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- Flipper
- =========
- Flipper is an Othello game that I wrote to play around
- with the minimax algorithm for searching game trees.
- To play a game against the computer, select New Game from
- the File menu. The human player goes first, playing black.
- To make the computer go first and play black instead, select
- Swap Sides from the Options menu. To make a move, click on
- the square where you want your piece. If no moves are
- possible, click in the Pass box to the right of the board.
- The game can be changed between '1 Player' ( against the
- computer), '2 Player', and 'Set Up Board' at any time. The
- computer can be forced to play against itself by selecting
- Swap Sides after every move.
- '1 Player' is for playing against the computer. Selecting
- Swap Sides will change colours and scores with the computer
- at any time. The parameters for selecting computer moves can
- be set by selecting 'Set Search' or 'Set Evaluation'
- (described below). Pressing the ESC key when the computer is
- searching for a move will force it to take the best one it
- has found so far.
- '2 Player' is for playing a game between 2 human players.
- Swap Sides is disabled in this mode.
- 'Set Up Board' is for placing and changing pieces on the
- board. Clicking on a square will place a piece of the
- current player's colour there. To place a piece of the other
- colour, select Swap Sides. Pressing the ESC key will clear
- the board.
- The computer finds moves by using the minimax algorithm.
- Roughly, the algorithm generates a list of possible moves,
- then considers possible countermoves to each of these, then
- possible moves after each countermove, and so on. This
- builds up a tree structure with each node being a board
- position and moves being branches to the next lower level.
- To decide which move to take, the board positions at the
- lowest level of the tree are evaluated by a board position
- evaluation function that determines how likely a given
- position is to lead to a win. These evaluations are passed
- up to the previous level where they are used to evaluate the
- move at that level. At levels where the computer is moving,
- the maximum is used. When the opponent is moving, the
- minimum is used. When the top of the tree is reached, the
- computer knows which move to make.
- 'Set Search' brings up a dialog box that lets you enter
- the search depth and width. The search depth is the number
- of levels of the game tree to generate (number of moves to
- look ahead). The search width limits the branching factor of
- the tree. It sets the maximum number of new moves that are
- generated at each node. Larger depths and widths make the
- computer play a better game, but it takes more time for each
- move.
- 'Set Evaluation' brings up a dialog box that lets you
- change the parameters for the board evaluation function. The
- parameters that can be changed are: how much to add for each
- computer's piece, how much to add for each computer's piece
- on an edge, how much to add for each computer's piece in a
- corner, how much to subtract for each opponent's piece, how
- much to subtract for each computer's piece one away from an
- edge, and how much to subtract for each computer's piece one
- away from a corner. This can be used to fine tune the way
- the computer plays.
- Greg Lobe