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- Hello again!!
- Welcome to INSECTROID vr 1.0. This is the Galaga clone that all you
- fans have been requesting. This program is SHAREWARE and may be
- distributed as long as the .DOC files are unmodified. This program is
- (C) 1992 Robert Dytmire and is written in GFA Basic 3.5e and The GP
- Graphics Engine (C) 1992 DSA (Beta Version, used with permission).
- The docs are divided into two parts 1) How to play Insectroid and 2)
- Techie Talk. Please see the REG.DOC file on how to register this game.
- 1: How to Play Insectroid
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Insectroid is designed to run on any 520/1040/Mega ST/STE or TT with
- 512K or greater memory. Those players with only 512K should have no
- other .ACC or .PRG files active when they boot Insectroid as this games
- wants all of the 375K that GEM leaves you. All files should be in the
- INSECT folder when you activate the program. The disk that Insectroid
- is booted from MUST be write ENABLED or it will fail to run.
- UPDATE: Ok, I hear from a lot of you power users out there that
- my games don't like your systems. Well, of course not! If you're
- running a lot of backround software on your system such as Turbo
- ST or Backtrack or lots of .ACC's or lots of .PRGs in your AUTO
- The reason:Your stuff traps the vector the Engine's sample replay
- routine is using. While the GP Graphics Engine is respectful of
- system traps some accessories are not. If you have trouble
- booting my games, disable the ram-resident stuff and try again.
- HARD DRIVE OWNERS: You cannot store my games several directories
- deep. ie: LEGAL="D:\Insect\*.*" ILLEGAL:"D:\Games\Insect\*.*"
- If I get enough support <cough cough> I'll upgrade my registered
- versions to boot from any place on your hard drive.
- Movement: Your ships can move all eight directions within the lower 1/3
- of the playing area. This allows you to get right in the alien's faces
- and commence to reap havoc!
- Aliens are worth 100,50 and 10 points each. If they are shot while
- diving then they are worth 10x the original value. Shooting all of the
- aliens advances you a level. Every 5th wave is a challenge wave, which
- is a good place to pick up bonus scores. Every 10th wave is a boss
- wave. Boss waves are hard to beat and it is recommended that you have
- double firepower when tackling one. Each boss has a different attack
- pattern and firepower method. All Bosses are VERY fast and have huge
- amounts of firepower to throw at you. The Boss-O-Meter at the bottom of
- the screen will show you how much strength the boss has left...sometimes
- this is very depressing to look at! As usual, a boss can take zillions
- of hits before even feeling mildly unwell.
- You start the game with 10 lives and gain an extra one every 20,000
- points after.
- The aliens have two types of shots, straight bombs (which have no
- intelligence) and smart bombs (Purple spheres that track you). The
- aliens have a chance of launching these at ALL TIMES. Even while
- lowering a capture beam. The speed of these shots will increase as the
- levels increase as will the intelligence of the straight bombs.
- To gain super firepower you must first allow a Captain Alien (Top Row)
- to fly down close to the ground. It will then lower a capture beam.
- Flying into this beam will result in your losing this ship and the alien
- will drag it back into the formation with it. By shooting the alien who has
- your ship you gain back the original ship and now have double firepower!! Be careful, as shooting this captured ship destroys it.
- Also remember that the capture ship doubles the area that can be hit,
- making it harder to manoeuvre. This sounds like more trouble than it's
- worth until you get double firepower and start raking aliens like ripe
- wheat.
- The Keys:
- F1 = Jump to a boss wave. At every boss wave you will be shown a name.
- By typing in this name at the prompt you can automatically jump to that
- boss. I HIGHLY recommend playing the lower levels for awhile as the
- upper levels will jump all over you.
- F2 = Set game to child mode. This function places the game in a
- slower/easier mode so that small children can play the game. It's also
- a great way to see all those levels you can't get to in adult mode.
- F3 = Set game to adult mode. This mode is the default setting for the
- game. For maximum enjoyment and challenge you should play Insectroid in
- this mode.
- F4-F8 = Preset skip modes. These keys allow you to skip the first few
- waves (which are really easy) and begin the game at a more challenging
- wave.
- F9 = Set to 50hz (Game plays smoother overall in this mode).
- F10 = Set to 60hz (Game can really fly but will bog down to 4 VSYNCS if
- the screen fills up with sprites (53 sprites and 40 stars AND digital
- sound!!).
- Q = Quit back to main menu.
- Esc = Quit to GEM.
- P = Pause game. Pressing fire or hitting any other key will
- resume the game.
- That's all... Enjoy the game!!!
- 2: Techie Talk 3.0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Well, This is the 3rd game I've written with the engine. I've tried
- some new things and explored some intelligence routines for use in CYBER
- DROID. This game took me about 2 weeks to write, although I was going
- through finals at the time. This amounts to about 40 hours of
- programming time. I'm getting better at using the GP Graphics Engine
- every day. The final docs/program are now in the works and will
- probably be available by the time you read this. All of the Engine's
- commands are nicely transparent to you and GFA Basic. You need only
- activate the command and vola! awesome graphics power.
- Insectroid 512 is a completely re-written game. When the people
- at ST Format said "Great game...but we want EVERYBODY to be able
- to play it...get us a 512K version" they didn't know the massive
- re-write I had to go through. I hope the support for this product
- shows me that it was worh the effort. The 1 meg registered
- version has ALL of those nasty external files inserted into the
- main program...register today!!
- This game is running pretty slow. Really!! In 60Hz it runs
- between 4-5 VSYNCS and in 50Hz mode it runs at a pretty steady 3
- VSYNCS. I have things jumping around in large hops to fool the
- eye and give the game a more frantic feel. Those samples really
- slow things down (I'm dropping about 1 VSYNC because of them). I
- wrote this game while waiting for the Dropix Samples to be
- delivered to me. They have arrived and work on Dropix starts this
- week (which is Dec 30th 1992). You'll probably get to see Dropix
- before you see this game as it's release is coming in the March(?)
- issue of ST Format. (Hi guys!).
- Yes..I AM responsible for all that dorky music. Forgive me, I've never
- written music before and can't read a lick of it to save my life. These
- tunes were experiments in XBIOS(32) command handling and really nothing
- more. I welcome and XBIOS donations for my next few games...it will
- help your ears at least. BTW the way I designed this music was to
- put the notes in "Nice patterns"...Dave still shakes his head over
- this!
- Thanks go out to Ari Feldman, the designer of my Bosses in this game.
- Ari is also a Beta tester for my stuff...so thank him for some of the
- quality of this game.
- Thanks to Dave Munsie (My sample source) for the title screen music and
- for further Beta Testing. Dave is also the GP Graphics Engine guru and
- helped me many times when the beta docs failed me.
- Some techie specs: There are 53 Sprites and 40 Stars on the screen
- (Max). Normally there are 40 Sprites/40 Stars. The stars are being
- manipulated in color every game loop. The Boss wave runs with 40
- stars/30 Sprites. The challenge wave works with "only" 25 sprites and
- 40 stars. This program is NOT redrawing the background, instead it uses
- a fastclear and a starplot routine for simulated backgrounds. All
- sprites are 16 x 10 pixels with 4 planes and FULL clipping and Masking
- at ALL times! I cheat a bit and only use the first 160 scan lines as a
- play area for increased speed. There are a Minimum of 3 collision
- checks (28 sprites vs 1) every frame. This moves up to 6 collision
- checks per frame with two player ships on the screen. Even with all
- this, I still think this is a VERY fast game (for Basic).
- Extra update: If I'd redrawn the background I wouldn't have lost a VSYNC
- guys! I just haven't the need to draw one in this game. Also, I've
- got 3 and 4K hz samples playing with NO HARDWARE TRICKS along with the
- game. This always slows things down but I wanted to make this program
- compatable with as many machines as possible.
- Hmmm...
- The next game out is DROPIX ST. About 5 solid days of work will clean
- this puppy up and have it ready for Beta Testing. About Two weeks from
- this day I'll be sending it out to all my sources. Dropix ST is a
- Tetris meets Gods game. The players can throw powers at each other
- while playing a vicious Tetris clone.
- Cyberdroid has undergone massive changes since it's conception. I've
- decided to work with really large sprites, digital sound, and an
- advanced screen srolling routine to give this game the Smash TV meets
- Gauntlet II feel it deserves. Wathc for it after Dropix is finished.
- Mr. Cud Lee is beginning to take shape. A smooth scrolling platform
- game with lot's of cute monsters and things to do...due out in January (I
- think I'll actually make this deadline!!). UPDate: Cud Lee is going
- VERY WELL. The consensus is that it's going to have digital sound as
- well as the "Mario" feel.
- Riders of the Storm- My newest game idea...Is beginning to take shape.
- Basically this is a really HUGE wargame with unit design and multiple
- players. A special command structure will allow for movement of many
- units at once. This one's release date depends solely on how much
- SUPPORT you people give my other games. Update: I'll be making this
- one a BBS game for both the Atari and IBM machines. The front-end
- programs will allow either machine to look transparent to the other.
- Imagine a BBS game with GREAT front-end graphics, digital sound, ect!
- Well, time to go a celebrate the New Year...have fun!!
- Later
- Rob...