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- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // This file is part of the Atari GEM interface for GNU Chess,
- // and is Copyright 1993 by Warwick W. Allison.
- //
- // You are free to copy and modify these sources, provided you acknowledge
- // the origin by retaining this notice, and adhere to the conditions
- // of the CHESS General Public License described in the main chess file
- // gnuchess.cc.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- char* gui_version="0.9"; // 3 characters unless RSC updated.
- extern char *version, *patchlevel;
- #include <string.h>
- #include "gnuchess.h"
- #undef TRUE
- #undef FALSE
- #undef bool
- #include "uisupport.h"
- #include "ui.h"
- #include "gem_rsc.h"
- #define RV(x) (WhiteFromTop ? (7-(x)) : (x))
- #include <gemap.h>
- #include <gema.h>
- #include <geme.h>
- #include <gemr.h>
- #include <gemfs.h>
- #include <gemrubo.h>
- #include <gemm.h>
- #include <gemfiw.h>
- #include <gemal.h>
- #include <vdi.h>
- #include "popcolor.h"
- #include "poppattn.h"
- static bool WhiteFromTop=FALSE;
- static int CurrentColour=white;
- static bool ComputerIsBlack=TRUE;
- static int CheckMate=0;
- static char* const CONFIGFILE="data\\gnuchess.cnf";
- class ChessBoard;
- class ColourWindow : public GEMformwindow {
- public:
- ColourWindow(GEMactivity& act, const GEMrsc& rsc, ChessBoard& brd) :
- GEMformwindow(act,rsc,COLOUR),
- board(brd),
- whitepiecedatacolour(*this,WHITEDATACOLOUR,popup),
- blackpiecedatacolour(*this,BLACKDATACOLOUR,popup),
- whitepiecemaskcolour(*this,WHITEMASKCOLOUR,popup),
- blackpiecemaskcolour(*this,BLACKMASKCOLOUR,popup),
- whitesquarecolour(*this,WHITESQUARECOLOUR,popup),
- blacksquarecolour(*this,BLACKSQUARECOLOUR,popup),
- blacksquarepattern(*this,BLACKSQUAREPATTERN,popup),
- whitesquarepattern(*this,WHITESQUAREPATTERN,popup),
- cursorcolour(*this,CURSORCOLOUR,popup),
- highlightcolour(*this,HIGHLIGHTCOLOUR,popup),
- boardbordercolour(*this,BOARDBORDERCOLOUR,popup),
- surroundcolour(*this,SURROUNDCOLOUR,popup),
- surroundpattern(*this,BOARDSURROUNDPATTERN,popup)
- {
- SetName(rsc.String(COLOURWINTITLE));
- }
- int SquarePatternFor(bool isblack) const
- {
- return Object(isblack ? BLACKSQUARE : WHITESQUARE).FillPattern();
- }
- int SquareForeColFor(bool isblack) const
- {
- return Object(isblack ? BLACKSQUARE : WHITESQUARE).ForeCol();
- }
- int SquareBackColFor(bool isblack) const
- {
- return Object(isblack ? BLACKSQUARE : WHITESQUARE).BackCol();
- }
- int PieceForeColFor(bool isblack) const
- {
- return Object(isblack ? BLACKPIECE : WHITEPIECE).ForeCol();
- }
- int PieceBackColFor(bool isblack) const
- {
- return Object(isblack ? BLACKPIECE : WHITEPIECE).BackCol();
- }
- int CursorColour() const
- {
- return Object(CURSORBORDER).BorderCol();
- }
- int CursorBorder() const
- {
- return Object(CURSORBORDER).BorderWidth();
- }
- int HighlightColour() const
- {
- return Object(HIGHLIGHTBORDER).BorderCol();
- }
- int HighlightBorder() const
- {
- return Object(HIGHLIGHTBORDER).BorderWidth();
- }
- int BoardBorderColour() const
- {
- return Object(BOARDBORDERBORDER).BorderCol();
- }
- int SurroundColour() const
- {
- return Object(SURROUNDPATTERN).BackCol();
- }
- int SurroundPattern() const
- {
- return Object(SURROUNDPATTERN).FillPattern();
- }
- void SetPieceForeColFor(bool forblack, int colour)
- {
- Object(forblack ? BLACKPIECE : WHITEPIECE).ForeCol(colour);
- RedrawObject(forblack ? BLACKPIECE : WHITEPIECE);
- }
- void SetPieceBackColFor(bool forblack, int colour)
- {
- Object(forblack ? BLACKPIECE : WHITEPIECE).BackCol(colour);
- RedrawObject(forblack ? BLACKPIECE : WHITEPIECE);
- }
- void SetSquareColFor(bool forblack, int colour)
- {
- Object(forblack ? BLACKSQUARE : WHITESQUARE).BackCol(colour);
- RedrawObject(forblack ? BLACKSQUARE : WHITESQUARE);
- }
- void SetSquarePatternFor(bool forblack, int pattern)
- {
- Object(forblack ? BLACKSQUARE : WHITESQUARE).FillPattern(pattern);
- RedrawObject(forblack ? BLACKSQUARE : WHITESQUARE);
- }
- void SetCursorColour(int colour)
- {
- Object(CURSORBORDER).BorderCol(colour);
- RedrawObject(CURSORBORDER);
- }
- void SetCursorBorder(int width)
- {
- Object(CURSORBORDER).BorderWidth(width);
- RedrawObject(CURSORBORDER);
- }
- void SetHighlightColour(int colour)
- {
- Object(HIGHLIGHTBORDER).BorderCol(colour);
- }
- void SetHighlightBorder(int width)
- {
- Object(HIGHLIGHTBORDER).BorderWidth(width);
- }
- void SetBoardBorderColour(int colour);
- void SetSurroundColour(int colour);
- void SetSurroundPattern(int pattern);
- virtual GEMfeedback DoItem(int item, const GEMevent& e);
- void ReadConfig(FILE* file);
- void WriteConfig(FILE* file);
- private:
- PopupList popup;
- PopupColourChoice whitepiecedatacolour;
- PopupColourChoice blackpiecedatacolour;
- PopupColourChoice whitepiecemaskcolour;
- PopupColourChoice blackpiecemaskcolour;
- PopupColourChoice whitesquarecolour;
- PopupColourChoice blacksquarecolour;
- PopupPatternChoice blacksquarepattern;
- PopupPatternChoice whitesquarepattern;
- PopupColourChoice cursorcolour;
- PopupColourChoice highlightcolour;
- PopupColourChoice boardbordercolour;
- PopupColourChoice surroundcolour;
- PopupPatternChoice surroundpattern;
- ChessBoard& board;
- };
- class GEM_GNUChess_GUI;
- class ChessBoard : public GEMformiconwindow {
- public:
- ChessBoard(GEMactivity& act, const GEMrsc& rsc, GEM_GNUChess_GUI* g, ColourWindow& col) :
- gui(g),
- colour(col),
- chosen(FALSE),
- sizer(rsc,SIZE),
- pieces_sml(rsc,PIECES_SML),
- pieces_mid(rsc,PIECES_MID),
- pieces_lrg(rsc,PIECES_LRG),
- pieces(&pieces_mid),
- hl_fx(-1)
- {
- SetName(rsc.String(BOARDWINTITLE));
- for (int x=0; x<8; x++) {
- for (int y=0; y<8; y++) {
- Piece(x,y).Type(G_ICON);
- Piece(x,y).ObjectSpecific(long(new ICONBLK));
- Square(x,y).BorderWidth(0);
- }
- }
- sizer[SQUARE_SML+1].Type(G_ICON);
- sizer[SQUARE_SML+1].ObjectSpecific(long(new ICONBLK));
- sizer[SQUARE_MID+1].Type(G_ICON);
- sizer[SQUARE_MID+1].ObjectSpecific(long(new ICONBLK));
- sizer[SQUARE_LRG+1].Type(G_ICON);
- sizer[SQUARE_LRG+1].ObjectSpecific(long(new ICONBLK));
- }
- int SquareIndex(int x, int y) const
- {
- return R1C1+x*(R1C2-R1C1)+(7-y)*(R2C1-R1C1);
- }
- GEMrawobject& Piece(int x, int y) const
- {
- return Object(SquareIndex(x,y)+1); // Immediate child == +1
- }
- GEMrawobject& Square(int x, int y) const
- {
- return Object(SquareIndex(x,y));
- }
- void SetSquare(int x,int y,bool isblack)
- {
- Square(x,y).FillPattern(colour.SquarePatternFor(isblack));
- Square(x,y).ForeCol(colour.SquareForeColFor(isblack));
- Square(x,y).BackCol(colour.SquareBackColFor(isblack));
- }
- GEMrawobject& SelectPiece(int rscindex, int size) const
- {
- switch (size) {
- case -1:
- return pieces->Object(rscindex);
- break; case 0:
- return pieces_sml.Object(rscindex);
- break; case 1:
- return pieces_mid.Object(rscindex);
- break; default:
- return pieces_lrg.Object(rscindex);
- }
- }
- void SetPiece(bool used,bool isblack,int x,int y,int piece)
- {
- if (used && piece) {
- SetPieceImage(Piece(x,y),piece,isblack);
- Piece(x,y).HideTree(FALSE);
- } else {
- Piece(x,y).HideTree(TRUE);
- }
- RedrawObject(SquareIndex(x,y));
- }
- void HighlightMove(char* move,bool redraw)
- {
- Unhighlight();
- hl_fx=move[0]-'a';
- hl_fy=move[1]-'1';
- hl_tx=move[2]-'a';
- hl_ty=move[3]-'1';
- Square(RV(hl_fx),RV(hl_fy)).BorderWidth(colour.HighlightBorder());
- Square(RV(hl_tx),RV(hl_ty)).BorderWidth(colour.HighlightBorder());
- Square(RV(hl_fx),RV(hl_fy)).BorderCol(colour.HighlightColour());
- Square(RV(hl_tx),RV(hl_ty)).BorderCol(colour.HighlightColour());
- if (redraw) {
- RedrawObject(SquareIndex(RV(hl_fx),RV(hl_fy)));
- RedrawObject(SquareIndex(RV(hl_tx),RV(hl_ty)));
- }
- }
- void Unhighlight()
- {
- if (hl_fx>-1) {
- Square(RV(hl_fx),RV(hl_fy)).BorderWidth(0);
- Square(RV(hl_tx),RV(hl_ty)).BorderWidth(0);
- RedrawObject(SquareIndex(RV(hl_fx),RV(hl_fy)));
- RedrawObject(SquareIndex(RV(hl_tx),RV(hl_ty)));
- hl_fx=-1;
- }
- if (chosen) {
- Square(RV(chosenx),RV(choseny)).BorderWidth(0);
- RedrawObject(SquareIndex(RV(chosenx),RV(choseny)));
- chosen=FALSE;
- }
- }
- int ChoosePromotion()
- {
- // Can't choose king or pawn.
- pieces->Object(PAWN).HideTree(TRUE);
- pieces->Object(KING).HideTree(TRUE);
- int result=PAWN+1-pieces->Do();
- pieces->Object(PAWN).HideTree(FALSE);
- pieces->Object(KING).HideTree(FALSE);
- return result;
- }
- void Refresh(bool outline);
- void SetSize();
- void SetSize(int size); // 0, 1, 2
- int Size()
- {
- return pieces==&pieces_sml ? 0 : pieces==&pieces_mid ? 1 : 2;
- }
- void SetPieceImage(GEMrawobject& obj, int piece, bool isblack, int size=-1)
- {
- *((ICONBLK*)obj.ObjectSpecific())=
- *((ICONBLK*)SelectPiece(PAWN+1-piece,size).ObjectSpecific());
- obj.ForeCol(colour.PieceForeColFor(isblack));
- obj.BackCol(colour.PieceBackColFor(isblack));
- }
- private:
- int hl_fx,hl_fy,hl_tx,hl_ty;
- GEM_GNUChess_GUI* gui;
- GEMform pieces_sml;
- GEMform pieces_mid;
- GEMform pieces_lrg;
- GEMform* pieces;
- GEMform sizer;
- ColourWindow& colour;
- bool chosen;
- int chosenx;
- int choseny;
- virtual GEMfeedback DoItem(int item, const GEMevent& e);
- };
- void ColourWindow::ReadConfig(FILE* file)
- {
- int value;
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetPieceForeColFor(TRUE, value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetPieceForeColFor(FALSE, value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetPieceBackColFor(TRUE, value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetPieceBackColFor(FALSE, value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetSquareColFor(TRUE, value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetSquareColFor(FALSE, value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetSquarePatternFor(TRUE, value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetSquarePatternFor(FALSE, value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetCursorColour(value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetCursorBorder(value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetHighlightColour(value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetHighlightBorder(value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetBoardBorderColour(value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetSurroundColour(value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value); SetSurroundPattern(value);
- }
- void ColourWindow::WriteConfig(FILE* file)
- {
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",PieceForeColFor(TRUE));
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",PieceForeColFor(FALSE));
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",PieceBackColFor(TRUE));
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",PieceBackColFor(FALSE));
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",SquareBackColFor(TRUE));
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",SquareBackColFor(FALSE));
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",SquarePatternFor(TRUE));
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",SquarePatternFor(FALSE));
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",CursorColour());
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",CursorBorder());
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",HighlightColour());
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",HighlightBorder());
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",BoardBorderColour());
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",SurroundColour());
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",SurroundPattern());
- }
- void ColourWindow::SetBoardBorderColour(int colour)
- {
- Object(BOARDBORDERBORDER).BorderCol(colour);
- board[BOARDBORDER].BorderCol(colour);
- }
- void ColourWindow::SetSurroundColour(int colour)
- {
- Object(SURROUNDPATTERN).BackCol(colour);
- board[BOARDSURROUND].BackCol(colour);
- }
- void ColourWindow::SetSurroundPattern(int pattern)
- {
- Object(SURROUNDPATTERN).FillPattern(pattern);
- board[BOARDSURROUND].FillPattern(pattern);
- }
- GEMfeedback ColourWindow::DoItem(int item, const GEMevent& e)
- {
- // Deal with simple buttons.
- switch (item) {
- if (HighlightBorder()>1) SetHighlightBorder(HighlightBorder()-1);
- if (HighlightBorder()<100) SetHighlightBorder(HighlightBorder()+1);
- if (CursorBorder()>1) SetCursorBorder(CursorBorder()-1);
- if (CursorBorder()<100) SetCursorBorder(CursorBorder()+1);
- // It's an outside border, so -ve everything.
- if (board[BOARDBORDER].BorderWidth()<0) {
- board[BOARDBORDER].BorderWidth(board[BOARDBORDER].BorderWidth()+1);
- Object(BOARDBORDERBORDER).BorderWidth(board[BOARDBORDER].BorderWidth());
- board.Refresh(TRUE);
- }
- break; case BOARDBORDERPLUS:
- if (board[BOARDBORDER].BorderWidth()>-20) {
- board[BOARDBORDER].BorderWidth(board[BOARDBORDER].BorderWidth()-1);
- Object(BOARDBORDERBORDER).BorderWidth(board[BOARDBORDER].BorderWidth());
- board.Refresh(TRUE);
- }
- break; default:
- // Deal with fancy popups..
- GEMformwindow::DoItem(item,e);
- // Look up until we see something we recognize.
- bool recog=FALSE;
- while (item && !recog) {
- recog=TRUE;
- switch (item) {
- SetPieceForeColFor(FALSE,whitepiecedatacolour.Choice());
- board.Refresh(FALSE);
- break; case BLACKDATACOLOUR:
- SetPieceForeColFor(TRUE,blackpiecedatacolour.Choice());
- board.Refresh(FALSE);
- break; case WHITEMASKCOLOUR:
- SetPieceBackColFor(FALSE,whitepiecemaskcolour.Choice());
- board.Refresh(FALSE);
- break; case BLACKMASKCOLOUR:
- SetPieceBackColFor(TRUE,blackpiecemaskcolour.Choice());
- board.Refresh(FALSE);
- SetSquareColFor(FALSE,whitesquarecolour.Choice());
- board.Refresh(FALSE);
- SetSquareColFor(TRUE,blacksquarecolour.Choice());
- board.Refresh(FALSE);
- SetSquarePatternFor(TRUE,blacksquarepattern.Choice());
- board.Refresh(FALSE);
- SetSquarePatternFor(FALSE,whitesquarepattern.Choice());
- board.Refresh(FALSE);
- break; case CURSORCOLOUR:
- SetCursorColour(cursorcolour.Choice());
- board.Refresh(TRUE);
- break; case HIGHLIGHTCOLOUR:
- SetHighlightColour(highlightcolour.Choice());
- board.Refresh(TRUE);
- SetBoardBorderColour(boardbordercolour.Choice());
- board.Refresh(TRUE);
- break; case SURROUNDCOLOUR:
- SetSurroundColour(surroundcolour.Choice());
- board.Refresh(TRUE);
- SetSurroundPattern(surroundpattern.Choice());
- board.Refresh(TRUE);
- break; default:
- recog=FALSE;
- }
- item=Parent(item);
- }
- }
- return ContinueInteraction;
- }
- class GEM_GNUChess_GUI : GEMactivity, GEMmenu {
- public:
- GEM_GNUChess_GUI(GEMrsc& rsc) :
- GEMactivity(),
- GEMmenu(*this,rsc,MENUBAR),
- board(*this,rsc,this,colour),
- colour(*this,rsc,board),
- about(rsc,ABOUT),
- levellist(rsc,LEVEL),
- message(rsc,MESSAGE_F),
- lastchosenlevel(-1),
- loadfailed(rsc,LOADFAILED),
- savefailed(rsc,SAVEFAILED),
- bookwarn(rsc,BOOKWARN)
- {
- about[GUIVERSION].SetText(gui_version);
- about[CHESSVERSION].SetText(version);
- about[CHESSPATCHLEVEL].SetText(patchlevel);
- if (!LoadConfiguration(CONFIGFILE)) {
- GEMalert noconfig(rsc,NOCONFIG);
- noconfig.Alert();
- colour.Open();
- }
- Object(EDITCLEAR).Disable();
- BeginDo();
- }
- ~GEM_GNUChess_GUI()
- {
- EndDo();
- }
- bool LoadConfiguration(const char* cnffile)
- {
- FILE* file=fopen(cnffile,"r");
- if (!file) return FALSE;
- colour.ReadConfig(file);
- int value,value2;
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value);
- board.SetSize(value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value);
- fscanf(file,"%d",&value2); board.Move(value,value2);
- fclose(file);
- return TRUE;
- }
- void SaveConfiguration(const char* cnffile)
- {
- FILE* file=fopen(cnffile,"w");
- if (!file) return;
- colour.WriteConfig(file);
- fprintf(file,"%d\n",board.Size());
- GRect boardpos=board.BorderRect();
- fprintf(file,"%d\n%d\n",boardpos.g_x,boardpos.g_y);
- fclose(file);
- }
- bool InEditMode() const
- {
- return Object(EDITTOGGLE).Checked();
- }
- bool HumanIsWhite() const
- {
- return Object(HUMANVSCPU).Checked();
- }
- void SetEditColour(int item)
- {
- if (!Object(item).Checked()) {
- Object(EDITWHITE).Uncheck();
- Object(EDITBLACK).Uncheck();
- Object(item).Checked(item);
- SetMove("C");
- }
- }
- int ChosenPiece()
- {
- for (int i=EDITKING; i<=EDITPAWN; i++) {
- if (Object(i).Checked()) {
- return EDITPAWN+1-i;
- }
- }
- return 0; // EDITNONE
- }
- void SetEditPiece(int item)
- {
- for (int i=EDITKING; i<=EDITNONE; i++) {
- Object(i).Checked(i==item);
- }
- }
- void DrawPiece(bool used,bool isblack,int x,int y,int piece)
- {
- board.SetPiece(used,isblack,x,y,piece);
- }
- void DrawSquare(int x, int y, bool isblack)
- {
- board.SetSquare(x,y,isblack);
- }
- int ChooseLevel()
- {
- if (lastchosenlevel<=0) {
- lastchosenlevel=levellist.Do()-LEVEL1+1;
- }
- return lastchosenlevel;
- }
- void GetMove(char* m)
- {
- if (!board.IsOpen()) board.Open(); // Keep it open, but don't top.
- move[0]=0;
- while (!move[0]) OneDo();
- strcpy(m,move);
- Unhighlight();
- }
- void SetMove(const char* m)
- {
- strcpy(move,m);
- }
- void Message(char* msg)
- {
- char info[128];
- sprintf(info," %02d:%02d %s",minutes,seconds,msg);
- board.SetInfoText(info);
- }
- void SetTime(int mins, int secs)
- {
- minutes=mins;
- seconds=secs;
- Message("");
- }
- void HighlightMove(char* move,bool redraw)
- {
- board.HighlightMove(move,redraw);
- }
- void Unhighlight()
- {
- board.Unhighlight();
- }
- void LoadFailed()
- {
- loadfailed.Alert();
- }
- void SaveFailed()
- {
- savefailed.Alert();
- }
- void SetReverse(bool yes)
- {
- Object(DOREVERSE).Checked(yes);
- }
- private:
- int lastchosenlevel;
- int minutes,seconds;
- char move[32];
- GEMalert loadfailed,savefailed;
- // Menu override.
- virtual GEMfeedback DoItem(int item, const GEMevent& e)
- {
- switch (item) {
- case DOABOUT:
- about.Do();
- break; case DONEW:
- SetMove("new");
- break; case DORANDOM:
- SetMove("random");
- break; case DOLOAD:
- SetMove("get");
- break; case DOSAVE:
- SetMove("save");
- break; case DOLIST:
- SetMove("list");
- break; case DOQUIT:
- SetMove("quit");
- break; case EDITTOGGLE:
- if (Object(EDITTOGGLE).Checked()) {
- Object(EDITTOGGLE).Uncheck();
- Object(EDITCLEAR).Disable();
- Object(i).Enable();
- RedrawObject(i);
- }
- }
- SetMove(".");
- } else {
- Object(EDITTOGGLE).Check();
- Object(EDITCLEAR).Enable();
- Object(i).Disable();
- RedrawObject(i);
- }
- }
- SetMove("edit");
- }
- break; case EDITWHITE:
- SetEditColour(item);
- break; case EDITBLACK:
- SetEditColour(item);
- break; case EDITKING: case EDITQUEEN: case EDITBISHOP:
- SetEditPiece(item);
- break; case EDITCLEAR:
- SetMove("#");
- break; case HUMANVSCPU: case CPUVSHUMAN: case CPUVSCPU:
- if (!Object(item).Checked()) {
- Object(HUMANVSCPU).Checked(item==HUMANVSCPU);
- Object(CPUVSHUMAN).Checked(item==CPUVSHUMAN);
- Object(CPUVSCPU).Checked(item==CPUVSCPU);
- switch (item) {
- SetMove("black");
- break; case CPUVSHUMAN:
- SetMove("white");
- break; case CPUVSCPU:
- SetMove("both");
- }
- }
- break; case DOREVERSE:
- SetMove("reverse");
- break; case DOLEVEL:
- lastchosenlevel=levellist.Do(e.X()-8,e.Y()-8)-LEVEL1+1;
- if (lastchosenlevel>0) SetMove("level");
- break; case DOSIZE:
- board.SetSize();
- break; case DOHINT:
- SetMove("hint");
- break; case BACK1MOVE:
- SetMove("undo");
- break; case BACK2MOVES:
- SetMove("remove");
- break; case DOCOLOUR:
- colour.Open();
- break; case DISABLEBOOK:
- if (bookwarn.Alert()==2) {
- SetMove("book");
- }
- break; case DOSAVECONFIG:
- SaveConfiguration(CONFIGFILE);
- }
- return ContinueInteraction;
- }
- private:
- ChessBoard board;
- ColourWindow colour;
- GEMform about;
- GEMhotform levellist;
- GEMalert message;
- GEMalert bookwarn;
- };
- void ChessBoard::Refresh(bool outline)
- {
- if (outline) {
- RedrawObject(0);
- } else {
- gui->SetMove("bd");
- }
- }
- void ChessBoard::SetSize()
- {
- bool isblack=!gui->HumanIsWhite();
- SetPieceImage(sizer[SQUARE_SML+1],king,isblack,0);
- SetPieceImage(sizer[SQUARE_MID+1],king,isblack,1);
- SetPieceImage(sizer[SQUARE_LRG+1],king,isblack,2);
- int size=sizer.Do();
- if (size>0) {
- while (!sizer[size].Selectable())
- size=sizer.Parent(size);
- SetSize(size==SQUARE_SML ? 0 : size==SQUARE_MID ? 1 : 2);
- }
- }
- void ChessBoard::SetSize(int size)
- {
- int RSCsize;
- switch (size) {
- case 0:
- pieces=&pieces_sml;
- break; case 1:
- pieces=&pieces_mid;
- break; default:
- pieces=&pieces_lrg;
- }
- GEMrawobject& sized=sizer.Object(RSCsize);
- for (int x=0; x<8; x++) {
- for (int y=0; y<8; y++) {
- Square(x,y).Resize(sized.Width(),sized.Height());
- Square(x,y).MoveTo(0,(7-y)*sized.Height());
- Piece(x,y).MoveTo(sizer.Object(RSCsize+1).X(),sizer.Object(RSCsize+1).Y());
- Piece(x,y).HideTree(TRUE); // Go away - come back on refresh.
- }
- GEMrubberobject colmn(*this,C1+(C2-C1)*x);
- colmn.MoveTo(x*sized.Width(),0);
- colmn.Fit(0);
- }
- GEMrubberobject box(*this,BOARDBORDER);
- box.Fit(0);
- GEMrubberobject root(*this,BOARDSURROUND);
- root.Fit(box.X());
- GRect rect(root.X(),root.Y(),root.Width(),root.Height());
- // XXX Excessive redraws here.
- SetWorkRect(rect);
- RedrawObject(0);
- Refresh(FALSE);
- }
- GEMfeedback ChessBoard::DoItem(int item, const GEMevent& e)
- {
- item-=R1C1;
- int x=item/(R1C2-R1C1);
- int y=(item-x*(R1C2-R1C1))/(R2C1-R1C1);
- x=RV(x);
- y=RV(7-y);
- if (gui->InEditMode()) {
- char move[4];
- move[0]=pxx[gui->ChosenPiece()];
- move[1]='a'+x;
- move[2]='1'+y;
- move[3]=0;
- gui->SetMove(move);
- } else {
- if (chosen) {
- char move[5];
- move[0]='a'+chosenx;
- move[1]='1'+choseny;
- move[2]='a'+x;
- move[3]='1'+y;
- move[4]=0;
- if (NeedPromotion(chosenx,choseny)) {
- move[4]=qxx[ChoosePromotion()];
- move[5]=0;
- }
- gui->SetMove(move);
- chosen=FALSE;
- } else {
- chosen=TRUE;
- chosenx=x;
- choseny=y;
- }
- Square(RV(chosenx),RV(choseny)).BorderWidth(chosen ? colour.CursorBorder() : 0);
- Square(RV(chosenx),RV(choseny)).BorderCol(colour.CursorColour());
- RedrawObject(SquareIndex(RV(chosenx),RV(choseny)));
- }
- GEMevent event;
- event.Button(1,0); // leftbutton release
- event.Get(MU_BUTTON);
- return ContinueInteraction;
- }
- static GEMapplication* app;
- static GEMrsc* rsc;
- static GEM_GNUChess_GUI* gem_gui;
- void ui_Initialize()
- {
- app=new GEMapplication;
- {
- VDI vdi;
- if (vdi.CharCellHeight()<=8) {
- rsc=new GEMrsc("data\\low_rsc.rsc");
- } else {
- rsc=new GEMrsc("data\\gem_rsc.rsc");
- }
- }
- gem_gui=new GEM_GNUChess_GUI(*rsc);
- }
- void ui_Finalize()
- {
- delete gem_gui;
- delete rsc;
- delete app;
- }
- void ui_GiveHelp (int compiswhite,int level,int easy,int maxdep,int dither,int hash)
- {
- }
- void ui_ShowEditHelp()
- {
- }
- void ui_ShowEditColor(int col)
- {
- gem_gui->SetEditColour(col+EDITWHITE);
- }
- void ui_GetPieceAndLocation(char *s)
- {
- gem_gui->GetMove(s);
- }
- void ui_ShowComputerMove(char *move, int feature)
- {
- switch (feature) {
- case 1:; // Draw
- break; case 2:
- CheckMate=1;
- ui_ShowMessage("Mate");
- break; case 3:
- CheckMate=2;
- ui_ShowMessage("Mate");
- break; case 4:; // Near win
- //ui_ShowMessage("Oh dear.");
- break; case 5:; // Near loss
- //ui_ShowMessage("Watch out.");
- }
- gem_gui->HighlightMove(move,FALSE/*DrawPiece called anyway*/);
- }
- void ui_DrawPiece(bool used, bool isblack, int x, int y, int piece)
- {
- gem_gui->DrawPiece(used,isblack,x,y,piece);
- }
- void ui_DrawSquare(int x, int y, bool isblack)
- {
- gem_gui->DrawSquare(x,y,isblack);
- }
- void ui_GetFilename(char *prompt,char *name)
- {
- GEMfileselector* filesource=0;
- if (!filesource) filesource=new GEMfileselector;
- if (!filesource->Get(prompt,name))
- name[0]=-1;
- }
- void ui_LoadDone()
- {
- }
- void ui_LoadFailed()
- {
- gem_gui->LoadFailed();
- }
- void ui_SaveDone()
- {
- }
- void ui_SaveFailed()
- {
- gem_gui->SaveFailed();
- }
- void ui_ChangeLevel(int *newlevel)
- {
- *newlevel=gem_gui->ChooseLevel();
- }
- void ui_GetMove(char *s)
- {
- gem_gui->GetMove(s);
- }
- void ui_ShowHint(char *move)
- {
- gem_gui->HighlightMove(move,TRUE);
- }
- void ui_ShowPlayers(bool Reverse,int CompIsBlack)
- {
- WhiteFromTop=Reverse;
- ComputerIsBlack=CompIsBlack;
- gem_gui->SetReverse(Reverse);
- }
- void ui_ShowSideToMove(int movenum, int who)
- {
- CurrentColour=who;
- }
- void ui_RejectMove(char *move)
- {
- int ifx=move[0]-'a';
- int ify=move[1]-'1';
- int itx=move[2]-'a';
- int ity=move[3]-'1';
- ui_DrawPiece(TRUE,ColourAt(ifx,ify),RV(ifx),RV(ify),RankAt(ifx,ify));
- }
- void ui_ShowClock(bool OnWhiteSide, int minutes, int seconds)
- {
- gem_gui->SetTime(minutes,seconds);
- }
- void ui_ShowMessage(char *msg)
- {
- gem_gui->Message(msg);
- }
- // Unused interface hooks...
- void ui_PromptForMove() {}
- void ui_ToggleRV() {}
- void ui_ToggleStars() {}
- void ui_ToggleShade() {}
- int ui_AskAbort() { return 0; }
- void ui_ClearEditHelp() {}
- void ui_RefreshEarly() {}
- void ui_ChoosePiece(char *s) {}
- void ui_ChangeSearchDepth(int *newdepth) {}
- void ui_ChangeContempt(int *newcontempt) {}
- void ui_ShowFileSaving(char *name) {}
- void ui_ShowFileLoading(char *name) {}
- void ui_DrawCoords() {}
- void ui_ShowPosnValue(short sq, int score) {}
- void ui_ShowMaxTree(int maxtree) {}
- void ui_ClrScreen() {}
- void ui_ShowDepth(int depth, char ch) {}
- void ui_ShowScore(int score) {}
- void ui_ClearMessage() { gem_gui->Message(""); gem_gui->Unhighlight(); }
- void ui_ShowCurrentMove(int pnt, char *move) {}
- void ui_ShowTitle() {}
- void ui_ShowNodeCnt(long int NodeCnt, long int evrate) {}
- void ui_ShowPlyMove(int ply,char *move) {}
- void ui_NoMorePly(int ply) {}
- void ui_SearchStartStuff(int side) {}