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- _________________________________________________________________
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- © 1989 by DeltaVision Systems
- Written in GfA and Turbo/C by J. Webb & E. van Herk
- Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's yet ANOTHER archiver. We've had SQ,
- ARC, PAK, ZIP, ZOO, and now... LZH! We'll, the guys on MS-DOS seem to
- like it, so us ST'ers will just have to adjust, as always...
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- LHarc was developed for MS-Dos systems by somebody called Haruyasu
- Yoshizaki from Japan. It compresses typical files to about 60% of what
- ARC would do (e.g. if ARC compresses it 100K, LHarc will probably
- compress it to about 60K). This is just about the best ANY archiver can
- do. And for transmitting files over a telephone line that makes a hell of
- a difference...
- An ST version of LHarc is being written me, Jon Webb, with a lot of help
- from Bart van Herk. This is the second release of LHarc-ST, compiled with
- the brand new GfA 3.0 compiler and Turbo-C/ST. The new compiler is full
- of bugs, but I hope I have worked around most of them. Still, anything
- can go wrong, and neither Bart nor I take any responsibility whatsoever.
- If you turn your 120 Meg harddisk into a C60 cassette tape, it's your own
- silly fault.
- This v0.40 version has improved dramatically compared to the previous
- one. Not only is it much faster, its implementation is also more
- complete. Compression is about twice, decompression about three times as
- fast, mainly thanks to some assembler optimizing (done by Bart). LHarc-ST
- is now a proper archiver, not just a quick hack to get LZH's unpacked.
- New options include viewing, deleting, testing, renaming etc.
- However, LHarc-ST is still not completely compatible with the MS-Dos
- version. We don't guarantee that files created on an ST can be extracted
- on a PC, or vice versa. But if you follow the guidelines in this
- document, you shouldn't have any problems.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- LHarc can be started from the desktop or from a shell. If you like you
- can rename LHARC.PRG to LHARC.TTP, but it won't look pretty. LHarc knows
- when it has been started from the desktop. It will allow you to
- input/edit your command line, and will wait for a keypress when done. If
- you start LHarc without a command line, it will display a list of
- commands. LHarc should work fine with a standard ARCshell.
- You can get Gem to start LHarc automatically when you double-click on a
- .LZH file by going through the following steps:
- - Highlight LHARC.PRG,
- - Select 'Install Application' from the drop-down menu,
- - Click on 'Gem', type 'LZH' and click on 'Okay',
- - Select 'Save Desktop' from the drop-down menu.
- If you are not running the new TOS 1.4 you'll need to edit your
- DESKTOP.INF file with a text editor next. Any editor will do as long as
- it can produce ASCII TEXT. You could use 1st Word with WP mode switched
- OFF, the editor Tempus, or the capture buffer in Flash. Right down at the
- bottom of your DESKTOP.INF file you'll see a line which looks something
- like this:
- #P 03 04 LHARC.PRG@ *.LZH@
- This tells Gem to start up 'LHARC.PRG' whenever you double-click on a
- '*.LZH' file. But Gem only stores the name of the program, not the path
- leading to it! So it would only be able to find LHarc if it was in the
- same folder as your .LZH file. You must insert the path yourself. If you
- have LHarc in the folder C:\COMMS\, the line would look like this:
- #P 03 04 C:\COMMS\LHARC.PRG@ *.LZH@
- Watch out you don't change any other characters of your DESKTOP.INF file,
- because Gem is very choosy about what it finds in there. Leave the '@'
- characters in too!
- Once you've installed LHarc as an application you can double-click on any
- LZH file. Gem will tell LHarc which file you double-clicked on, and LHarc
- will allow you to edit your command line (e.g. insert -V in front of the
- name).
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LHarc can be redirected to a file or another device, except for
- extraction to the screen. Output can be paused by pressing Control-S, and
- resumed with any key. Pressing ESC or Control-C will abort the current
- operation.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To use LHarc you will need to tell it what to do by giving it a command.
- ARC users will find LHarc commands quite (if not very) familiar. If you
- do not know the purpose of archivers, please have a look at the
- documentation which accompanies ARC from System Enhancement Associates.
- Optional parameters are in square brackets [..]. LHarc will automatically
- add .LZH to an archive name if it can't find it. If no drive/path is
- specified, the current drive/path is used. If no filespec is specified
- with any command but add, delete and rename, *.* is assumed.
- * Command....... A
- Description... Add files to an archive
- Syntax........ LHARC A [path]archive[.LZH] filespecs...
- Examples...... LHARC A \document.lzh c:\docs\*.doc
- LHARC A d:\games.lzh a:\pm\pacman.*
- LHARC A c:\download\msgs *.msg
- LHARC A a:source d:myprog.c c:*.pas c:\gfa\*.GFA
- The 'A' command adds files to an archive. If the archive does not
- yet exist, it will be created first. The file specification may
- include wildcards.
- * Command....... M
- Description... Moves files to an archive
- Syntax........ LHARC M [path]archive[.LZH] filespecs...
- Example....... LHARC M thisdir.lzh *.*
- The 'M' command moves files to an archive by adding them to the
- archive, and then deleting them from disk. The files are only
- deleted if the archive operation was succesful.
- * Command....... I
- Description... Extract files with Inquire
- Syntax........ LHARC I [path]archive[.LZH] filespecs...
- Examples...... LHARC I \document.lzh c:\docs\
- LHARC I d:\games
- LHARC I c:download *.msg messages\*.txt
- The 'I' command causes LHarc to display the filenames of each file
- matching the filespecs (or *.* if no filespec was passed), asking
- you whether you want to extract this file. Type [Y]es to extract,
- [N]o to continue with the next file, [A]ll to extract the rest of
- the files or [Q]uit to stop extracting. If LHarc finds a file which
- already exists, it will ask you whether you are sure you want to
- extract it. If the CRC doesn't match that of the original, you will
- be warned.
- * Command....... X
- Description... Extract files from an archive
- Syntax........ LHARC X [path]archive[.LZH] filespecs
- Examples...... LHARC X \document.lzh a:\*.*
- LHARC X \sources\source d:myprog\calc*.h
- LHARC X c:games.lzh d:\pac.prg e:breakout.prg
- LHARC X b:download f:\
- The 'X' command works just like the 'I' command, but it doesn't ask
- you whether you want to extract each file, it just extracts all
- files matching filespec. If a file already exists, LHarc will warn
- you and ask you whether you're sure you want to extract it. If you
- don't like 'X', you can use 'E' instead (to please some ARC shells).
- * Commands...... S and P
- Description... Extract files to screen or printer
- Syntax........ LHARC S [path]archive[.LZH] filespecs
- LHARC P [path]archive[.LZH] filespecs
- Examples...... LHARC S \document.lzh *.doc read_me.txt
- LHARC P \printer.lzh picture.dmp
- The 'S' command extracts files from an archive, just like the 'X'
- command, but puts them on the screen instead of on disk. The 'P'
- command sends them to the printer. Both commands cause the files to
- be sent via BIOS, so they are not redirectable.
- * Command....... T
- Description... Test files in archive
- Syntax........ LHARC T [path]archive[.LZH] filespecs...
- Examples...... LHARC T ..\badlzh importnt.doc
- LHARC T xfer.lzh *.*
- LHarc stores lots of info about the original file in the archive.
- One thing it notes down is the CRC value of that file. CRC stands
- for Cyclic Redundancy Check, and is a special way of checking
- whether a file has been damaged or not. If the CRC of the original
- file matches that of the extracted file, you can be pretty sure the
- files are identical. The 'T' command tests files in the archive and
- reports whether the CRC value in the header matches that calculated
- by LHarc.
- * Command....... V
- Description... Verbose list of an archive
- Syntax........ LHARC V [path]archive[.LZH] filespecs...
- Examples...... LHARC V \document
- LHARC V c:\archives\sources *.C D*.PAS
- LHARC V a:games.lzh pac*.*
- The 'V' command will show you a list of all files in the archive
- specified, which match the filespecs (or all files, if no filespec
- is given). You'll see the following information...
- - Filename: the name of the original file
- - Actual: the lenght of the original file when it's unpacked
- - Packed: the number of bytes the file takes up in the archive
- - Ratio: how large the packed file is compared to the original
- - Date: date of last modification
- - Time: time of last modification
- - Attr: file attributes of the original:
- w = Write Protected,
- h = Hidden,
- s = System,
- a = Archived.
- - CRC: The Cyclic Redundancy Check of the file. This is used
- to check for damages to the archive.
- - Methd: Compression method, Either -lh0- for an uncompressed
- file, or -lh1- for a compressed file.
- * Command....... D
- Description... Delete files in an archive
- Syntax........ LHARC D [path]archive[.LZH] filespecs...
- Examples...... LHARC D msdos pc_ditto.prg
- LHARC D badlzh delete.*
- The 'D' command removes one or more entries from the archive. No
- defaults are allowed here.
- * Command....... R
- Description... Rename a file in an archive
- Syntax........ LHARC R [path]archive[.LZH] oldNAME newNAME
- Example....... LHARC R upgrade.lzh version1.prg version2.prg
- This command changes the name of ONE SINGLE file in an archive. You
- CAN'T use wildcards here!
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You can influence the behaviour of LHarc by adding one or more switches
- after the command character. These switches are valid:
- H Hold after command, will tell LHarc to pause for a keypress
- after it has done whatever it was supposed to do. Because some
- people might be using LHarc for running a BBS, a thirty second
- timeout has been added, so LHarc will exit after 30 seconds
- even if you don't press a key. When started from the desktop
- LHarc will always ask for a keypress.
- B keep Backup of archive. If you don't trust LHarc you can get
- it to leave the 'old' copy of the archive on disk. It won't be
- deleted, the extention will just be changed to '.BAK'.
- N No compression, will cause LHarc to store the file in the
- archive without compressing it. These files are displayed with
- method '-lh0-' in the verbose list. The CRC saved is a dummy
- (Hex 1234).
- O Overwrite existing files. If you add this switch, LHarc won't
- ask you whether you want to overwrite the file about to be
- extracted if it already exists. The old file will be deleted.
- Example: You want to extract TEST.LZH, and you don't care about existing
- files... The command would be:
- To get a verbose list of the contents of TEST.LZH, and pausing for a
- keypress after the list has been displayed, the command would be:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LHarc passes a value back to the program it was called from. The desktop
- disregards this value, but other programs might find it useful. The value
- (usually called an 'error level') depends on whether the command was
- executed succesfully. The following error levels are used:
- 0 Okay, no error,
- 1 The given command wasn't recognised, or the user aborted the
- operation,
- 2 The specified archive wasn't found,
- 3 GemDos reported a read error. Probably a faulty disk,
- 4 GemDos reported a write error. Same as above,
- 5 A CRC error was found in the archive tested/extracted,
- 6 The archive has a bad header in it, probably damaged,
- 7 An internal error occured in LHarc.
- Any other error levels should be interpreted as program errors. LHarc
- creates a file called 'LHARC.$$$' when updating an archive. This file is
- later renamed to the actual archive name. If an error occurs during the
- operation, this file is left on disk and can be deleted. If a file with
- this name already exists, and an archive is updated, the file will be
- deleted without warning!
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Like I said, LHarc-ST is not completely compatible with the MS-DOS
- version. Some things to keep in mind:
- - LHarc-ST has been tested with archives created by LHarc-PC
- v1.12 and vice versa,
- - LHarc-ST can handle files with full pathnames, but will strip
- the path off when extracting. LHarc-ST can't handle self-
- extracting archives (.COM/.EXE).
- - For -lh0- type files (which are normally VERY small), no CRC
- check is done during decompression. All -lh1- files are checked
- of course. If you specify 'N'o compression when adding to an
- archive, the CRC is a dummy (hex 1234).
- - When extracting a file from an archive, the attributes are
- disregarded. I don't like the thought of archivers creating
- hidden read-only system files.
- - LHarc has a maximum of 100 files per archive at the moment.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- Just one: Turbo-C v1.0 (I still don't have 1.1, no thanks to CAM in
- Utrecht who are supposed to get me an update) has a bug in its libraries,
- causing it to forget to mark its write buffers dirty on rare occasions.
- Sorry, blame CAM...
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- If you find any bugs, other than the one above, please let us know. We'd
- like to know a number of things:
- - The version number of LHarc, PC or ST?
- - The command line used to call LHarc,
- - Information about WHAT was happening when the bug occured,
- - Information about the files you were adding/extracting,
- - Information about the archive you were adding to/extracting from,
- - Was that archive created on a PC or ST? By what version of LHarc?
- - What machine you're running (520 ST, 1040 ST, Mega-2 etc),
- - The version number or default date of your TOS,
- - Where you called LHarc from (desktop, PCommand etc.),
- - How much free memory you had when you started LHarc.
- Please fill in as much info as you can, I need all the help I can get
- 8-)... If possible, tell me how I can reproduce the error. You can reach
- me by normal mail at:
- DeltaVision Systems,
- I.B.B.-laan 37,
- 3582 VE Utrecht,
- The Netherlands.
- or leave a message to Jon Webb at...
- Computershop Utrecht BBS (FidoNet 2:282/350),
- Telephone : Holland (0)30 - 660 487,
- at 300, 1200 or 2400 bps, 24 hours per day,
- your Sysop is Eddy Emck.
- LHarc-ST may be used, copied and made available for download as long as
- you stick to these rules:
- - You ALWAYS include the documentation,
- - You do NOT modify the program or documentation in any way,
- exept for translation of the documentation,
- - You do NOT charge a fee other than nominal on-line time and
- copying charges.
- and PLEASE show the version number of LHarc with the file name. Thank
- you!
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