home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "zdef.h"
- #include <proto.h> /* for _PROTO macro... */
- static void decompress_more _PROTO((register ZFILE *z));
- static long getcode _PROTO((register ZFILE *z));
- #define CR 0x0D
- #define LF 0x0A
- /*------------------------------*/
- /* zfgetc */
- /*------------------------------*/
- #ifndef __STDC__
- int zfgetc (z)
- ZFILE *z;
- #else
- int zfgetc (ZFILE *z)
- #endif
- {
- int c;
- /*
- * If buffer empty, and not end-of-file, call decompress_more();
- * return next in buffer.
- */
- again:
- if ((z->flags & NOT_COMPRESSED) != 0)
- {
- if ((c = z->c1) >= 0)
- {
- z->c1 = z->c2;
- z->c2 = EOF;
- return ((int) c);
- }
- again2:
- c = fgetc (z->file);
- #ifdef ALCYON
- /*
- * see note below...
- */
- if (c == CR)
- goto again2;
- #endif
- return ((int) c);
- }
- if ((z->bufget == z->bufput) && (!z->zeof))
- {
- decompress_more (z);
- }
- z->zeof = (z->bufput == z->bufget);
- if (z->zeof)
- {
- if ((z->flags & ALLOCATED) != 0)
- {
- #ifdef MSDOS
- hfree (z->tab_suffixof);
- hfree (z->tab_prefixof);
- #else
- free (z->tab_suffixof);
- free (z->tab_prefixof);
- #endif
- z->flags &= (~ALLOCATED);
- }
- return ((int) EOF);
- }
- c = z->buff[z->bufget];
- z->bufget++;
- if (c == CR)
- fprintf (stderr, "\n*** CR IN INPUT ***\n");
- if (c == LF)
- fprintf (stderr, "\n*** LF IN INPUT ***\n");
- #endif
- #ifdef ALCYON
- /*
- * at least with alcyon, fputc will write a cr-nl if c is nl so
- * skip past the cr we read. other libraries may or may not have
- * this problem...
- */
- if (c == CR)
- goto again;
- #endif
- return ((int) c);
- }
- /*------------------------------*/
- /* decompress_more */
- /*------------------------------*/
- #ifndef __STDC__
- static void decompress_more (z)
- register ZFILE *z;
- #else
- static void decompress_more (register ZFILE *z)
- #endif
- {
- z->bufput = 0;
- z->bufget = 0;
- if (z->init != 0)
- goto resume;
- z->init = 1;
- z->offset = 0;
- z->size = 0;
- #ifdef MSDOS
- z->tab_suffixof =
- (unsigned char PC_HUGE *) halloc (HSIZE, sizeof (unsigned char));
- z->tab_prefixof =
- (long PC_HUGE *) halloc (HSIZE, sizeof (long));
- #else
- z->tab_suffixof =
- (unsigned char *) malloc ((size_t) HSIZE * sizeof (unsigned char));
- z->tab_prefixof = (long *) malloc ((size_t) HSIZE * sizeof (long));
- #endif
- z->flags |= ALLOCATED;
- z->n_bits = INIT_BITS;
- z->maxcode = ((1L << (z->n_bits)) - 1L);
- for (z->code = 255L; z->code >= 0L; z->code--)
- {
- z->tab_prefixof[z->code] = 0L;
- z->tab_suffixof[z->code] = (unsigned char) z->code;
- }
- z->free_ent = ((z->block_compress) ? FIRST : 256L);
- z->finchar = z->oldcode = getcode (z);
- if (z->oldcode == -1L)
- return; /* EOF already? */
- if (z->finchar < 0L || z->finchar >= 256L)
- fprintf (stderr, "****\n");
- z->buff[z->bufput] = (char) (z->finchar & 0xff);
- z->bufput++;
- z->stackp = 1L << Z_BITS; /* The 1L is for DOS huge arrays */
- while ((z->code = getcode (z)) != EOF)
- {
- if ((z->code == CLEAR) && z->block_compress)
- {
- for (z->code = 255; z->code >= 0; z->code--)
- z->tab_prefixof[z->code] = 0;
- z->clear_flg = 1;
- z->free_ent = FIRST - 1;
- if ((z->code = getcode (z)) == EOF)
- break; /* O, untimely death! */
- } /* if */
- z->incode = z->code;
- if (z->code >= z->free_ent)
- {
- z->tab_suffixof[z->stackp] = (unsigned char) z->finchar;
- z->stackp += 1L;
- z->code = z->oldcode;
- }
- while (z->code >= 256L)
- {
- z->tab_suffixof[z->stackp] = z->tab_suffixof[z->code];
- z->stackp += 1L;
- z->code = z->tab_prefixof[z->code];
- }
- z->finchar = z->tab_suffixof[z->code];
- z->tab_suffixof[z->stackp] = (unsigned char) z->finchar;
- z->stackp += 1L;
- do
- {
- long tmp;
- z->stackp -= 1L;
- tmp = z->tab_suffixof[z->stackp];
- z->buff[z->bufput++] = (unsigned char) (tmp & 255L);
- if (z->bufput == z->bufend)
- {
- /*
- * Logically a setjmp/longjump, but this
- * is more portable
- */
- return;
- /*
- * jumped to here -- is jumping into a
- * loop safe?
- * - or should I use jumps for the loop too?
- */
- resume: ;
- } /* if */
- } while (z->stackp > (1L << Z_BITS));
- /* ^ This is why I changed stackp from a pointer. */
- /* Pointer comparisons can be dubious... */
- if ((z->code = z->free_ent) < (1L << z->maxbits))
- {
- z->tab_prefixof[z->code] = z->oldcode;
- z->tab_suffixof[z->code] = (unsigned char) z->finchar;
- z->free_ent = z->code + 1;
- }
- z->oldcode = z->incode;
- } /* while */
- }
- static unsigned char rmask[9] =
- {
- 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff
- };
- /*------------------------------*/
- /* getcode */
- /*------------------------------*/
- #ifndef __STDC__
- static long getcode (z)
- register ZFILE *z;
- #else
- static long getcode (register ZFILE *z)
- #endif
- { /* Should be int!!! */
- register long code;
- register long r_off,
- bits;
- register int bp;
- bp = 0;
- if (z->clear_flg != 0 || z->offset >= z->size
- || z->free_ent > z->maxcode)
- {
- if (z->free_ent > z->maxcode)
- {
- z->n_bits++;
- if (z->n_bits == z->maxbits)
- {
- z->maxcode = (1L << z->maxbits);
- /* won't get any bigger now */
- }
- else
- {
- z->maxcode = ((1L << (z->n_bits)) - 1L);
- }
- }
- if (z->clear_flg != 0)
- {
- z->n_bits = INIT_BITS;
- z->maxcode = ((1L << (z->n_bits)) - 1L);
- z->clear_flg = 0;
- }
- z->size = fread (z->buf, 1, (size_t) z->n_bits, z->file);
- if (z->size <= 0)
- {
- fclose (z->file);
- return ((long) EOF); /* end of file */
- }
- z->offset = 0;
- z->size = (z->size << 3) - (z->n_bits - 1);
- }
- r_off = z->offset;
- bits = z->n_bits;
- bp = bp + ((int) r_off >> 3);
- r_off = r_off & 7;
- code = ((long) z->buf[bp++] >> r_off);
- bits = bits - 8 + r_off;
- r_off = 8 - r_off; /* now, offset into code word */
- if (bits >= 8)
- {
- code = code | ((long) z->buf[bp++] << r_off);
- r_off = r_off + 8;
- bits = bits - 8;
- }
- code = code
- | ((long) ((long) (z->buf[bp]) & (long) rmask[bits]) << (long) r_off);
- z->offset = z->offset + z->n_bits;
- return ((long) code);
- }