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- -----------------------------------------
- --== Zero-X ==--
- for Atari
- -----------------------------------------
- Quick reference guide - 1995, May 1st, 1995
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! Zero-X is NOT FreeWare/PD/SW, !
- ! Zero-X is a copyrighted commercial product !
- ! Zero-X Demo version is FreeWare BUT any !
- ! magazine that would like to place this demo !
- ! on their cover disk/cd or similar must !
- ! first contact us. !
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Limitations of the demo:
- ========================
- Please read the zx_demo.txt file.
- Who has use for Zero-X
- ======================
- Everybody who has access to a sampler/sample-player and/or
- a harddisk-recording system and, of course, an Atari computer.
- What is Zero-X?
- ===============
- Zero-X is a Swedish developed GEM-based program, for
- Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon, with five main tasks:
- 1.Automatic find the optimum looppositions for you.
- 2.Basic sample edit with some automatic cut functions.
- 3.Drum loop functions, such as split drums, create midi file,
- Calculate BPM, AutodrumLoop etc
- 4.Convert audio files of any size.
- 5.Transfer samples to and from samplers/sample-players etc
- via Midi and SCSI.
- Zero-X always works with 16-bit sound, stereo and mono.
- 8-bit sound may be loaded but will be converted to 16-bit
- while loading.
- When transferring via the MIDI-port 12-bit sound is also
- handled via a real-time conversion.
- We have tested and approved Zero-X together with the following add
- on products: WINX/GEMRAM, NVDI, Warp9, Selectric, TCache,
- Falcon 32MHz and Falcon BlowUp. Please use all of them,
- especially WINX/GEMRAM and NVDI!
- Zero-X works on ST/STE/TT/Falcon but for most optimum
- performance we recommend a Falcon with TOS 4.04 and
- a hard disc.
- Zero-X requires ST High (640x400) or better/more. Zero-X does not
- work in any True colour mode. Zero-X looks at its best in VGA 16
- colour mode on TOS 4.04, but you will get the highest performance
- in ST High.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Below is a short guide through Zero-X v1.0x.
- Some knowledge in handling Atari computers, GEM and
- sample devices is required.
- Automatic loopsearch
- ====================
- Zero-X has two completely automatic functions dedicated to find
- the most optimum loop in your sample; AutoLoop and AutoSearch.
- AutoLoop
- AutoLoop compares all positions within your marked block with
- your entered LoopEnd and return the best fitting LoopStart.
- AutoSearch
- If you choose AutoSearch, Zero-X compare all possible LoopStarts
- with all possible loop-ends and then return the best/most fitting
- couple (loop). AutoSearch searches only within your marked block.
- You may also specify minimum loop width to avoid too narrow loops.
- Zero-X has two functions dedicated to recalculate samples that
- are extra hard to loop; Gate and XFade.
- Gate
- Gate changes a fading part (your loop) in the sample into equal
- volume. This is very useful for e.g. bass sounds and
- percussion sounds that often fades out too quickly and is
- therefore impossible to loop (i.e. if you don't use Gate!)
- XFade
- XFade recalculates the loop, i.e. making loop-start and loop-end
- look more alike.
- This means that any eventual click sound in the loop will
- disappear. You have full control over what part of the
- loop XFade shall affect.
- Loop control
- ============
- In the Loop control you have access to all loop features.
- Choose "Loop control" in the menu under "Edit".
- - Minimum loop distance;
- This is the place where you in percentage, of your marked block,
- enters how close loop-start may be loop-end.
- This is to force Autosearch/Autoloop not to choose a too narrow
- loop and to speed up the search. The larger distance the faster
- search but you may also miss a good loop...
- - XFade Minimum
- means to XFade as little as possible. No settings are required.
- - XFade User
- This is the user defined XFade. You may enter a value in
- percentage of the loop distance or you may go to "Graphical edit"
- and mark the distance with the mouse.
- Graphical edit
- =============
- To enter the Graphical edit mode, select "Graphical edit" from the
- "Edit" menu.
- This is where you can, directly in the sample, blockmark, set
- the loop positions (loop start and loop end), set the size of
- the User defined XFade, listen to the sound/sample, zoom in and out
- and scroll the sample in the window. Scroll is also available from
- the cursor (left/right) keys.
- There are two different wavedisplays, one which is very quick but
- don't show the sample accurate in overwiew mode, and the other
- which is very accurate in showing the sample envelope, but is not
- so quick (but still very quick compared to other programs!).
- - Toolbar
- Make sure that Toolbar is selected in the settings. You can select
- most of the edit and play functions as well as all of the edit
- modes from the toolbar. If you do not understand our icons,
- do not panic, just whatch the help text in the upper right of
- the screen as you place the mouse pointer on an icon.
- There is a little delay before the help texts appears.
- There are some icons for adjusting the markers position. To
- speed up the movement, keep <Alt> pressed as you select the
- appropiate icon.
- - Blockmark (mark a section)
- "Block mode"
- In this mode you may mark a section, i.e. blockmark, by pressing
- the left mouse button, move the mouse pointer to the right and
- then release the button. The section you have marked will be
- inverted.
- - Set the loop-positions
- "Loop mode"
- In this mode you may set the loop-positions, loop-start and loop-
- end, by pressing the left or the right mouse button.
- If not both of the loop-positions are displayed, you may alternate
- between them by pressing <Tab>.
- - Set the XFade User defined position
- "XFade mode"
- In this mode you may set the distance for the User defined
- XFade, by pressing the left mouse button within or to the left of
- the loop.
- Two sections will then be marked by lines to show how the sample
- affects.
- The marked section within the loop, is the section that will be
- affected by the XFade.
- The other marked section (to the left of the loop) is the
- section that will be used by Zero-X for the XFade.
- - DrumSplit
- "DrumSplitmode"
- In this mode you may use the DrumSplit option to split up a
- BeatLoop. Start with marking your BeatLoop with LoopStart and
- LoopEnd. Select "DrumSplit". A grid will occur and specify
- the different "drums" in your BeatLoop.
- To listen to an individual drum, click at the drum with the
- mouse and select "Play block" from the toolbar.
- In the pro version, you have the option to create a
- standard midi file out of the drum split.
- This, together with "Send all Drums" in the TransferControl,
- gives you the possibility to actually recreate the drum loop
- in you sequencer, but with the great enhancement to change the
- tempo without time-streching and to replace drums or
- even quantize specific drums etc.
- If you select "Save drums", all drums will be saved and
- given names such as "drum1", "drum2" etc.
- In the pro version you will also be able to select
- "send all DrumSplits".
- - Zoom,
- There are several icons for zooming in and out.
- You have also the possibility to give a user defined zoom value
- to the program with the U.D.-button in the toolbar.
- - Playback a sample/sound
- There are icons in the toolbar for all kinds of playback.
- The sound quality on a Falcon is always 16-bit by using the
- build in 16-bit D/AC. The closest sample rate available will be
- chosen.
- If you are using a STE there will be a short delay before
- you can actually hear the sound. The sound quality is 8-bit by
- using the build in STE D/AC. The closest sample rate available
- will be chosen.
- If you are using an ST there will be no sound.
- We are working on an ST sound driver.
- If your sample is being looped (loop = on), you can abort the
- sample playback by selecting the STOP icon in the toolbar.
- Convert Audio-files
- ===================
- In the demo version you may only convert to .AVR.
- Audio files of any size may be converted as long as you have enough
- space left on you target drive.
- Select "Convert..." from the "Edit" menu. Select source and target
- file format.
- Choose Convert.
- Transfer samples
- ================
- To enter the "Transfer control", select "Transfer" from the
- "Edit" menu.
- Zero-X is able to transfer your samples via MIDI, and SCSI.
- Your sample device has to support the Standard Midi Sample
- Dump format, SDS, or Ensoniq dump format. For the Roland
- S-50 the version 1.01 works with receive and for Akai
- SCSI the receive works.
- If you have a 12-bit sampler you should select "12-bit" in the
- "Transfer control" for the fastest and most secure transfer.
- To transfer samples via SCSI your sample device has to support
- SMDI (the, by Peavey invented, SCSI dump standard), or you
- have to use a Akai S-1000 (or one which follows the same
- protocol) to receive samples.
- More features
- =============
- Fade
- ====
- The volume in your marked section will smoothly be faded to
- zero, i.e. silence, or faded from zero to full volume
- depending on what you choose in the control dialogue.
- You have three types of fade to choose from: Normal, Fast
- and Slow. Fast is the linear type, Normal and Slow are
- logarithmic types. Please use the Floating Point version
- of the program if you own a Falcon with a 68882 FPU to
- speed things up.
- Silence
- =======
- The volume in your marked section will be set to zero,
- i.e. silence.
- Optimise
- ========
- The sample will be volume optimised.
- SmartCut
- ========
- If you have noise in the sample before and/or after the actual
- sound starts, or if you have several samples and want to cut out
- a single one. Simply block mark the sound and some noise before
- and or/after it and select SmartCut.
- Only the sound within your block marked section will be kept.
- Select "Noise Level" from the "Split Drum" menu specify the
- maximum noise level.
- Digital Noisegate
- =================
- If you have any noise in the sample before the sound actually
- starts, Digital NoiseGate will remove it.
- Select "Noise Level" from the "Split Drum" menu to specify the
- maximum noise level.
- Note, Digital Noisegate always works from the start of your sample.
- Stereo support
- ==============
- Different functions in Zero-X works different on stereo sounds.
- All clipboard functions, Digital NoiseGate and SmartCut always
- operates on both channels simultaneously.
- AutoLoop and AutoSearch operates on one channel (i.e. left or right)
- at a time. Note that there are icons for swapping the current channel
- in the toolbar.
- Silence, Fade, XFade and Reverse operates on either or both
- channels (i.e. left or right) simultaneously.
- To AutoLoop or AutoSearch a stereo sound, we recommend you to
- run AutoLoop or AutoSearch in both channels. If neither result is
- good enough, XFade the channel who had the worst looppositions.
- More information
- ================
- Read the news.txt file for information on the latest functions
- and changes.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Recommended end-user price for Zero-X pro is (local tax excluded):
- US$ 199
- DM 256 ( 299 incl VAT)
- SEK 1,280 (1,600 inkl moms)
- UK £ 144 ( 169 incl VAT)
- FR
- For more information on Zero-X contact your local Atari dealer or:
- Copson Data:
- Conny Pettersson Ph. +46-13-16 41 04
- Fax +46-13-16 41 04
- Vinga System AB:
- Peter Segerdahl Ph. +46-31-42 82 70 (office hours)
- Ph. +46-31-42 55 28 (evenings/weekends only)
- Fax +46-31-42 82 75
- E-mail peter@vinga.trillium.se