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- What's new?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- ---<cut here>------------------------------------------------------------------
- Speed and other important issues
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Well, you can be happy, since this is definitely the FASTEST
- UNARJ.TTP-depacker on the ST series. (Every depacker we could locate showed
- ratings which differed by at least a factor 1.5 so it's advisable to
- kill those if you have this one.
- We support all regular UNARJ.TTP-options (except from Garble & Security
- Envelope, which neither are supported by any other tool we know of.)
- If you have had the pleasure to meet our previous release (UNARJ230),
- you'll be very pleased to hear we are pushing that one right off the
- road. (Speed-factor > 5 !!!) In fact, this thing a complete rewrite which
- shares no code with the previous UNARJ versions which came from Insh_Allah's
- hand. Mr Ni! from the TOS crew has optimized the decompression routines
- severely; I believe we are the fastest ARJ-decompressor araound at the time
- of this writing...
- Unfortunately the depacker has grown another 20K but I think that won't
- hurt all you HD-users. In exchange for this extra 20K code you have the
- complete manual inside the .TTP (Still there are a lot of cocksuckers
- that dare to copy the executables without adding the proper
- documentation which was supplied with the original: this way you can
- derive the documentation every time again and again!)
- If you want a smaller executable (lunatic or disk-only user) we have a
- Junior Version available in which we cut down on the options-palette for
- both German & English lunatic/disk-only users.
- Please note that the German version may contain even more typo's and
- other editorial-related bugs/errors/features than the English version,
- since the German language isn't our native language.
- (We only included it since Germans seem to suffer from a sufficient
- understanding of English.)
- (For French people: recompile with -DLANGUAGE=FRENCH ;-))
- Some crap about copyright, warez and all that sort of shit
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This package (UNARJ*.*) is mind-warez (You should at least feel guilty
- when you don't send us a message or a postcard).
- Everything you do or don't is your own problem: blowing fuzes and
- melting Atari computers are not included in the insurrance policy.
- Anything else is neither. (You may praise who/what-ever you believe in
- when you get this to work ;-)))
- However we feel 'backing up your system before installing UNARJ' would
- be a bit overdone...
- Sources for this thing are available on request: we (both Mr Ni! and
- myself) put in a lot of time in this product so we would appriciate any
- donations (needn't be money, though! Extra processing power/devices are
- welcomed too!) in exchange for the complete C/ASM-source release.
- (Just write us a note when you're interested)
- Future developments
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- At the moment our biggest problem is the reverse-engineering of the
- various UNARJ.TTP compression modes. We only have access to some C-source for
- the depacker as distributed by Robert K Jung, however there's a good
- chance of implementing Mode 4 (FAST) compression anyway. (Scheduled for
- Dec. 1993) Huffman additions (Mode 1-3) will have to wait a little while
- for us to get the inspiration to do it... At the moment we can't say
- anything more about expacted compression speed & ratio's so you'll have
- to wait for that release (which would develop quite a bit faster if we
- could get our hands on some C/ASM/Pascal(?! yuck!) source. (If you have
- a UNARJ.TTP-archiver-source written in APL or any other language we would be
- happy to learn the language anyway ;-)))
- This is a Alpha-release since we haven't had the time to check all
- options extensively. Besides, we like to keep this a non-final version
- until it can be distributed with our ARJ241α.
- If you find anything which doesn't match our documentation,
- please notify us through our contact addresses or support BBS in The
- Netherlands (MBH BBS, for telephone number see the end of the document);
- we will try to fix any problems a.s.a.p.
- This distribution is dedicated to:
- (unarj x -~xd \*.UNARJ.TTP was made for you, my dear!)
- Redirection issues
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you peeked at the commandline options, you'd sure seen the
- 'redirection' text there: many people start to tremble when they see
- this: Will my marv' shell be put out of bizz?!
- No!
- If you run a shell or anything that takes over redirection (by parsing
- our commanline first!) we won't see the redirection commands given, thus
- allowing the system to have it it's own way.
- you should however note the fact that we don't differentiate between
- STDOUT and STDERR in that case! (Well.... hm.... we do write STDOUT to
- GEMDOS handle 1 (stdout) while STDERR is sent to GEMDOS handle -1
- (non-redirectable (they say ;-)) stdout)
- This is not so much a bug introduced by us a it is a system-wide
- problem: TOS hasn't ever had a seperate stderr channel as has UNIX. So
- the risk is high you will redirect both out STDOUT *and* STDERR messages
- when redirecting.
- Here are the 'undocumented features (now documented ;-))' that touch the
- redirection issue:
- * STDOUT and STDERR will most probably not be recognized as seperate
- output streams when redirecting.
- * Keypress requests and all that sort of shit is NOT (repeat: NOT!)
- suppressed when the system takes over redirection: we don't have a
- method included (yet) to recognize external redirection. Therefore you
- should use the appropriate command-options to disable every possible
- request done by UNARJ.TTP
- * Redirection used with TOS-versions before 1.4 could very well fail.
- (As it would with other toolz)
- If you use UNARJ's internal redirection routines however, there's a
- difference between STDOUT and STDERR. Also we will message you about the
- fact that output is redirected: most novice users get the shivers when
- they don't see screen-output for more than five minutes...
- If redirection attempts fail, you will be told about that fact too!
- 4DOS users will have noticed we use the 4DOS way of redirecting STDERR
- ('>&') instead of the UNIX way ('2>'). If you don't like it: don't use
- it.
- Environment
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- UNARJ.TTP will first look for an environment variable named ARJ_SW and
- use its value as switch options for UNARJ.TTP.
- You can inhibit UNARJ.TTP from using this environment variable by using
- the "-+" option. You can also set the name of the environment
- variable with the "-+" option as in
- UNARJ.TTP x -+ARJCFG archive
- Use some environment editing/setting tool to create an environment on
- your Atari. (Most shells could use some script-file or seperate command
- to do it...)
- SET ARJ_SW=<switches>
- Example:
- SET ARJ_SW=-~arj- -jy+ -~k -e -v+ -~acv
- Do NOT add any blanks after the variable name ARJ_SW. As in LHARC,
- command line switches can be selected to override ARJ_SW settings.
- UNARJ.TTP will allow you to use a different switch character "-" or "/"
- in ARJ_SW and in the command line.
- If the ARJ_SW environment variable specifies a filename (text not
- beginning with a switch character), UNARJ.TTP will open that filename and
- scan it looking for a line of text that begins in column 1 with the
- same letter as the UNARJ.TTP command being executed. The following text
- is processed as the ARJ_SW switches. This allows each UNARJ.TTP command
- to have its own switch settings. In addition, UNARJ.TTP will also look
- for the "+" (plus) symbol in column 1 to use as a miscellaneous
- switch string. This string will be added to any command switch
- string found if any. If no command switch string is found, UNARJ.TTP
- will use the miscellaneous switch string as the ARJ_SW switch
- settings. NOTE that the "+" switch settings will NOT be used
- if the "+" string occurs below the command switch string.
- Please note that we included the <-~ac> ('Assume Command') option for
- this '+' line specially! This way you are able to specify default
- behaviour af UNARJ (even when in complete ARJ compatibility mode
- (<-~arj>))
- C:\UNARJ\UNARJ.CFG contains:
- a -jm1 -ja -i1
- c -zcomment.txt
- + -~v1
- l -jp
- e -i1
- AND is equivalent to:
- a -jm1 -ja -i1
- c -zcomment.txt
- l -jp -~v1
- e -i1 -~v1
- f -~v1
- v -~v1
- all other commands
- .
- .
- .
- In the above example, any UNARJ.TTP "l" commands will use "-jp -~v1"
- as the ARJ_SW switch options.
- Please note you can list ARJ commands here (so use your PC ARJ.CFG
- setup!) but those lines will be skipped by UNARJ.TTP!
- The ARJ_SW variable or the ARJ_SW configuration file switch
- settings may *have* quoted switches such as "-vasformat a:". This is
- opposite to the ARJ.EXE conditions.
- Commandline usage
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The only thing that has been and will be a constant factor for
- UNARJxxx.TTP from th authors Insh_Allah/Mr Ni! is the ARGV & xArg
- support.
- Anybody using TeraDesk (from W. Klaren of the TOS-Crew) or TOS 2.xx or
- above can install UNARJ.TTP with an option list. (Install Application)
- Be sure to change this if it was previously set up for UNARJ230 or older
- versions, since our commandline options have changed significantly.
- As a bonus, an ICON (ICON.RSC, ICON.H) is included in this distribution
- for use with the TeringDesk ICON.RSC file: use some RSC-editor to include
- this icon in your collection.
- When you want this tool to depack your UNARJ.TTP archives to a sepearate
- directory each, you could specify
- x -rayv+ %f h:\unarjed\%f\
- as the 'Install application' commandline. Please note the trailing
- backslash '%f\' or UNARJ won't recognize %f to be a sepearate subdir.
- (resulting in beksmash)
- (TeraDesk puts the UNARJ.TTP archivename at the %f location!)
- *THIS IS AN IMPORTANT CHANGE* from previous versions!
- For those among you that learned to live with the absolutely weird
- options contained in UNARJ210/220/230 there's yet another major change:
- from today we will be UNARJ.TTP.EXE (from R.K. Jung) compatible at all levels.
- However there are some discrepancies here:
- * added options for ST users. (-~___ shifted switch options)
- * toggle-behaviour of UNARJ.TTP.EXE is NOT emulated to the extend of toggling
- by multiple occurences of (Example:) -ja command-options.
- We do support -ja-/-ja+ toggling, but <-ja -ja> will NOT reset the
- <-ja> option flags as UNARJ.TTP.EXE would do, since <-ja> is treated equal
- to <-ja+> inside UNARJ241.TTP.
- * very strict checking when using multiple volumes: UNARJ.TTP.eXE only checks
- the time-stamp and verifies the file-size (which *should* *be* *large*
- *enough*) where UNARJ241.TTP does the same, except it will issue a
- warning when the existing part of a multiple-volume file is found to
- be larger than requested.
- This habit is better in most circumstances (as we view it) but fails
- when multiple volumes were created by UNARJ.TTP.EXE using TEXT-mode (<-t1>,
- <-t1f>, <-t1g>): UNARJ.TTP.EXE switches back to binary mode for the second
- part of the split-vol file while keeping the file-offset *value*.
- (for technical oriented people: UNARJ.TTP.EXE uses stdio/stdlib fwrite() and
- fseek() which will behave different for TEXT & BINARY mode:
- file-offsets differ!)
- * directory-recognition is a bit worse: directories MUST be terminated
- by a \ to be recognized as such: this alpha-release does not yet contain
- code to check if the specified path ends with a directory- or filename.
- This is true for both .UNARJ.TTP-sourcespecification and basedir-spec.
- -<cut here>--------------------------------------------------------------------
- We hope you like this new UNARJ package for its speed and its
- versatility. Furthermore we hope to have ARJ (ST) ready for you a.s.a.p.
- Meanwhile; have phun using UNARJ241α for Atari ST/e/TT/Falcon.
- Standard options and commands are checked and no bugs were found on:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Atari ST (TOS 1.4) (1MB / 2.5MB / 4MB)
- Atari ST (Kaos TOS 1.4.2) (1MB / 2.5 MB / 4 MB)
- Atari TT (TOS 3.0x) (2 MB)
- Atari TT (Mint/MultiTOS) (2 MB)
- Atari Falcon (TOS 4.0x) (4 MB)
- Atari Falcon (Mint/MultiTOS) (4 MB)
- With special thanx to the TOS-crew (Insh_Allah & Mr Ni!(the Great))
- Thank you for using the ATARI ST-version of UNARJ 2.41α (rev. I_A/Ni! 1.01α)
- converted by M()ir Brandts Honk/Insh_Allah/Mr Ni!(the Great) (created @ Aug 31
- 1993 2:51:42).
- For more info call MBH @ +31-70-3457929 / +31-70-3461215