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- Configured for the IBM by: Bruce A. Trolli
- Converted to ST by Mammoth
- 1
- 1.0) GENERAL
- NETWORK outputs the ac frequency reponse for a user
- described electronic circuit. The circuit description is
- prepared as an input text file containing a two line
- specification for each element in the circuit. The
- specification of each element requires the user to assign
- node numbers to each node in the circuit. This method is
- similar to many commercially available circuit analysis
- programs.
- When NETWORK is run, it builds a matrix from the
- user's circuit description file and evaluates the output node
- voltage at each frequency under the assumption that the input
- node has a 1 volt signal with zero phase angle applied to it.
- At run time the user may specify the frequencies to be
- calculated as either a linearly or logarithmically spaced
- interval. Output is sent to the screen by default but an
- optional output datafile may be specified at runtime.
- Models are provided for Resistors, Capacitors,
- Inductors, Bipolar transistors (current controlled current
- sources), Fets (voltage controlled current sources, and
- Opamps (voltage controlled voltage sources).
- 2
- Network is an adaptation of an existing circuit
- analysis program to run on the IBM PC. The origional
- article: "Verify Network Frequency Response With This Simple
- Basic Program", Werner A. Schnider, EDN magazine, October 5,
- 1977, was written for a Hewlett Packard 9830A desktop
- calculator.
- The program was modified to run on an Apple II and
- reappeared in the magazine as: "Basic Program Performs
- Circuit Analysis", Richard Steincross, EDN magazine,
- September 1, 1982. This version expanded the capabilities of
- the program by adding inductors to the network elements
- supported. It also allowed the user to specify input and
- output nodes at run time. After testing this program, I have
- removed this feature because it did not produce reliable
- output for a number of simple circuits.
- 3
- NETWORK requires a single disk drive.
- Because the program output has been limited to text, it
- can run with either the monochrome or color adapter. The
- input and output formats have purposely been kept simple to
- allow most systems to run the program. (Besides, I have
- enough problems making programs print the correct answer let
- alone print it on a jazzed up screen.)
- 4
- 4.1) Number the nodes
- To analyze your circuit, it will be necessary to number
- the nodes on your schematic diagram. These node numbers will
- be used to prepare a precise description of the circuit so
- that NETWORK can construct the circuits network equations.
- The input node must be node number 1 and the output
- node must be the highest node in the circuit.
- AC ground is node 0. The 1 volt input that is applied
- to node number 1 is referenced to node 0.
- 4.2) Prepare Input File
- Prepare a text file that contains a two line
- description for each circuit element according to the
- definitions below. Note that comments may be added after the
- element type so that the origional reference designations of
- your circuit's schematic may be retained as part of the input
- file. This should make it easy to go back and forth between
- your schematic and the input file.
- Also comments may be added anywhere in the input file
- by placing a ";" at the beginning of the line.
- Resistors:
- R
- from node, to node, value (in ohms)
- Example: A 1000 ohm resistor between nodes 1 and 2.
- R
- 1,2,1000
- Capacitors:
- C
- from node, to node,value(in micro farads)
- Example: A 10 uf capacitor between nodes 3 and 6.
- C
- 3,6,10
- 5
- Inductors:
- L
- from node, to node, value (in henries)
- Fets:
- F
- gate node, source node, drain node, transconductance
- (amps/volt)
- Example: A common source fet with 10 mmhos transconductance.
- F
- 2,0,4,.01
- Bipolar Transistors:
- B
- base node, emitter node, collector node, beta, b-e resistance
- (ohms)
- Example: Emitter follower with beta=100
- B
- 3,4,0,100,.001
- Bruce Trolli
- Cleveland RBBS
- (216-3310510)
- 9
- ə-3310510)