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Text File | 1994-01-06 | 53.3 KB | 1,321 lines |
- It sometimes seems that versions of LHarc proliferate like rabbits, while
- documentation, especially in English, is as rare as hen's teeth and what
- there is is neither up to date nor comprehensive. This guide attempts to
- throw some light on the subject and to provide a comprehensive guide to
- LHarc 2.01, now the most commonly available version, with additional
- information on the newest version 2.99 (junior).
- 4.0 USING LHarc 2.01
- 9.0 VERSION 2.20 and newer
- LHarc has its origins in the world of MSDOS and UNIX and has been ported to
- the ST by people like Jon Webb, Thomas Quester and Haruyasu Yoshizaki who
- have put their versions in the public domain. Files are compressed using
- the Lempel-ziv and Huffman algorithms which give it its name and file
- extender (lzh) The archives themselves are portable across platforms at
- least in principle; it is the archiving utility programmes that have to be
- ST specific.
- LHarc set out to produce more compact archives than ARC, at the expense of
- being slower. New versions of both have changed the picture to some extent;
- in particular, new versions of LHarc are much faster. In the PC world, and
- now in that of the ST, Zip is challenging LHarc's position; it is fast,
- compacts well and on the ST offers a user-friendly interface, allowing
- files for archiving or extraction to be picked from a list and repeat
- operations to be carried out without leaving the programme.
- There are three compression algorithms in the LHarc family corresponding to
- three groups of programmes: identifying which you have is not always easy.
- 2.1 LARC
- This does not use huffman encoding hence the missing h; it produces larger
- files but packs and unpacks much faster than LHarc (only in versions <= 2.01).
- This method is used in PFXPAK, a shareware programme packer by Thomas Quester.
- The programme LARC itself is obsolete as LHarc 2.01 offers this compression
- method with the /l switch.
- 2.2 lh1
- The original lh1 algorithm is used by Jon Webb's LHarc.PRG (current
- version, .51 or 0.6), a TOS programme which obligingly presents a list of
- commands with a command line at the bottom. The list is comparatively
- simple with only six switches:-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LHarc-ST, Archive utility, Version 0.51β, compiled on 17/11/89 at 15:12:58
- Usage: LHarc command archive [filenames]
- < Commands >
- a - Add file(s) to archive p - Extract to printer
- m - Move file(s) to archive l/v - Short/Verbose list of archive
- e/x - Extract file(s) from archive d - Delete file(s) in archive
- i - Extract with inquiry r - Rename file in archive
- s - Extract to screen t - Test archive integrity
- < Switches >
- h - Hold after command b - Retain backup copy of archive
- o - Overwrite existing files n - No compression (store only)
- f - Floppy/TurboDos check off c - Add comments
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Thomas Quester's LHarc.ttp version 1.316 is regarded as the definitive
- programme for the lh1 process. Its usage is similar to version 2.01.
- 2.3 lh5
- The newer, faster lh5 algorithm is supported by Thomas Quester's 2.01,
- usually named LHarc.TTP or LHAR201?.TTP, currently at version l. This uses
- lh5 by default, but extracts either lh1 or larc without question and will
- pack them if the right switches are used.
- The newest arrival on the scene, in January 94, is Lharc 2.99 by Christian
- Grunenberg and others, based on 2.01l and using the same commands but with
- additional switches and the more extensive UNIX wildcards. It is
- spectacularly faster. The following timings were for packing and unpacking
- the package of programme and text files, totalling 261772 bytes, by which
- LHarc 2.20 was distributed.
- Time mins:secs
- Pack Unpack Size
- ----------------------
- STZIP("deflate best") 1:32 18 118763
- LHarc 2.01 2:06 35(33) 120925
- LHarc 2.99 1:20 15(14) 120901
- Source files and the archive were both on a ramdisk and timings were
- taken from clicking ok from the command line or the STZIP screen using a
- desktop clock.
- Times in brackets are for unpacking archives packed with version 2.99, the
- others for archives packed with 2.01; whether the difference is just the
- result of timing errors I can't say.
- Many of the new switches are about naming files and seem intended to cope
- with MiNT/ MultiTOS conventions. Some of the changes are drastic enough to
- make it inadvisable to use existing shells. Version 2.99 junior corrects a
- few bugs and adds some additional features. Anyway - use LHarc 2.99 and its
- built in GEM-interface!
- The remainder of the text is about using Version 2.01; variations for 2.20
- and newer versions are appended at the end.
- Documentation for this programme consists of a German manual (MAN.DEU) an
- English manual (MAN.ENG), not as comprehensive as MAN.DEU, the README and
- LIESMICH files containing installation instructions and the revision
- history and LHarc.DOC, a brief introduction in German. There is also
- ALGORITHM.DOC explaining the compression methods used.
- Like many PD authors Thomas Quester asks that his programme should always
- be distributed with documentation. He goes to greater lengths than most,
- distributing LHarc as a packed programme (using PFXPAK) with the manuals
- (MAN.DEU, or if you are very lucky MAN.ENG) appended in compressed form - a
- combination of packed file and archive. PD libraries and Bulletin Boards
- often break this up and distribute the files separately with or without the
- manual. I have never knowingly seen this file though I have a much larger
- one of the same kind which came with my registered version of PFXPAK. If
- your LHarc seems rather large it may be one of these compound files. It
- runs in the normal way as an archiving programme, but will put on screen
- the message:
- LHarc beinhaltet noch einige Dateien. Auspacken mit x -rm LHarc.TTP
- or
- LHarc könnte noch einige Dateien enthalten. Auspacken mit Paramter LHarc.TTP
- This means:
- LHarc contains some files. Unpack with x -rm LHarc.TTP
- meaning that the files can be unpacked, to the current directory, by giving
- LHarc its own name as a parameter.
- The LIESMICH or README file if you have it, contains instructions for
- producing a smaller, working copy of the programme alone without this
- message: however it is possible to delete the files still leaving the
- message, so nothing can be taken for granted.
- 4.0 USING LHarc 2.01
- LHarc is a ttp programme, presenting that daunting empty parameter box when
- run from the desktop. It carries out one command at a time then exits. If
- you make a mistake you have to type the command again; it keeps no history
- of the commands given. No more than 38 characters may be typed on the
- command line. Long chains of switches or extended path names quickly eat
- this up.
- If you want to make repeated use of the programme, it is worth copying it
- to a ramdisk for faster operation, particularly if you have no hard drive:
- this will also enable you to keep data and archive disks in the floppy
- drive. It may be worthwhile creating the archive on ramdisk if yours is big
- enough, particularly if you are carrying out repeated alterations resulting
- in the archive being constantly updated.
- If no parameters are passed it displays the following on pressing <return>:
- LHarc Version 2.01l (Atari ST) Copyright (c) Haruyasu Yoshizaki, 1988-89.
- Optimiert von Thomas Quester 1989-91
- ================================================================ 03.07.91 ===
- <<< High-performance file-compression program >>>
- ===============================================================================
- Aufruf: LHarc [<Kommando>] [{{/|-}{<Schalter>[-|+|2|<Option>]}}...] <archive>
- [{<Laufwerk>:}|{<Hauptvezeichnis>\}] [<Pfad> ...]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <Kommando>
- a: Dateien an Archiv anfügen u: Dateien im Archiv erneuern
- f: Dateien anfügen, wenn neuer m: Datei in das Archiv 'moven'
- d: Dateien aus Archiv löschen e,x: Dateien aus Archiv extrahieren
- p: Dateien aus Archiv anzeigen l,v: Dateiliste des Archivs
- t: Archiv testen c: Dateien für AFX komprimieren
- <Schalter>
- r: Mit Ordnern packen/entpacken w: Arbeitsdirectory bestimmen
- x: Erweitere Dateinamen m: Beantworte alle Fragen mit Ja
- p: Unterscheide Ordnernamen c: Kein Vergleich des Dateidatums
- a: Erlaube bel. Dateiattribute v: Dateien mit anderem Prg ansehen
- n: Keinen Prozessindikator zeigen h: Warte auf Tastendruck vor exit
- t: Archivdatum setzen y: Nur dateien mit Archive bit packen
- b: Wie y, Archivbit wird gelöscht l: Erzeuge Larc-kompatibles Archiv
- d: Unterdrücke ALLE Ausgaben o: Erzeuge 1.13-kompatibles Archiv
- u: Ungepackt speichern k: Erzeuge Kompatible Header
- e: Mit Kommentaren archivieren 5: Zwinge lh5-Archiv
- s: Wandle \ in / um
- ===============================================================================
- (Eine genaue Anleitung finden Sie im User-Manual.)
- Wenn Sie Yoschi erreichen wollen: Nifty-Serve PFF00253
- oASCII-pcs pcs02846
- Wenn Sie Thomas Quester UUCP the.fawn@mcshh.hanse.de
- erreichen wollen: Maus Thomas Quester @ HH
- Tel./BTX (040) 720 54 31
- The line:
- Aufruf: LHarc [<Kommando>] [{{/|-}{<Schalter>[-|+|2|<Option>]}}...] <archive>
- [{<Laufwerk>:}|{<Hauptvezeichnis>\}] [<Pfad> ...]
- is a concise summary of the syntax of the command line; in English it is
- almost as cryptic:
- Usage LHarc [<command>] [{{/|-}{<switch>[-|+|2|<option>]}}...] <archive_name>
- [{<drive_name>:}|{<home_directory_name>\}] [<path_name> ...]
- LHarc used only from a command line or another programme;
- do not use when run from the desktop
- <> parameter name
- [] optional parameter
- | (shifted \) alternative
- {}
- Parameters must be separated by spaces; the only essential parameter is the
- archive name. LHarc will use default values for all the others. The order
- must be as shown except that switches can be placed anywhere after the
- command. LHarc is insensitive to case except in switches which must be
- lower in version 2.01; 2.20 and newer versions use upper case switches as
- well; it also insists on switches immediately following the command.
- For clarity we shall call the files to be archived "source" files, lzh
- files "archive" files, and the files in the archive "archived" files.
- Hitting 'Ctrl-C' at any time will abort LHarc's current operation and
- return you to the desktop. It may leave temporary files lying around if you
- do so. 'Ctrl-S'and 'Ctrl-Q' will pause and resume operations, which is
- useful for reading scrolled listings.
- (#9.1), etc refers to changes in versions newer than 2.20 described in
- section 9.0.
- 5.1 <Command>:
- A command tells LHarc what to do. It must be the first parameter given and
- only one is allowed on each command line. If none is given, extraction,
- "x", is implied. If a command is placed other than at the beginning of the
- line, LHarc will extract files, interpreting the command as some other
- parameter, eg an archive called "a".
- 5.2 <Switch>:
- Switches modify the action of commands or the way the LHarc runs. They are
- identified by the delimiter "/" or "-" and may be placed anywhere except
- before a command. (#9.1)
- Some switches are automatically set by commands:
- the command "v" sets the switch "/x" for extended file names;
- or other switches - "/r" sets "/x3".
- The switch letter is a toggle (#9.1) which reverses the current state.The
- default is off but this may have been altered:
- 1) by a previous switch in the same command line, whether
- written or implied by another switch or command,
- or
- 2) by an environment variable set by a shell programme or cli.
- Thus /xx sets and unsets extended filenames;
- /rx sets LHarc to search folders then tells it not to use
- extended filenames
- "+" or "-" following the switch set it unambiguously on or off; if in
- doubt use these. Several switches may be selected by typing them
- continously after the delimiter: eg /rhc. Otherwise type / before each
- switch. /w and /v must be at the end of such sequences as they may take
- further arguments.
- The remaining parameters concern identifying files and paths. LHarc will
- look for a file in the current drive and directory unless its name is
- preceded by a drive letter and/or path. In GEM terms the current directory
- is the active window on the desktop from which programmes are normally
- launched.
- [If you are using a command line interface this will be familiar; if you
- are using an archive shell you will never be aware of it at all.]
- You can run a programme from an inactive window using the right, or
- cinderella, button:
- Open the programme window containing LHarc.
- Open the window you want to make current - most usefully the one
- where files will be read from or written to - making this the
- active window;
- Move the mouse to the programme window;
- Holding down the right button, double click with the left.
- You may also specify a file not in the current directory by typing in the
- drive and/or pathname on the command line:
- The conventions of MSDOS apply:
- D: drive "D"
- \path\ path beginning at the root of the current or
- specified drive
- path\ path starting from the current directory or
- from the last used directory of the specified
- drive.
- Thus:
- D:arc the archive "arc" in the last used directory
- of drive D:
- \arc the archive "arc" in the root directory of the
- current drive
- path\arc the archive "arc" in the subdirectory "path"
- of the current window.
- 5.4 <ARCHIVE>:
- This is the only essential parameter: given an archive name,
- Lharc will unpack all the files in the named archive to the current
- directory.
- The parameter must include the archive name; the extender .lzh is implied
- and need not be written unless the archive has some other extender or
- has a single letter name which could be confused with a command. Self-
- extracting files with .TOS extenders can be viewed or extracted if the
- extender is given. Only one archive parameter is allowed and LHarc can,
- naturally, write to only one archive at once, which must be given a full
- name. However, LHarc will read or extract from multiple archives identified
- by wildcards: eg "a*" means all lzh files beginning with "a" and "*" means
- all archives in the current or specified directory.
- LHarc e * *.c
- Extracts all files with extension .C from all archives in
- the current directory.
- The next two parameters, <DRIVE/HOME DIRECTORY> and <PATH> are both
- concerned with the location and selection of files (not archives) to be
- archived or read from archive. Without either parameter LHarc will read
- files from and write them to the current directory and will select all
- files as though *.* had been typed. The distinction between these parameters
- can be confusing.
- This parameter substitutes a new directory for reading and writing files in
- place of the current one; it contains a drive letter followed by a colon
- and/or a path specification ending with \. Leading "\"s follow the same
- convention as described above. If the final ":" or "\" is omitted the
- parameter will be read as <PATH>. The path defined here will not be
- included in extended file names. (#9.3)
- 5.6 <PATH>:
- This is a misleading name as there may be no path element at all; if
- used at all the parameter must contain a filename or wildcard
- specification, to identify the file(s) to be archived, listed or extracted.
- A path specification is used:
- 1) in archiving, to identify the directory where files are to be
- found: unlike the <home> parameter, the path will be included in
- extended filenames. If a drive name is specified it will override
- any path set in the <HOME> parameter, as will a leading \. A file
- archived with a leading \ will be extracted to the root directory,
- regardless of any <home> setting, unless the /p switch is set.
- 2) in reading archives, to identify the files to be selected.
- If no file name or specifier is used after a '\' the parameter will be read
- as <HOME>. This and <switch> are the only parameters which can be repeated
- on the same command line.
- EXAMPLES: " ~ " = space
- a ~ path1\arc ~ a:path2\ ~ path3\*.prg ~ *.ttp ~ /hr
- <command> a add to or create
- <archive> ~ path1\arc archive "arc" in the subdirectory "path "
- of the current window;
- <home> ~ a:path2\ look for files in the current directory of
- drive A: ignore this path name in extended
- filenames;
- <path> ~ path3\*.prg archive all "prg" files in the
- subdirectory "path" of the directory just
- set;
- <path> ~ *.ttp and all "ttp" files in the home directory;
- <switch> ~ /h hold the screen on finishing (so you can
- see the error message)
- r and search subdirectories in the specified
- file path saving files with with extended
- file names.
- If the third space is omitted,
- a ~ path1\arc ~ a:path2\path3\*.prg ~ *.ttp ~ /hr
- <command> <archive> <path> <path> <switch>
- the third parameter becomes a <path>; the same *.prg files will
- be selected but saved with a longer pathname: "path2\path3\*.prg". The
- following parameter will now archive all ttp files on the current directory
- - usually the one where LHarc is.
- If you make "a:path2\" the active window, and run LHarc from another window
- using the right mouse button, you can omit the <home> command saving some
- space on the command line
- a ~ path1\arc ~ path3\*.prg ~ *.ttp ~ /hr
- <command> <archive> <path> <path> <switch>
- Alternatively, with path2's window open, though not necessarily
- active, provided LHarc.ttp is not on the same drive as path2, then:
- a ~ path1\arc ~ a:path3\*.prg ~ a:*.ttp ~ /hr
- <command> <archive> <path> <path> <switch>
- will direct LHarc to search path2\ of drive A: for source files, achieving
- the same result. Note that the drive identifier a: has to be repeated in
- both <path> parameters: it will not be stored with the file names.
- Having discussed the syntax of parameters we will now look at what the
- commands and switches do.
- Commands fall into several groups:
- 6.1 Input commands:
- Compress files and store them in a named archive which will be created if
- it cannot be found. The extension lzh is assumed: if you specify a
- different extension, LHarc will prompt you whether to use it with the
- message
- "Extension of archive is not '.' Continue processing? [Y/N]".
- Note that LHarc will not attempt to compress the named archive itself so it
- does not matter if it is in the same path as the source files.
- 6.1.1 a add
- adds files to the archive, overwriting existing files with the same
- (extended) name. No prompt is given before overwriting.
- 6.1.2 m move
- as a but deletes the source files.
- 6.1.3 u update
- adds files as a but overwrites only those with an earlier date.
- LHarc will declare what file names have been matched but, if none
- of the archived files have an earlier date, will exit without
- further action or warning.
- 6.1.4 f freshen
- updates files already in an archive with newer versions.
- 6.1.5 c compress
- compresses single files for unpacking by AFX
- Source files may be specified by means of the <home> and <path> parameters.
- Switches: l,o,k,u,5 r,c,a,y,b, x,e,t,w, m,n,d,h
- LHarc will normally use lh5 as a compression method; the following switches
- select alternatives which you may use if you anticipate your archive being
- read by other utilities:
- (commands: a|u|m|f )
- 6.1.10 /l Makes Larc archives.
- This format, the same as PFXPAK uses, produce archives are longer
- by about 5% but extract much faster.
- 6.1.11 /o Uses the lh1 algorithms; ("LHarc 1.13 compatible")
- For use with LHarc 1.13 and earlier versions of LHarc and with
- 6.1.12 /k Compatible headers
- LHXarc and early versions of LHarc cannot extract files with the
- extended headers used by LHarc2.x. Using /ok you can make
- compatible headers. (#9.5/k)
- 6.1.13 /u Archives files without compression:
- if you are adding packed programmes or other compressed files to
- an archive there is little to be gained by attempting further
- compression except that time will be taken in packing and
- unpacking. You can also add a short comment file to an archive
- which can be read by running the archive from the desktop or in a
- text editor. (#9.5/U)
- 6.1.14 /5 Forces compression by lh5
- LHarc will normally not attempt to compress a small file which
- would be larger as an archive: this switch tells LHarc to compress
- anything using lh5.
- These switches affect the selection of files to be archived:
- 6.1.20 /r[-|+|2] (Recursively collect files) (commands: a|u|m|f)
- by default LHarc compresses the files in the directory identified
- by the <home> or <path> parameters, or failing that the current
- directory; it does not look for files in subdirectories.
- The /r switch instructs it to search subdirectories
- a|u|f|m] /r[+] ARCHIVE
- Adds to 'ARCHIVE' all files in the current directory and its
- subdirectories.
- a|u|f|m] /r[+] ARCHIVE *.c
- Adds to 'ARCHIVE' all files in the current directory and its
- subdirectories with a 'c' extender.
- a|u|f|m] /r[+] ARCHIVE doc\*.*
- Adds to 'ARCHIVE' all files in the directory doc and its
- subdirectories. The same can be achieved without filenames or
- wildcards in the pathname doc by:
- a|u|f|m] /r2 ARCHIVE doc
- See (9.5/r)
- The /r and /r2 switches set the /x switch simultaneously, so that in all
- these examples extended file names will be stored, starting at the
- beginning of <path>. You may toggle the /x switch off (with /x-) after
- using /r to tell LHarc not to store directory names. If LHarc then finds
- source files of the same name it will overwrite previously archived files,
- after comparing their date stamps if commands u,f are in use.
- You can use the /r switch to archive files with the same file name by
- recursively searching directories. Thus, with the directory shown below
- |
- -\-
- |
- |
- -----------------
- | | |
- -SYS-
- |
- LHarc a /r ARCHIVE stat.h
- adds two 'stat.h' files, with path names, to 'ARCHIVE': one from the root
- directory and the other from the directory \tc\include\sys\.
- See 6.1.30 for /x.
- 6.1.21 /c[-|+] (skip time-stamp Comparison) (commands: e|x|u|f).
- overrides the time stamp comparison in u and f.
- 6.1.22 /a[-|+] (allow any Attribute of files) (commands: e|x|u|f).
- This switch tells LHarc to archive/extract files with the
- hidden or system attribute which it would otherwise ignore.
- 6.1.23 /y (Archive bit) (commands: a|u|m|f)
- Only select files with the archive bit set. The archive bit is set
- whenever a file is created or modified. Some back up utilities and
- the /b switch "unset" it so unchanged files can be identified at
- the next back-up.
- a -ry *.*
- Will archive all files that have been changed since their archive
- bit was unset.
- 6.1.24 /b (commands: a|u|m|f)
- Like y, but the archive bit of the source file is reset.
- If you archive a file using this switch, then attempt to repeat the
- process with this or the /y switch no files will be found.
- These switches govern the information stored with the archived files:
- 6.1.30 /x[-|+] (allow eXtended file names) (commands: a|u|m|f|e|x)
- By default, LHarc stores the file names of source files without the
- names of the directory(s) in which they reside. This switch tells
- LHarc to include directory names and to extract archived files
- together with stored directory names, creating the necessary
- folders. (#9.5/x)
- Example: Suppose you are in the root directory, '\' and you have
- two files 'stat.h' and '\tc\include\sys\stat.h':
- LHarc a ARCHIVE stat.h
- Adds only the file 'stat.h' from the current (root) directory to
- 'ARCHIVE', but
- LHarc a ARCHIVE stat.h \tc\include\sys\stat.h
- Will cause LHarc to abort with the message "Same names in
- another path", because directory names are normally disregarded
- when storing file names. However,
- LHarc a /x ARCHIVE stat.h \tc\include\sys\stat.h
- Adds both files to 'ARCHIVE'. Then,
- LHarc e ARCHIVE stat.h
- Extracts both 'stat.h' files to the current directory and compares
- their time stamps and if one is newer, then LHarc will prompt you
- with the message "'STAT.H': Already exists. Overwrite? [Y/N]".
- LHarc e /x ARCHIVE stat.h
- Extracts both 'stat.h' files; one to the current directory and the
- other to the directory \tc\include\sys\. If this directory does
- not exist, then LHarc will prompt you whether to create it.
- 6.1.31 /e[-|+] (comment) (commands: a|u|m|f)
- Adds a comment to the archived which will be displayed by the v or
- l /x commands. (#9.5/z)
- 6.1.32 /t[-|+] (Time Stamp) (commands: a|u|m|f)
- The archive file is normally given the time and date of its
- creation. This switch sets the time stamp of the archive to that of
- the newest file in the archive.
- a /t ARCHIVE file1.ext
- 6.1.33 /w[-|+|<directory_name>] (Working directory) (commands: a|u|m|f)
- When modifying an existing archive LHarc creates temporary files
- in the same directory as the archive, deleting them afterwards.
- (See 7.0) Using the /w switch:
- a /wd:\temp ARCHIVE file1.ext file2.ext ...
- creates these files in the directory \temp\ on drive D:. If no
- directory name is specified, temporary files will be created in the
- current directory.
- Specifying a ramdisk with this switch can speed up operations
- considerably; it is also useful when you have no room on the disk
- where the archive is.
- This switch overrides any working directory specified in an
- environment variable (see 8.0)
- 6.2 Output commands:
- Expand files from a named archive recreating them on disk: archived files
- may be specified using the <path> parameter and the destination for
- extracted files by the <home> parameter. If files of the same name are
- found LHarc will prompt "Overwrite? [Y/N]". Version l gives the option to
- rename. The contents of self-extracting files with .TOS extenders can be
- extracted if the tos extender is included in the archive name.
- 6.2.1 e,x extract:
- Switches: x,p,c,l,u, m,n,d,h
- 6.2.10 /x[-|+] (allow eXtended file names) (commands: a|u|m|f|e|x)
- See above (6.1) for this switch
- Running LHarc with no command is equivalent to:
- e (or x) /x
- if you don't want files extracted to directories use /x- (or /x as
- it is a toggle) with no command or use the x or e command.
- 6.2.11 /p[-|+] (distinguish full Path names) (commands: e|x)
- When extracting LHarc will search for the specified files
- regardless of extended filenames. This switch tells LHarc to
- distinguish files by full path name during un-archiving. (#9.5/p)
- Example: Suppose your archive 'tc' contains both 'stat.h' and
- 'sys\stat.h'. Then,
- LHarc e tc stat.h
- Extracts both 'stat.h' files to the current directory and the older
- one will be overwritten by the newer one, whereas
- LHarc e /p tc stat.h
- Extracts only 'stat.h' to the current directory and ignores
- 'sys\stat.h', because its path name is not specified.
- If you specify a path names without the /p switch, LHarc will
- extract only those files from your archive, but it will otherwise
- disregard stored directory names. (If you want to extend file
- names with directory names, use the /x switch.)
- e tc sys\stat.h
- Extracts only 'sys\stat.h' to the current directory.
- 6.2.12 /c[-|+] (skip time-stamp Comparison) (commands: e|x|u|f).
- /c ARCHIVE [file1.ext file2.ext ...]
- When extracting if LHarc finds an existing file with the same name
- in the destination directory it will compare the time stamp of
- the two files, and so some files will be overwritten and some just
- ignored. This switch tells LHarc to overwrite any existing files
- with extracted ones with the same name.
- Two switches are concerned with reading Lzh archives from Unix sources
- 6.2.20 /s Convert / to \ (commands: e|x)
- Unix uses / as a directory delimiter instead of /. This switch
- converts / to \ enabling Unix directory paths within extended
- filenames to be interpreted in the ST environment.
- 6.2.21 /u Extract Unix 1.0 archives (commands: e|x)
- Used when extracting, this switch jumps over the header-checksum-
- test, so that archives from Unix 1.0 can be extracted. (Unix
- permits longer filenames than MS/GEMDOS.) Use when 'No files' shows
- up during extraction. (Should also be able to extract archives with
- comments). (#9.5/C)
- More recent versions of LHarc cope with Unix type filenames by
- truncating them and also support comments, so this switch may be
- redundant, but it is worth remembering if you have trouble or are
- using an older version of LHarc (<2.00).
- 6.3 Internal commands
- Work on archived files in a named archive; files within the archive may be
- specified using the <path> parameter
- Switches: x,v(p only), n,d,h
- d delete
- deletes named archived files which must be identified by the <path>
- parameter; this command will not delete a whole archive by default,
- though it will with *.*. No prompts are given.
- 6.3.1 l (List files in archive)
- Lists the files in 'ARCHIVE' including name, original size, stored
- size, compression ratio, date and time, attributes, compression
- type and CRC check using one line to each file. A '+' before a file
- name indicates that a directory name is stored with the file name.
- (The /x switch or v command display directory names.)
- The path parameter will filter the files to be listed
- LHarc l ARCHIVE *.c *.h readme.doc
- Lists information on all the .C, .H and README.DOC files
- in 'ARCHIVE'.
- 6.3.2 v (View list of files in archive)
- is equivalent to:
- LHarc l /x ARCHIVE
- Lists information as l but each file takes two lines: the first for
- the full path name and the second for the rest of the information,
- including comments.
- 6.3.3 t (Test integrity of archive)
- Tests the integrity of 'ARCHIVE' by running a CRC check on each
- file and comparing the result against the file's stored CRC value.
- 6.3.4 p show file
- displays on screen the contents of files specified
- by means of the <path> parameter.
- 6.3.40 /v[-|+|2|<path\utility.ext>] (View file by another utility)
- LHarc creates an un-archived file 'LHarc.TMP' and displays it using
- the specified utility, usually a text editor or file viewer. You
- must give the full name of the utility with the extension, though
- you may use wildcards such as r*.* to invoke "read.prg" If no
- utility is specified the default is one called "less.ttp". You may
- rename your favourite file viewer accordingly. 'LHarc.TMP' is
- deleted after you have viewed it. The benefit of this is that you
- can use all the features of the utility to scroll through the text,
- save, print, search, etc.
- (#9.5/v)
- LHarc p /vread.prg ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
- Invokes READ.PRG for paged display of 'file1.ext' to the screen,
- LHarc p /v2 /vread.prg ARCHIVE.LZH file1.ext
- as before but /v2 suppresses the output of file names or path
- names. This option is provided for viewing binary files with a
- dump utility.
- Output from l,v and p , including LHarc's own messages, may be redirected
- to a file by >"filename", to the printer (parallel port) by >prn: and to
- the serial port by >aux: The final colon is essential, otherwise LHarc
- will direct output to a file called "prn". Using /d will suppress
- LHarc's messages but not the filename. (#9.4)
- You may also append to a file using >>, but the process is so slow I
- recommend you only use this if you are about to take a holiday. If you use
- MORTIMER's print spooler you can achieve the same effect by directing
- output to prn: or aux: with the printer off-line, and then retrieving the
- contents of the spooler into the editor using 'Ctrl-X'.
- The screen display with these commands may be paused by 'Ctrl-S' and
- resumed with 'Ctrl-Q'.
- 6.4 The following switches apply to most commands:
- 6.4.1 /m[-|+] (no Message for query)
- [<command>] /m ARCHIVE [file1.ext file2.ext ...]
- Before altering files or directories, or before creating
- an archive with a extension other than LZH, LHarc will query you
- with messages like "Overwrite? [Y/N]". This switch suppresses these
- messages and tells LHarc to proceed as if "y" is typed in.
- 6.4.2 /n[-|+] (No Indicator)
- Suppress progress display ****... when archiving and de-archiving.
- This display is on even when output is redirected to printer or
- file.
- 6.4.3 /d[-|+] (suppress screen display)
- (#9.5/q- do not use with version 2.20 or newer!)
- LHarc will write nothing to the screen while working.
- 6.4.4 /h[-/+] (hold screen)
- With /h LHarc waits for a key before returning to desktop
- enabling messages to be read.
- 6.4.5 /q Quick compression
- Not currently supported
- There is also an as yet unimplemented command s to create self extracting
- archives.
- When creating or amending an archive LHarc creates temporary files in the
- same directory as the archive, unless told by means of the /w switch to
- write them elsewhere. These are:
- LHarc.)1( Original archive, renamed.
- LHarc.)2( Work file used to create new archive.
- If a file with one of these file names already exists in the working
- directory, then the behaviour of LHarc is unpredictable.
- If the process is aborted by 'Ctrl-C' or through an error the original file
- can usually be recovered by renaming LHarc.)1(. LHarc.)2( may also
- be usable though the last file written to it is likely to be incomplete.
- LHarc.TMP Work file created for viewing by another utility.
- Shells make using LHarc easier by allowing choices to be set up from a
- menu though they may not enable all the facilities of LHarc to be used and
- may become out of date as LHarc itself is amended. ARCshell 3.1 gives good
- support to LHarc but is itself quite daunting to understand as a result.
- Other shells give more limited support.
- Command line interfaces allow LHarc to be called from their command line
- and may allow the use of batch files or the recall of commands by
- scrolling back through the command list.
- You may also set LHarc's default switches with the environment variable
- 'LHarc':
- SET LHarc=/we: /r
- will set drive E: as the working directory and archive all
- files in recursive mode.
- You may also specify LHarc's working directory with the environment
- variable 'TMP':
- but the /w switch will override this setting.
- Result Codes
- LHarc returns the following result codes to the parent process:
- 0 Normally finished.
- 1 Process finished with nonexistent file names ignored
- during archiving or CRC error occurred during
- un-archiving.
- 2 Process terminated by fatal error; no archive created
- or files moved.
- 3 Unable to write temporary files into the archive. Work
- file renamed to 'LHarc.)2(' and original archive
- deleted. Try renaming LHarc.)2( as your archive,
- although it might be damaged.
- 9.0 VERSION 2.20 and newer versions
- The help screen, displayed by pressing <return> at the command line is as
- below:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LHarc Version 2.99 junior (Atari) - dedicated to an unknown genius
- (c) Haruyasu Yoshizaki, 1988-1989, Grunenberg, Mandel, 1994
- ================================================================ Jan 06 1994 =
- Syntax: LHarc [<command>] [{{-|/}{<switchs>[-|+|0-3|<options>]}}...] <archive>
- [{<Drive>:[\]}|{<Base-Directory>\}] {[&|&-|~] <Paths/Files> ...}
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <Command>
- a: Add files to archive u: Update newer files to archive
- f,r: Freshen/Re-construct archive m: Move files to archive (means 'a -d')
- d: Delete files from archive e,x: Extract files from archive
- p: DisPlay files on screen l,v: List/Verbose list of archive
- t: Test integrity of archive c: Compress files in AFX-format
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- <Switchs> (WARNING: The meaning of the d-switch has been completely changed)
- r: Recursive expansion of dirs w: Specify work-directory
- x: Extend filenames m: No Message at query
- p: Distinguish pathnames f: Include folders in archive
- c: Skip time-comparison i: Ignore attributes
- a: Any attribute v: Display with external tool
- n: Set process-indicator h: Hold screen after finishing
- t: Time-stamp of archive y: Only files with 'changed' attribute
- b: Clear 'Changed'-attribute l: Use Larc compatible method
- q: Suppress all messages (quiet) o: Use LHarc 1.13 compatible method
- u: Store - don't compress files k: Header-level (0-2)
- e: Include file-comments z: Include archive-comment
- d: Delete files after command C: No crc-check during extraction
- g: Extract archive in folder j: Exclude empty files
- 5: Force LHarc 2.0x archive (lh5) 4: Store in Larc compatible method
- s: Convert backslashs to slashs P: Process-Indicator-Character
- L: Limit memory-allocations S: Case-Sensitive filenames
- M: Maximum file-size N: Only files newer than date ddmmyy
- U: Store files uncompressed R: Rename Unix-Files
- I: Compress files to directory B: Retain backup copy of archive
- A: Add if file is not in archive D: Delete if file is not specified
- W: No wildcard-matching X: Make relativ pathnames
- Y: Encryption K: Acoustic signal after finishing
- ?: Display helpscreen
- path;\ Make relativ pathnames ~,! Exclude files
- &,@ Get file-list from file &-,@- Get file-list from standard input
- ==============================================================================
- (You'll find a more detailed description in the documentation 'MANUAL.ENG')
- Yoshizaki : Nifty-Serve PFF00253
- oASCII-pcs pcs02846
- Grunenberg : Christian Grunenberg @ S2 (Mausnet)
- Christian_Grunenberg@S2.maus.de (Inter-/Usenet)
- LHarc is a freeware-program. Freeware means that you can freely copy, test
- and use this programm. If you are using LHarc regularly, you should support
- the further development by sending me a suitable donation (about $15). Thanks.
- Address:
- ----------
- Christian Grunenberg
- Traminerweg 5
- 71717 Beilstein
- Germany
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The principal differences from older versions are as follows:
- 9.1 Switches must come after the command before any name or path
- parameters.
- "0" and "1" usually have the same effect as "+" and "-".
- Without any of these characters the switch is turned on, no longer
- toggled.
- 9.2 Unix wildcards may be used; as well as * and ?,
- [a-m] sets a range:
- [a-m]*.* selects all files with names with initial letters
- between a and m
- [a|m] or [am] sets a choice:
- [a|m]*.* selects all files with initial letters a or m.
- [am]*.* does the same and
- [a-mv]*.* selects all files with names with initial letters
- between a and m and those beginning with v
- [^a] excludes:
- [^a-m]*.* selects all files with names with initial letters
- NOT between a and m.
- As an alternative you can use ! or ~ to exclude files thus:
- !*.ttp,[am]*.* excludes all .ttp files and all files
- beginning with a or m
- In most circumstances file/path names and wild cards may be chained
- together with commas ie:
- "folder\*.ttp,*.prg"
- selects all files with ttp and prg extenders in "folder" and has the same
- effect as
- "folder\*.ttp folder\*.prg"
- 9.3 <home> no longer works in input commands; files for archiving can only
- be set by the <path> parameter. If extended filenames are set by the /x or
- /r switches the whole path will be stored. The new /I switch can be used
- to force all files into a single directory with subdirectory names.
- To store subdirectories relative to, ie starting from the end of the path
- specified, for which the <home> parameter would have been used as in:
- a ~ /hr ~ path1\arc ~ a:path2\ ~ path3\*.prg
- you may open the window a:path2\ and add the drive name 'a:' to the <path>
- parameter as described in section 5.6:
- a ~ /hr ~ path1\arc ~ a:path3\*.prg
- or use the right button to launch LHarc from an inactive window.
- Alternatively, from version 2.22 on, the switch /X (store relative to
- the given paths) suppresses the path name from the archive, while storing
- subdirectory names
- a ~ /hrX ~ path1\arc ~ a:path3\*.prg
- or inserting a ';' in the path suppresses the part of the path before the
- semi-colon, ie
- a ~ /hr ~ path1\arc ~ e:\path2\folder1;\folder2\
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- | This part of the path won't be stored !
- 9.4 Redirection: '>>' is now officially supported as well as '>'.
- Indirection using '<' to read instructions from a file is not yet
- implemented, but using '@' or '&' allows a list of files to be read in so
- the command line
- v /h arc &comm
- will view the archive "arc" listing only the files named in the file "comm".
- Final colons are no longer needed ">prn" and ">aux" will now work.
- 9.5 switches - only changes from 2.01 are described
- /r[-|+|2] r2 is now acknowledged to be redundant; it will do the same
- as /r.
- /f[-|+|2|3] includes folders in archives as files, not just as part of
- extended file names, apparently for Unix compatibility.
- Version 2.22 or newer:
- /f2 Wildcard-Matching also when including folders.
- /f3 as /f2, but only compress folders.
- /g[-|+] creates a folder with the archive name and writes output
- files to it (as UNLZH does)
- /x[-|+|2|3] the new options 2,3 force initial backslashes,
- representing the root directory, on and off respectively
- /p[-|+] as before
- /I(dir\) Stores all archived files with the extended name
- 'dir\filepath\file.ext'. This switch sets /x3.
- Setting the switch /x0 will stripp the original filepath.
- /n[-|+|2|3] Process indicators s before
- /n2 shows progress a % instead of a row of *
- /n3 shows a rotating /
- /q[-|+|2] use this instead of /d to suppress all screen output;
- Version 2.22 or newer:
- /q2 only suppresses the title output.
- see /d below
- /d[-|+] deletes existing files (like the m command) but also
- deletes them from archives when extracting
- /D[-|+] Version 2.32 or newer:
- Will delete all files in the archive not specified by
- the user or found by LHarc.
- /A[-|+] Will only add a file if the file is not already in the
- archive.
- /e[-|+] As before
- /z[-|+]<file> Like /e, but the comment relates to the archive as a whole
- not to individual files.
- Version 2.22 or newer:
- If <file> is specified, the comment is read from <file>,
- not from standard input.
- /m[-|+|2|3] Version 2.22 or newer:
- /m2 suppresses only the message 'Create folder ?'
- /m3 suppresses only the message 'Overwrite file ?'
- /Y<key> Version 2.3:
- Encrypts files during compression using <key> as a pass-
- word and decrypts files during extraction.
- /t
- /w All as before
- /c
- /C[-|+] Omits the checksum test when extracting, speeding up the
- process and allowing corrupt files to be expanded.
- /v[-|+|2|3]<file>
- Less.ttp is no longer taken as a default; you must write
- something like "/vd:\view.ttp". /v2 suppresses archive
- and file names from the output and /v3 acts like /qv2
- suppressing all screen output but the file contents
- themselves. As before a separate switch /v2,3 is needed for
- these options, following the first one.
- /h As before
- /N<ddmmyy> Only selects files later than the date ddmmyy.
- /i[-|+|2|3] Extracts files, ignoring all attributes and with the
- current date and time.
- Version 2.22 or newer:
- /i2 only current date and time.
- /i3 ignoring all attributes.
- /y As before
- /b Resets only the changed-attribute
- /B Retains a back-up copy of an amended archive with the
- extender.bak, overwriting any previous .bak file with the
- same name. Works with input commands and when the /d switch
- is set.
- /l[-|+|2] Version 2.3
- /l2 force Larc (lh0) compression even if the archive will
- get longer (disables /U)
- /o[-|+|2] Version 2.3
- /o2 force LHarc (lh1) compression even if the archive will
- get longer (disables /U)
- /5[-|+|2] Forces lh5 mode on all files including small files as
- before and also archive files which would otherwise be
- stored without compression (see /u). Creates smallest archives
- possible.
- Version 2.3
- /52 force LHA (lh5) compression even if the archive will
- get longer (disables /U)
- /W[-|+] No wildcard-matching except to exclude files and with
- switch /U (Version 2.22 or newer)
- Version 2.32
- /W2 disable multiple files like 'file1.ext,file2.ext'
- /X[-|+] Store paths relative to specified paths (see 9.3.)
- (Version 2.22 or newer)
- /K[0-3] Acoustic signal after finishing (up to 3 seconds)
- (Version 2.22 or newer)
- /k[0-2] Allows the type of header to be set:
- ie levels
- /k0 or /k: (compatible as with the old /k), /e and /z
- are disabled
- /k1: (standard)
- /k2 (extended)
- /u As before but versions newer than 2.20 will not by default
- compress archive files with the extenders
- /U[-|+]<filespec(s)>
- Allows only specific file(types) identified by wildcards to
- be saved without compression, others are compressed.
- Multiple specifications can be chained using commas:
- /U*.arc,*.lzh,readme
- This switch is meaningless with /5,/Y,/52,/l2 and /o2
- /4[-|+] saves without packing but in Larc compatible format. (lz4)
- /P<chars> Allows the process indicators * and . to be changed.
- /L[0-2] Limits the memory used by LHarc, mainly for multi-tasking.
- /L0 - use 50% of available memory (max. 800 KByte)
- /L1 - use only about 250-350 memory
- /L2 - use all memory available (max. 1.9 MByte)
- /M<size> Sets a limit to the size of file to be archived or extracted
- /S[-|+|2] Allows LHarc to distinguish always between upper and lower
- case filenames
- Version 2.22 or newer:
- /S2 - no case-sensitivity
- /R LHarc converts Unix filenames automatically: this option
- allows the user to override LHarc's proposals.
- /j ignores empty files
- 9.6 New environment-variables
- TMPDIR same as TMP
- UNPACKED same as switch /U
- COLUMNS number of columns the screen is able to display
- LHARCPAR if set, all arguments are printed before executing the command
- (Version 2.22 or newer)
- ARCTEMP same as TMP (Version 2.3 or newer)
- LHA same as LHARC (Version 2.3 or newer)
- LHARCDIR same as parameter 'DRIVE/HOME-DIRECTORY' (see 5.5)
- (Version 2.31 or newer)
- 9.7 Return-Codes (Version 2.22 or newer)
- Bit 0 (1) - Bad Table
- Bit 1 (2) - CRC Error
- Bit 2 (4) - Write-Error
- Bit 3 (8) - Read-Error
- Bit 4 (16) - Can't rename file or create folder
- Bit 5 (32) - Can't copy/create temp. archive
- Bit 6 (64) - Not implemented command
- Bit 7 (128) - No LHarc-archive/no archivname
- Bit 8 (256) - File not found/No file specified
- Bit 9 (512) - Not enough memory
- Version 2.31 or newer:
- Bit 10 (1024) - Garbage found and skipped
- Bit 11 (2048) - Garbage found at the archive-end
- 9.8 Temporary files
- LHA)(T)(.XXX original archive and work files
- __temp__.lzs workfile during AFX compression (Version 2.22 or newer)
- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: the material for this document was obtained and in some
- cases quoted from Theo Runia's MAN.ENG and Thomas Quester's MAN.DEU and
- related sources with additional material for versions newer than 2.20 from
- Christian Grunenberg.
- If you have any comments or corrections please contact:
- Alan Kennedy 107 Fernside Road London SW12 8LH
- © Alan Kennedy 12/08/93
- This document may be freely distributed on disk but may not be published in
- printed form without the author's permission.