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- HacMan II
- Copyright (C) 1990, 1991
- By David Baggett
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- User Contract
- This program is FREE. You may distribute it at will, provided you
- 1) do not charge any money for it,
- 2) distribute it WITH the documentation, and
- 3) do not change the program, accompanying data files, or
- documentation in ANY WAY.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction
- ------------
- Welcome to HacMan II! As you can probably tell from the name, this
- game is a sequel to a game called HacMan that I released back in 1987.
- Many things have changed since then; in particular, the game design
- tools HacMan was built with have evolved substantially -- hopefully
- HacMan II reflects this.
- My intention was to make HacMan II look and play like a game you
- might pay money for (even though HacMan II is FREE, not shareware).
- The game design tools used to create HacMan II will be publicly
- available in the near future, so look for the names "Neil Forsyth" and
- "David Baggett" if you're interested in creating top-quality games on
- the Atari ST/TT. (We don't know who will be distributing the development
- tools yet.)
- But enough talk; you're probably eager to try out your new game...
- Installing and Running the program
- ----------------------------------
- HacMan II will run on any Atari ST or TT with a color monitor and at
- least one meg of RAM. Installing the game on your hard drive (if you have
- one) is a good idea if you'll be playing it a lot, since loading from
- floppies takes a few minutes.
- Here are some installation hints:
- NOTE: If you got an .ARC file with self-extracting archives in it,
- you have probably already done what is described here.
- ----------
- Create a folder called HACMAN2 somewhere and copy all the files
- and directories in the distribution into it. (The easiest way to
- do this is to use the desktop copy function. Whatever you do use
- must copy subdirectories.)
- Your HACMAN2 directory should then contain the following:
- HACMAN2.PRG - HacMan II binary (run this)
- HACMAN2.HI - High score file (delete to clear high scores)
- DISK1 - Directory containing data files
- DISK2 - Directory containing more data
- The crucial point is that you make sure you have subdirectories called
- DISK1 and DISK2 -- do NOT just copy the contents of these folders into
- your HACMAN2 folder. (If you do, the game won't be able to find any
- of its data files.)
- -------------------
- If you have a double-sided floppy drive, you can fit all of
- HacMan II onto a single floppy. First format a disk (9 sectors,
- 80 tracks will do), then copy files onto the floppy as described in
- the HARD DISK installation above.
- ---------------------
- If you have a double-sided drive you should really put HacMan II
- on a DS disk, so see the installation instructions above. Still
- with me? OK, format two 360K disks (again, 9 sectors, 80 tracks
- will be enough) and copy files as follows:
- Floppy disk 1:
- HACMAN2.PRG - HacMan II binary (run this)
- DISK1 - Directory containing data files
- Floppy disk 2:
- DISK2 - Directory containing more data
- HACMAN2.HI - High score file (delete to clear scores)
- When you run HACMAN2.PRG the program will prompt you for the second
- floppy, at which point you should insert floppy disk two and press
- return.
- As with the hard drive installation, you MUST have folders called
- DISK1 and DISK2 on floppies 1 and 2 (respectively) or HacMan II will
- not run. DO NOT simply copy the contents of the DISK1 and DISK2 onto
- the floppies.
- What's New in HacMan II?
- ------------------------
- Many people complained about the lack of sound in HacMan, so HacMan II
- has all digitized sound effects. (I hope you all are satisfied.) In
- addition, HacMan II has these new "features":
- o 100 new levels
- o Four new ghosts
- o Cameo appearances by many other creatures
- o Puzzle boards
- o Skips (skip a board you hate by pressing the space bar)
- o Ghost hit/miss statistics
- o Secret warps
- o A surprise or two for the really devoted
- The entire HacMan II design team (see the credits screen) hopes you'll
- enjoy the game.
- A Few Final Words
- -----------------
- If you have any questions or comments about HacMan II or our game
- design tools, please call or write me:
- Dave Baggett
- 5640 Vantage Point Road
- Columbia, MD 21044 USA
- (301) 596 4779
- Bug reports, high scores, etc. are also welcome. If you like the game,
- please let me know! (Heck, I'm not even asking for money...)
- Happy Hac-ing!
- - Dave Baggett
- November 23, 1990
- HacMan II Release 1.0 November 23, 1990
- Initial release.
- HacMan II Release 1.1 December 1, 1990
- Added some more sound effects; now using LZH self-extracting archives.
- Added "gameinfo.doc" accidentally omitted from Release 1.0.
- HacMan II Release 1.11 December 9, 1990
- Corrected a minor bug.
- HacMan II Release 1.12 December 13, 1990
- Another minor bug fix.
- Now disables keyclick.
- Added version number to attract screen.
- HacMan II Release 1.14 February 3, 1991
- The game would crash when a board was completed while a digitized
- sample was playing. For example, completing board 11 while
- a Dalek was saying, "Exterminate!" would sometimes crash the
- program with three bombs. (Fixed.)
- Worked around problems with TSR's interfering with MFP timer A.
- (We won't mention any names.)
- Switched to using ARC from LZH since people ignored my stern warning
- against creating their own ARC files and have caused me grief by
- making a plethora of bad archives and uploading them all over the
- planet. Since ARC is more widely accepted, hopefully people won't
- feel the need to convert the current HACMAN2.ARC to another format.