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- The V11 JFIF viewer
- for the Atari Falcon
- 030-only version 2.18, 9/1/94.
- By David R. Oldcorn of Volume 11 Software Development
- All Falcon-specific parts copyright 1993-1994 Volume 11 Software/DR Oldcorn
- Based on the JFIF C conversion software originally by the
- Independent JPEG Group.
- DSP56001 code and interface written 23/7/93 - 28/7/93
- (not included)
- GIF and Graphics Interchange Format are trademarks of Compuserve, Inc.
- Usage:
- About the easiest setup is to set it on a function key and as a
- JPG extension triggered system, so double-clicking a JPG file will
- show it onscreen, and an F-key will bring up the viewer.
- Once it is running in viewer mode the controls are as follows:
- File selection screen:
- A-Z: select drive to be displayed.
- Cursors: move file cursor
- RETURN: show file / enter subdirectory
- BACKSPACE: exit subdirectory
- *: show info on current file
- Esc: exit to desktop
- Space: mark file for slideshow
- Tab: start slideshow (show all if no files selected)
- Shift+Tab: continuous slideshow (as above but doesn't pause)
- Insert: switch to preferences screen
- Help: show keylist & program info
- Delete: delete currently selected file... will prompt!
- In display mode:
- Cursors: move screen
- Esc: exit now
- Return: exit / next slideshow file
- Space: halfsize picture
- Backspace: switch interlaced frame alternacy (not enormously useful, but
- there to show up an unusual problem with interlace on a friend's
- TV).
- On preferences screen:
- Cursors: move cursor / alter contrast settings
- Space: change status
- Shift+Curs: +- 10 to contrast settings
- Return/Esc/Insert: exit
- This 030 version is entirely public domain, and you are free to distribute
- it as much as you like AS LONG AS it and this file are NOT ALTERED in
- ANY way, and that it is always accompanied by this file.
- The full DSP version of this software is available for £5 from:
- Volume 11 Software Development,
- PO Box 311,
- Broughton
- Preston
- PR3 5DZ
- (England)
- All monies should be made payable to D. Oldcorn.
- Note that the DSP version is not at all public domain in any way, shape
- or form and may not be copied for distribution.
- I can be contacted until at least August 1994 on email at:
- oldcornd@cs.man.ac.uk
- If you have an email account, and want the DSP version, then I can send
- it to you by email if you want - it's quicker for you, and cheaper for me!
- All feedback, suggestions and comments welcome.
- Disclaimer (just in case anything goes wrong I am not responsible):
- This software will not necessarily perform to the specifications
- set out below due to unforseen problems, and you take all the
- blame for anything that goes wrong when you try to use it. If
- this idea disturbs you, please do not attempt to use this software.
- All pictures are displayed in Falcon 16-bit Truecolour.
- Even the ST formats (Degas etc.) are run in TC mode, so all the halfsize
- features still work.
- Working memory is: size of file buffer + about 50K + about 100K(DSP) +
- size of selected image buffer
- The file buffer is 8K for Targa and JPEG with continuous read on, and
- the file size for everything else.
- For VERY large pictures operating in hardware scroll mode can require
- around 2.5-3 Megs due to the very large final image.
- Memory available to the program is the size of the biggest UNFRAGMENTED
- free block in the TOS memory space. This does NOT include the default
- screen (the desktop / select screen) so running the viewer from high
- colour or large desktop screens will reduce the amount of memory available.
- Best mode for memory is 640x200 2 colour. Running the viewer after
- other programs can result in it having surprisingly little memory,
- as main memory can become fragmented.
- If you get an 'out of memory' error, set a lower res video mode,
- turn hardware scroll off and probably set halfsize on - this will
- limit the screen size by not allocating memory for areas outside
- the left and right of the visible screen area (it WILL still allocate
- for VERTICAL scroll but if halfsize is on this is unlikely to be
- necessary).
- It has displayed JPEGs as big as 640x2500 and 1700x1700 (halfsized)
- on my 4 Meg machine.
- In slideshow mode, remember it has to hold TWO pictures in memory at
- once... so you won't be able to show very big pictures one after
- another without running out of memory. That said, if you're running
- it in a clear Falcon with just the Control Panel installed, you
- should have about 3.8 megs free, so the pics will have to be big to
- cause problems.
- Things can get really messy if it runs out of memory in slideshow mode,
- as attempts to report this fact will usually go unnoticed. It will
- generally sit and ping a lot!
- Due to a slightly unhinged design flaw in the Falcon video XBIOS
- (which was always present on the ST too, but because direct hardware
- accesses were OK you could get round it) the screen resolution can't
- be changed without clearing the screen (to white, of all things) which
- 1) leads to the flicker when an image starts loading and 2) leads to
- flickering and unusual output when the slideshow swaps an image,
- especially if it has to change resolutions
- VGA mode is limited to 320x240 because the Falcon doesn't support
- 640-wide screen modes in VGA Truecolour. The hardware scroll and
- halfsize should still be OK so you WILL be able to see a full picture.
- All VGA modes are currently untested, because I don't have a VGA handy.
- Some feedback has indicated to me that all the VGA bits are completely
- cream crackered so don't bet on it working.
- Full PAL height uses direct access to the video hardware to remove the
- top and bottom borders produced when using overscan on a PAL (50Hz)
- TV or monitor, this may not work on later versions of the hardware.
- When you select this mode your monitor may do something strange, if
- it does don't use it (on 4 different TV's and 2 different monitors
- there haven't been any problems so far).
- This produces the maximum 600 data lines, although you'll probably need
- a vertical resize to see the top 30 and bottom 10 of these.
- The STe hardware scroll registers are also used for pictures which
- are wider than the screen. These should be valid on all Falcons, but
- an option is given to disable horizontal scrolling, in which case the
- hardware register will not be accessed, and the extra memory required
- for the screen will not be allocated.
- All hardware accesses can be optionally disabled, which will prevent
- any possibility of any illegal hardware access.
- It pings when it's finished loading whatever it's loading
- It's not MultiTOS compatible but it is quite legal in terms of memory
- usage and management. Running this under MultiTOS would be completely
- pointless. (As far as I can tell, the incompatibility is caused by
- changing screen res + direct screen access: although this program
- could manage without res changes, if it used the VDI it'd take weeks...
- currently plotting one pixel takes 9 instructions in YCrCb...)
- Error messages will not be printed unless using 'info' on a file.
- If a slideshow is begun with no selected files, it will run every file
- in the current directory. Holding SHIFT when slideshow is activated will
- cause it to run without pauses. If no files are being written it will
- run in a continuous loop.
- It has a buffering system to reduce the amount of memory used on JFIFs and
- Targas, by default this will not operate on display from floppy (as it is
- VERY slow!) but can be changed from the options menu.
- Current version implements a subset of JFIF.
- BUT most standard JFIF's will certainly be supported.
- It will only handle images in YCrCb and greyscale (the only two
- logical colourspaces for general use).
- Noninterleaved scans are not supported, if I ever see one it will be.
- Non-integral upsampling ratios are not supported.
- This should cover the vast majority of JFIF files.
- (This covers ALL the JPEGs I have encountered, and all
- which can be created using the Independent JPEG group's CJPEG software).
- It is recommended that ALL stored JPEGS should be 2x2 1x1 1x1, the
- software is most efficient at these sampling ratios.
- Error checking is performed, and faulty files will halt
- the decompacter and/or produce garbage. Resyncing is NOT guaranteed
- even if restart markers are included, but in most cases some kind of
- resync should be possible.
- Halfsize reduction is performed by a supersampled zoom at the
- upsampling stage (only approximately if you are using non-1x1/2x2
- ratios, but this should be fairly rare).
- The DSP version is slightly more limited than the plain vanilla
- 030 version, due to the limited memory available to the DSP and the
- logistics involved in programming a fast, efficient DSP version. As
- a result, some JPEGs will have be processed by the 030 entropy decode
- rather than the DSP, which will be slower - anything with restart
- markers will have to be done on the 030, and anything with silly
- sampling ratios (CrCb ratios must be 1x1 1x1 to be OK, and Y must
- be 1x1, 2x2, 2x1 or 1x2).
- The DSP version completely ignores any detected errors in the input
- file (e.g. corruption leading to invalid Huffman table entries being
- referenced). If you suspect this, run the 030 entropy decode, which
- will produce an error message if there is a problem.
- On average it runs about 4 to 5 times faster than a pure 030 scan.
- If a full DSP scan can't be done, and the DSP is available, it will
- use DSP iDCT and 030 Huffman, which will run about half of full DSP
- speed. 030 mode will also be selected if the DSP has been locked
- out for any reason.
- Other DSP programs should run OK after the JPEG process has terminated.
- The DSP system is specially optimised for 640-wide 2x2 1x1 1x1 images
- and makes maximum use of available 030 and DSP power on these images.
- Interleaved scans are not currently supported, because I haven't got
- any interlaced GIF's!
- If no colour map is present it will do something silly.
- Halfsize reduction and cutdown are not supported (i.e. hardware scroll
- mode only for images bigger than the screen).
- It's bloody slow, but that's LZW for you.
- The viewer is capable of writing an output file whilst displaying
- some of the available formats (JFIF and Targa). The output format
- can be either JFIF or Targa (uncompressed 24 bit or 8 bit greyscale).
- When it writes, it will write a new file whose name is the same as
- the old one except for an appropriate extension change. If this file
- already exists it will attempt to find a unique filename by tagging A's
- onto the name or by moving the last letter of the filename up one (if
- all 36 last letters A-Z and 0-9 are used it will not write). I
- particularly do not guarantee that this is 100% working, and any
- files deleted by accident are your problem. It hasn't ever happened
- to me but I never trust these things.
- If an error occurs the program may do one of three things:
- 1. Ignore it and carry on, probably producing a corrupted image
- 2. Halt the write process, closing the file, reporting the error
- 3. Go Bye Bye (unlikely)
- If (Esc) is pressed during write, the file will be closed and
- will be incomplete.
- The compressor implemented is a standard JPEG compression, with
- full quality setting (1-100, as CJPEG) and Huffman coefficient
- optimisation, which will reduce the size of the compressed file by
- about 5-10% (it is especially efficient on small files). Using the
- optimiser will only add a few seconds to the compression time, but
- more memory will be required. Sample ratios are fixed at 2x2 1x1 1x1
- (YCrCb) and 1x1 (greyscale). Nothing else is particularly useful
- anyway.
- Memory usage can be large, at least 100k or so, and it will attempt
- to use as much memory as possible, to reduce time in disk access. This
- is especially useful during optimisation, where it will attempt to use
- memory if possible, but otherwise will use a (VERY large) temporary
- file on disk called TMPFILE$.$$$. This will be about 900Kish for
- 640x480. If it runs out of space things may be a little confused, but
- hopefully it will close everything and delete the temp file. BE WARNED
- users of AHDI before 6.06, filling a drive can sometimes result in the
- loss of boot sector on the next logical drive, which can be very
- difficult to recover.
- Known bugs:
- If really badly out of memory has been known to crash quite heavily, but
- with new slideshow memory checking this is now rare/gone?
- VGA is completely duff I think
- History:
- 2.18: Error handling actually reports something a bit more useful.
- Optimisation shown in info. JFIF can now write just greyscale. Delete
- file option added.
- 2.17: JFIF write while decomp (oooh, doesn't it sound simple - this
- added 50K to the source and 5K to the object). Some small bugs fixed,
- vskip locked to valid values, and a rare but extremely dangerous
- out-of-memory crash when switching res prevented, I hope! Fixed Targa
- cutdown so it actually works!
- 2.16: Targa write while decomp, if wanted, plus Targa read, greyscale
- and 24-bit RGB only, will do more when I can get some more example
- Targa files. Targas run through new buffered memory system to massively
- and essentially remove memory overhead. JPEGs now do too. This may be
- a bit slow on write-and-decomp. Options handler made a bit less
- obfuscate, and speeded up quite a bit. Entire output handler moved over
- to a more flexible format ready for JPEG compacter to be introduced.
- Changed PAL600... it's now a bit of a misnomer cos it's now only about
- 590 lines....
- 2.15: Rebuild to modular version started. Memory overhead dropped by
- changes to huff handlers, which also fixed a restart marker problem.
- Added quality factor to JPEG info. Changed the restart marker processor
- slightly so if it finds errors it at least TRIES to carry on.
- 2.14: Save preferences, and switch to assemble 030-only version. File
- sizes now shown. GIF bugs fixed. PAL600 fixed for TV's that have fiddly
- syncpulse requirements. Screen scroll system fixed properly. DSP lock
- and error detection now reported to options screen. Upsampler reworked
- to allow halfsizing of all JPEG's. Halfsize bug fixed. Enabled a key
- to swap frame alternacy to occasionally improve display of some JPEGs
- on Ken's TV. Contrast expansion added. Went over to DSP code 2.02 to
- fix a bug if the first image loaded was greyscale.
- 2.13: Added other file format handling: Degas, Spectrum 512 (you
- won't BELIEVE how much fiddling this routine's been through, since
- I had to manually tune it - and a stupid bug didn't help!). Fixed memory
- allocate to only allocate on 4-byte boundaries beacuse otherwise
- the video system complains.
- 2.12: Fixed a series of bugs in MCU transform and upsampler to get more
- sampling ratios working properly. Improved GIF converter a bit. Added
- SOF1 marker to let low-quality sampled images work properly. Added
- 'slideshow all' mode if no files are marked. Switched over to 16-bit
- Truecolour, but can't see the difference, so I dunno whether it works!
- 2.11: Fixed PAL600 bug caused by manky video programming. Introduced
- Info. Introduced source history. Which is why it doesn't go too far back!
- 2.10: Added slideshow mode, including view-and-decompress any pic,
- including major rewrites to all the video code. Code rearranged into
- logical sections (select/view & scan, JPEG, GIF).
- Added no-hardware access mode. Fixed some minor bugs with selector.
- Rewrote DSP output transform to fix some more sample ratios for DSP.
- 2.09: Rewrote upsampler for more than just 2x2/1x1 sample ratios.
- Went over to DSP code 2.01, and rewrote IDCT-on-DSP output transform
- accordingly. Moved big non-initialised data to BSS segment.
- DSP code history:
- 2.02: Fixed bug to force greyscale images to work OK
- 2.01: All coefficient output converted to be range-limited. Some speed
- modifications made.
- 2.00: Huffman/IDCT on DSP.
- 1.0: IDCT on DSP.
- Rough Execution times for 640x480 colour JPEG:
- 030 version: 18 seconds
- DSP version: 6 seconds
- Currently supported file formats:
- JPG - JPEG File Interchange Format
- GIF - CompuServe GIF (TM)
- PI? - DEGAS uncompressed
- PC? - DEGAS compressed
- SPC - Spectrum 512 compressed
- TGA - Targa, 24-bit colour and 8-bit greyscale uncompressed only
- Regular updates should be available - when I either think of new ideas,
- or manage to find a new JPEG it won't handle!
- Coming soon: Starball, an ST / Falcon Pinball game, which is completely
- awesome, in every respect. Falcon features include 50 frames per second
- operation and stereo soundtracker sound. Even on the ST it'll blow your
- socks off. Believe it!
- ə