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- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- T R A F F I C L I G H T C O N T R O L E R E X A M P L E
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- ! Reset = 1, C = 0, TL = 0, TS = 0, ST, HL1, HL0, FL1, FL0, Clk = 0 ;
- ! :, ::, :::; { make a visual break in the timing diagram }
- ! PalD0, PalD1, PalD2, PalD3, PalD4,
- PalQ0, PalQ1, PalQ2, PalQ3, PalQ4,
- Palq01, Palq11, Palq21, Palq31, Palq41 ;
- { -----------------------------------------------------------
- This example is based on the traffic light controller finite state
- machine described on pages 85 - 88 of "an introduction to VLSI systems" by
- Carver Mead and Lynn Conway.
- I have altered the implementation slightly to make it suit a PAL16R8
- rather than a chip layout. Mostly this consists of not using 2 signals: Y0
- and Y1. I have also added an active high synchronous Reset signal. The
- system must be clocked twice to reset properly (to state 1). Apart from
- these changes I have stuck closely to the Mead/Conway original, and used the
- same signal names and functions.
- The addition of the Reset signal bears a little discussion. The
- light controller is a state machine. It works out its next state from its
- inputs, and the preceding state. If the preceding state is undetermined
- then the next state will also be undetermined. Without a Reset the power up
- state (stored in 5 flip-flops) is undetermined. It follows that all
- subsequent states are also undetermined.
- In strict terms this is true. Suppose that the real world system
- had started (by chance) in state 2. The next state would then be state 3. A
- normal sequence with completely determined states may well be established.
- Equally however the sequence may start at power up with any other state.
- Thus even though a normal sequence may be established it is impossible to
- say what the first, second, or third etc... states are.
- Lsim is cautious by design, and allows undetermined to propagate
- easily (see the operator truth tables). This results in a normal state
- sequence with a chance power up start point being shown as undetermined.
- Unfortunately not very useful for seeing if the logic is doing what it
- should. Try, for example, BADLIGHT.LSM which contains the same logic as
- this file but without the Reset signal. Also see the example SPENB.LSM.
- Adding a reset makes the power up state determined, and simulation
- easy. There is a case for making it harder for undetermined to propagate
- in a simulation. Then it might not be necessary to add resets to make the
- simulation easy. But this could also hide real world logical flaws.
- Actually my traffic light controller requires a reset in the real
- world, a fact which might not be so apparent from the simulation where it
- not for Lsim's cautious design. It has a 'stuck state' (HL1 = 1, HL0 = 1,
- FL1 = 1, FL0 = 1) which never changes to any other state. If the power up
- is left to chance it might come up in the stuck state, and remain there
- confusing drivers forever.
- The beautiful approach of the Mead/Conway design to avoiding the
- need for a reset is not general and is, of course, only applicable to
- systems having an integral power of 2 number of states. Other techniques for
- avoiding the need for a real world reset in a state machine may be more
- trouble than the reset itself. Besides which, quite often the power up state
- of a state machine can't be left to chance making a reset unavoidable.
- The traffic light controller is master of a crossroads where a rarely
- used farm road meets a popular highway. The crossroads incorporates car
- detectors for traffic waiting on the farm road.
- Farm road
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- HL| C |FL
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Highway
- ____________________ ____________________
- FL| C |HL
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- Key
- ===
- C = Car detector
- HL = Traffic lights for highway
- FL = Traffic lights for farmroad
- The car detector produces a signal C which is a 1 (logic high) when
- there is a car waiting on the farm road, and a 0 (logic low) otherwise.
- The highway traffic lights are controlled by 2 signals called HL0
- and HL1. These set the lights as follows:-
- HL1 HL0 Lights show
- === === ===========
- 0 0 Green
- 0 1 Red
- 1 0 Yellow
- The traffic lights for the farm road are similarly controlled by the
- signals FL0 and FL1.
- The lights cycle through a pattern of 4 states like this:-
- Highway lights Farm road lights State number
- ============== ================ ============
- Green Red 0
- Yellow Red 1
- Red Green 2
- Red Yellow 3
- Green Red 0
- and so on ...
- There is a timer in the Mead/Conway system which is controlled by
- 3 signals. A 1 (logic high) on its input ST (Start Timer) resets the timer,
- making its outputs TS (Time out Short) and TL (Time out Long) go to 0
- (logic low). A short time after reset TS goes to 1, and stays there until
- the next ST. TL goes to 1 a longer time after reset. Thus the waveforms of
- the timer might look something like this:-
- ST ______¯¯¯________________________________________________¯¯¯___________
- TS ¯¯¯¯¯¯_________¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯_________¯¯¯¯¯
- TL ________________________________________________¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯______________
- | | |
- ------>| |<------ Short time out |
- | |
- |<------------ Long time out ------------>|
- The short time out is used to time the yellow period of the lights.
- The long time out is used for 2 things. It is the minimum time that the
- highway lights must stay green, and the maximum time that the farm road
- lights may stay green. The timer is reset at each change of state.
- The 'default' state of the lights is with the highway lights green
- (state 0). The lights change to let farm road traffic through only if 2
- conditions are met. The highway lights must have been green the minimum
- amount of time (i.e. the long time out must have expired) and the car
- detector must have detected a car on the farm road.
- The farm road lights remain green either for the maximum amount of
- time (a long time out) or until the car detector indicates no more waiting
- traffic. Whichever happens soonest triggers the change back to the highway
- lights being green.
- We may now draw up a state transition table for the system:-
- ======= ===== ====== ==== ===== ======
- State C TL TS State ST
- ----- - -- -- ----- --
- 0 0 0 0
- 0 0 0 0
- 0 1 1 1 1
- 1 0 1 0
- 1 1 2 1
- 2 1 0 2 0
- 2 0 3 1
- 2 1 3 1
- 3 3 0
- 3 1 0 1
- By replacing the state numbers with the appropriate light control signals we
- can create the following table:-
- P R E S E N T S T A T E N E X T S T A T E
- ============= ========= ======= =========
- C TL TS HL1 HL0 FL1 FL0 Product term ST HL1 HL0 FL1 FL0
- - -- -- --- --- --- --- ------- ---- -- --- --- --- ---
- 0 0 0 0 1 /C./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0 0 0 0 0 1
- 0 0 0 0 1 /TL./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0 0 0 0 0 1
- 1 1 0 0 0 1 C.TL./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0 1 1 0 0 1
- 0 1 0 0 1 /TS.HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0 0 1 0 0 1
- 1 1 0 0 1 TS.HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0 1 0 1 0 0
- 1 0 0 1 0 0 C./TL./HL1.HL0./FL1./FL0 0 0 1 0 0
- 0 0 1 0 0 /C./HL1.HL0./FL1./FL0 1 0 1 1 0
- 1 0 1 0 0 TL./HL1.HL0./FL1./FL0 1 0 1 1 0
- 0 0 1 1 0 /TS./HL1.HL0.FL1./FL0 0 0 1 1 0
- 1 0 1 1 0 TS./HL1.HL0.FL1./FL0 1 0 0 0 1
- On a PAL16R8 each output cell has a D type flip-flop. However the
- signal at the output pin of the PAL is the inverse of that clocked into the
- flip-flop. So when writing equations for the input to these flip-flops we
- must generate the inverse of the next state signal shown in the table above.
- Like this:-
- ------- PAL16R8 style logic for lights controller ------- }
- ST = /PalQ0 ;
- PalD0 = /C./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + /TL./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + /TS.HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + C./TL./HL1.HL0./FL1./FL0
- + /TS./HL1.HL0.FL1./FL0 ;
- HL1 = /PalQ1 ;
- PalD1 = /Reset./C./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + /Reset./TL./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + /Reset.TS.HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + /Reset.C./TL./HL1.HL0./FL1./FL0
- + /Reset./C./HL1.HL0./FL1./FL0
- + /Reset.TL./HL1.HL0./FL1./FL0
- + /Reset./TS./HL1.HL0.FL1./FL0
- + /Reset.TS./HL1.HL0.FL1./FL0 ;
- HL0 = /PalQ2 ;
- PalD2 = /C./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + /TL./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + C.TL./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + /TS.HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + TS./HL1.HL0.FL1./FL0
- + Reset ;
- FL1 = /PalQ3 ;
- PalD3 = /C./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + /TL./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + C.TL./HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + /TS.HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + TS.HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + C./TL./HL1.HL0./FL1./FL0
- + TS./HL1.HL0.FL1./FL0
- + Reset ;
- FL0 = /PalQ4 ;
- PalD4 = /Reset.TS.HL1./HL0./FL1.FL0
- + /Reset.C./TL./HL1.HL0./FL1./FL0
- + /Reset./C./HL1.HL0./FL1./FL0
- + /Reset.TL./HL1.HL0./FL1./FL0
- + /Reset./TS./HL1.HL0.FL1./FL0 ;
- { --------------------------------------------------------
- As you can see the entire state machine logic fits easily into a
- single PAL. In fact on a PAL16R8 there are 4 spare inputs, and 3 spare
- outputs. Using a PAL16R6 would give even greater flexibility in what is
- left over.
- When running this simulation you will have to operate the timer and
- the clock 'by hand', as well as (of course) the car detector input. If you
- are really enthusiastic about it you could simulate the timer as a shift
- register driven off the clock, perhaps using the spare flip-flops in the
- PAL16R8 to divide the clock first. One of the spare flip-flops could be used
- as synchroniser for the car detector input.
- Since alas Lsim doesn't (yet) have a primitive operator for a flip-
- flop we must provide the logic for the flip-flops with gates. I have used
- the example D type flip-flop from the instruction manual.
- ---- flip-flop logic for 5 of the flip-flops in a PAL16R8 ---- }
- PalQ0 = (/Clk + Palq01 + PalD0).(Clk./Palq01.PalD0 + PalQ0);
- Palq01 = Clk.(Palq01 + /(PalQ0 $ PalD0));
- PalQ1 = (/Clk + Palq11 + PalD1).(Clk./Palq11.PalD1 + PalQ1);
- Palq11 = Clk.(Palq11 + /(PalQ1 $ PalD1));
- PalQ2 = (/Clk + Palq21 + PalD2).(Clk./Palq21.PalD2 + PalQ2);
- Palq21 = Clk.(Palq21 + /(PalQ2 $ PalD2));
- PalQ3 = (/Clk + Palq31 + PalD3).(Clk./Palq31.PalD3 + PalQ3);
- Palq31 = Clk.(Palq31 + /(PalQ3 $ PalD3));
- PalQ4 = (/Clk + Palq41 + PalD4).(Clk./Palq41.PalD4 + PalQ4);
- Palq41 = Clk.(Palq41 + /(PalQ4 $ PalD4));