will sort you
- out good & proper though (I'll answer your questions then).
- ==========================================================================
- ----------------
- I am not rich. I am poor. Register - it may help.
- 46 School Rd,
- Langold,
- Worksop,
- Notts,
- S81 9PY.
- EMAIL: craig.graham@newcastle.ac.uk
- Copyright
- ---------
- This program is mine.
- I wrote it.
- You may use it, but not modify it.
- It will be still mine though......
- ==========================================================================
- Restrictions From Standard VHDL
- -------------------------------
- Before you get your hopes up to much, this is a VERY clipped
- implementation of VHDL. Basically, it only supports data-flow
- modelling via concurent assignment statements of the form
- {signal} <= {boolean};
- Other main restrictions are as follow
- - Number of permitted entities per file = one
- - Number of architectures you may have for each entity = one
- - Allowable Data Types - bit.
- - No records, or arrays.
- Ok, I said it was a very limited VHDL compiler. The reasons for
- it existing at all are
- a) To allow me to produce a standard 7400 library quickly
- without farting about with schematics.
- b) To let you produce small blocks as boolean equations
- safe in the knowledge that the block definition will
- be portable to another platform or design tool.
- c) Do you know how much a VHDL system will set you back?
- Model Technology, Mentor Graphics & Intergraph all
- sell their products (which admitedly are years ahead
- of this little toy) for VERY large sums - Intergraph's
- system will set you back in excess of 30,000 pounds
- (UK) + 20K per year maintenance! Ouch....
- If I get enough feedback on this, I will extend it, otherwise development
- is frozen (for now).
- NOTE: Although the files generated by this program have a .NET extension,
- they are not intended to be LOADED by CLA, they are intended to be
- MERGED. In fact, they will NOT load at all. Attempting to simply
- load one of these files may result in CLA crashing.
- ==========================================================================
- Language Definition.
- --------------------
- Having depressed you with what cann't be done, here's what CAN
- be done....and how.
- 1) Structure
- ------------
- Each VHDL file will start with an ENTITY header. This defines the
- blocks interface to the outside world. You put any port declairations
- you require here.
- An entity can be thought of as either a block in a schematic (this is
- the view you should take when dealing with this release of CLA-VHDL, as
- you cann't access other entities from the VHDL at present), or as a
- procedure in a program (if you want to go on to produce whole designs
- in VHDL without any schematics at all-better buy a proper (ie expensive)
- VHDL compiler to do that though).
- Format:
- ENTITY {name} IS
- PORT( {port list} );
- END {name};
- Where
- {port list} = {port name}:{port direction} {port size}; {port list}
- {port direction} = in | out
- {port size} = BIT (for now at least)
- Example.
- ENTITY test IS
- PORT(i1:IN BIT; i2:IN BIT;
- o1:OUT bit; o2:OUT BIT;
- );
- END test;
- The above code fragment declares an ENTITY called test. The resulting block
- will be named after the entity, so in this CASE a block called TEST IS
- produced. It has two inputs (i1 & i2) and two outputs (o1 & o2).
- Now the good news.....if you don't have your VHDL written elsewhere, the
- graphical version of CLA-VHDL will write this section for you, from the
- block outline you gave it. So you don't really have to worry about this
- too much. (NOTE: This feature is available on the REGISTERED user's
- version of the compiler, not in this one).
- The next section contains the actual definition of what the entity actually
- is. This is where the majority of your coding effort will be.
- The format of the ARCHITECTURE section is as follows :
- ARCHITECTURE {arch. name} OF {entity name} IS
- {signal definitions}
- {code}
- END;
- Look familiar? No? Don't worry. In this implementation, as you can only have
- one architecture for a given entity, the {arch. name} field is fairly
- irrelevant. But you must put it in (call it anything you like) for
- compatibility with other (better) VHDL implementations.
- The Signal definitions are like variables inside the entity - they are not
- visible outside like ports are. You can think of them as like wires on a
- circuit board, as you can use them to carry signals around.
- They are declared as follows:
- SIGNAL {signal name}:{port size};
- Easy...
- Here is an example of an architecture for our TEST example:
- ARCHITECTURE dataflow OF test IS
- END;
- As you can see, there are 3 internal signals (a,b & c).
- Notice that no mention is made of the external ports - they are not
- defined here, they are done in the entity header.
- ==========================================================================
- 2) Assignment statements.
- -------------------------
- An entity's behaviour is defined in this version of VHDL as a series of
- This technique is known as DATAFLOW modelling. Better VHDL implementations
- allow more freedom in expressing things than this.
- The form of the statement is:
- {signal} <= {boolean equation};
- |
- +-------Assignment operator.
- Where a signal is either an internal signal or an output port.
- A boolean equation is and combination of signals and boolean operators.
- ------------------------
- OR
- For example, in our earlier example, we could fill in the ARCHITECTURE body
- as follows:
- ARCHITECTURE structure OF test IS
- a<=i1;
- b<=i2;
- o1<=NOT a;
- o2<=b AND i2;
- o3<=i1 OR i2;
- END;
- More complex equations may be formed using parentheses:
- a<=(a AND not b) OR (b and not a);
- actually, though this is a valid equation, the brackets are redundant,
- so you could also write:
- a<=a AND not b OR b AND not a;
- As in other languages (such as BASIC), this works due to operator precedance
- (AND is processed before OR, & NOT comes before them all).
- NOTE: Although this VHDL compiler supports operator precedance, some don't
- (eg. the Intergraph simulator), so from a portability point of view, you
- should write the above line as:
- a<=(a AND not b) OR (b AND not a);
- Or even:
- a<=(a AND (not b)) OR (b AND (not a));
- The CONCURRENT ASSIGNMENT title comes because, unlike Pascal, where if you
- wrote:
- a:=a AND not B OR c;
- b:=d;
- then 'a' would be assigned then 'b' in sequence, VHDL signal assignments occur
- in parallel.
- So 'a' may well get the value required before 'b' is assigned, but equally, it
- may not, as both assignments were made at the same time. This makes the signal
- assignments non-deterministic (wow - thats a good word). Also, the assignments
- continue all the time the simulation is active, so they better model what would
- be happening in an electronic circuit.
- -------
- Do NOT make multiple assignments to a signal or an output port. Although as many
- reads from a signal/input can be made as you wish, you must only assign to any
- given signal ONCE. All designers should know this anyway, but for those of you
- just starting on that long road to enlightenment, this causes CONTENTION, where
- one thing may try to force a 1 on a signal at the same time as another is
- trying to force a 0.
- ==========================================================================
- 3) Comments
- ------------
- Any lines which begin with -- are comment lines, and as such are ignored
- by the compiler.
- eg)
- -- TEST : An irrelevant and dull VHDL code snippet
- -- for the masses.
- ==========================================================================
- 4) TEST in full.
- ----------------
- Here is the TEST entity example in full:
- -- TEST : An irrelevant and dull VHDL code snippet
- -- for the masses.
- --------------------------------------------------
- ENTITY test IS
- PORT(i1:IN BIT; i2:IN BIT;
- o1:OUT bit; o2:OUT BIT;
- );
- END test;
- ARCHITECTURE structure OF test IS
- a<=i1;
- b<=i2;
- o1<=NOT a;
- o2<=b AND i2;
- o3<=i1 OR i2;
- END;
- ==========================================================================
- 5) A Proper Example
- -------------------
- Below is the full code for a simple IC from CLA's 74xx library. Note that Vcc
- and GND are only included in the port header for completeness in the resulting
- block representation of the chip, and are not actually used.
- -- VHDL Model of an LS7400
- -- CLA LIBRARY:7400
- -- Written 4/9/93 by Craig Graham
- -------------------------------------------
- PORT(a1:in bit; b1:in bit; o1:out bit;
- a2:in bit; b2:in bit; o2:out bit;
- gnd:in bit;
- vcc:in bit;
- a3:in bit; b3:in bit; o3:out bit;
- a4:in bit; b4:in bit; o4:out bit;
- );
- END LS7400;
- ARCHITECTURE dataflow OF ls7400 is
- begin
- o1<=a1 nand b1;
- o2<=a2 nand b2;
- o3<=a3 nand b3;
- o4<=a4 nand b4;
- end;
- There, easy isn't it.....